• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern Can't Be Tamed *Reboot!*

Naomi Scott.PNG
Shreya straightened out her outfit and gave the guy who had just approached her a blank look.
"I'm good, thanks." Despite her rebellious attitude, she'd never been a big fan of alcohol, having always been told to stay away from it. Just in case of...
She pushed the thought out of her mind. Those days were behind her.
"Actually, I was just on my way out." Shreya wasn't trying to be rude to the guy, though it might have come off that way. She was just in a haste to make it out before someone that she really didn't want to talk to showed up.

summerwine summerwine
Lorelai & Jason Mandella


theme – Bryce Fox - Horns
location – Ivy Lake
interacting – Harley ( apolla apolla )
mentions – Jordan, Selene, Eden, Eric ( summerwine summerwine & Diaxo Diaxo )

Slowly and ever so cautiously, the light haired girl spun on the balls of her feet. Her blue eyes met those of a mossy sea, gulping when she saw how stormy they were. Jason was frustrated--that was obvious. He was frustrated, yet Lorelai couldn't help but smile. The alcohol had settled nicely in her stomach and her body already felt lighter than normal. The way she seemed to sway from side to side told everyone that she was a light weight and that she'd just had her first taste of adulthood. There was no way she could deal with her older brother seriously but she'd sure as hell try her best or face his wrath later.

"Hi..." Lorelai squeaked, biting her lip to keep from smiling or letting out a nervous giggle, "Jace."

Jason, on the other hand, was not amused. He adored his sister to pieces but it was because of her vulnerability that he tried to keep her away from the party scene. She was just so damn innocent and the girl could not handle her alcohol, which he was aware of when they made the promise. A year ago, she'd stumbled upon a stash of "water bottles" and the next thing Jason saw was his little sister acting like a hippie before passing out. What made things even worse was that she didn't remember anything the next day, and he'd planned on keep it that way.

Unfortunately, the time to battle came far too soon and Jason couldn't stop himself from snatching her cup away and consuming all of its contents. She stared at him in shock while he simply smirked, wiping the tiny bit of liquid that leaked out of the corner of his mouth. Jason was a lot of things and a heavy weight drinker was one of them. It took a lot to get him drunk, nonetheless wasted, which was why he hardly even drank; it was practically pointless.

The look in Lorelai's eyes instantly changed and they both understood what that meant. Whenever Lorelai's eyes reflected that dark sorrow, Jason was unable to say "no."

"I just... wanted to make friends and memories this year." Lorelai sighed, her eyes falling to the dark ground. "It's been these last few years so I just... I don't know. You're right, I should go home, huh?"

Jason's face twitched, the tiniest bit of guilt feeling his chest. Guilt was such an annoying feeling and it was one of the few emotions that really got him going. Who was he to deny his sister's desires? He'd often ask himself that question, which inevitably leads to responses like, "Fine. But don't go off with any weird guys. Especially not Jordan." He nodded his head towards the drunk guy doing who knows what. All he could really see from his location was a busty girl with an unfamiliar face.

Lorelai's face immediately lit up, especially after Harley showed up. "Hi, Harley." Lorelai said cheerfully, that happy drunkenness returning.

"Nothing much," Jason sighed as he reached for the pack of cigarettes in his pocket, immediately lighting one up and giving it a good puff. It wasn't long before the stress he felt earlier dissipated and he casually had an arm around the purple-haired girl's shoulders, a look of bemusement on his face when he saw her get up. Harley was always one of the more attractive girls in his circle, but she was too much of a good friend to be anything else. Plus it was clear he wasn't much of the relationship type, the couple of girls sending him death glares from the dock making that obvious. "Lora's drunk apparently so that means I'm stuck here until she either a) passes out or b) passes the fuck out. Where's Xander? I'm surprised he hasn't tagged along."

Lorelai pouted and pointed at Jason accusingly. "I. Am. Not. Drunk. You little punk." She spoke those words as if they were the most offensive in the world and all Jason could do was pretend he was struck in the heart. Due to growing annoyance, the last thing Lorelai wanted was to be under her brother's wing for the remaining of the night, so instead of staying and listening to the two, she walked until she found two familiar faces: Eden and Eric.
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Leon Lawrence

Talking to: @ anyone
Mentions: N/A

Leon actually made it to the party. His cousin who lives across from him drove him to Ivy Lake since he was going to be there to. His name was Ashton and he played the trombone, at least he was able to drive. Leon and Ashton weren't that close, but Leon needed to get out of the house and the party was a great way to do so.

Leon was helped out of the car by Ashton and wheeled down the hill to the lake before they both went their separate ways. Leon went to go find the booze and snacks while Ashton went to go hang out with his band geek friends.

Leon wheeled himself along until he made it to the snack table, he got the easiest thing to get which was the bottle of beer. Sadly, the table was taller than his wheelchair, so he couldn't reach. With a frown, he continued to awkwardly try to grab the chips.


Jackson had gotten a beer and popped the cap off. Taking a drink, he checked out the new arrivals. Letting out a gasp, he saw Leon wheel up and reach for a beer. Before he turned to leave, Jackson grabbed another beer and popped the cap off.

Holding it out, Jackson just gave a nod "Here bro" He said as he passed Leon the beer. As things went quiet, Jackson looked unsure for a moment as if he suddenly forgot how to socialize. Deciding to take the leap he just went for the topic

"How is everyone taking the newest father of the year" He asked Leon, taking the time to lean against the table as he listened to you. He turned his head when he heard someone call him daddy, seeing it was Zeke he gave a small grin. He found himself enjoying the party more than he thought considering he was waiting to be gawked at blatantly.

summerwine summerwine
hails hails

Eric Bell

Talking to: Diaxo Diaxo (Eden)
Mentions: N/A

Eric rolled his eyes to Eden making the Angry Bird sounds, "Oh jeez, man." He sat down beside's Eden and nodded, "Yes I will be drinking, don't worry, I won't get wasted. Kinda have school in the morning and Dad will not be happy..." Eric drifted off, squinting his eyes out to the lake, "Shit, I did say I'd give you a twenty." Eric began to take out his wallet from his pocket.

"You always bring that hat with you, I'm way too used to it by now." Eric smirked, "Do I even want to know what it smells like?" Eric shook his head, "Probably not."
Marilyn Greene
Talking to: FireMaiden FireMaiden (Lillian)
Mentions: N/A

"Oh goodness," Marilyn said as she took a step back, "I'm so sorry..." Marilyn frowned at the girl's attitude, "Need any help?" Marilyn offered, trying to be respectful, "Again, sorry. Get into your own head and you lose track of where you're literally going from there..." Marilyn crossed her arms after running her fingers through her hair, "I'm Marilyn, and you?"
(sorry for the short response, couldn't come up with much. xc)

Mentions: Jackson / Miss Lusamine Miss Lusamine , Leon / summerwine summerwine
Zeke reached around Jackson and into the cooler for a beer. He cracked it open and took a swig. He contemplated asking about the baby, but decided against it. Nobody wants to be reminded of all of their responsibilities when they're out trying to get away from them all. Instead, he turned his attention to Leon. "Hey, what's up man?" He smiled.

Talking with: summerwine summerwine (Eric)
He laughed a bit. "You better understand that I only came for the twenty." He rustled Eric's hair, smiling. "Such a small widdle babbbyy! Who's dat widdle man!?" He laughed some more, taking the twenty dollar bill from his hand. He held it up in the air, making sure it wasn't fake. He looked to Eric. "You don't want to know what my beautiful hat smells like!? Are you insane!? It smells like roses, lilacs, sun flowers, actually all types of flowers, yes sirie-doodles! That's what it smells like, here confirm it." He held the hat up to his face, smiling, trying not to laugh.


Talking with: hails hails (Meredith)
He turned around, taking a deep inhale of the joint. He watched Meredith approach him. "Hell no, this is still pretty good weed. You wouldn't know, you don't look like someone who would like to take part in this magical herb. Am I right?" He began dancing as if he was in a ballet class or something, he loved making a fool of himself, he didn't care who saw or what anyone thought of him. "I dun dun dun DAHHH blah dah bummmm" He was trying to sing a song but didn't know the words, he didn't really care as long as he was enjoying himself. "Come dance with me!" He reached out to her, putting the joint in his mouth as he began to smirk.​
Gabe Florence

Talking To: Hollycrest Hollycrest
Mentions: N/A

Gabe nodded, putting the drink back between his lips, taking another sip. Gabe then nods and shrugs it off, "Oh... Well, where are ya headed?" He continued to speak with her. She was a pretty face, but what pretty face really likes Gabe in the first place? Gabe rolled his eyes and shrugged, "Whats your name by the way? You seem familiar but I am honestly the worst when it comes to remembering people."

Talking to: summerwine summerwine (Gabe)
Bailey was walking around unsure of what to do, who to talk to, and where to go. She saw someone, she didn't really know who he was, but he seemed hot, so she decided to go talk to him. She pulled her hood down, unzipping her hoodie just a little bit so her cleavage was showing. As she got closer, she recognized the face, sighing. "Damn it Gabe, I thought you were someone I didn't know." She rolled her eyes, zipping her hoodie back up. "What're you doing?" She took the beer out of his hands, drinking almost half of it. "At least you're someone I know, I swear if I had to meet one more person who wanted something besides being friends or wanting to talk, I'd literally scream." She acted like she wasn't trying to find someone to hook up with. She sat down with the bottle, taking another sip.​

Mentions: Marcus / Diaxo Diaxo
Meredith shrugged. "Never tried it." She admitted. Not because she never wanted too, however. The opportunity just never presented itself. She giggled as he danced about. She hesitated when he reached toward her. Physical contact made her uncomfortable, no matter how many drink in she was. Fuck it, it's a party, she reminded herself, taking his hand and awkwardly attempting to match his movements. "I'm not much of a dancer," She laughed nervously.
Lillian Kipton

summerwine summerwine (Marilyn)
Mentioned: hails hails (Zeke) Miss Lusamine Miss Lusamine (Jackson) summerwine summerwine (Leon)
Taking her drink back off the table, her cardagin laying forgotten, She took a swig as the girl talked. And to be homest, she was hardly listening. That cardagin wasn't even her's. It was one a cheerleader had left laying around that she just took. Chocolate pudding and a white shirt don't mix, so the dark green cardagin was a perfect fix. Lillian would then notice Marilyn had stopped talking. "Yeah, I know who you are," The loner said, "Pretty sure everyone does." Marilyn was a star. Ivywood's resident sweetheart. "I'm Lillian." Her eyes wouldn't meet Marilyn, having fell upon Leon. He was struggling for chips, but Jackson saved him and Zeke joined them soon after. Finally, She made eye contact with Marilyn, "So, you friends with the Bee?"
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"I dunno...away from her is a good start." She stared daggers at Raine, who was a few feet away. She glanced back at him when he asked her name.
"Shreya." She leaned against the tree. "You should be honored, I don't tell that to just anyone." Before long, a girl came up to Gabe to try and talk to him, but didn't seem to notice her. Being only a few feet away, Shreya couldn't help eavesdropping and stepped out from behind Gabe to greet the newcomer.
"Hey, you look like you could use a friend! Wanna talk?" She put on a smile, intent on seeing if she was going to 'literally scream' as a result.

summerwine summerwine (Gabe) Diaxo Diaxo (Bailey)
Mentions: summerwine summerwine (Raine)
Leon Lawrence

Talking to: Miss Lusamine Miss Lusamine (Jackson) and hails hails (Zeke)
Mentions: N/A

Leon thanked Jackson as he took a sip of the beer, grimacing at the taste but continuing to drink it. Just as Leon was about to open mouth to speak, Zeke almost appeared out of nowhere and whispered into Jackson's ear. Leon smirked, continuing to sip the disgusting beer. No, Leon is not much of a drinker, especially not when it comes to beer, but that was the only thing around.

"I'm doing alright, Zeke." He smiled, "What about you two?"

Eric Bell

Talking to: Diaxo Diaxo (Eden)
Mentions: N/A
Eric couldn't help but laugh at Eden, he was always so quirky and it made him smile, "There you got your twenty dollars." He then moved his head back when the Eden wanted him to sniff the hat, "No dude, oh my god." He stood up, acting dramatic, trying to gasp for air. Eric then rolled his eyes, "I think you need to get laid, Eden." Eric said randomly, the thought just popping into his head, "I mean you're hot. Just got to rustle that hair, put your 'lilac' scent beanie away and BAM you're a sexy beast." Eric couldn't keep a straight face, "No homo, but I say tonight we make that our plan for you." Eric then chugged the rest of his beer down.
Gabe Florence


Talking To: Hollycrest Hollycrest (Shreya), Diaxo Diaxo (Bailey)

Mentions: summerwine summerwine (Raine)
Gabe nods to Shreya, "Raine is hot, though. Not gonna lie, but she's too slutty." He chuckled casually, running his free hand through his hair, "Nice to meet you, Shreya. Such a fucking unique name. Love it."

Gabe then turned his attention to Bailey. Bailey and himself have slept together definitely more than once in the past, somehow he can get girls into his pants, though he doesn't really understand how, "Damn it, me. Shame on fucking m-" He paused when she took the bottle from his hands, "Wow, little one here knows how to hold her liquor." Gabe then rolled his eyes to Bailey, "Bailey, we both know you want someone to hook up with you..."

Gabe glanced to Shreya, "Oh, this is Shreya." He shrugged with a smile, poking Shreya's shoulder gently.

Marilyn Greene
Talking to: FireMaiden FireMaiden (Lillian)
Mentions: erzulie erzulie (Annalise)

Marilyn sighed, of course, this girl knew who she was, but it just didn't feel respectful unless she didn't introduce herself, "Hi, Lillian." Marilyn mentally rolled her eyes to herself and had a brief thought of just running from this party, but she would remain strong, "The bee? Marilyn shrugged, "Have no idea what that means-" Marilyn paused, "Are you talking about the girl that's hosting this party?"

Talking to: Hollycrest Hollycrest (Shreya) summerwine summerwine (Gabe)
Mentions: summerwine summerwine (Raine) erzulie erzulie (Annalise)
"Damn straight I know how to hold it." She looked to Shreya, smiling. "Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Bailey." She smiled. "I'm telling Raine you called her 'too slutty' by the way, Gabe. Also, you're such a liar, I am pure-" She started laughing, trying not to because everyone knew she wasn't. "Oh, Jesus. Help." She threw the empty beer bottle in the darkness, not knowing if it was going to hit anyone or land in the lake. She didn't care. (If anyone wants to get hit just rp getting hit or something and we'll go from there (; ) She stood. "Where is Raine by the way? I need to talk to her and Annalise." She dusted herself off, putting her hands in her hoodie pockets.


Talking to: summerwine summerwine (Eric)
"I don't want to get 'laid'!" He made little hand quotes when he said 'laid'. "I am as pure and amazing as a nun! And I actually might put Mr.Lilac away, because he is kind of making em want to throw him into the lake." He chuckled, standing up. "Also, your gasping for air overreaction was actually so funny, I laughed on the inside though, don't worry. It wasn't unnoticed!" He smiled, wrapping his arm around his neck, pulling him along with him. "Let's go find you someone to hook-up with! I know you're a slut, but I love you fam." He laughed. "No homo though!"


Talking to: hails hails (Meredith)
He smiled as she took his hand and started dancing with him. "You don't need to know the dance moves!" He laughed, twirling her, ending with a dip. He held onto her, making sure he didn't let her fall. With one hand, he pulled the joint out of his mouth, putting it in her mouth. "You should try it now, and you should be so happy I'm sharing, I would NEVER share with anyone! Weed isn't cheap y'know!" He pulled her back up, waiting for her reaction to the weed.

(Just in case I didn't explain the dip thing well enough!)
Naomi Scott.PNG

"Yeah, well, my parents are from Pakistan, so...there's that."
Shreya glanced at Gabe somewhat irritably after he had responded to Bailey.
"For future reference, I can introduce myself." She turned back to Bailey and pointed a finger gun behind her about four feet away at where Raine and Annelise were standing.
"Nice to meet you too. Don't know why you'd ever want to talk to Raine, but that's on you I guess." She paused for a moment.
"If you're really looking for someone to hook up with...I could be of assistance." She managed a light smile, but this time it was more sincere.

Diaxo Diaxo (Bailey) summerwine summerwine (Gabe)
Mentions: summerwine summerwine (Raine) erzulie erzulie (Annelise)

Mentions: Marcus / Diaxo Diaxo
Meredith felt her body tense as he spun her around. She tried to remind herself to loosen up, but her breathing wouldn't steady. Before she knew what was happening, she was standing before him with the joint between her freckled lips. She took it between her fingers and inhaled deeply. Her lungs burned, but she didn't mind. She closed her eyes and slowly exhaled the smoke. "That's... Interesting," She choked out, passing it back to him. "Maybe not my thing, but I appreciate the gesture."


Mentions: Leon / summerwine summerwine
"Never better!" Zeke chirped, taking another sip of his beer. He glanced over toward the blanket where he'd been previously seated, making sure his guitar was still there and intact. It was. He shifted his attention back to the boys and his booze. He never cared much for the taste of beer, he was more of a red wine type, but these folks just weren't classy like that.
Lillian Kipton
summerwine summerwine
Lillian would nod, taking the final sip of the Smirnoff Screwdriver, sitting the bottle down on the nearby table. "Yep. Annalise, The Queen Bee of Ivywood high. Of course, the Bee works as well," She said with a flat tone, and somewhat bitter bite. It was clear she didn't like her. "If you don't know why, you'll find our when school starts. Maybe even to night if you're lucky. Need another drink?" Lillian asked, walking over to the nearest cooler digging out another screwdriver, while waiting for Marilyn's response. She figured that maybe she could be nice to her so far. Marilyn hadn't really done anything to Lillian oyher than spill some beer on her and something was going to be spilled on her at some point during the night, might as well go ahead and gotten it out of the way.

Annalise Lenoir

Location: Ivy Lake
Mentions: Leon ( summerwine summerwine ) , Renat ( lavendre lavendre )
Interactions: Raine ( summerwine summerwine )
Outfit: X

Annalise was satisfied with the way her party was turning out. More people were coming in. Her longtime friend and crush had arrived. Renat had been one of the main people that Annalise actually wanted to show up. Her attention soon stolen by Raine. A fellow popular person and her bestfriend. Annalise thought that she was adorable, she was like her little sidekick. It was a position that many had tried and failed to obtain. “I’m glad that you showed up mon amie, I was beginning to think you’d never get here.” She pouted a little. Her accent wasn’t as thick as her mother’s but it was noticeable. Annalise turned to where Raine was looking. The girl that her ex was talking to was very beautiful she could admit. Nowhere near her level of course but close. “Don’t worry he’ll come crawling back to you amie, they alway do. She’s fresh meat, you know how it is.” She smiled at her.

Annalise looked around and took note of Leon. He was another person who had managed to get past her mean exterior. They two of them were close. Surprisingly she hadn’t cut all times with him after his accident. She turned her attention back to Raine. “Leon had arrived. I want to go and say Hi. It’s been ages since he’s gotten out and had any fun.” She sighed. “It’s quite sad, mon beau ami needs to get out more.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

coding by @Wapiti

Jordan Knox

Simon Nessman GiF 3.gif

Jordan reached for a solo cup, knocking over a few as he blundered on. The solo cup was now within in reach, his fingertips were so close, his concentration was rock hard until a voice sounded behind him and he turned around, knocking each and every cup off the table. "What?" he asked turning around but pleasantly surprised that it was the girl before. Jordan smiled, "Ooh it's you," he said with a smirk, completely ignoring her "save the environment crap". "The name's Jordan, Jordan big cox," he slurred, "Sorry I mean Knox," he corrected himself with a sneaky smirk. Jordan held out his hand and swished his hair back at the same time but of course it was in slow motion.

Interactions: sprouhtt sprouhtt
Location: Ivy Lake
Interaction: Physiicz Physiicz (Jordan Knox)
Mentioned: summerwine summerwine (Raine Day)

Selene was taken back a bit when he knocked all the cups down. She slowly shook her head down and let out a soft sigh, "Sorry if I startled you," she told him, but soon realized that he looked at her with a smirk. This guy was probably the clumsiest drunk she had ever met, but he did trigger her a lot and so did the fact that she was surrounded by alcohol. Selene had a rough past and being surrounded by alcohol was just one reminder of it. When he began introducing himself, she took a small step back because the scent of alcohol was radiating off of him. "Nice save," she told him as she crossed her arms. From behind, she could feel as if something or someone was staring at her. When she turned back, she saw two people, one of them looked like she was trying to think of every way to burn Selene. Selene took one last look at her before she turned her head to face him again. "Seems like you're quite popular with the ladies." She added as she referred to the blondie.

Selene thought it would only be polite to introduce herself, "My name is Selene Delgado." She cleared her throat before putting her hair behind her ear so that it wouldn't get in the way. "Everything you seem to do, I feel as if it's in slow motion. I don't know if it's because you're drunk or not?" She said with a slight chuckle before she began walking past him. "Well...I don't want to kill your buzz...." She said to him and now she was on the other side of him.

Harley grinned down at Lorelai, though her attention was drawn to Jason as he responded to her question. He lit up a cigarette and eventually had his arms around the girls shoulders. Harley glared back at the girls glaring at them, not caring what they thought. It wasn't as if she and Jason were a couple, or would ever be one. Neither of them were really the relationship type.

"Ugh, don't even." She gave him a playful shove, finishing her beer and looking around for a trash can or trash bag. "He tried to come, and don't be surprised if he actually drives himself out here, the perv." She wrinkled her face in disgust.

Lorelai escaped her brothers clutches, and Harley watched her go, deciding she'd catch up to her later. Looking back at Jason, she gave him a knowing smile, moving to stand beside him. "You seem to be getting more death glares than last time." She noted playfully, nudging him softly and glancing towards the still glaring girls.


Tags/Mentions: Jason & Lorelai ( Nap Nap )

Code by apolla apolla

Jordan Knox

Simon Nessman GiF 1.gif

Jordan smiled as she spoke. Mostly he was just hearing random words here and there before she turned around and focused on two girls looking over at them. Taking a closer look, Jordan could see it was Raine. He almost instantly got angry and raised his middle finger. "Fulbh," Jordan cleared is throat, "Bitch!" he shouted referring to Raine. Jordan brought himself up straight and turned to the girl as she introduced herself. Selene Delgado, Jordan smiled, cute name. He was about to start talking when she said something about leaving. "Woah, you don't needa leave," he tried to say without slurring his words, being semi-successful. "Listen, how about we go for a swim, yeah?" he asked with a small smile. Now getting a better look, this girl was hot stuff. Definitely his type.

Interactions/Mentions: sprouhtt sprouhtt summerwine summerwine
Location: Ivy Lake
Interaction: Physiicz Physiicz (Jordan Knox)
Mentioned: summerwine summerwine (Raine Day)

Before she can even turn herself away from him, he managed to speak, or at least try to speak. She was taken by surprise at his choice of action when referring to those girls. "Well.." she muttered. Selene looked down at the ground for a moment before looking up at him. Seems like the two of them have history or, he's really drunk. Selene thought to herself. Should she say something? Or should she just remain quiet. He seemed like he was aware of what he was doing, but at the same time, wasted on alcohol. She cleared her throat when he asked her if she wanted to swim with him. Selene didn't want to reject him to hurt his feelings, but she also didn't know anyone here and she did come here to meet at least one person. Selene smiled at him, "Sure, why not?" And with that, she began to walk towards the lake, she picked a tree that was only a few feet away from the lake and took off her dress, revealing her black and grey bathing suit that was underneath.
Jason Mandella

theme – K. Flay – Blood In The Cut (once he shows up at the party)
outfit – 01
location – Ivy Lake
interacting – Harley ( apolla apolla )
mentions – Sydney, Lorelai

A sly grin formed on his lips when Harley glared back at the girls. There's was nothing more amusing than tension between females, although it could be fairly annoying when he was involved. It's not like he actually cared about what anyone thought though. Jason stopped giving a shit years ago and since when did petty high school opinions even matter? Anyone who actually took stuff to heart during the four years of hell were delusional.

"Hey, now," Jason jokingly warned, turning his face so the girls wouldn't choke as he released a nice cloud of smoke. "He may be your brother and a bit on the dirty end, but he's still a good mate." Xander was probably the first person who dared to befriend Jason. It was safe to say senior year Xander didn't stand a chance against sophomore Jason, but the older guy eventually grew on him. Although Jason would often joke and say the day he gave in was truly an unfortunate event.

When Lorelai wandered off, the tall guy thought about stopping her. His sister was someone to keep an eye when drunk since she could easily be taken advantage, more so than most people. He worried for her--he really did--but he knew he couldn't play the protective older brother forever. She was bound to face problems on her own, and from her gibberish earlier, that night might've been the start of her leaving the nest. Oh well, he internally sighed before returning his attention to Harley.

She had motioned to the triage of girls that were still watching them, a few words obviously being shared. Instead of acknowledging them, however, he simply shrugged. "They attended a couple of my matches so how could I not give my groupies attention?" The sarcasm in his voice was evident and he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow towards the blonde, Sydney. It was somewhat of a warning for her to not say anything about the night before to her friends because the last thing he needed was another girl claiming they were dating or that she was pregnant.

"So what's happened with you? Anything interesting?" asked Jason, his eyes wandering across the crowd and wondering why anyone would think a high school party was fun. He really just wanted to go somewhere quiet and smoke, preferably his home, but he knew that wasn't going to happen.

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