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Realistic or Modern Boys Basketball Meets Girls Basketball

[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]We could add a Relationships section to our CSs if you guys would like. I believe it would be kind of convenient.

I agree there! But, uh... I feel very, very lazy and mean saying this, but I can't really get a feel for what my characters will think of someone until they talk... So, uh, imma need suggestions and I'll have to live off them ^^;; Sorry about that guys. I swear I'm not taking the cheaters way out, I legit can't and I don't feel too comfortable spelling out why xD It feels like an excuse
Chibii said:
I'll get my post up when I have the time to think >.>
Alright, take your time lol. You have until Tuesday to post ^.^

@Chibii @SirArk

Yes, everyone has until next Tuesday to make their opening post, or else I'm going to cry and throw a fit and slam virtual items around all over the place. This doesn't apply to those who've already posted. Also, @theglassangel and @Almost Watson don't have to post yet because they've yet to finish their CSs (no rush btw). I'm pretty sure Glass is having laptop troubles if I'm going by what the GM to my other Rps has to say.
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]I'm wanting to wait for everyone to get their opening posts up first :P
I know, and thanks.

ok I hope they post soon

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