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Fantasy CC(R)| Characters



The Overlord
(Format to your Heart's Content!)

Name: (Please something readable)

Age: (Be realistic please)



Appearance (Picture required/ Description optional):




Type of Spell Codes Used:

Spell Codes: (Limit: 1 Rank S/ 2 Rank A/ 3 Rank B/ 4 Rank C)

Strengths (No more than 5):

Weaknesses (At least 2):

Goal: (Pretty much what does your character want to achieve in life)

Name: Aaron Stone

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight


Programmer at Spelltec

Bio: Aaron had been born into a poor family that had nothing of value to their name. He had not let this stop him though to work hard and do great things. Growing up he always strived to do his best in everything he did. When it came to school he settled for nothing less than perfect scores on test. And when it came to life he did all he could to be the kind of guy others wanted to be around. His efforts had not been wasted when he was accepted to attend college on a full scholarship, not having to pay for anything. He had made the wise decision of learning more about computer technology so as to have a good chance to find a good job. He had graduated with honors and seemingly out of nowhere was offered a job by Spelltec. He took the job reluctantly since he had also heard the rumors everyone else had. A week after for no reason that he could figure out his family had been killed in the middle of some kind of gang war. Ever since he has been worried that accepting his new job had something to do with it (of course he has no proof). As of now he has been assigned to handle server maintenance down at the main office.

Personality: Aaron can be a nice guy on a good day and relentless force of revenge on a bad day. In a way his desire to work hard translate that he can be very extreme about how he acts. Because of this he can be like a saint when you first meet him as he want to give off the best impression. The same could be said about how he handle those he sees as an enemy, they tend to not last long with him on their tail. Pretty much if you're friends with him you are someone that he is willing to kill for.

Type of Spell Codes Used: Summoning/Teleporting

Spell Codes:
World of Swords (Rank S):
Enables the user to summon a world that has 1000 swords that can be controlled mentally without limit for up to 30 minutes. While inside the world the user is also has an increased perception of every action that occurs inside it. It is impossible to escape the world without knocking out or killing the user. The negative side to this is that using this spell more than once every 3 days can put such a large strain on the user that after the second use the user will lose function of half their body. If used for a third time without a break the user will die instantly after use.

Summon Virtue (Rank A): Enables the user to summon Virtue, a heroic class spirit, to aide them when needed. As a heroic spirit she is granted enhanced physical strength, speed, agility, and resistance to Rank B and below spell codes. Virtue can stay summoned indefinitely if she doesn't fight for any long extend amount of time (3 hours or more). After a certain amount of time if she hasn't been sent away the user will start to feel tired until they are no longer able to move and she will be forced away.

Summon Chaos (Rank A): Enables the user to summon Chaos, a mage class spirit, to aide them when needed. As a mage class spirit she is capable of using magic of her own which includes: teleporting, fire balls, a deadly poison cloud, and a barrier that stops Rank B or below spells and can withstand the force of a wrecking ball. Chaos can stay summoned indefinitely if she doesn't fight for any long extend amount of time (3 hours or more). After a certain amount of time if she hasn't been sent away the user will start to feel tired until they are no longer able to move and she will be forced away.
Virtue (Right) Chaos (Left)

Port (Rank B): Enables the user to place a mark on any surface and teleport to the where the mark is in an instant. The mark has to be within 50 miles and it only last for up to a week. Continuous use can tire out the user making them unable to stand for an hour.

Vortex (Rank B): Enables the user to a person or object into a portal that traps them in a pocket dimension. The target has to be in line of sight for this to work correctly. Continuous use can leave the user blind in there left eye for an hour.

Remote Teleporting (Rank B): Enables the user to teleport an item or person they had seen within the last hour to their location or a place that is within line of sight. Continuous use can leave the user blind in there right eye for an hour.

Weapon Summoning (Rank C): Enables the user to summon any weapon but are limited to only one weapon on use. And this only works for weapons like swords, axes, lances/spears, and handguns.

Summon Golem (Rank C): Enables the user to summon a stone golem no bigger than 4 ft. The golem is strong but is more suitable for lifting heavy objects over combat. The user can summon 3 for an hour before they are sent away.

Banish (Rank C): Enables the user to banish a summon that the user or or anyone else has summoned. This spell is limited to all summon spells the user has cast and only Rank B or below summon spells others have cast.

Secret Wall (Rank ????): This spell code is installed on the devices of every employee to prevent the effects of any spell code from gaining access/controlling, disabling, or shutting down the device that this spell code is installed. It is always active as long as the device is on and can't be transferred to another device.

Strengths (No more than 5): Smart, cunning, strong, and charming

Weaknesses (At least 2): Quick to anger and loves sweets a little too much

Goal: To figure out what is really going on with Spelltec

Extra: When he was hired he was given his Spell Codes as it is company policy for everyone to have them to protect themselves/ His spell codes are used with his smartwatch and his smartphone​
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Name: Kachi (real name Jade Bransby)

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight


Occupation: Cafe owner. Has a kind of treaty with a gang to allow them to use her cafe as a base, in exchange for their protection when needed.

Bio: Grew up in a fairly normal family, the only catch was the lack of interaction she got from her parents or older sister. When she got into a bit of trouble by picking a fight with a less than savory type, she was all but thrown out and started fending for herself. This was the first time she used her code: summoning a lesser demon to defend herself and to stay away from the darker sides of the streets she called home. As luck would have it, having a demon for protection was something people would pay for and she spent a few years earning and saving to pay for a run down commercial property in a run down part of the city, renovating it into a cozy but shady seeming cafe.

A logical and slightly distant person. Likes to prepare carefully for situations and plan for every possibility. She takes a while to warm up to people and has the tendency to push people away if she feels their too close. Once she likes people, she hates to lose them and will put in the time and effort that they need. As mentioned below, she avoids conflict when she can but is always willing to jump into a dangerous situation to help those she cares about.

Type of Spell Codes Used: Summoning and buffing.

Spell Codes:
Rank S: High Summon:
Summons a very strong being to serve the user. The summoned creature is much harder to control and she will be unable to perform complex actions or even move.

Rank A: Shield:
Can create a shield for up to four people. Creates a counter force that slows attacks aimed at the people to give them a chance to dodge or greatly reduce the strength of the attack. When the spell activates, she will take some of the impact on herself.

Rank A: Mind grab:
Allows the user to implant an idea or suggestion into a person's mind. This can change a person's opinion of something or cause them to act in the way suggested. If the target has a strong will, they can bounce it back and influence her thoughts.

Rank B: Stop!:
Applies a force to someone's body to make them stop moving.

Rank B: Demon summon:
Summons a fairly strong demon and will dispel them if they go berserk or disobey orders.

Rank B: Bind:
Can bind one summoned creature to a small object. This maintains the summon and allows for them to be called quickly and stealthily.

Rank C: Hide:
Can make a person or creature difficult to perceive. It is still possible for very perceptive people to notice them.

Rank C: Read:
Gives the user an insight into the immediate thoughts or motivations of a person.

Rank C: Boost:
Gives a boost to a creatures strength or speed.

Rank C: Simple summon:
Summons a weak spirit or demon for a single purpose. Once their purpose has been completed, the summon spell ends.

Strengths: Able to summon creatures that are stronger than herself to protect her. Has an informant network if she needs to get info on someone/something. Her treaty with the local gang allows her to call in favours in tough times.

Weaknesses: Hesitation in critical moments, summons can be unpredictable and not listen to her commands and has a phobia of being locked into places.

Goal: Just wants to have her cafe as a safe space for herself and her customers. Though she will trudge into danger if one of her regulars is in need.

Extra: Mostly uses spell codes that she's bought from Spelltec or friends but wrote the summon codes that she uses herself.

Nicola Wright

Name: Nicola Wright

Age: 24

Gender: female

Sexuality: bisexual

Occupation: NEET

The single child from a normal family in a normal countryside village. She decided to attend a college in the city so she could get a better job. After graduating from local university, Nicola spiraling into depression and ended up joining a gang run by her friend Damian. Does she regret it? Seems not.

Nicola always seems like she hadn't sleep properly for the last three days, her sleeping schedule is just a mess. Despite her gloomy appearance and bleak perspective on life, she likes to help her junior solve their problem. Damian trusted her to be the 'counselor figure' in their gang. How dare he...!

Type of Spell Codes Used: Electricity

Spell Codes:
- Railgun (rank S):
Launch a high velocity metallic object out of your palm! Long range! High damage! Flashy! Available for limited time only!
- Strike (rank A): Do you have someone that you wish to be gone? Look no further! Strike will enable you to send a lightning to zap your enemy to death! It has a very wide range so it can be used while you eat your toast at home! Just make sure you have vision of your target and there is thundercloud above your target.
- Discharge (rank B): Simple problem requires simple solution. Blast your way through your enemies and charge your phone while you are at it! This code allows you to throw lightning out of your ass! Grab one and make yourself a badass right now!
- Summon - Laplace (rank B): Smartphone? Smartwatch? Smart TV? We introduce to you, smart person! Summon a floating demonic octopus that will attach itself to your head. Laplace will lend its thinking power and make you super smart in an instant! Now go calculate those atoms movement. Just make sure to prepare a LOT of sugar beforehand.
- Attract (rank C): Pull objects around you, more effective if the target is a metal object.
- Repulse (rank C): push objects around you, more effective if the target is a metal object.
- EMPsion (rank ?): an unregistered code developed by one of the member of Codebane gang. Emmit a powerful EMP, disrupting the function of all electronic devices in 20 meters radius and force them to reboot. The casting device is not immune to the effect.

Strengths: calm and collected.

Weaknesses: Lazy and pessimistic.

Goal: none

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Name: Stone Pierce

Age: 25

Sexuality: straight

Occupation: gladiator

Bio: Dog eat dog... that's Stone's world fight or get your teeth kicked kill or be killed and squire as much possible knowledge on the way. Stone has lived in the slums of the city all his life. Both parent dead and no one but him to protect himself. It's not all bad though. Over the years he's managed to set himself up squatting in a rundown warehouse in to poor of district for it to be torn down. This is where he discovered coding and it only jumpstarted him into a life of action and sometimes brutal pain.
At 17 Stone entered himself into an underground gladiator match using his codes he had acquired either through theft, or trade. This was his tipping point, this is where he found his true gift. He was a skilled coder and not very bad at thinking up tactics added to his penchant for hit and rush tactics he was a commendable force in the ring. This has only made things a bit more difficult for him though, due to his skills several gangs have made it a habit to recruit him making Stone have to take a more scenic route home but he has managed to make it to 25 so he has to be doing something right.

Personality: Stone is the laugh it off type of guy. It's easy to see he uses an air of sarcasm and jokes to hide his nerves. Sometimes it helps but mostly not. He usually can't help but crack jokes even in serious situations.

Type of Spell Codes Used: spirit and elemental

Spell Codes: (Limit: 1 Rank S/ 2 Rank A/ 3 Rank B/ 4 Rank C)

Resurgence: ( S rank) Stone heals himself or his team a bit to help with finishing a fight. The downside is the effects he heals his teammates from effects him and could knock him out of the fight if not kill him. If he heal himself after the fight he tends to fall out, multiple uses on himself could kill him.

Cyclone blast: (A rank) A funnel of wind blasts out of the welders device launching anything in it's path through the air. Uses slot of energy and has been known to even send Stone flying backwards on use

Elemental battle mode: (A rank) allows Stone to engulf his hands in a random element to improve his fighting power. Using this ability makes him unable to code until it wares out (depending on diceroll).

Static Cage: ( B rank) lightning closes around the target into a cage like construct. The floor inside the cage is electrified causing paralysis and high amounts of discomfort. The trap only lasts for ten seconds but in battle that is the difference between life and death.

Fire ball app Plus: (B rank) A code he bought off one of the gang's that essentially just launches a fireball with a relatively small explosion on contact.

Typhoon smash: (B rank) The wielder's device uses moisture from the air to launch a tidal wave at the intended target(s). Not essentially strong but it is great for putting space between Stone and his enemies.

Buffer: (C rank) Allows Stone to ignore pain for ten seconds in a last ditch effort to attack.

Fade: ( C rank) Stone is able to shoot ten meters in any direction whilenaslo being intangible making it possible to move through solid matter.

Wall (C rank) A large pillar of rock shoots up either lifting Stone up to evade attack or even blocking some offensive attacks if unable to take the full force it at least weakens the attack.

Glide (C rank) The device allows stone to ride along the winds to help with his hit and rush tactics.

Strengths: Experienced in creating battle tactics, skilled brawler (experience teaches), Amatuer coder/programmer, skilled at negotiating, skilled in parkour.

Weaknesses: Cats, is unable to bring himself to kill no matter how tough he talks.

Goal: He wants out of the gladiator lifestyle but has accrued a large amount of debt to some of the gangs around the city and has been slowly paying them off.

Extras: uses a smartphone for coding but has a laptop in his hideout that uses to try to enhance his codes.

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Name: Maximillian (Max)

Age: 22
(looks closer to somewhere in his Mid to Late Teens.)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance (Picture required/ Description optional): This picture but Male


Has a very feminine look to him. His white hair is kept around shoulder length, while keeping his bangs just long enough that he has to keep them to one side. He always has a white vest and a black t-shirt underneath while not working. if you see him wearing anything other than shorts, wind pants or something similar, it's because he basically has no other choice. He isn't rude, he knows he can't wear wind pants when he's going somewhere nice...
Always has a Bracelet on his right wrist. It has a single Red Gemstone embedded in it. It's only made from low quality Silver, but he seems to cherish it more than his own life.

Occupation: Works as a Bouncer for a friends Club. He's tougher than he looks.

Bio: He rarely talks about his past. He only ever mentions in passing about how he learned the fighting skills he has from a someone. What he does talk about is how he met the club's owner; one day he was wandering around town when he was jumped. Well, at least that's the thugs thought was happening. After the 2 guys found out the hard way that Max wasn't as weak as he looked, he was stopped by Perrin while turning to leave. From there, they become great friends, and eventually Perrin hired Max as a bouncer. Max is actually the most trusted bouncer in the whole place, the regulars always have a good laugh when some new guy gets thrown out by a person half their height.

Personality: Mostly quiet, keeps to himself. Has trouble talking to girls. During fights he becomes entirely confident in himself, almost seeming to change into a totally different person.

Type of Spell Codes Used: Oddly, he mostly has spells that buff other peoples magic. He does have a couple that helps him in close up fights however.

Spell Codes:

S Rank:
Extreme Boost: While this may sound like it boosts spells, in reality, it grants the user an extreme boost in speed, and a moderate boost to all other combat abilities. It's most beneficial to practitioners of some type of martial arts, as it allows the user to throw punches so fast it's like watching a cartoon or anime. However, it heavily ways on the body; most users only survive one use per day. A small few can use it twice, but they are weakened severely enough that a young child could finish them off afterwards. This spell can actually last anywhere from 30 seconds to 2 minutes depending on the stamina and strength of the user.

Rank A: Magical Boost: This Code buffs another person next 2 spells. However, it cannot buff every type. For instance, while it can buff a fireball spell, it cannot buff one that heats up objects to extreme levels. Most healing or defensive spells can be buffed, only a rare few cannot. This Code cannot buff any S or A rank spells, no matter the type. This cannot affect the same person more than once within a half hour, and can only be used every 10 minutes. Also cannot be used on self. The affected spells are buffed based on type. The spells used also require another 30 seconds of cool down for C rank, and 1 minute for B rank. if a cool down already exists, add this to the total.

Attack spells: gives Area damage/increases size of effected Area by 50%
Buff type Spells: Increases effect by 25%, duration by 50%
Healing Type Spells: Also gives a quick boost to energy/stamina. (Basically, lets them keep running around like a mad man/woman longer along with healing their wounds xD). Half effect for multiple target spells
Energy/Stamina Restoration Type spells: Will also Close up all small/minor wounds. Stops Bleeding on all other wounds, and allows them to clot.
Defense/Shields Type Spells: Negative effects are taken away from shields, if any. If no negative effects exist, adds a 50% power boost. Area type spells gain only a 25% boost.

Rank A: Quicken: Buffs the reflexes and movement during reflexive dodges; enough so they can enough dodge a bullet from 15 feet away so long as they know the gun was fired. Lasts longer on naturally quick people. Lasts 2-3 minutes. Can't be used afterwards for 5 Minutes

Rank B: Perception: A code giving the user incredible perception for 5 minutes. This does not actually make them able to see or hear better. It instead grants them the ability to notice things that they normally would not, and in some cases can even give them advanced warning of an attack or incoming danger that directly effects the user. Lasts for 5 minutes. Cannot be used again for twice that.

Rank B: Refresh: Resets the Cool Down period on one C rank Spell used by another person. Lowers a B rank spell's Cool Down period by one fourth. If used on a B rank spell, this spell goes on Cool Down for twice as long. Base Cool Down is 4 minutes.

Rank C: Harden: The users Fists harden to the point they can easily punch chunks from stone without being hurt. It does not however do anymore damage than would normally be done excluding other buffs. It essentially allows to user to punch whatever they want without fear of their fists being harmed. Lasts until canceled.

Rank C: Monkey's Strength: Gives the user a boost in strength, essentially doubling their strength for a short time. Lasts 3 minutes. can't be used for 4 minutes after wearing off.

Rank C: Spell's Illusion: Creates a number of illusions of the users next attack spell. Area spells only are affected if they are a projectile. Next attack spell cast on buffed user becomes harder to dodge.

Strengths (No more than 5): Confident in combat, particularly close combat. His size causes others to easily underestimate him. Always willing to help out his friends. Intelligent, easily learns things he's interested in.

Weaknesses (At least 2): Tends to be quiet when it come to issues outside of fighting, this has led to a a good number of "misunderstandings". His small size actually hinders him more then he lets on. He doesn't easily trust people, but doesn't straight up distrust everybody either; it takes awhile for him to warm up to someone is all. Has a bracelet that he always wears, all the regulars at the club know better than to try and steal it from him; He once beat someone to a pulp when they attempted to run away with it when he took it off to clean it.

Goal: Doesn't really have a long term goal, for now he intends to just enjoy the life he has.

Girls give him trouble, especially when talking to them. Has a square phone sized screen on his forearm that is connected to his phone to write the codes. Keeps his phone in an inner pocket on his vest.
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Name: Stone Pierce

Age: 25

Occupation: gladiator

Bio: Dog eat dog... that's Stone's world fight or get your teeth kicked kill or be killed and squire as much possible knowledge on the way. Stone has lived in the slums of the city all his life. Both parent dead and no one but him to protect himself. It's not all bad though. Over the years he's managed to set himself up squatting in a rundown warehouse in to poor of district for it to be torn down. This is where he discovered coding and it only jumpstarted him into a life of action and sometimes brutal pain.
At 17 Stone entered himself into an underground gladiator match using his codes he had acquired either through theft, or trade. This was his tipping point, this is where he found his true gift. He was a skilled coder and not very bad at thinking up tactics added to his penchant for hit and rush tactics he was a commendable force in the ring. This has only made things a bit more difficult for him though, due to his skills several gangs have made it a habit to recruit him making Stone have to take a more scenic route home but he has managed to make it to 25 so he has to be doing something right.

Personality: Stone is the laugh it off type of guy. It's easy to see he uses an air of sarcasm and jokes to hide his nerves. Sometimes it helps but mostly not. He usually can't help but crack jokes even in serious situations.

Type of Spell Codes Used: spirit and elemental

Spell Codes: (Limit: 1 Rank S/ 2 Rank A/ 3 Rank B/ 4 Rank C)

Resurgence: ( S rank) Stone heals himself or his team a bit to help with finishing a fight. The downside is the effects he heals his teammates from effects him and could knock him out of the fight if not kill him. If he heal himself after the fight he tends to fall out, multiple uses on himself could kill him.

Cyclone blast: (A rank) A funnel of wind blasts out of the welders device launching anything in it's path through the air. Uses slot of energy and has been known to even send Stone flying backwards on use

Elemental battle mode: (A rank) allows Stone to engulf his hands in a random element to improve his fighting power. Using this ability makes him unable to code until it wares out (depending on diceroll).

Static Cage: ( B rank) lightning closes around the target into a cage like construct. The floor inside the cage is electrified causing paralysis and high amounts of discomfort. The trap only lasts for ten seconds but in battle that is the difference between life and death.

Fire ball app Plus: (B rank) A code he bought off one of the gang's that essentially just launches a fireball with a relatively small explosion on contact.

Typhoon smash: (B rank) The wielder's device uses moisture from the air to launch a tidal wave at the intended target(s). Not essentially strong but it is great for putting space between Stone and his enemies.

Buffer: (C rank) Allows Stone to ignore pain for ten seconds in a last ditch effort to attack.

Fade: ( C rank) Stone is able to shoot ten meters in any direction whilenaslo being intangible making it possible to move through solid matter.

Wall (C rank) A large pillar of rock shoots up either lifting Stone up to evade attack or even blocking some offensive attacks if unable to take the full force it at least weakens the attack.

Glide (C rank) The device allows stone to ride along the winds to help with his hit and rush tactics.

Strengths: Experienced in creating battle tactics, skilled brawler (experience teaches), Amatuer coder/programmer, skilled at negotiating, skilled in parkour.

Weaknesses: Cats, is unable to bring himself to kill no matter how tough he talks.

Goal: He wants out of the gladiator lifestyle but has accrued a large amount of debt to some of the gangs around the city and has been slowly paying them off.

Extras: uses a smartphone for coding but has a laptop in his hideout that uses to try to enhance his codes.

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You forgot sexuality
Name: Jasper "Wraith" Lockheart

Age: 19

Biological Sex: Female

Gender: Non-Binary

Sexuality: Pansexual


Occupation: Hacker/Coder for hire and Student at local college

Bio: Jasper grew up in a small house at the end of the road on the right, they had a normal childhood till around their 14th birthday where they just didn't feel right they thought it was a sickness they thought it was a choice and not that they were born different because that's what their parents drilled into their uneducated developing brain. They learned to hate themselves looking in the mirror every night and seeing a mistake because they didn't know how to feel about liking boys and girls. They didn't know how to tell their parents, so they started rebelling at school, starting fights, selling drugs, doing drugs, drinking, and smoking. They were on a downward spiral that was on a one way track to rock-bottom their parents tried to shelter them thinking it was media or other classmates corrupting their "baby" so they home schooled Jasper till they met a girl at a party her name was Daisy. She had beautiful long blonde hair and the bluest eyes they reminded Jasper of the sky on a hot summer day. Daisy and Jasper hit it off rather quickly sharing the fact that their sexuality was a secret from their parents and various other things Daisy gave Jasper the confidence to cut off their hair, start binding, and wearing boy clothes. Jasper was head over heels in love with Daisy, Daisy not so much, she saw Jasper as a way to get at her parents, so much so Daisy would usually make Jasper pay for expensive jewelry and clothes and other nefarious items just to shove it in her parents face. Eventually Jasper started to come to their senses and noticed the little things first but it grew and they got into a huge fight which resulted in Daisy being pushed out a window by accident. Jasper panicked and ran. Moving to another state and learning to code and hack online, stealing card info and other credentials to pay off certain people and started to attend a university as a cover. They became Wraith online and they felt unstoppable.

Personality: A good person at heart but has been burnt and hurt too many times so they put on a persona to void the chance of getting hurt. They have a soft spot for kids. Can be intimidating if needed and cold. When you look into their eyes you see pain and sorrow but their face is straight and narrow.

Type of Spell Codes Used: Illusion and self-buff

Spell Codes:
Rank S: Wraithful power: Using this ability causes Jasper to be filled with a purple and black energy making their strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Agility, sight and hearing amplified to a supernatural amount which last for around 5 minutes and after the code ends Jasper falls unconscious for 6 hours.

Rank A: Major illusions: Jasper makes a number of illusory figures for how many enemies are on the field that surround one target casing them in a thick black fog and frighting them for 2 minutes. After this is used the target of the code knows the location of Jasper for 4 minutes no matter of cover or foliage

Rank A: True sight: Jasper opens their mind to the Wraith allowing themselves to be left vulnerable for 1 minute as they mediate. After the minute Jasper is seeing through Wraiths eyes seeing the souls of their enemies knowing their location and gaining an advantage on ranged attacks for 5 minutes

Rank B: Silent step: Jasper focuses on their center of gravity creating a small air-pocket between their feet and the floor making their steps quieter to anybody within ten feet of them but wearing shoes nullifies this making it only 5 feet

Rank B: Dancing Flames: Jasper makes 6 candle sized flames float around lighting up an area of a feet around each flame and serve as good covers for cameras.

Rank B: Minor illusion: Jasper can illusory change one thing of their choosing for 2 minutes, also make letters appear where there shouldn't be and general mischievous illusions:

Rank C: Backdoor: Jasper if given time can create a backdoor into most ammeter firewalls giving them an advantage on hacking systems. But if the opponent notices Jasper's backdoor attempt the opponent has advantage and one free info grab.

Rank C: Fast fingers: Jasper taps into Wraith allowing their power to flow to their fingers allowing them to hack and code faster for 5 minutes, but once code is completed Jasper has a slower response time to incoming codes/hacks

Rank C: Bat-like hearing: Jasper has an advantage on listening for specific noises within 20 feet of them

Rank C: Nightowl: Jasper lets wraith imbue them with power allowing them to not need to rest as long as other people but exhausts Jasper the more they use it. Giving them an disadvantage on most things including coding and hacking

Strengths (No more than 5): Rank C spells backdoor through bat-like hearing (Couldn't think of strengths entirely) being seductive to males and females. Has contacts

Weaknesses (At least 2): Slow to trust. Very secretive and shady

Goal: Jasper wants to live a normal life eventually quitting the game and even turning themselves in and facing the charges for what happened to Daisy
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Name: Jasper "Wraith" Lockheart

Age: 19

Gender: Non-Binary

Sexuality: Pansexual

View attachment 596660

Occupation: Hacker/Coder for hire and Student at local college

Bio: Jasper grew up in a small house at the end of the road on the right, they had a normal childhood till around their 14th birthday where they just didn't feel right they thought it was a sickness they thought it was a choice and not that they were born different because that's what their parents drilled into their uneducated developing brain. They learned to hate themselves looking in the mirror every night and seeing a mistake because they didn't know how to feel about liking boys and girls. They didn't know how to tell their parents, so they started rebelling at school, starting fights, selling drugs, doing drugs, drinking, and smoking. They were on a downward spiral that was on a one way track to rock-bottom their parents tried to shelter them thinking it was media or other classmates corrupting their "baby" so they home schooled Jasper till they met a girl at a party her name was Daisy. She had beautiful long blonde hair and the bluest eyes they reminded Jasper of the sky on a hot summer day. Daisy and Jasper hit it off rather quickly sharing the fact that their sexuality was a secret from their parents and various other things Daisy gave Jasper the confidence to cut off their hair, start binding, and wearing boy clothes. Jasper was head over heels in love with Daisy, Daisy not so much, she saw Jasper as a way to get at her parents, so much so Daisy would usually make Jasper pay for expensive jewelry and clothes and other nefarious items just to shove it in her parents face. Eventually Jasper started to come to their senses and noticed the little things first but it grew and they got into a huge fight which resulted in Daisy being pushed out a window by accident. Jasper panicked and ran. Moving to another state and learning to code and hack online, stealing card info and other credentials to pay off certain people and started to attend a university as a cover. They became Wraith online and they felt unstoppable.

Personality: A good person at heart but has been burnt and hurt too many times so they put on a persona to void the chance of getting hurt. They have a soft spot for kids. Can be intimidating if needed and cold. When you look into their eyes you see pain and sorrow but their face is straight and narrow.

Type of Spell Codes Used: Illusion and self-buff

Spell Codes:
Rank S: Wraithful power: Using this ability causes Jasper to be filled with a purple and black energy making their strength, Dexterity, Endurance, Agility, sight and hearing amplified to a supernatural amount which last for around 5 minutes and after the code ends Jasper falls unconscious for 6 hours.

Rank A: Major illusions: Jasper makes a number of illusory figures for how many enemies are on the field that surround one target casing them in a thick black fog and frighting them for 2 minutes. After this is used the target of the code knows the location of Jasper for 4 minutes no matter of cover or foliage

Rank A: True sight: Jasper opens their mind to the Wraith allowing themselves to be left vulnerable for 1 minute as they mediate. After the minute Jasper is seeing through Wraiths eyes seeing the souls of their enemies knowing their location and gaining an advantage on ranged attacks for 5 minutes

Rank B: Silent step: Jasper focuses on their center of gravity creating a small air-pocket between their feet and the floor making their steps quieter to anybody within ten feet of them but wearing shoes nullifies this making it only 5 feet

Rank B: Dancing Flames: Jasper makes 6 candle sized flames float around lighting up an area of a feet around each flame and serve as good covers for cameras.

Rank B: Minor illusion: Jasper can illusory change one thing of their choosing for 2 minutes, also make letters appear where there shouldn't be and general mischievous illusions:

Rank C: Backdoor: Jasper if given time can create a backdoor into most ammeter firewalls giving them an advantage on hacking the system

Rank C: Fast fingers: Jasper has trained for years typing at a keyboard and doing hand exercises that when hacking they can type 1.5 times faster then their opponent also giving an advantage on slight of hand actions.

Rank C: Bat-like hearing: Jasper has advantage on listening for specific noises within 20 feet of them

Rank C: Nightowl: All the long nights have trained Jasper to be a light sleeper and allowing them to stay up later then a normal person.

Strengths (No more than 5): Rank C spells backdoor through bat-like hearing (Couldn't think of strengths entirely) being seductive to males and females. Has contacts

Weaknesses (At least 2): Slow to trust. Has a dark past that they want kept secret at all costs

Goal: Jasper wants to live a normal life eventually quitting the game and even turning themselves in and facing the charges for what happened to Daisy
Ok 3 things

You have to write what gender your character "biologically" is and not just as what they identify as since no character will have knowledge of that ahead of time.

The second thing is your spell codes need to be spells and not something your character learned how to do over time.

Lastly, in my opinion having a dark past that they don't want found out doesn't really count as a weakness.
Ok 3 things

You have to write what gender your character "biologically" is and not just as what they identify as since no character will have knowledge of that ahead of time.

The second thing is your spell codes need to be spells and not something your character learned how to do over time.

Lastly, in my opinion having a dark past that they don't want found out doesn't really count as a weakness.
That should fix stuff, if theres anything else I need to change just let me know.
Maza Lurentz

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Info Broker/ Suspected Cyber-Terrorist

Most of what Maza claims to be her origin has been proven as lies, the only accurate claims had to have been verified by others. She was an online presence for a while, often taking credit for numerous scandals and data leaks which occurred in the years following the advents of hackers. Some of these claims were confirmed to be false while others are still debated. Despite her rampant streak of lying to people over the web, she initially proved her worth as a hacker by leaking winning lottery numbers approximately half an hour before they were called. This sudden display of capability stunned many communities who had grown accustomed to Maza's nature, with many questioning whether her previous claims held more weight. This would become a cycle that Maza took great enjoyment from, spilling out numerous lies online then sneaking in a bombshell truth which would cause arguments of her validity to rise up again.

After using this vicious cycle of doubt and hesitant belief to garner an amount of clout, Maza eventually admitted the reason behind her erratic knowledge of the world. She claimed to be a high ranking member of a cyber-terrorist organization known as G.R.I.N, also claiming that her knowledge comes from an international web of conspirators loyal to G.R.I.N's cause of taking over the arms industry by stealing and re-purposing high-level spells for easy purchase. It was undoubtedly the most wild and ridiculous claim that she had ever made, and Maza did absolutely nothing to prove any of it. It would be the story she stuck with for the next few years, but Maza refused to offer anything other than her odd access to information to support it. She claims its to protect G.R.I.N, but many point out that she wouldn't admit to being a part of such an organization if that were true. As it were, arguments still occur online about whether she's really some criminal mastermind or just a really skilled coder with some kind of obsession with lying to people.
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Either way, Maza would spend the next few years slowly gaining a reputation as an info broker. If there was one thing that could be said about Maza, it was that she'd always place a price on the truth. If someone had the right cash, she'd be willing to lift the veneer of lies she'd placed around herself and slip information to them. Many criminals and gangs have often done dealings with Maza at some point, whether they know it or not. Whether it be one of their members getting information they really shouldn't have or their rivals learning something to use against them, Maza's influence spreads shockingly wide. Despite this, she would never accept money for information on herself.

Up until then, not one person had seen Mazda in person. Her accounts linking back to a singular name, but no image to go with it. For most of her career everyone assumed she wasn't even female, as she refused to offer proof like with so many of her other claims. It was only in the recent year that a young lady in bright colors has been spotted wandering the city, claiming to be the infamous Info Broker known as Maza. Though her mannerisms and attitude align with the mischievous Online presence, Maza has once more shrouded herself in a veneer of lies. Her online presence denies that she would ever show herself in public, while those who've managed to talk with her in person are often left with wild stories about her branching out since G.R.I.N fell apart. Both of these stories are coming from career liars who refuse to offer any evidence to back up their claims, yet Maza's sudden presence on the streets have left many in the online community confused as to what exactly happened to where she would change her methods so much.


Maza is perhaps the physical embodiment of misdirection. With a constant smile that's dripping with hidden intent, one could easily mistake her for some kind of backwards saleswoman whose constantly trying to make them doubt her. She seems at ease in almost any situation, to a nearly ludicrous degree. Though perhaps a residual effect of her penchant for lying, she seems incapable of displaying negative emotions. Whether threatened or attacked, wounded or intact, her never-ending grin is absolute. It's enough to put off most people, something she has absolutely no issue with.

Her reputation for lying isn't even necessary, as she lies so much that only someone who's impossibly imperceptive would fall for her blatant misdirection. The problem stems from the fact that she uses her hacking capabilities to arm herself with information, making every conversation a guessing game as to which parts she's lying about and which she's being truthful of. This is something she indulges in frequently, taking no small measure of humor in watching others find their way through her lies. She seems to treat it as some kind of sport that only she may indulge in. Whether out of some immense sense of pride or sheer love of the craft, she's exceptionally well-adapted to spotting other people's lies through sheer familiarity.

Her constant smiling and lying are only a portion of how much emphasis on humor she puts in her life, seeing her fabrications as more of a joke than anything else. She's fully willing to overlook any damage her lies may cause, treating them as more jokes that she gets to indulge in. As such, she lacks sympathy in a rather blatant manner, always accusing people of talking her too seriously or getting riled up over nothing. Despite this, she has no problem selling information for the right price. She knows full well that her own clients doubt her validity, but she's quite consistent with selling the truth. In some backwards way, this willingness to spill the beans for money has made her both the worst and best info broker on the market.

Type of Spell Codes Used: Evasion and Misdirection

Spell Codes:
Rank A
Now You See me- Maza's capable of turning completely invisible, requiring opponents to use ulterior methods to track her. The downside to this being that Maza can only activate this while her eyes are closed, trading in her sight for movements impossible to track without some kind of gear or spell.

Tag in- Maza can trade places with her doppelgangers, though the experience leaves her disoriented after every use.
Rank B
Dopplegangers- Maza can create several dozen identical copies of herself. They appear to move and speak and interact with the world as naturally as the real Maza would, but these interactions are mere illusions. The Doppelgangers cannot actually physically affect anything.

Hidden Hand- Maza can turn her hands and whatever she's holding invisible for approximately five minutes a pop, this effect cannot be passed to large things like vehicles or buildings, only things she can actually carry.

Flash Step- A single step can take Maza three yards every five seconds.
Rank C
Catfall- With this, Maza always lands on her feet.

Quick Foot-Maza's footwork is buffed, allowing her to dodge more often than not

Two-Fingered Jab- Maza's only Magical form of offense are her double-finger jabs, which are more annoying than anything else. They do low damage, but are lightning quick.

Strengths: Immensely elusive, Wears down opponents, able to pick out other people's lies, Can get intel on most things for the right price, Is Physically incapable of negative emotions.

Blatantly untrustworthy, openly unsympathetic, terrible team-player unless bribed, Joking nature makes her hard to empathize with,

Goal: All of the Amusement she could possibly have

Extra: Due to her extensive habit of lying, most of Maza's true origin remains unknown.
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