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Fantasy Castaway|Characters



The Lone Wolf
There are no good or bad guys in this rp but if you'd like to tailor a character as good and bad that's fine.

Distinguishing features:
Kingdom: (This will be named by the first people who join that kingdom)
Powers: (Please be reasonable)
Affiliations: (Ask around to see who will be an ally and enemy)
Skills: (Are you proficient with a weapon? Do they play an instrument or such)
Distinguishing features:
Race: (Can be any)
Role: (captain, crew, second in command, lookout, etc)
How Long have you been a Pirate:
How did you become a Pirate:
Kingdom: (if you use to belong to a kingdom put here)
Powers: (Please be reasonable)
Affiliations: (Ask around to see who will be an ally and enemy)
Skills: (Are you proficient with a weapon? Do they play an instrument or such)

Mobile-Friendly code: (not required to use this specific one)


"Quote, they'd say."
Basic Info

Disinguishing features:







"Quote the'd say"




[border= 20px TYPE COLOR][border=12px TYPE COLOR][bg=COLOR][FONT=FONT]
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"Quote, they'd say."
[accordion=15%|bcenter]{slide=Basic Info}
Disinguishing features:







{/slide}[/accordion]"Quote the'd say"
[accordion=15%|bcenter]{slide= Powers}
[/accordion]"QUOTE THEY'D SAY"[accordion=15%|bcenter]{slide=Skills}
[/accordion]"QUOTE THEY'D SAY"

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I'd like to start this rp in the next day or so, if you do not have a character sheet up in three days, I will be giving spaces to people who are more active. If you have a reason for not posting tell me and I will keep your spot. I do not wish this rp to be dead. Due to the limited amount of character sheets I have. I will be making a character for all seven kingdoms to help keep the rp flowing. They will probably become a very minor characters that I only use to move the rp to a different spot.

of the Silver Lunar Clan

"What is a last name? I am Elana of the Silver Lunar Clan."
Basic Info

Distinguishing features: Striking eyes, perfect hair, blue crescent moon tattoo on her left bicep when she has legs

Age: 25 (She is a very new siren)

Human form- 5'2
Siren Form- 5'6

Human form-120
Siren form- 150

Race: Siren

Position: N/A She is one of 4 sirens in mermaid pods

Kingdom: No Kingdom just a pod

The perfect description of Elana would be curious. She wonders about everything that happens on land. She'd heard stories of humans and creatures that lurk in the night. She is a fast learner and appears to be gullible and naive at first glance. However, she is very clever and will not hesitate to use her good looks to protect herself from danger. She only says what people want to hear and is as likable as it gets. She'd kind, loving, and genuine. She, however, doesn't know what her kind does is considered "bad". She is used to viewing humans as playthings and has no idea how life works anywhere but in the ocean. She adapts fast and her quick thinking gets her out of most bad situations. She often uses how she looks like a human to her advantage. When she comes on land men view her as a woman as beautiful as a goddess. She finds that very funny. Elana loves to laugh and is very playful. Her favorite thing to do is flirt and toy with people's feelings.
"Human's have curious behaviors."

Siren's song:
She is able to sing an enchanting song that captivates the target. She is able to inflict a feeling or command into her song. This only works on creatures that have little to no magic resistance and only to the opposite gender.

Silver Lunar:
Exclusive to her clan, Elana is able to shift the color of her physical features in the moonlight. Her eyes will automatically turn silver on a full moon and if moonlight hits her tail it will turn silver too. She is only able to change the color of her hair and eyes.

Because she is a siren Elana is ungodly beautiful

Personality shift:
she is able to shift her personality to her target's preference, she can see what they prefer through their eyes.
"My powers are loads of fun. They amuse me for hours."

Elena has no skills that land-dwellers would find interesting.

The most she can do it play a handheld harp.
"What do human's view as impressive skills?"

Wide-open. She doesn't go on land long enough to have any actual connections but she is on land long enough to have been encountered.

Alice Castella
Princess of the North

"I am of the house Castella."
Basic Info

Distinguishing features: Ginger hair and light blue eyes

Age: 19

Height: 5'2

Weight: 115 Lbs

Race: Human, magic wielder

Position: Princess

Kingdom: It's in the months, I don't wanna name it so I'm gonna leave it to the king and queen

Alice is as proper as it gets. She is graceful, charming, and speaks with ease. She is what people picture when they hear princess. She is well mannered and when in the presence of other royals is kind, sincere, and fragile. She, however, likes to speak her mind when in company of her own kingdom. She is well versed in offensive and defensive magic and has a fighting spirit. She is an intelligent girl who cleverly plants her ideas into the heads of her people. She isn't listened to often and people disregard her opinions. She adapts to her surroundings and is quick to use the many comebacks she's stored in her mind. She knows when to bite her tongue and when to press her opinion further. Even though she is trained in magical combat she is still very feminine and dainty.
"I'm pleased to make your acquaintance."

Offensive magic:
She is best with light magic and worst with water.
She can shape light into anything she wills. She tends to use light balls and light shaped at weapons to fight offensively.

She is able to form regular sided shields and hand them off to people if they are cracked or fractured they will disappear.
She'd able to use balls formed of light to bounce most magical attacks from hitting her. With the exception of dark magic, she is very weak to that kind of magic.

She is best as recovery magic. She can form a robe of light around the injured person and it will heal almost any kind of wound inflicted by nonmagical items.
She has an angel recovery robe that she uses on herself to heal magic dealt damage. She can heal most minor injuries fully but poison or life-threatening wounds she can only close up. If the wound is inflicted by dark magic her light recovery magic can only stop the bleeding.
"I do not speak of my magic, it brings unwanted attention."

Being raised in a castle Alice has many skills. She can play the piano, dance any popular dance, sing (decently), read, and write.
"I have honed my skills since I was young."

Wide-open. Ask if you'd like to be affiliated with Alice or her kingdom.

Xander Jones
The Cursed Captain
"Captain of The Forbidden Soul, at your service."
Basic Info

Disinguishing features:
Gold eye, that turn red when he's feeding



210 lbs


The Forbidden Soul


How Long have you been a Pirate:
5 years

How did you become a Pirate:
Xander grew bored of the Scared Coven's ways. He didn't listen to orders and caused trouble for the other knights. The only reason he was awarded a knight's title was due to his outstanding combat skills and powers. When he was 20 he decided that fighting FOR a royal was useless so he committed treason and betrayed his kingdom. He began fighting AGAINST royals of all races, plundering, and causing havoc for all. He made his way to the top and slayed the former captain of The Forbidden Soul and became the new captain.

Former Scared Coven knight

Xander is the typical pirate he's cruel, violent, and manipulative. He likes to use his good looks to his advantage and is quite the charmer. He's as clever as it comes and intelligent to go along with it. He has an odd weak spot for women and refuses to physically harm them in any way. However, he will take advantage and use them as he pleases. Xander has nothing good in his heart but he will take pity on people if their life sucked. He is quick to recruit anyone who will be useful to him. He's rude, considered a brute, and has absolutely no filter. He will not hesitate to kill if it needs to be done.

"Where's the fun in following rules."

Xander has increased, strength, stamina, speed, and senses.

He also has the ability to manipulate shadows, but only the shadows of living objects. He has complete control of someone's shadow when he tastes their blood. When that happens Xander and materialize the shadow and have it do what he wishes.

"I have many skills, and I can woo you."

He has excellent hand to hand combat skills and sword skills. He can play the piano and dance.

"I'd suggest you ally with me."

Has bad blood with The Sacred Coven Kingdom
Is friendly with the sirens and mermaids

Derek Sante
Prince of Larek

"Most know my name."
Basic Info

Distinguishing features:
Snow white hair








Derek is a very shy individual. He tends to put on a strong facade that cracks under pressure, he himself is kind, dedicated, cultured, and polite. He has a very caring heart and only wishes for peace but, having strong parents and being in a kingdom that is based around power has molded a mask he must wear at all times. He has no talent for words and is anything but suave. He is quite awkward and can't seem to woo or attract a bride for his life. His status and house name are not enough to gain him a wife. He is courageous despite his hesitation to join a fight and will act before thinking in order to save someone's life.
"People already know what kind of man I am."

Derek has no significant powers. He has boosted strength, speed, stamina, and senses. He can see in the dark and rapidly heals. He can transform into his wolf form at will due to having royal blood.
"I got the short end of the stick."

"I'm talented with a sword."
"I can read and write."
"Is fooling a whole kingdom a skill?"
"I can dance well..."
"Um, I am good with battle plans, sometimes..."
"I wish for only peace."

Wishes to marry the princess of Aurum

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Appearance: Pale skin, blue eyes and white long hair. (Images later tonight)

Distinguishing features: Pointed ears, Horns in the head, blue tail, star shaped pupils and a star shaped mark in her back from which her pointy wings come from. She reverts to a child-like phase when she uses too much of her power or if harmed enough.

Name: Lillith, Mother of Demons.

Age: ¿?

Height: It varies, from 1.70 cm to 1.40 cm

Weight: It varies, from 40 kg to 30 kg

Race: Demon.

Position: Empress (Queen)

Personality: She’s usually calm and cold, a master strategist that claimed the throne of Flame's Dominion by force. Those days are behind but everyone knows no to mess with her or her family. If she gets reverted to her child phase, she will become a spoiled brat who only wishes to have fun at any cost. As all demons, she can’t lie but is able deceive and play around the truth.

Kingdom: Flame's Dominion.

Powers: As all demons she can fly, regenerate and has a long lifespan. She’s an expert in witchcraft, being able of spell casting, potion brewing and enchantments. She can control darkness and aside from that summon and control the Frost Fire of the 9th circle of hell from which she’s the guardian of. Also, since she’s the embodiment of the sin of Gluttony she has a special magic that allows her to summon any type of food, sweets and drinks either to ingest or to fight. As the demon queen she has a supernatural command over all demons, they can’t refuse her orders and can be summoned by her as much as she pleases. Any mortals can sell their soul to her in exchange from acquiring the gift of witchcraft at their own risk. She can make magical deals, which are obviously more effective since they have to be signed in blood (Not all of these deals involve selling a soul; they can be about anything that both sides agree to for any purpose needed).

Affiliations: Neutral at the moment.

Weaknesses: Abusing of the Frost Fire and darkness magic will revert her to a childlike form in which she will only retain her gluttony magic powers, flight, longevity and regeneration, losing everything else until she regains her strength. This will also happen if she’s weakened from overexposure to anything of holy nature.


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Appearance: Pale skin, blue eyes and white long hair. (Images later tonight)

Distinguishing features: Pointed ears, Horns in the head, blue tail, star shaped pupils and a star shaped mark in her back from which her pointy wings come from. She reverts to a child-like phase when she uses too much of her power or if harmed enough.

Name: Lillith, Mother of Demons.

Age: ¿?

Height: It varies, from 1.70 cm to 1.40 cm

Weight: It varies, from 40 kg to 30 kg

Race: Demon.

Position: Empress (Queen)

Personality: She’s usually calm and cold, a master strategist that claimed the throne of Flame's Dominion by force. Those days are behind but everyone knows no to mess with her or her family. If she gets reverted to her child phase, she will become a spoiled brat who only wishes to have fun at any cost. As all demons, she can’t lie but is able deceive and play around the truth.

Kingdom: Flame's Dominion.

Powers: As all demons she can fly, regenerate and has a long lifespan. She’s an expert in witchcraft, being able of spell casting, potion brewing and enchantments. She can control darkness and aside from that summon and control the Frost Fire of the 9th circle of hell from which she’s the guardian of. Also, since she’s the embodiment of the sin of Gluttony she has a special magic that allows her to summon any type of food, sweets and drinks either to ingest or to fight. As the demon queen she has a supernatural command over all demons, they can’t refuse her orders and can be summoned by her as much as she pleases. Any mortals can sell their soul to her in exchange from acquiring the gift of witchcraft at their own risk. She can make magical deals, which are obviously more effective since they have to be signed in blood (Not all of these deals involve selling a soul; they can be about anything that both sides agree to for any purpose needed).

Affiliations: Neutral at the moment.

Weaknesses: Abusing of the Frost Fire and darkness magic will revert her to a childlike form in which she will only retain her gluttony magic powers, flight, longevity and regeneration, losing everything else until she regains her strength. This will also happen if she’s weakened from overexposure to anything of holy nature.
accepted. Make sure not to use that summoning demons or control over them too often because that is considered powergaming.
Appearance: Demon Boy.jpg
Distinguishing features: Horns, extra sharp and long canines, and wings.
Name: Iphitos
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'3
Weight: 197 lbs
Race: Demon
Position: King
Personality: Iphitos possesses a highly sarcastic and great sense of humor. He regularly insults and belittles his enemies for his own laughter. He feels no shame and can make a joke out of any situation. He is known for not taking things seriously but instead having fun or seeing the light in things, even if they're negative.
Kingdom: Flame's Dominion
Powers: The demon king is capable of absorbing and reversing the effects of all attacks. If in attack were to hurt him, it would heal him or boost his attributes, if something were to heal him, it would hurt him or drain his abilities.
Affiliations: None.

Skills: Master hand-to-hand combatant and very proficient with most weapons.
Appearance: View attachment 722414
Distinguishing features: Horns, extra sharp and long canines, and wings.
Name: Iphitos
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'3
Weight: 197 lbs
Race: Demon
Position: King
Personality: Iphitos possesses a highly sarcastic and great sense of humor. He regularly insults and belittles his enemies for his own laughter. He feels no shame and can make a joke out of any situation. He is known for not taking things seriously but instead having fun or seeing the light in things, even if they're negative.
Kingdom: Flame's Dominion
Powers: The demon king is capable of absorbing and reversing the effects of all attacks. If in attack were to hurt him, it would heal him or boost his attributes, if something were to heal him, it would hurt him or drain his abilities.
Affiliations: None.

Skills: Master hand-to-hand combatant and very proficient with most weapons.
0613af216fe8d297e2e961abfb0d8bf2.jpgAppearance: Light caramel waist-length hair with trimmed beard, thick black eyebrows, pale skin, scarlet eyes, slim semi-fit figure

Distinguishing Features: Various black and grey artwork tattooed across both arms and chest, deep scarlet eyes

Name: Silas Carlisle

Age: 500+ years

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 220 lbs

Race: Vampire

Position: Knight, protector of the Sacred Coven

Personality: Silas is a strong-willed soldier that leads with a sense of unity and passion. Above all, he values humility, passion, wisdom and peace among species. He has earned the respect among fellow races, as he aims to treat them all with equal decency. His kind-hearted nature fools true enemies into believing he is soft and easily conquered in battle - which would be a mistake.

Kingdom: The Sacred Coven

Powers: Along with the natural ability of his race (speed, agility, enhanced hearing, brute strength) he is classified as an Empath. He has the ability to read and manipulate others' emotion upon will. He hardly resorts to emotion manipulation as he feels it's immoral to abuse his power, therefore he only does so in times of great need. He will use his ability to diffuse tension he feels could lead to dangerous situations if not handled.

Affiliation: N/A

Skills: Archery, hand-to-hand combat, diffusing tension, writing
View attachment 723100Appearance: Light caramel waist-length hair with trimmed beard, thick black eyebrows, pale skin, scarlet eyes, slim semi-fit figure

Distinguishing Features: Various black and grey artwork tattooed across both arms and chest, deep scarlet eyes

Name: Silas Carlisle

Age: 500+ years

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 220 lbs

Race: Vampire

Position: Knight, protector of the Sacred Coven

Personality: Silas is a strong-willed soldier that leads with a sense of unity and passion. Above all, he values humility, passion, wisdom and peace among species. He has earned the respect among fellow races, as he aims to treat them all with equal decency. His kind-hearted nature fools true enemies into believing he is soft and easily conquered in battle - which would be a mistake.

Kingdom: The Sacred Coven

Powers: Along with the natural ability of his race (speed, agility, enhanced hearing, brute strength) he is classified as an Empath. He has the ability to read and manipulate others' emotion upon will. He hardly resorts to emotion manipulation as he feels it's immoral to abuse his power, therefore he only does so in times of great need. He will use his ability to diffuse tension he feels could lead to dangerous situations if not handled.

Affiliation: N/A

Skills: Archery, hand-to-hand combat, diffusing tension, writing



"This may be the end, but your journey is not yet over. Follow me."
Basic Info

Disinguishing features: When possible, his scythe will always be seen strapped to his back.

Age: ???

Height: 5'6" in normal form

Weight: ???

Race: Demon

Position: Prince

Kingdom: Flame's Dominion

Personality: A quiet individual, Mirg spends much more time thinking than he does speaking. When he does speak, it's witth a tone and voice devoid of emotion. He very rarely shows how he actually feels about something. Notable exceptions includes a love of nature, a weird fascination with blood, and a curiousity towards love. A rather strange thing it is after all. He's rather polite, and even friendly to an extent, always making sure his clients that behave are well cared for before they reach their destination. On the opposite side, he also has a bit of a sadism streak, one he satisfies by making the journey to hell (because it's always to hell) as unbearable as possible for those who try to make his job more difficult. He does question how his own existence will end once all others have been sorted, and it's been the cause of many sleepless nights.

"I am no judge. You have already been marked."

Omnifarious - He can shapeshift. Whether it's his entire body, or just a part, he can change his form at will. Interestingly enough, anyone who presides in hell or is marked by him he drinks some of their blood, he can also mimic their powers and abilities. However, the powers are only as real as his targets believe he is. In other words, if they realize that he's not actually the person whose abilities he's using (an imposter), the powers won't work on that individual. In addition, there's a mark on his chest that will stay regardless of what he shapeshift into. This mark is usually what convinces people he's an imposter One of his favorite tricks is altering his vocal chords to allow him to make sounds that are impossible for most, including multiple voices at once, impossibly high/low registers and volumes, and making sounds without even moving his lips.

Psychopomp - He has many abilities that help with his task as guide to the afterlife. For one, he has a scythe. Besides being extremely sharp, he can literally bound any souls in it, as long as they have passed away. This not only helps with the more unruly spirits, but allow him to summon them for help if he ever needs it for some reason in the future. He's also very skilled with the scythe so try to avoid fighting him when he has it ... which is always He also has the ability to travel between realms, including making portals and turning locations/objects into portals/portal openers. This also makes him one of the few individuals who can allow others to travel between the realms, including the deceased. Thirdly, his mental prowess is far above average. He can learn entire languages just from being exposed to them once, he remembers everything and seems to gather information and new skills quickly.

{NEW} Nature Bound - Due to his psychopomp abilities and omnifarous abilities, he can communicate with plants and animals. Although he can't control them, the ability to actually talk to them gives him a huge advantage especially given his tendency towards trying to keep them alive and well. Somewhat related, he has a familiar/pet cerberus It's just a puppy, right now, with a multitude of abilities, thanks to a hexing placed on a puppy years ago. He also tends to follow Mirg around everywhere he goes.
~ The head in the middle can shoot lightning, the one on the right can shoot fire, and the one on the left can shoot ice.
~ It can also grow in size, becoming about as big as a car for right now but as it grows older, it can grow bigger.
~ It can also teleport and has a mental prowess to rival that of most people.
~ The heads can also talk, but trying to avoid scaring people more, they avoid doing so in public.

"The birds are out early it seems..."

~ Quick Learner
~ Master Scythe User
~ Extremely good at picking up minute details
~ Pretty good at deception and theatrics
"Your kind has done more damage to yourselves than us demons."

Neutral (for now. Open to stuff)

(Just a note, he'd prefer if there weren't divided kingdoms)

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"This may be the end, but your journey is not yet over. Follow me."
Basic Info

Disinguishing features: When possible, his scythe will always be seen strapped to his back.

Age: ???

Height: 5'6" in normal form

Weight: ???

Race: Demon

Position: Prince

Kingdom: Flame's Dominion

Personality: A quiet individual, Mirg spends much more time thinking than he does speaking. When he does speak, it's witth a tone and voice devoid of emotion. He very rarely shows how he actually feels about something. Notable exceptions includes a love of nature, a weird fascination with blood, and a curiousity towards love. A rather strange thing it is after all. He's rather polite, and even friendly to an extent, always making sure his clients that behave are well cared for before they reach their destination. On the opposite side, he also has a bit of a sadism streak, one he satisfies by making the journey to hell (because it's always to hell) as unbearable as possible for those who try to make his job more difficult. He does question how his own existence will end once all others have been sorted, and it's been the cause of many sleepless nights.

"I am no judge. You have already been marked."

Omnifarious - He can shapeshift. Whether it's his entire body, or just a part, he can change his form at will. Interestingly enough, anyone who presides in hell or is marked by him he drinks some of their blood, he can also mimic their powers and abilities. However, the powers are only as real as his targets believe he is. In other words, if they realize that he's not actually the person whose abilities he's using (an imposter), the powers won't work on that individual. In addition, there's a mark on his chest that will stay regardless of what he shapeshift into. This mark is usually what convinces people he's an imposter One of his favorite tricks is altering his vocal chords to allow him to make sounds that are impossible for most, including multiple voices at once, impossibly high/low registers and volumes, and making sounds without even moving his lips.

Psychopomp - He has many abilities that help with his task as guide to the afterlife. For one, he has a scythe. Besides being extremely sharp, he can literally bound any souls in it, as long as they have passed away. This not only helps with the more unruly spirits, but allow him to summon them for help if he ever needs it for some reason in the future. He's also very skilled with the scythe so try to avoid fighting him when he has it ... which is always He also has the ability to travel between realms, including making portals and turning locations/objects into portals/portal openers. This also makes him one of the few individuals who can allow others to travel between the realms, including the deceased. Thirdly, his mental prowess is far above average. He can learn entire languages just from being exposed to them once, he remembers everything and seems to gather information and new skills quickly.

"The birds are out early it seems..."

~ Quick Learner
~ Master Scythe User
~ Extremely good at picking up minute details
~ Pretty good at deception and theatrics
"Your kind has done more damage to yourselves than us demons."

Neutral (for now. Open to stuff)

(Just a note, he'd prefer if there weren't divided kingdoms)

Accepted! I love the powers!

Distinguishing features:
He has a burn scar on his shoulder from his military campaign

Leon di Montefelt

Age: 22

Height: 5'11 or 180 cm

Weight: 155 lbs or 70 Kg

Race: Human, Non-Magical

Position: Duke

Personality: Polite, loyal, and charismatic Leon is the model of a noble, a man thought as the protector of the borderland and a shrewd strategist. However this is just a facade, he is a man known for his brutality and wroth caused to his majesties enemies.

Backstory: Leon di Montefelt was born into the Duke household as a backup successor, someone who many thought would never inherit his father's domain, so for much of his youth he was ignored, only given supplementary classes in case of accidents. But he loved working with the soldiers who worked at the castle, he trained with them and soon would take small children from around the castle to play in games of war, his father started to notice this and soon sent him and many of his friends into the royal military academy, where Leon would prove himself a capable officer and his friends as loyal soldiers. He was known by many in the capital as a kind, loyal and charismatic man who would serve the monarchy without question and he was named as the true heir of the Dukedom. Eventually after graduating from the academy he was sent to the boarder to take part in his first military expedition however, this military expedition was the infamous "Flame's Hell Campaign" where despite having a larger force, the incompetent generals of the force led them right into a Demon Ambush, the casualties where massive, nearly the whole force annihilated. Leon himself only managed to evacuate a small amount of his troops earning him the nickname of "Shadow of Aurum" in the foreign kingdoms for his elusiveness. However his efforts where deemed cowardly by many nobles in the court who had a vested interest of having him removed. Only by the mercy of the princess and her followers did they manage to convince the king to pardon him. With this traumatic experience he swore to himself that he would eliminate all enemies of the king and enact revenge for the failures of Flame's Hell. While keeping the image he had originally Leon soon became infamous to the nobles as a man who would use any means to "quite" any dissent of the nobles, may it be murder, seduction or bribery, this soon earned him the nickname between nobles as the "Duke of two faces" a man who was brutal to his enemies and unquestioning in his loyalty.

Kingdom: Kingdom of Aurum

Territory: Dukedom of Argenti

Imperium tenebris
The ability to control darkness, mainly to blind an enemy and to hide oneself, he can create a sphere of complete darkness based on how many shadows and dark areas are there and can see in the dark more clearly than the average human being.

Affiliations: Loyal to the Crown, Enemy of his majesties enemies

Skills: (Are you proficient with a weapon? Do they play an instrument or such)

Military Strategist
Proficient in Short Swords and Rapiers
Selitia Selitia
View attachment 725856

Distinguishing features:
He has a burn scar on his shoulder from his military campaign

Leon di Montefelt

Age: 22

Height: 5'11 or 180 cm

Weight: 155 lbs or 70 Kg

Race: Human, Non-Magical

Position: Duke

Personality: Polite, loyal, and charismatic Leon is the model of a noble, a man thought as the protector of the borderland and a shrewd strategist. However this is just a facade, he is a man known for his brutality and wroth caused to his majesties enemies.

Backstory: Leon di Montefelt was born into the Duke household as a backup successor, someone who many thought would never inherit his father's domain, so for much of his youth he was ignored, only given supplementary classes in case of accidents. But he loved working with the soldiers who worked at the castle, he trained with them and soon would take small children from around the castle to play in games of war, his father started to notice this and soon sent him and many of his friends into the royal military academy, where Leon would prove himself a capable officer and his friends as loyal soldiers. He was known by many in the capital as a kind, loyal and charismatic man who would serve the monarchy without question and he was named as the true heir of the Dukedom. Eventually after graduating from the academy he was sent to the boarder to take part in his first military expedition however, this military expedition was the infamous "Flame's Hell Campaign" where despite having a larger force, the incompetent generals of the force led them right into a Demon Ambush, the casualties where massive, nearly the whole force annihilated. Leon himself only managed to evacuate a small amount of his troops earning him the nickname of "Shadow of Aurum" in the foreign kingdoms for his elusiveness. However his efforts where deemed cowardly by many nobles in the court who had a vested interest of having him removed. Only by the mercy of the princess and her followers did they manage to convince the king to pardon him. With this traumatic experience he swore to himself that he would eliminate all enemies of the king and enact revenge for the failures of Flame's Hell. While keeping the image he had originally Leon soon became infamous to the nobles as a man who would use any means to "quite" any dissent of the nobles, may it be murder, seduction or bribery, this soon earned him the nickname between nobles as the "Duke of two faces" a man who was brutal to his enemies and unquestioning in his loyalty.

Kingdom: Kingdom of Aurum

Territory: Dukedom of Argenti

Imperium tenebris
The ability to control darkness, mainly to blind an enemy and to hide oneself, he can create a sphere of complete darkness based on how many shadows and dark areas are there and can see in the dark more clearly than the average human being.

Affiliations: Loyal to the Crown, Enemy of his majesties enemies

Skills: (Are you proficient with a weapon? Do they play an instrument or such)

Military Strategist
Proficient in Short Swords and Rapiers
Selitia Selitia
Nice background! Your accepted!


Distinguishing features:

Age: 20

Height: 5'4

Weight: 125 lbs.

Position: Princess of Aurum

Personality: Verity isn't your average "sing to all the fluffy critters in the forest" kind of princess. She's a head-strong, do-whats-right, and charming young woman. She likes to empower and help others with her nurturing and caring tendencies and hates when people see it as a weakness, she believes being caring is a good quality to have as a leader. If it is her place to do so, the princess isn't afraid of voicing herself, she's outspoken and confident when she speaks, its not common to be that way as a princess and many agree, but she has an independent personality and loves to challenge old, small-minded ways of thinking. She's curious, intelligent, and has an adventurous heart. At times her intelligence and strong demeanor can intimidate others, mostly other men who try to court her, but she's not one to change her behavior to appeal to others, she has no shame for who she is.

She's young and inexperienced with the outside world, kept in the protected walls of the royal castle/palace. She quenches her thirst of knowledge by reading books about almost anything. Trades, government, kingdoms, creatures, places of the world, etc. She has little to no experience in the streets, but she's book smart and willing to try anything new.

  • Strong willed
  • Optimistic
  • Intelligent (trivial, quick wits, book smart)
  • Adventurous
  • Stubborn (sometimes)
  • Naive
  • Inexperienced
  • Wont ask for help

Background: Verity was the second born child of the King and Queen of Aurum, after the prince (unless we don't get a prince then she's an only child and next heir). On the night of Verity's birth, the Queen of Aurum, while in labor, began to fall victim of the life-threatening complications of child birth. The royal family grew concerned and wondered whether the mother and daughter would survive. The King, desperate for a miracle, fell to his knees and prayed/wished upon the brightest star he could see out of the bedroom window. Not too long after, a baby girl was brought into the world, healthy and full of life, with silvery little hairs on her head. The royal couple was confused by the abnormal color of her hair, but the kingdom saw it as a divine sign or a heavenly blessing upon the child and the royal family, dubbing her The Star of Aurum.

She is at the point in her life where she is expected to be married off to some other member of elite society, but so far every suitor that has been presented to her hasn't impressed her even the slightest. Most of the men turn tail and leave, offended by her straightforwardness and modern thinking. Her mentality can be too much to bear for someone who expects to find some meek, timid damsel upon meeting her. Because of her beauty (and an alliance and monetary perks that will come with marriage), most find her a worthy challenge to conquer but she can easily force their minds to change when they find that getting to her heart is no easy task.

Kingdom: Aurum

Powers: Astral Projection allows her to leave her body and enter a metaphysical plane. In this plane she takes the form of a light-shadow, she's intangible and to the naked eye can be seen as a bright orb of light (almost like a star) but its rare, almost like seeing a ghost. Those who are sensitive to the supernatural (like having a strong 6th sense or being of supernatural origins like a demon) can see her in her light shadow form, but can be mistaken for a ghost. Some believe the moon and stars blessed her with this ability, to be their champion and bring light to the dark. In this form she cannot do any harm, but she is able to help others (ex. pushing someone out of the way of danger) if she tries hard enough. ONLY if her intentions are good, and with enough effort, she can affect the physical world but not by much. It is this reason that leads some to believe that her power is only being lended to her by some divine being, solely for the fact that she can't bring any harm. However, her voice can sometimes carry into the physical world, sounding like a faint whisper or a voice in the wind, or for some, their conscious. In this form she can travel through walls, objects, etc. But there are dangers of being in this world, if any supernatural harm were to come to her and she dies, her soul or projected form won't return to her body, and her body will forever be in a state on unconsciousness. In short, she...kind of becomes a ghost but....she didn't die.

Affiliations: None at the moment

  • Piano
  • Singing/dancing
  • Archery (the only weapon her mother allowed her to touch...shes a pretty darn good shot)
  • Navigating (in many forms, thanks to books)
  • Communication/speaking
  • Sharp/quick learner
-Wears a gold ring on her left pinky with a large blue-violet sapphire on top and the family crest on the inside, she NEVER takes it off
-Hates having to wear a corset
-Night time is her favorite time of day, she feel a strange, unexplainable connection with the moon and stars

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View attachment 727938
Distinguishing features
Her soot colored skin
Flowy dark rustic hair
Ode Cerise Black
153, appears 25
Five feet exact
110, very light
Regular; Seer
Adventurous || Relaxed || Cunning | Omnivert || Seductive
Though she says little, her body language says plenty. Ode's smile, posture, and relaxed appearance scream approachable. Not one for drama, Ode isn't the type to go on the offense, she prefers to ignore petty jabs and remarks. Although, she has been known to let a backhanded compliment slip once or twice towards those she dislikes. The sight of Ode in formal attire would make you think she was noble-born when it's exactly the opposite. Born in the "slums", Ode learned humility. She learned to take pleasure in the little things. Always seen with a smile and nothing more, it's safe to say she's quite indifferent to life's changing. Especially when it comes to issues concerning humans. When around other vampires she appears to zone out, mindlessly nodding, emitting a distant atmosphere less they spark her attention. When interested in someone she shows her charisma in full force, sometimes coming off flirtatious. In short, Ode is a level-headed, free-spirited vampire with a desire for adventure.
Sacred Coven
Six Sense
Flute || Intel Gathering || Manipulation || Seduction || Singing

of the Silver Lunar Clan

"What is a last name? I am Elana of the Silver Lunar Clan."
Basic Info

Distinguishing features: Striking eyes, perfect hair, blue crescent moon tattoo on her left bicep when she has legs

Age: 25 (She is a very new siren)

Human form- 5'2
Siren Form- 5'6

Human form-120
Siren form- 150

Race: Siren

Position: N/A She is one of 4 sirens in mermaid pods

Kingdom: No Kingdom just a pod

The perfect description of Elana would be curious. She wonders about everything that happens on land. She'd heard stories of humans and creatures that lurk in the night. She is a fast learner and appears to be gullible and naive at first glance. However, she is very clever and will not hesitate to use her good looks to protect herself from danger. She only says what people want to hear and is as likable as it gets. She'd kind, loving, and genuine. She, however, doesn't know what her kind does is considered "bad". She is used to viewing humans as playthings and has no idea how life works anywhere but in the ocean. She adapts fast and her quick thinking gets her out of most bad situations. She often uses how she looks like a human to her advantage. When she comes on land men view her as a woman as beautiful as a goddess. She finds that very funny. Elana loves to laugh and is very playful. Her favorite thing to do is flirt and toy with people's feelings.
"Human's have curious behaviors."

Siren's song:
She is able to sing an enchanting song that captivates the target. She is able to inflict a feeling or command into her song. This only works on creatures that have little to no magic resistance and only to the opposite gender.

Silver Lunar:
Exclusive to her clan, Elana is able to shift the color of her physical features in the moonlight. Her eyes will automatically turn silver on a full moon and if moonlight hits her tail it will turn silver too. She is only able to change the color of her hair and eyes.

Because she is a siren Elana is ungodly beautiful

Personality shift:
she is able to shift her personality to her target's preference, she can see what they prefer through their eyes.
"My powers are loads of fun. They amuse me for hours."

Elena has no skills that land-dwellers would find interesting.

The most she can do it play a handheld harp.
"What do human's view as impressive skills?"

Wide-open. She doesn't go on land long enough to have any actual connections but she is on land long enough to have been encountered.

Alice Castella
Princess of the North

"I am of the house Castella."
Basic Info

Distinguishing features: Ginger hair and light blue eyes

Age: 19

Height: 5'2

Weight: 115 Lbs

Race: Human, magic wielder

Position: Princess

Kingdom: It's in the months, I don't wanna name it so I'm gonna leave it to the king and queen

Alice is as proper as it gets. She is graceful, charming, and speaks with ease. She is what people picture when they hear princess. She is well mannered and when in the presence of other royals is kind, sincere, and fragile. She, however, likes to speak her mind when in company of her own kingdom. She is well versed in offensive and defensive magic and has a fighting spirit. She is an intelligent girl who cleverly plants her ideas into the heads of her people. She isn't listened to often and people disregard her opinions. She adapts to her surroundings and is quick to use the many comebacks she's stored in her mind. She knows when to bite her tongue and when to press her opinion further. Even though she is trained in magical combat she is still very feminine and dainty.
"I'm pleased to make your acquaintance."

Offensive magic:
She is best with light magic and worst with water.
She can shape light into anything she wills. She tends to use light balls and light shaped at weapons to fight offensively.

She is able to form regular sided shields and hand them off to people if they are cracked or fractured they will disappear.
She'd able to use balls formed of light to bounce most magical attacks from hitting her. With the exception of dark magic, she is very weak to that kind of magic.

She is best as recovery magic. She can form a robe of light around the injured person and it will heal almost any kind of wound inflicted by nonmagical items.
She has an angel recovery robe that she uses on herself to heal magic dealt damage. She can heal most minor injuries fully but poison or life-threatening wounds she can only close up. If the wound is inflicted by dark magic her light recovery magic can only stop the bleeding.
"I do not speak of my magic, it brings unwanted attention."

Being raised in a castle Alice has many skills. She can play the piano, dance any popular dance, sing (decently), read, and write.
"I have honed my skills since I was young."

Wide-open. Ask if you'd like to be affiliated with Alice or her kingdom.

Xander Jones
The Cursed Captain
View attachment 727417
"Captain of The Forbidden Soul, at your service."
Basic Info

Disinguishing features:
Gold eye, that turn red when he's feeding



210 lbs


The Forbidden Soul


How Long have you been a Pirate:
5 years

How did you become a Pirate:
Xander grew bored of the Scared Coven's ways. He didn't listen to orders and caused trouble for the other knights. The only reason he was awarded a knight's title was due to his outstanding combat skills and powers. When he was 20 he decided that fighting FOR a royal was useless so he committed treason and betrayed his kingdom. He began fighting AGAINST royals of all races, plundering, and causing havoc for all. He made his way to the top and slayed the former captain of The Forbidden Soul and became the new captain.

Former Scared Coven knight

Xander is the typical pirate he's cruel, violent, and manipulative. He likes to use his good looks to his advantage and is quite the charmer. He's as clever as it comes and intelligent to go along with it. He has an odd weak spot for women and refuses to physically harm them in any way. However, he will take advantage and use them as he pleases. Xander has nothing good in his heart but he will take pity on people if their life sucked. He is quick to recruit anyone who will be useful to him. He's rude, considered a brute, and has absolutely no filter. He will not hesitate to kill if it needs to be done.

"Where's the fun in following rules."

Xander has increased, strength, stamina, speed, and senses.

He also has the ability to manipulate shadows, but only the shadows of living objects. He has complete control of someone's shadow when he tastes their blood. When that happens Xander and materialize the shadow and have it do what he wishes.

"I have many skills, and I can woo you."

He has excellent hand to hand combat skills and sword skills. He can play the piano and dance.

"I'd suggest you ally with me."

Has bad blood with The Sacred Coven Kingdom
Is friendly with the sirens and mermaids

Given my OC is a wanderer, can it be that once or twice Ode has asked Xander for a ride on his ship? In exchange for knowledge on future storms, good places to loot, etc. . . ? Aka, they'd be on friendly-ish terms?

SomeRandomCanuck SomeRandomCanuck Because my OC is a wanderer, she's snuck into a few noble gatherings. Could she have met your OC once or twice?

GaugetheRage GaugetheRage Since both our OCs are vampires from the Coveen . . . Could our OCs have met at idk. . . vampire gatherings?
Given my OC is a wanderer, can it be that once or twice Ode has asked Xander for a ride on his ship? In exchange for knowledge on future storms, good places to loot, etc. . . ? Aka, they'd be on friendly-ish terms?

SomeRandomCanuck SomeRandomCanuck Because my OC is a wanderer, she's snuck into a few noble gatherings. Could she have met your OC once or twice?

GaugetheRage GaugetheRage Since both our OCs are vampires from the Coveen . . . Could our OCs have met at idk. . . vampire gatherings?
Quick question, might be dumb: Can those from the non-magical kingdom have powers? :U :3

Also Im almost done :D
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