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Realistic or Modern Boys Basketball Meets Girls Basketball

growl said:
okay, fine~ can she keep her position though?
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]Yes, absolutely. ^.^

Sorry, it's nearly 2am here and I'm not following ;-; Which school is Nami in...?
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]Oh! For females in Kokuja? 'Cause I can easily make Sachi one if needed be :3

Since you already have one character in each school, go right ahead and give her a role and I'll add her to the list. (=u=)
[QUOTE="Leaf Fi]Sorry, it's nearly 2am here and I'm not following ;-; Which school is Nami in...?

Nami's going Jindai as I mistook her lol.
[QUOTE="Suzumaki Arakai]Nami's going Jindai as I mistook her lol.

Okay! Gotcha now ^-^ Thanks <3 I'll put her down as a point guard then! But if someone wants it, I'll let 'em have it ^^
Suzumaki Arakai]@Chibii [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11122-almost-watson/ said:
@Almost Watson[/URL] @theglassangel
Hey, hey. We've still got people finishing up their CSs, but once they're done I'll go ahead and start the RP. I might also fill in the last couple of spots if no one else takes them.
... should I make another guy if no one takes the spaces xD
@Almost Watson[/URL] @theglassangel

Also, when's best to post for all of you? Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays? You know... days of the week, lol.
Gotcha xD

Weekdays are a lot better for me since I'm in school and doing nothing, so I can post then ^^ Weekends depend on how I feel, but I could still muster out a post if needed :3 It just really depends on how anxious I'll be on the Monday that follows
Suzumaki Arakai] @Chibii [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/11122-almost-watson/ said:
@Almost Watson[/URL] @theglassangel

Also, when's best to post for all of you? Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays? You know... days of the week, lol.
Unfortunately for me, weekends are typically when you would find me the most active. I'm in an extremely competitive school that apparently assigns essays on the daily. Anywho, if I do happen to be active on the weekdays, it'll be around 9-11PM PST time, though it varies.

Oh, and Thursdays will typically be my most inactive days, because well, procrastination tends to catch up to ya.

I'm excited for this to start!
school is demanding (curse you, advanced classes!), and it's usually easier for me to post on wednesdays and mondays when there's probably nothing due. i work the whole day on saturdays so it's difficult to find the time to write, but technically i can post on most days unless i have a project or assignment to work on (which happens a lot unfortunately). my most active times on the weekdays will be 4-6 PM CST.
@Suzumaki Arakai

keeping up with all these rps is harddddddd, at least i got something in common with y'all because i take advanced (technically, they are, i think? i don't know what they would be considered) classes tooooo~

is it alright for you guys to start posting before i get my characters up? i just know it's going to take a while so i might like to prepare for that sort of thing ^-^
theglassangel said:
@Suzumaki Arakai
keeping up with all these rps is harddddddd, at least i got something in common with y'all because i take advanced (technically, they are, i think? i don't know what they would be considered) classes tooooo~

is it alright for you guys to start posting before i get my characters up? i just know it's going to take a while so i might like to prepare for that sort of thing ^-^
Well, I don't mind lol. I'll have a starting post for my characters up tomorrow. Also, I'm probably gonna make two more lol. I already have their FCs chosen.
Yes... I made two more dudes. I was gonna make a male and female, but... Idk what happened - Something did, but idk what.

Anyways! I should have a starting post up later c:
animegirl20 said:
Hey whose friends with who right now? In the rp
I guess that's up to whoever.

Miyagi's being drug to the art teacher's room right now to get scolded for running in the halls. I don't mind who interacts with my characters. I know I'm about to put a Dakota post up for Jindai.
growl said:
we could all discuss relationships right now if y'all want?
That sounds like a plan lol.

I know Dakota and Mai have history together. Since she enrolled in school this year, though, he's been pretending he doesn't even know her despite having spent most of his childhood hanging out with her and crushing on her lol.

Miyagi and my other character Ichirou know each other, but only since last year because they had classes together. They're not friends and actually hate each other. (I'm still working on Ichirou's CS.)

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