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Fandom Camp Half-Blood RP

Alexa rolls her eyes. "Alright, alright. Sorry." She smiles again and turns around. "Can you let go of my waist? We look like a couple and personally, I'm not into incest."
"Dad's side is all about incest, though. He and...that woman are also siblings." Luke kissed her hair and let go, thinking about Hera. "Just thinking about that...that...b*tch makes my skin crawl." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "If I ever see her, she'll be seeing Hades soon enough."
"She sees Hades a lot! Why do you think she is so evil?" Alexa laughs. "And personally, I think dad is a bit of a man-whore." Alexa ruffles Luke's hair in return, smiling genuinely.

@Yuuki Kuran
Luke couldn't help himself. He took Alexa's arms and pulled her into a hug. "We're sticking together. I promise." He let her go. "I just want a chance to bash some monster heads in."
Alexa rolls her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, got it." she says this sarcastically, but she's beaming. "Well, you should have killed some hellhounds while you had the chance!" She jokes.

@Yuuki Kuran
"Ok then... as interesting as watching you two partaking in friendly sibling banter is, can we actually get inside now?" Edward huffs, slightly annoyed at everything.
Suimin Minho

Suimin sighed as he had to introduce himself to two new people, it shouldn't be too bad, after all saying one word to two people wasn't much and didn't take much energy, he stayed on his back and refused to go back down walking took more energy than anything else. He then wasn't really wide awake although he was caught off guard when Sel introduced himself and told the group what and where they were, as they were walking towards back to the opposite way to go to Camp Jupiter. He looked up at the ceiling as a somewhat familiar voice started to speak and echo, although it was faint and he couldn't hear much. He groaned as he had to talk to someone that was in the group, he started to jump off Sel's back and looked for anyone to talk to as he walked sluggishly forward. With all the sleep someone would think that he might have some energy to use for the 2 hours a day that he is awake.

wedredding said:



When she sees Azalea ahead of her in the crowd, Maggie's eyes light up. A familiar face in a whole lot of no one and, so far, a whole lot of nothing. Azalea sees her at about the same time and pushes through the demigods moving in the opposite direction to meet her. Maggie grabs Azalea's shoulder by way of greeting in her own way.

"Well, it's nice to see two familiar faces," Azalea says, seemingly unfazed by the physical contact, and Maggie nods vigorously, tugging on her hair.

"Gods, I thought I'd lost you and, um–" She pauses. "The other one. Sorry, didn't catch your name in between the rain and the tunnel," she says, turning to the quieter girl. "Ran into a girl who says 'fuck' too much and a weird, creepy one. Athena's kids, am I right?" She speaks quickly, maybe from nerves, maybe excitement, probably both. "And in answer to your question, which I probably just talked over– Hecate. Not really one of the cool kids, but I manage." She grins.


~ 12:30 p.m., the rain is still going on, they're at the Camp ~

— • —

Azalea smiles back at the two, though she seems confused at the fact Alexa refused to answer her question. When Alexa left to scold her maternal brother, Azalea turned to Maggie. "Nope! I'm not going anywhere~" she told her, laughing lightly at her childish comment. Her eyebrows lifted a little in amusement at her next comment. "Well, wasn't she fighting with that other guy, Luke? I think she might be an Athena daughter or a Ares daughter, right?" she said, silently adding,'Because isn't Athena wise and strategic?' Azalea fought the urge to laugh out loud, though she did snort lightly. "Hecate? Wow, that makes sense with the whole control-over-the-Mist power you have," she said, nodding to herself. "I'm daughter of Aphrodite, by the way," she added, smiling sheepishly.
"Ugh... You people are infuriatingly slow..." With this Edward strolls into Camp Jupiter and raises his pistol into the air, firing twice. "I want to see the guy in charge!"
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RiddleWrappedEnigma said:
"Ugh... You people are infuriatingly slow..." With this Edward strolls into Camp Jupiter and raises his pistol into the air, firing twice. "I want to see the guy in charge!"

~ 12:32 p.m., the rain has cleared up, they're at Camp Jupiter ~

— • —

Victoria whips around, storming towards the boy that was firing shots. "Hey! Just what do you think you're doing? Someone could get killed, for crying out loud!" she spat, almost on the verge of screaming. Of course, it was rare for a bullet to actually come down on someone's head, but there were more Romans than Greeks at Camp Jupiter, so that chance got higher. "I swear to the gods, if one of those bullets comes down on someone.." she looked as furious as an enraged chimera. Heck, you could almost see the steam coming out of her head!


@labyrinthecho[/URL] @wedredding

~ 12:32 p.m., the rain has cleared up, they're at Camp Jupiter ~

— • —

Azalea smiled at her friend, turning to her. "Who our godly parents are. What's yours?" she asks Alexa, tilting her head slightly. By the looks of her outfit, she would've guessed Aphrodite, but her personality screamed Hades.
"Hej! Głupie, that is dangerous!" Elliot yells in partial Polish at Edward, running up and grabbing Edward's wrist. "You idiot. We are guests." Elliot's nearly gold eyes flash dangerously as he stares down Edward. He then turns to Victoria. "Słodkie serce, he is just agitated. It has been a long journey." He says this with a sweet tone.

Hej! Głupie == Hey, stupid

Słodkie serce == sweet heart

Alexa smiles. "My father is not one I wish to speak of. He's... not that great of a dad really." She laughs softly. "shall we onto camp? I'd rather not get punished." Her tone is a little bit of that of a person that is nervous. She doesn't like people being scared of her due to her parents. Or parent, really.
"Pfft. Long journey... long. Fucking. Journey. Try this. Someone finally comes to pick me up from the institute to take me somewhere on my mum's orders. Turns out it's in freaking America. And freaking destroyed. Then the satyr dude gets eaten by a pack of giant wolves that proceed to chase me as I'm forced to follow some stupid magic compass that doesn't bloody well even work half the time! So yes, I am very agitated and still no-one has ducking told me what the hell is going on!" Edward pauses, panting slightly before sighing. "I'm sorry I just... I just want some answers, ya know?" He pauses, tilting his head as if reflecting on what he's said. "And maybe a cup of tea..."
"Spokój, spokój, it's going to be fine. Take a deep breath, mój przyjaciel." Xavier shakes his head a little sadly. "The camp was destroyed because the border faltered and it was overrun by monsters. We are going to find the new camp half-blood but we need help from Camp Jupiter to find it, alright?"

Spokój = calm

mój przyjaciel = my friend
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]"Hej! Głupie, that is dangerous!" Elliot yells in partial Polish at Edward, running up and grabbing Edward's wrist. "You idiot. We are guests." Elliot's nearly gold eyes flash dangerously as he stares down Edward. He then turns to Victoria. "Słodkie serce, he is just agitated. It has been a long journey." He says this with a sweet tone.
Hej! Głupie == Hey, stupid

Słodkie serce == sweet heart

Alexa smiles. "My father is not one I wish to speak of. He's... not that great of a dad really." She laughs softly. "shall we onto camp? I'd rather not get punished." Her tone is a little bit of that of a person that is nervous. She doesn't like people being scared of her due to her parents. Or parent, really.


~ 12:33 p.m., it's sunny out, at Camp Jupiter ~

— • —

Victoria turned around slowly, her eyes eventually locking on Elliot. 'I don't need your help,' her eyes spoke. She gritted her teeth, but said nothing. When Edward started taking them on a rant-train, however, her eyebrows raised. The Aphrodite kids were complaining about having to walk for more than two hours, so she started to feel a little pity for the boy. A little. The woman opened her mouth to say something, to probably spit fire at him again, but was stopped when Elliot interrupted. Her head turned back to the blonde, and although she didn't glare daggers, she didn't seem calm. Not at the least. "Fine. I'll just leave you with Lonius," she told Edward, motioning him to follow her. "He's in charge for now, since most of the Camp leaders are out on errands having to do with your little Camp problem," she informed him, hoping he wouldn't cause yet another scene.
Edward does as instructed and takes some deep breaths. "Well I'm not going back to the institute and it's dangerous to go alone so I guess I'm sticking with you guys... please. I uh... I'm Edward by the way. I'm uh... I'm sorry for yelling and uh... the whole shooting thing. No-one's been paying attention to me and it's kinda infuriating." He slowly follows after Victoria.
Elliot nods sympathetically. "Yes, it can be angering not to be listened too. But you are tired. And sometimes it is sometimes better to just listen." Elliot follows Victoria also.

~ 12:34 p.m., it's sunny out, they're at Camp Jupiter ~

— • —

Victoria felt uncomfortable. So. Very. Uncomfortable. She sped up, hoping this would end quickly. "It's fine, it's fine, it's fine," she told Edward, shaking her head and waving her hand. The woman stopped in her tracks, pondering on what Elliot said. 'Didn't mom used to say stuff like that a lot?' she asked herself as she continued to speed-walk her way to the Camp leader's cabin.
"About that... could you explain it to me... like everything. I pretty much just got told 'You're not crazy, Greek gods are real, everything wants to kill you, here's a compass, oh by the way you aren't human.'" He frowns slightly. "So uh... Yeah... I kinda just need someone to tell me what's what... if you... wouldn't mind..."
Luke kept looking forward as they arrived at Camp. "I'm Luke, son of Zeus." He bit his lip. "We are here for nothing but hospitality and friendship."
RiddleWrappedEnigma said:
"About that... could you explain it to me... like everything. I pretty much just got told 'You're not crazy, Greek gods are real, everything wants to kill you, here's a compass, oh by the way you aren't human.'" He frowns slightly. "So uh... Yeah... I kinda just need someone to tell me what's what... if you... wouldn't mind..."

~ 12:35 p.m., it's sunny out ~

— • —

Victoria frowned slightly. She absolutely hated ignorant people, but if someone actually asked someone to get the information needed, she'd feel respect for that person. Sighing, she nodded. "Well, who's your godly parent? Did they even tell you?" she asks, starting to slow down.
"She said she was Athena, which makes sense because my dad was a professor of history, but doesn't because I thought she was supposed to be a maiden goddess..."
RiddleWrappedEnigma said:
"She said she was Athena, which makes sense because my dad was a professor of history, but doesn't because I thought she was supposed to be a maiden goddess..."
Victoria shrugged. "It's mostly Artemis that people think of as the maiden goddess," she told him. "There's nothing really to say. We were all different right from the start, and we all found Camp one way or another. There's quests, which is kind of like heroes being appointed to a job. The oracle is the one that gives the quest. It's usually to a few select, especially special campers," finally, she took a break, pausing for a moment. "I don't know much about Camp Half-Blood, but I think blondie here will be more than happy to help," she said, turning to Elliot.

Elliot nods. "Oczywiscie, i'll be happy to help." Most of the time. Actually, some of the time. No, not really. He wouldn't be too good at helping. He's rather self-centered. "Also, especially and special almost mean the same thing. Przepaszam, but it doesn't quite make sense when you say it like that."

1) Of course

2) I'm sorry

Amethyst Woods

So far, Amethyst had not said a word, preferring to stay at the back and remain unnoticed. She had learned a lot of information that way. This time, she was sure that she was going to make friends. In all her short ten months at Camp Half-blood, she had not made a single friend. She was too shy to approach the campers and they wouldn't be bothered to approach her. Well, at least they didn't make fun of her violet eyes like her old bullies did.

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