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Fantasy Castaway- OOC

My bad. I didn't even notice the main thread got posted. I'll post soon.
So sorry. Lifes been a pain, but Imma work to get as post up soon.
Webs Elk Webs Elk I love the creative idea of guarding the princesses, they are not at Larek yet though. They are still at Aurum. Alice just arrived actually.
Also, I understand that everyone's lives are hectic so answer when you can! This is not a high demand rp! If you are taking a long break or wish to withdraw please tell me though! I hope everyone's doing good and are in good mental health. <3
Webs Elk Webs Elk I love the creative idea of guarding the princesses, they are not at Larek yet though. They are still at Aurum. Alice just arrived actually.
lmbo. I actually knew that but I 1000% kept getting the names mixed up. Ill fix it in a sec
Hi all, I apologize for the unannounced hiatus I had a large personal problem that needed my immediate attention. I would love for this rp to continue but if it does not I will just reopen the characters. Please inform me if you still wish to be a part of this rp.

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