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Futuristic Brøken: A New Chapter

"My apologies, but I don't know who you're referring to. I can sense your urgency, so it may be quicker to take him to the hospital." Cruxious raised a brow under his mask. "May I ask who is calling again?"


>Before you can help others you have to be able to help yourself.
>Dealing with your father you have emptied your glass. You're drained.
>Take a time out and figure out what it is that you want to do and pursue that.

Axeykins Axeykins
"Lucid Lentra. And this is one of his body guards calling via orders of his puppet master tonight." She stated bluntly. She agreed they should have simply taken him to the hospital but unfortunately there were things they didn't want found by anyone outside of the company's reach. "Look. I know you're a busy man and this is taxing. Especially with little Mr. dumbass here but please humor us Sir? They're not going to stop calling otherwise."

>Yeah. You're absolutely right as always.
>No idea what to do though. Haha. Music maybe? Love it dearly but I sure as Hell don't want to get into the same shit as my father. >.<
>Maybe medicine or law? Those are quite interesting and handy in this town. I was thinking of becoming an officer for a while but...well I hardly think that needs explanation with the state of this town now. To go into law is to sign away your morality and life.
>Perhaps medicine is the rout to go.
>And...it would feel good to help people who actually get better and want to for a change.
Jeda Teq Jeda Teq
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A stern, commanding woman forced her way through the crowd. She appeared to be in her late forties possibly even early fifties. Her hair a short dirty blonde pixie cut and her face wrinkled with crow's feet and frown lines from years on the job.
She pushed the young woman on the phone aside. Kneeling down near the star and rolling him on his side.
"God you idiots are helpless without your fancy gadgets aren't you?" she scoffed. Demanding the phone from the woman. She was handed it out of fear. "I'm taking him to the nearest hospital. Come or don' Mr. Bredlat, I don't care. We don't have time to deal with your pragmatic bullshit When there are doctors who actually will do their jobs there. Goodbye."
She ended the call abruptly and scooped the star up. Heading straight out the door without allowing anyone to question or stop her.

She didn't bother calling a taxi. Seeing as they were a short jog away from the nearest hospital in the city. There were far too many nasty looks to count in the emergency room. Obviously this kid's reputation superseded him. He was lucky that they couldn't afford to ignore this case of an overdose. At least not with his status.

Jeda Teq Jeda Teq
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wait, what has been going on? i need to be brought up to date i guess :P haven't been on a discord group for anything but games before so it'll be a new experience if you'll have me.
(The story thusfar from the discord spontaneous rp area!)

"Let. Me. OUT." An unruly pop star Prince demanded. Shaking the bars of the temporary holding cell with as much force as his thin arms could muster. "My lawyers will hear about this one you law enforcement...hic idiots! You know I'm to be released to my managers and not locked up in this pit! I didn't even do anything! I'm innocent!!" He shouted. Wiping a small trickle of blood from his cocaine powdered nosejob.(edited)
"Oh do shut up, you're innocent enough, you haven't got the brain cells to coordinate a crime like that, but every crime needs a culprit, even if that culprit's a scapegoat," two green eyes narrowed at the bars, shirt cuffs were corrected, and a briefcase was snapped open and placed firmly on the tabletop. The contents were free for the musician to see, but just out of reach. "This is what you're going up against," the man said coldly. "And good luck trying to convince anyone my evidence isn't real. I get my results. And your outburst..." he smiled, briefly, "it's giving me a lot more than I could have ever wanted. Have you anything further to say?"
“You don’t know me.” He hissed. Yeah, he was a druggy but that didn’t mean he was too dumb to pull off something like this. He just, didn’t have the time nor the patience lately. As the briefcase snapped open so did the Star’s bright green eyes. They filled with dread and clarity that had certainly never been there before. “The Hell is this? Hand it over!” He strained against the bars to reach the agonizingly close case. Just inches away from his fingertips. “Y…you can’t do this! hic This uh, evidence will hold no ground in any court or the public! What makes you even think it will?” He chuckled nervously as a pit formed in his stomach and this time it wasn’t from anything he had ingested tonight.

"It's not my job to know you," said the man dryly. "It's my job to keep you behind those bars." Such was the life of a prosecutor. Some might ask if he felt guilty, ensuring even the innocent went to jail. He'd merely argue back that he could never trust if someone was entirely innocent or guilty, so feeling sympathy was a disastrous byproduct he couldn't afford to have. And, while he wasn't certain of the pop star's guilt in this crime, he was sure the man had done some other drastic things he deserved to be put away for. ... Possession of drugs, for example. "Even if the evidence holds no weight, the witness testimonies will."

The pop star’s response was flipping a double bird to the man. “Being of whatever you are in this shithole of department I’d say it’s full well your job to get to know me so you could actually prove my guilt or innocents or whatever.” He spat. Teetering back and forth uneasily. His expression grew sour at the mention of witnesses. “Witnesses? What witnesses? There wasn’t anybody around there!...least I don’t think so? Wait, no. Look, don’t take note of that. I’m…ugh..hold on.” Lucid looked away as whatever was left in his stomach threatened to show itself again. Thank God above it did not, but it left him slumped close against the bars of the cell. This whole situation was humiliating. “Can you at least explain something to me? Like…where the Hell you got that shit? Or how? ” He pointed to the case full of damning evidence. “I remember being in the area near where you captured me but beyond that nothing but a bad trip and….Eh, forget and ignore that too, thinkin out loud. It proves nothing to you. I just…got a killer headache, feels like my head is filled with static.”

Just then, a chestnut haired woman let herself inside the room, she kept her paper between her hands as she found a seat in front of the suspect. The famous musician, who'd gotten accused for setting off a plasma bomb inside a guarded government building. Well, the situation did feel off somehow. Fishy. But the musician was in fact noted to have been captured at the crime scene, not to long after the explosion had occurred. Also, by the sight of the disheveled blonde, one could easily detect he was overdosed with drugs from his tipsy posture and movement. Honestly. Couldn't they have found a better time to interrogate the man? For example at a time when he was more..well she didn't know- sober? It didn't make sense. He didn't seem to be fresh enough to be able to recall details about the incident either. A yawn escaped her lips, enough manifest her lack of sleep, not to mention the dark circles, which despite her grandmother's advice on using cucumber slices in order to brighten them, still remained unaltered. The woman glanced at the prosecutor and then behind him, a fastened briefcase stationed on a table. As told, the shocking evidence should be carried in there... Her amber eyes fixated down to the papers laid out in front of her, another hand travelled up to the choker necklace as she stroke her thumb against the silver metallic half moon, caressing it absentmindedly while she contemplated and set plans for her approach of questioning the suspect. Finally she looked up and met the suspect's eye level. Only the sole stiff coolness apparent on her face. "Want a glass of water before we begin? We shouldn't have you fainting again after all." She stood up and went to lower the air-conditioner.(edited)

The prosecutor's mouth actually dropped open a fraction, and his short, black eyebrows rose of their own accord. "Are you... are you braindead?" he said. "There wasn't anybody around there, at least I don't think so. That's pretty much a confession to you being at the scene of the crime and, ergo, the criminal. I'll hardly need any of this," he slammed closed his briefcase, which locked. Then the woman entered, and the prosecutor fixed his eyes on her before asking, "Your name, please? Just so I know who else I'm dealing with here. I'm Othello Sorenson, I'm sure you've heard of me, especially in your department. Are we to work together, or are we to have a little tête-à-tête over this bastard's fate?" His eyes rested on the star again. In Othello's eyes, there was nothing incredible about him - he'd seen Lucid on television a few times, doing the traditional hand-to-the-camera-lens, or in the papers, but nothing particularly good was ever said. He had a certain audience, an audience who lapped him up while the rest of the world scratched their heads in unison and wondered why? Othello didn't wonder why, though; he understood. The man's lifestyle gave pathway to certain habits, and certain habits turned into certain obsessions, turned to cravings, turned to addictions. Othello understood. But simple understanding wouldn't be enough to keep the punk from the cell. Empathy wasn't called for in court. Othello wound a lock of hair between his fingers and moved his eyes back to the lady. She seemed calm, snake-like. He didn't like it, not one bit. Flipping his long hair between his fingers was helping him stay calm, for now. He snatched his briefcase off the table. "I don't need anything more than what I've already got, and if you think I answer the question you just asked, you're insane," he shot a glare at the pop star. "You answer my questions, not the other way around."


"I told you not to take note of that one. My head hurts and is fuzzy right now. Could be remembering the night before here!" He snapped As soon as the door opened the star's attention snapped away, his eyes narrowed at the newcomer. Looking her up and down judgingly. Ugh, she was just as callous looking as the man. Least she had the decency to try to make a prisoner a tad more comfortable before grilling them. "Yes...please. that would be nice." His expression softened to a little less icy glare. Towards her at least. Towards this guy, Othello, was it that he caught? One could have sworn the star was trying to freeze him solid. "I have the right to not answer a goddamn thing to you or your partner here too if iI so choose and an very good at it. So I suggest picking your battles carefully Mr. Sorenson." He threatened. Brushing his mess of long blond hair back and focusing on the female officer in the room again. "Hey. Think I could also get my vape? Just need it to relax again...more apt to talking to you people."
He thought for a moment before going wide eyed again. "Shit....hey uh. You! Bitch walking away! Er....Othello!Can I get a phone asap? I got some important business to take care of."
Damn what a day what a day. Yves nursed a bloody and most likely broken nose as he made his way into the apartment. His father's tonight. He had tried to get to his own but tonight had other plans. Crowds panicking in the streets, metro systems shut down for an indeterminate amount of time. Hell with the direction that insane boom came from his entire street was most likely on quarantine. No, there was no doubt it was. There wasn't just a burst of electricity and plasma that big without them shutting down near half of the city. Particularly when it was right in one of their precious mega Corp buildings.
Soon as the young man was settled in he was online. Logging into all forums he used in search of some better answers than any of the news stations would ever be able to provide.

>>Yvy has signed in<<
>Hello?? Anybody on here right now?
> If you guys are right now, anybody know what happened downtown? Heard some blast and damn near got trampled by panicked crowds instantaneously. News stations are blowing up and everything. Regular sites bogged down for once as people look for answers on em. Knew here would be the number one place to figure out what's going down the fastest and get more in depths details. anyone got any?
Jeda Teq Jeda Teq

Pai Chan Pai Chan 0stinato 0stinato MahoganyLeaf MahoganyLeaf Soviet Panda Soviet Panda
(I have read Jeda Teq's post from Discord, also.)

Othello stood, when the star began to speak to the woman, and gave him one last scrutinising glance. There was something strange about popstars of this ilk in this day and age. Othello, usually one who believed he was relatively good at keeping up with trends and the vox populi, felt he had landed upon an alien planet when he observed the man.

Still; he would be otherwise engaged with the woman, so Othello decided to leave. His next move would be to immediately obtain a copy of the security recording. The man had practically admitted his guilt. Othello didn't doubt his prowess in the courtroom, but an extra punch never went amiss; it was better to knock out than just knock down, in some cases.

He neared the door when the man spoke to him: "Shit....hey uh. You! Bitch walking away! Er....Othello! Can I get a phone ASAP? I got some important business to take care of."

Othello scowled and turned back, "Who do you think I am, your errand boy? I have no authority to get you a phone, I'm not even on your side, you diseased outlet of a man. Ask her for a phone."

Something he always regretted - and told himself he'd attempt to stop - was cursing at the defendants. So many times had other barristers called him out for it in the courtroom, so many times the judge had warned him against using "language of that sort when addressing the witness."

He'd give swearing up for lent. Whenever lent was. He let the door close as he stood on the other side, and shook the anxiety from his mind; his next move was towards the front desk, where he might ask for the tape. It wasn't vital, but it'd be nice.
Cruxious received a notification on his Heads up display. His mask used highly advanced AR technology with a vr like interface. He swiped his hand over the icon to pull open the forum. His gloved fingers began to tap on his desk as he typed on a virtual keyboard.

>I haven't heard anything about an explosion. Guess I have my nose too deep in the books. LoL
>Good to know that you're okay.
>I'm honestly surprised that the city managed to stay quiet for this long. There was a time were stuff like that was almost background music. -sigh-
>Hey, Yvy, are you still looking for a place to stay? I heard that the Cruxious Foundation is having an in house internship.
>It's a good chance to get out from your father's wing and start your own life. You did say you wanted to get in the medical field right?

He minimized the window then stood up from his chair. An alarm had came up but was closed as quickly as it appeared. It was time for the doctor to make his rounds and visit his personal patients. As he walked out of his office a medium sized Zamantria rose from its bed, stretched, then followed close behind.
In the interrogation room adjacent to the one holding Lucid there was a young man no older than twenty-one. His head was covered in a leather mask with no eyes. Only the lower portion of his face was revealed and a thick lock of blonde hair protruding from the center of the forehead. His hands were cuffed to the table.

The man claimed to be blind yet he was taken into custody for assaulting three men. One of which was an off duty cop; he didn't know that. Despite the violent nature of his crime he was very compliant with the law enforcers. He claimed to have done what he did to protect a young girl from getting raped. However the only witness who could prove his innocence was nowhere to be seen.

This was the second time this month he was sitting in this same chair. The universe can be so cruel sometimes.
"Ey! Who the Hell do you think you are! I have the right to one phone call! Not even trying to use my status here this is my basic rights! You SUCK as a cop!" Lucid streamed as the man walked out of the room after throwing a harsh insult. "What an asshole...." He scoffed. Lumbering backwards until he found a musty old bench to plop down on with a heavy sigh. "Alright, so....will you allow me a phone? Oooooor am I gonna have to go without until my lawyer gets here?" He shrugged and looked to the woman in the room. "I really do need to make a quick call. Get some things in order seeing as i have no idea how long you people are going to detain me or how this thing will pan out."
MahoganyLeaf MahoganyLeaf 0stinato 0stinato ( Pai Chan Pai Chan . Maybe. haha)
>Lol. Doesn't surprise me with knowing you. Just wait a few hours and you'll hear nothing but news about it.
>i've got a feeling after this one it'll be back to the good old days of it happening often again or at least people panicking about it and copy cats mixed in. That sort of mess again.
>Also what?!? Really! You have no idea how much I've dreamed of such an opportunity. Oh my God I am immediately finding out how and signing up for that. Shot in the dark but better try than sit there and watch it get taken.
>I've been working my ass off with some night time and online classes. I would love nothing more than to finally really get out of here. No more having to babysit him and officially a place I can, mostly in the case of the in house internship case, call my own.
Yves hands were shaking. This was truly something he had only dreamed of before. He'd searched around colleges and other institutions but this one was the one he had always longed to be in. Though it was always out of reach. He could hardly believe that this could be reality for him soon.

Jeda Teq Jeda Teq
The automatic double doors of the hospital slid open as Cruxious stepped through them to the outside. He was wearing a black suit and held a brief case in one hand. His outfit was drastically different from his normal attire which would let one know that 'This is a doctor'.

The sound sirens of all sorts of emergency vehicles ravaged his ears as they screamed to help citizens who needed. He let out a sigh of disappointment. "I will be the one to fix this city. Then the world." A deep red car pulled up to the curb where Cruxious was standing. The slender man climbed in. Tapping the side of is mask as he did so. The mask began to project a life like face. It was pleasing to the eye and one most subconsciously felt they could trust. Most importantly it wasn't his face.

On the car ride Cruxious began to type on a virtual phone.

>Haha, who knows. You're lucky to be young enough to not remember when it was REALLy bad. ~o~
>LoL, you got excited about that.
>It's just something I heard on the grape vine. If its real you shouldn't have a hard time finding.
>It could be just a rumor.
>How serious are you about interning with him?

Axeykins Axeykins
If Othello had heard the diva's words, he'd have plainly responded, "I'm not a fucking cop." As Othello didn't hear, he walked down the corridor with a scowl. He'd have to rework his case to include the tape he'd hopefully get.

Upon coming to the reception area he explained who he was, explained his purpose, and went ahead with his question. Evidence, evidence, evidence. "Bend it 'til it fits," was his motto; if there was anything inconclusive, be it evidence or testimony, Othello hoped his words might just cause loose ends to be seared together. Unfortunately, Othello's vocabulary wasn't as large as it could have been, and, as he was blinded by pride, he saw no fault in his ability.

"I just need a copy of the audio and visual files for my records. This is an area I'm allowed to request them from and, seeing as I was conducting a preliminary interview, I see it very much fit that my request should be granted," he said.

His mind began wandering though; Othello's lips were dry, and not out of fear, nerves or lack of water either. On the contrary, he was perfectly comfortable... but his cravings were not. Still, he reckoned he could stifle groans of misery whil he awaited the files.
Ennis quickly held up a finger to silence him as the chime of a phone rang out loudly in the small room. "Excuse me for a moment." She picked it up and moved over to the corner of the room to take the call. Pacing rather anxiously back and forth. Nodding as she listened carefully. Her expression stern but worried.
Without further warning she abruptly left the room. "Othello!" She burst in on the man as she rushed through the hallway. She couldn't leave their detainee without supervision. "You're in charge here now. I've got to go. Some personal matters came up that I have to take care of, but I'll get them to send someone else to fill in alright? Thanks." She kept it short and sweet. Not giving him a chance to retalliate as she continued her rush out the door.
MahoganyLeaf MahoganyLeaf 0stinato 0stinato
(Hope this is alright?)

Lucid sat in pure confusion as to what had just happened. Yet, shrugged it off in favor of taking this chance to curl up on the makeshift cot they had the courtesy of giving him as he came down from his high and the hangover began to creep in.
>so I've been told many a time Haha.
>And I am looking into it as we speak and it's only making me more excited!
>I need to know if it's true or not this is has always been a dream of mine.
>Or rather the biggest and what I thought was most impossible. He's ah...sort of one of my idols in the feild. His works are truly amazing and genius. True advancements in the world! It's so inspiring.

He declined back with a baited breath as his search results yielded the most amazing results.
>I am doing it Zam. I'm signing up immediately. Hell, as we speak! I can't let this opportunity pass.
Jeda Teq Jeda Teq

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