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Fantasy Card World (OOC)

Hang in there. The weekend is close by 👀. I hope you'd feel much better after a round of roleplaying hahaha. And who cares about homework anyway! We have Google! Joking. Please don't learn from that. Don't repeat a year because you miss homework like me :'').

Anyway, fighting! How about a little game to cheer you up?

You'll asked a random question and I would answer it. After that though, you'll edit your question to make my answer seems really wrong.

Q: How do you prepare meat for dinner?
A: Depends on what I want to eat. I cut it into small pieces, wash it, and cook it on the stove.
Edited Q: How do you kill a person?

LOL. That's scary hahaha XD
thats happened before. first would scream and run in terror before stabbing it with a sharp pencil
depends. if their a girl, imma slap them in the boobs. boy? I will kick them in the balls :> perhaps call a vet to get him fixed.
how would you react if somebody was drowning in the middle of the ocean and you were on a luxurious yacht and they asked for help?

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