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Realistic or Modern Caedwell School - OOC

I’ll express some interest on this one. I have a pair of character that I’ve got in mind but I do have a question.

is there any one way you have in mind for where powers come from or is it all over the place.

My characters would be a brother and sister that turn into a lion and tiger respectively I’ve got their backstory to be they mostly grew up living wild as their animal selves until they were found and brought to the school, and I wanted to know if that’d be alright with you before I wrote it all out.
There is actually a specific place that powers come - but I don’t want to divulge it too much. So for this Rp the explanation for all powers is pretty much just ‘Magic’, and I’ll leave it at that, haha.

Your characters background sounds totally fine to me! And I like the sibling aspect.

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