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Fandom Camp Half-Blood - OOC

I have a feeling she's really gonna hate his "I can make you rewatch an argument from their perspective so that you realize that they think they're in the right just as much as you and you're both just trying to get your needs met so let's make a compromise" ability, after a little while...

Considering how stubborn she is it will probably end up coming to that at some point. It would be funny if at some point she just crosses her arms and goes "Yeah, I see where they are coming from and I just dont care." though this will only happen on those that scare her or try to force her into doing things to the point that it triggers her cataplexy. At that point it wont be a dislike, it will likely be a very strong hatred. But if he keeps on her about it I can see her breaking down and just going FUCKIT and throwing the item at the person.
Well, yeah. He's not the kind of asshole to try and force somebody to see the other person's perspective if that other person is hurting them/threatening them/seriously violating their boundaries. Like. Hollis has been in abusive situations. He's not going to deliberately do anything to guilt or shame a victim in any situation. His abilities will be saved for more... mutual... disagreements.
I have a feeling she's really gonna hate his "I can make you rewatch an argument from their perspective so that you realize that they think they're in the right just as much as you and you're both just trying to get your needs met so let's make a compromise" ability, after a little while...
My guy is pretty Chill... so he will most likely help your guy rather than need his help. As long as people stay nice and relaxed my guy won't mind.
I'm so excited, my dude's gonna have a goldfish he carries around in its own personal water bubble. Just, goldfish in the water bubble.

Also, can I just say I love Hollis? He is such a handsome bb and very soft. I think Lyric will like him
I'm so excited, my dude's gonna have a goldfish he carries around in its own personal water bubble. Just, goldfish in the water bubble.

Also, can I just say I love Hollis? He is such a handsome bb and very soft. I think Lyric will like him
Yeah!! They’re gonna be the best Soft Boy Buddies.

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