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Fantasy Caeli Caerula


oh yeah, mr. krabs
@Semblance @Diminium @Pushks @Proud Slavic Patriot @Felix @Archie

The world of Caeli Caerula is diverse and detailed. Science and magic are intertwined and inseparable. The most important scientific discovery of the age are the Cotton Stones, which are gemstones imbued with magic that, if attached to an object, allows it to fly. These are what allow the floating isles to stay airborne, as well as the sky ships.

Species of Caeli Caerula:

Humans- they have spread everywhere and adapted everything to their advantage. They have distinct cultures depending on where they live. A lot of humans specialize in either piracy or trading. Humans are capable of using magic. This makes them very good on the high skies as they have the ability to repair sky ships.


Swamp elves- These elves are closer to trolls, but speak a dialect of elvish. They are a very proud folk and believe themselves to be above the rest of the dwellers of Long Bog. Swamp elves, due to their trollish heritage do not have the ability to use magic. However, they are good with plants and have a deep connection with nature.

Valta Elf- These are “true” elves, although the swamp elves would disagree. They have a long magical history and are filled with arcane knowledge. The most elite elves live on the island of Valta. A lot of elves, however, live in the Midlands and use their magic and connection to the earth to grow food.

Dwarf- Dwarves are mostly prominent in the Midlands. Stereotypically, they are very good at mining, but since dwarves are a haughty people many choose to avoid mining just to end the stereotype. The dwarves are an isolated people, living in secluded areas of the Midlands. They do not leave their communities and have a feud with the humans who once plundered their land a hundred years ago.

Troll- Trolls are the jacks of all trades that are not related to magic. They are very versatile and intelligent creatures. Although they cannot pilot sky ships, they make up for it with their vast knowledge of astronomy and weather. Elves and trolls have a common past and trolls say that they were cousins with elves, until the elves grew too snotty. They are a down to earth folk in a world that is constantly lifting them off their feet.

Ogre- Ogres are a sweet and plain folk. Looked down upon by all the other species because of their garish faces filled with teeth, they were enslaved by the humans and elves and even kept as pets. Ogres may not be the smartest but they do have the most brute strength.

Character Sheet:





Picture or detailed description:



Character song:

Any other relevant info:

When you've posted your character, I will PM you and then we can get the ball rollin'!
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Ok so, the character I'm joining with is pretty far developed, and his magic works by the rules of my own fantasy world, so I hope my type of magic will be able to work with your's. I linked info on my warlocks at the end under 'other relevant info' so you can look into it.


Mihael 'Winter Bird' Petrov

Age: 43

Height: 168cm / 5.5ft

Species: Human | Warlock

Picture or detailed description:

picture 1

picture 2

Winter is a short, sturdy man with pale skin and jet back hair and eyes. He has a long face, and a fittingly long, crooked nose.

He usually wears his hair tied back into a messy high ponytail and sports mutton chops.

He tends to look amused at most times, with a friendly, yet challenging expression on his face. Certainly, he looks like a man who's more than ready to accept a challenge if a worthy one is given to him.

Despite seeing more than his fair share of combat in his lifetime, the only notable damage he has to show of it is a scar under his left eye.

Despite not being in the military anymore, he still wears an attire similar to the one his warlock division wore back in the 'better' times, most notably a red cape with a golden chain - a clear sign of his status. Even though it didn't mean half as much as it used to, he was still proud to have achieved it, and he was not going to leave it behind.


Anyone who doesn't know him more closely would consider Winter a show-off, a loud-mouth and an absolute pain, and these are all things that he really is, however intertwined with his many flaws are also unyielding loyalty and the most joyous of hearts. Winter is no shy or modest man, he is extremely proud of his achievements and just as extremely patriotic, but as much as he cares for his country, he cares for his fellow people as well. All in all he's a very good natured man with a very big mouth.

Winter has a strong sense of honour and morality and would often take it upon himself to end various disputes among team mates. He has a general leader-like persona and likes taking control, but doesn't feel like he's fit to be a full-fledged leader of a community, but rather an army in battle.


Mihael Petrov was born in the mountains and bears traits that are very typical for his people; short and stocky figure, pale skin and black hair.

He was born to two mages, and was one of the few children of this sort that miraculously survived birth.

The village he lived in didn't take too kindly to warlocks - children of two mages - and thats why his parents hid him in the house, for his safety and their reputation, forbidding him to ever go outside or to use magic.

He was never on good terms with his parents, especially his father, as Mihael would often try to sneak out of the house, only to get captured and beaten by his dad for the attempt.

When he was 6 years old he was discovered by one of Gryphias warlock scouts, who offered to his parents, to take him off their hands and enlist him into Gryphias military program for raising young warlocks and training them into soldiers, where he found he had a natural affinity for ice magic.

Mihael was never a studious person, but very street-smart. His use of magic is impeccable due to his physical strength and imagination, but he had little idea of how magic actually works, not just because the magic research wasn't very far at the time, but because he was never interested in learning it either way (and doing really bad on theoretical magic exams).

Because he would always push himself to do better and his classmates, he would unknowingly notably raise his magical power already as a child. It became more and more obvious as he grew and as he used more magic, because he would get magic constantly (and harmlessly) radiating from his hands. It made them cold to touch, which is why he took up a habit to constantly wear gloves, only taking them off when using magic or doing casual things.

At a relatively young age he became second in command and in some time surpassed his superior, taking charge of the warlock elite himself.

The kingdom thrived and life was good, until the judgment day, when Gryphia was struck down by a greater force of Dragan, carrying a different weapon, which neutralized Gryphia's magical soldiers, making them unable to fight. With the kingdom's strongest elite being unable to fight, Gryphia was defeated, and Dragan took control of the land and it's people.

People lived under the drastically different rule and the forced, foreign culture as well as they could in their situation, but some couldn't handle it. Winter was one of those people, and unwilling to feel captured again like when he was a child, he caught the first fitting ship out.

Through his thirst for vengeance, even though far more small-scale than he'd like it to be, he ended up on a pirate ship.

Character song:

Any other relevant info:

warlock info
”Any law that condemns a class of people to stay in place is no law at all!”

Name: Eldric Vellemer

Age: 32

Height: 6'3”

Species: Human

Picture or detailed description: Eldric has many scars on his body and bulging muscles that indicate a life of activity, danger, daring, and defiance. At the same time, his eyepatch and bent leg are serious impediments to him, and he always wears a sword because, to be quite honest, wihthout depth perception and only one eye, he sucks with a gun. In contrast to his elegant swords, he usually wears shabby overcoats.

Personality: Eldric has to have creative ownership with something and pushes himself and everyone else to the limit. If he sleeps more than 6 hours, he blames himself for “not sleeping faster”. If he's not in command, he tries to take over missions. If he is, he's caring and fair to everyone, but pushy to a fault, and puts every plan into overdrive for himself and for his battered ship, the Invicta, which means invincible: considering its record of being beaten up and sailed straight into danger, it's probably true.

“Youre my friends, but don't take advantage of that” the strict disciplinarian would always say to new recruits. He asks his first and second mates about all big decisions and likes to plan, but is steadfast in execution and never wavers from something.

Outside concentrating on a mission, he's not nearly as energetic or dynamic. His jokes are many, and most hit of well, but a big number end up being awkward and offensive. He's a natural promoter because unless he's selling something, giving orders, working at something, or barking, he doesn't quite have the same mystique about him. You could say he's addicted to responsibility and doing big and illegal things.

Backstory: Eldirc was born among the slum dwellers and made a living helping his father and mother sell apples from a young age. That effort he expanded into a market operation selling tools and household items, moving into a pawn shop. He was the driving force of personality behind his inept father's life and career changes, and since he was 9 years old, was working on the side as a courier for local gangs. That quickly evolved into an arrangement where the family pawn shop catered stolen goods. With loving but fearful parents, Eldric was a contant source of worry for his extended family, and at his strong uncle's beckoning, he was eventually kicked out for his involvement with bad people. However, refusing to go, he stole the keys and lock onto the shop, padlock it until he was allowed to take part of the wares, which he sold in the market. Forced to sexually service important men and women to gain protectors for his lone market stall, he earned a great deal of lingering shame that changed him into a man running fast from his past. However, it could be argued it all paid off. As soon as there was a shipbuilding boom in his city, the young Eldric capitalized by finding with some friends at the tavern a way to make cork quickly. Opening up their own inn and finally getting his own permanent place, he and his associates ran an operation where Eldric was both the brains and bookkeeper, selling lodging, brewing and selling moonshine, and distilling cork in the cellar. The price and timing were right, and eventually, Eldirc could sell the place and amass enough money to buy a skyship, finally achieving his wish to leave his island city.

However, he almost lost everything when in the middle of a store, his ship was parted from the group it was sailing with, and found itself attacked by pirates alone. Fighting them almost to the death, Eldirc was stabbed four times by boarders, losing his eye and much of the function of his left arm for life. Watching his crew die, his goods get stolen, and his ship get crashed and scuttled on a nearby island, he vowed to his crew they would never be attacked again. They would be the ones doing the attacking. They worked day and night to fix the ship, renaming it the Invicta, invincible, stealing some cannons from the local armory island before starting their career as pirates. Eldirc made a name for himself for modifying his sloop to be thinner, have more sails, and for his speedy night attacks. Often, he'd shoot down the masts of an enemy ship with his impressive cannonade, kill as many of the crew as he could that way, then board it.

As the years went on, Eldric became more and more morally comfortable with his way of life. He attracted adventurers and the poor alike into his crew, saying '”I've lost more and suffered more than anyone I've killed… even their deaths were quick, mine I know is fated to be long and painful! Those of us denied opportunity by watchful fathers who wanted us to be like them, or those like me denied opportunity because our fathers had nothing at all, have every God-given right to take what we want for ourselves! Any law that condemns a class of people to stay in place is no law at all!”

Character song:
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