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Fantasy Caeli Caerula


oh yeah, mr. krabs


Piracy is the great equalizer and the floating ships that carry goods between the levitating islands are a pirate’s dream. To be a pirate on the high skies is a decision fraught with danger at every corner. The Sky Guard, the interisland police force, is out for your skin, the tempestuous winds threaten to blow you apart and on the eastern horizon, there is rumor of darkness brewing…. Yet, alas, for you, intrepid explorer, the rewards are greater than the risks. For what could be better than blowing across the skies with winds in your sails and your coffers filled with gold?

Some people turn to piracy because they’re bored. Some turn to it because it is the only way to feed their families. Whether you’re dwarf, troll, elf or human or come from Long Bog, Midlands or one of the numerous Sky Islands, it could be that piracy is right for you.

So come aboard! Grab your peg legs and your eyepatches and set off on a high skies adventure in Caeli Caerula!


Rules of the roleplay:

-Good spelling and okay grammar. It should be legible.

-Be respectful and kind.

-Have fun!

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