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Fantasy Burning Skies

What's a good name for the rp?

  • Dragon Cursed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Burning Skies

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Venomous Flames

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • something else

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Dusty Wanderer


They came from the sky and scorched the lands.

They burned them all, our homes, our families.

Those who survived the flames, they cursed and turned.

Now only a few of us remain unburnt.

Pray for strength. Pray for hope.


Pray for mercy.

The world belongs to the dragons now.



Still not sure what I want to call this rp. I'm thinking either Dragon Cursed or Burning Skies or Venomous Flames, idk. Anyways, the basic idea of this rp is that alien dragons attack world, world ends as humans know it and everything goes to pot. Now there's nothing special about these dragons, they're just your bog standard fire breathers that happen to come from outer space, but here's where things get a bit different.

These dragons don't reproduce by laying eggs or any such thing, no. The way they make more dragons is by burning living creatures alive and if anything survives, they turn. Anyone unfortunate enough to keep their minds afterwards get to witness firsthand as their body transforms, which is not a pretty sight to behold as this fellow here can attest to:


Now, the transformation isn't instantaneous and it's not just humans that're affected. Dogs, cats, birds, horses, doesn't matter what. They get touched by dragon flame and survive, their bodies will essentially mutate and do their darnedest to take the form of a dragon. A painful process to undergo, mentally as well as physically. Fortunately, they don't have the ability to breathe fire... at least, not yet.

At any point after being burned, they could become thralls to any dragon that wants them as such and if they're not strong enough to resist, then that's what they'll be. One shout is all it takes. As long as the dragon's call can establish its dominance over the mind of the afflicted, then the deal is sealed, at least, for as long as said dragon lives. Even in the event of it dying however, its thralls are still not free from the curse, so they're essentially doomed to their fate.

Now enough about them, what about the people who haven't been burned and aren't turning into dragons? Well they've been hiding, living underground or in caves, wherever the dragons can't reach them, and whenever opportunity permits, they'll go out hunting. See, the dragons, they've got sharper senses than anything else in the world. Eyesight, hearing, sense of smell, they can't be beat and with the ability to fly and breathe fire, no human is going to have a chance in an open fight.

BUT, when a dragon is asleep, which is whenever it's not hunting, it's out like a light and if they can be caught sleeping, they can be killed. The hard part is finding it at all, getting past its thralls (if it has any, preferably not for any would be dragon slayers) and killing the dragon in the first go, because once it's awake, there won't be a second chance.

TL;DR here's the plot in a nutshell. Surviving, going around and killing dragons in their sleep and putting any half-dragon mutant out of their misery if they get in the way. Oh and trying not to die, that's also important.

A few more key details to note, there's no magic and no other races, it's just humans but if you want, you can also be one of the... cursed ones? Afflicted? Mutants? Idk what to call them yet, but so long as they look the part then that's fine. Also, I'm sometimes a bit inconsistent with my posting. Some days I'll be all cylinders firing, other days I could just be gone, either due to work, sheer bleh or some other thing.

If by some miracle that didn't put you off and you're still interested in the rp (you'd have to be if you've read this far), then please let me know.
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Mmmmm so, are the mutants literal dragons or somewhat of a hybrid between the two? (Say a dog survives, are they now exactly a dragon or some awkward half scaled half covered in fur type deal?)
Precisely the latter, @StoneWolf18. A full transformation would take quite a while, depending on a number of factors like how much of the body was burned, where it was burned and how well it takes to the mutations. Either way it's a gradual process, so the transition from dog to dragon would take some time.
Enkerzed said:
Precisely the latter, @StoneWolf18. A full transformation would take quite a while, depending on a number of factors like how much of the body was burned, where it was burned and how well it takes to the mutations. Either way it's a gradual process, so the transition from dog to dragon would take some time.
Ah, so you could be unconsious and have 3rd degree burns all over and still turn if they stopped at the right time or if you only got a hand with a minor one?
3rd degree, 1st degree, as long as whatever's in the flames gets in the blood and the host doesn't die too quickly, the transformation will take. It'll start with scales forming over the burns, then comes the horns or wings or claws, could be anything, but the initial change always starts out skin deep and then it spreads.
Enkerzed said:
3rd degree, 1st degree, as long as whatever's in the flames gets in the blood and the host doesn't die too quickly, the transformation will take. It'll start with scales forming over the burns, then comes the horns or wings or claws, could be anything, but the initial change always starts out skin deep and then it spreads.
Only the location burned changes or thats where it begins?
Alright. I'm assuming more people are needed before the thread is to be put up?

Sorry for all the questions! >.<
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Not a problem, I like answering questions. I'll be putting up the rp as soon as I decide what to call it and how it should begin. The number of people who are interested isn't really all that important to me, as long as someone is then it's all good, but the more the merrier, right?
Enkerzed said:
Not a problem, I like answering questions. I'll be putting up the rp as soon as I decide what to call it and how it should begin. The number of people who are interested isn't really all that important to me, as long as someone is then it's all good, but the more the merrier, right?
Well you got me interested! ^^
Lol all right, I'll set up the rp and we can start off by making our characters. Just wait til I get things sorted before we start posting.

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