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Realistic or Modern Can't Be Tamed *Reboot!*

Harley appreciated that he turned his head away from her to blow the smoke out of his lips. She smoked if she got tipsy enough, bumming from whoever would give her one, but she wasn't a full time smoker and smoke being blown in your face was just mean. "Yeah, a good mate to you. You're not related to him." Harley scoffed, wondering if her brother would make an appearance tonight. She honestly wouldn't put it past him.

"Your groupies are adorable." Harley commented sarcastically, sticking her tongue out at one of the girls. "God, no! And it sucks!" She burst out in response to if anything interesting was happening with her. "I'm ready for college boys, and college parties." She made a face, looking around at the high schoolers with a small sigh. Some of them were great, but she'd been around most of them her whole life. She was ready for a change.

Glancing over in the direction Lorelai had gone, she pursed her lips when she saw her with Eric and Eden. "Don't look now, but they've got your sister." She rolled her eyes and placed a hand on her hip, the side that wasn't connected to Jason. "Give her a few minutes, though, before you go storming in to save the day. See how she handles it."


Tags/Mentions: Jason & Lorelai ( Nap Nap )

Code by apolla apolla
Eric Bell

Talking to: Diaxo Diaxo (Eden) and Nap Nap (Lorelai)
Mentions: N/A
Eric rolled his eyes once again at Eden, "Yes, I am a 'man-whore', I guess?" He laughed slightly and glanced over to Lorelai before he noticed Eden mouthing words to him, which Eric would pretend to ignore, "Sorry for Eden, Lorelai. He can be a bit silly when the full moons out." He'd wink to her and nudge Eden on his side, "Can I get you anything to drink?" He asked Lorelai, glancing around to find the nearest cooler so he could leave this awkward situation Eden created for a moment or two.
Gabe Florence

Talking To: Hollycrest Hollycrest (Shreya), Diaxo Diaxo (Bailey)

Mentions: N/A
Gabe flashed his eyes to the both of them, "Wait really? You guys are really up for that?" Gabe was kind of nervous, he has gone skinny dipping before in this exact lake, but somehow he's nervous and doesn't know why. Gabe pulled off his ripped, denim jeans to where he was just in his boxers. He checked out the two girls and smirked seeing Shreya begin to change as well, "Ya know, if you girls don't want to then you surely don't have to, it was just a suggestion." He smiled with his kind eyes at the two girls.
Marilyn Greene
Talking to: FireMaiden FireMaiden (Lillian)

Mentions: N/A
"Hmm," Marilyn smiled at Lillian, happy she was making a friend that didn't seem to care about whether Marilyn was famous or not, she was just happy she had someone to talk to, "I suppose after school on Monday? The diner is always a nice place." Marilyn grinned to Lillian, "I honestly love the diner here, Walters Diner is top notch." Marilyn took another sip of her drink before checking the time on her phone.

Leon Lawrence

Talking to: Miss Lusamine Miss Lusamine (Jackson), hails hails
and erzulie erzulie (Annalise)(Zeke)
Mentions: N/A
Leon grinned and winked back at Annalise, "I would never forget about you, love." Leon then nods in agreement, "Well of course. You're the queen of party hosting." Leon lifted his bottle up to cheers to that before taking a sip while slowly getting used to the drink. He then looked over to Jackson and smiled, "That baby is really adorable." Leon nods to Jackson, "I hope he is doing well." Leon smiled.
Lillian Kipton

summerwine summerwine
Lillian chuckled, "Hmm, I work Monday," She said, before taking an extended drink. She would then look at Marilyn, "Good things that's where I work." It was after New Year she started there, even though she was a bit to young. But since it was a unique circumstance, she got a job. It wasn't a secret that she was a waitress there, people always came in trying to get free stuff. Little they know, She sometimes charged them more if they were being dicks. "But yeah it's a great place. There's this really good pie they have during fall, I've been trying to learn the recipe to make it at home, but I just can't get it right." She said, taking another sip that finished her beer. She was actually enjoying the conversation she was having with Marilyn. "I have to admit...I thought you'd be different. Like, normal stuck up rich girl kinda deal, but I'm actually happy to say I was wrong."

Talking to: summerwine summerwine (Gabe) Nap Nap (Shreya)
Mentions: N/A
She took her shirt off, looking at Gabe. "This is fine." She walked closer to him, seductively. She ran her fingers down his chest. She smiled at him, pushing him into the water. She laughed a bit, taking her pants and shoes off. She was wearing a purplish burgundy one piece. She had forgotten about the scars on her back and arms, but she got in anyways. She smiled at Gabe, giggling. "Haha, got you!" She splashed him.
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Naomi Scott.PNG

Shreya hesitated for a moment, then hopped in to join them. Her feet slowly rested against the lake floor and she thrust herself backwards, drifting peacefully.
"What do you know, it's not so cold after all." She remarked with a shrug.

Diaxo Diaxo (Bailey) summerwine summerwine (Gabe)
Gabe Florence

Talking To: Hollycrest Hollycrest (Shreya), Diaxo Diaxo (Bailey)

Mentions: N/A
Gabe took a deep breath as she ran her fingers over his toned torso. He closed his eyes and just then was pushed into the lake, "Bailey!" He shrieked slightly at the coolness of the water but quickly got used to it. He splashed her back and looked over to Shreya with a wink, "It really isn't that cold, but BAILEY isn't helping on that." He laughed, continuing to splash Bailey.
Marilyn Greene
Talking to: FireMaiden FireMaiden (Lillian)

Mentions: N/A
"Ooo, that's cool. If I wasn't famous I'd love to work there, the food is great and the owners are sweethearts." Marilyn grinned, finishing the last bit of her drink. She then raised her eyebrow at the comment Lillian made about her. She smirked slightly and shook her head, "No, I'm nothing like that. Surprisingly I didn't let fame get to me in a negative way like most teen celebs." Marilyn shrugged, "I've met a lot of childhood celebrities who've turned into major druggies, snobs, rich bitches, though. Remember (insert name here) from that kid's show (insert name here)? Yup, major alcoholic now at the age of 16 and goes out and parties all night."

Talking to: Hollycrest Hollycrest (Shreya) summerwine summerwine (Gabe)
Mentions: N/A
She smiled at Gabe as he continued to splash her. She looked at Shreya, turning her back to Gabe. "It's fine, I expected it to be colder." She smiled. She sank down into the water, letting her hair get all the way wet. She stayed under the water for a few seconds, coming back up. She wiped her face off, smiling. "This is long over due. I haven't been in the water in forever." She looked at Gabe. "No smart-ass remarks like 'oh haha you don't shower? blahhh'" She stuck her tongue out at him in mockery, while attempting to use a 'manly' voice.​
Naomi Scott.PNG

Shreya couldn't help but laugh a bit. She took note of the scars on Bailey's arms and back as she turned around, knowing she shouldn't pry, but eventually her curiosity got the better of her.
"Hey, what's with all the..." She gestured to her own arms and back.

Diaxo Diaxo summerwine summerwine
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