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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia Characters

You don´t need to hate yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. It´s already a nice thing that you are willing to work through this carefully and trying to come up with new ways to do things, even if you accidentally end up making other mistakes in the process.
I DiD the Corrects and i really..really hope it is better now but if it isn't, i'm headbutting a wall.

The Quirk Thinker

  • Name: Hilbert Allegretti



    Nicknames: N/A

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Chosen Extra Class: Support


    Hilbert is a sociable person who is easy to approach. He prefers to take his problems head on directly instead of passively. Most of the time he prefers to incorporate humor when confronting someone as well as question the reason why a person is doing something he finds strange or ridiculous. As with most kids taught by their responsible parents, he will follow directions if given, but he may deviate from said directions if he feels that the situation calls for it. By-the-books is not his style as he prefers to handle things in his own way.

    He finds interest in quirks and what people can do with what they have. Whether it be a villain or a hero, quirks fascinate him to no end. As such he finds himself over analyzing quirks whenever he sees one in action. Because of his obsession with quirks, he really respects those that can use their quirks in numerous ways. In addition, he loves teamwork and will work with anyone... granted that they are willing. He also believes that everyone is special and that they can become something greater of they work hard.

    He is a creative thinker who takes his surroundings into account. His decision-making skills allows him to constantly act as well as make quick decisions on the fly. Though he does tend to overthink much often than he realizes.

    Though one is not without flaws. He is quite competitive and is quite stubborn when it comes to trying to prove himself. His lack of self-worth in the past is a bit of a sensitive spot to this day. Confidence is generally built upon his accomplishments and failure generally hits him a bit harder than others. Knowing that others are better is hard but accepting it is even harder. He is a bit impatient and is not a big fan of waiting for long periods of time. If he wants to do something then he would rather do it now than later; this also makes him headstrong as he prefers to tackle his problems directly than passively. For him offering feedback and opinion is much easier than accepting hard-earned criticism. He really can't help it due to his competitive nature and pride. As such he is prone to endangering himself for the sake of self-confidence.

    Hilbert was born and raised in Italy by his Italian mother and Japanese father. Around the age of 3, they had moved to Japan. While growing wasn't awkward or tough, Hilbert always felt that others were simply better than him, that he had no real talent in anything. The reason for this is because his grades and physical results proved otherwise. Sure he had his quirk but, at the time, he felt that it wasn't cool or flashy as others.

    This lack of confidence in himself caused to be less outgoing and social during his early childhood. It seemed that he was going to remain a husk forever... until he had seen a pro hero in action. While walking home from school, Hilbert had unknowingly walked into the scene of a battle between hero and villain. The villain, armed with weaponry such as swords, saw the child and took his chance. He dashed toward him using his quirk and was going to take Hilbert hostage. Then the hero had rushed in and defended him while taking the full brunt of the attack. The hero had trapped the villian with his quirk: to have the abilities of a ram sheep. Using his horns, the hero launched himself foward and unleashed a headbutt attack to knock the villain out. Afterwards the hero praised Hilbert for staying calm during the situation. He had been scared to death, but seeing a hero using a quirk in action inspired him. The hero explained that his quirk was often looked down upon by his peers because well... having the abilities of a sheep seems ridiculous in hindsight especially for a combat-based hero. Still he trained himself in order to use his quirks in ways no one else could. Since this day, Hilbert would work hard in order to become his own special person. He slowly grew out of his shell to become the person he is now. Fast foward to today where he will join Peace Sign Academia in hopes of becoming a pro-hero, one that could give kids hopes and dreams so that they, too, could work hard to become something great.

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I DiD the Corrects and i really..really hope it is better now but if it isn't, i'm headbutting a wall.
Physical Enhancements A Mutant Type Quirk: Physical Enhancements is a Quirk that had changed Kuma's appearance drastically to the point where he looked like some beast but also increases various functions by Humongous Margin.
Physical Enhancements enables Kuma to have superhuman strength at destructive levels, increased agility, endurance and superhuman speed. It enable him to thrown around 12 tonnes with some difficult at the moment, fighting at a high-level even through he could be impalement, being cable of grabbing a bullet shot at him from 8ft and sprint at speeds of 400 mph. This Quirk functions similar to One For All as it requires the use to have/keep doing Harsh Physical Training in order to reach higher and higher levels of ability as the more Kuma trains, the more powerful he'll become
Ok, these numbers are way of the charts. Basically, think of it like this, if you can permanently injure someone with an ability at it´s normal function, it´s not gonna pass. And this power as it is goes waaaaaaay beyond that. It´s overpowered in every regard and even if you say your character can´t properly control it at this point, this is just too much.

The rest of character is, while far from ideal in my opinion, not bad.

Some suggestions on how to fix this while keeping what I think is your core idea, would be to do one of the following:
1. Create a condition to use the ability an a drawback to it´s usage. It´s a bit ripping off deku, but it can work to an extent.
2. Alter the power so as to specifically target this strength at objects. Make it cause a resonance that doesn´t affect organic bodies or stuff like that. This way you don´t run the same risks of killing someone with this as you normally would, making the ability several layers more likely to pass.

In either option though, this still needs heavy nerfing. In particular that speed. Fast enough to catch a bullet is fast enough to catch EVERYTHING.

  • Name: Hilbert Allegretti



    Nicknames: N/A

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Chosen Extra Class: Support


    Hilbert is a sociable person who is easy to approach. He prefers to take his problems head on directly instead of passively. Most of the time he prefers to incorporate humor when confronting someone as well as question the reason why a person is doing something he finds strange or ridiculous. As with most kids taught by their responsible parents, he will follow directions if given, but he may deviate from said directions if he feels that the situation calls for it. By-the-books is not his style as he prefers to handle things in his own way.


Put a [WIP] tag on this!
"Here's a proverb for you, don't be an idiot."
&& general
NAME: Lián Shimizu


AGE: 16

GENDER: Female

APPEARANCE: 5'3" and 109 lbs, her build is more of a rectangle than anything else.Lián's black, kempt hair ends at the middle of her back. She's very keen on her appearance, picking off every piece of lint on her outfit, cleaning off any smudges on her body, and making sure to get her bi-weekly hair appointments to keep it the same length and style. Most times she prefers to keep her hair down, yet whenever she wants it out of the way, Lián ties it up into one (or more, depending on her mood) bun. Freckles litter her face, and the redness in her cheeks are permanent. She never goes a day without wearing makeup on her face, whether to cover up flaws and scars or to just look even better.
&& hero info

QUIRK: BOILER - An Emitter type, Lián's quirk allows her to use the water in her body to create steam-like bursts, and spray scalding, concentrated steam from the pores and soles of her feet. The steam cannot be moved or changed whatsoever, it will stay in the direction she has her feet in. Temperature can be controlled before it releases, so before she kicks it out she can make the steam hotter. It can be used for hovering, combat, cooking, and cleaning. Lián can also fill a small room with steam. The heat is no issue for her, her body being able to withstand temperatures higher than normal due being able to heat up her own body's water.

Lián can produce as much steam as she can until she runs out of water in her body, which is around 2.5 liters a day. Using her quirk continuously depletes the amount of water rapidly, which can leave her dry about 10 minutes in a fight. However, the rate is much more slower if used in moderation.

The length the steam can travel is a maximum of 2 meters at a velocity of a meter per second. The steam will disperse around the room quickly if released from the pores of her feet rather than her soles, which is much more compact. Lián can heat up the steam to a maximum of 100 C (212 F) and a minimum of -10 C (14 F). {S}

SPECIAL MOVE: GEYSER - A large burst of steam, similar to a geyser, erupts from her foot, or feet, for a much larger version. {S}

HERO COSTUME: Nearly all of Lián's costume is for aesthetic/comfort purposes. As long as she can move freely and look good, that's pretty much all she needs. Her go to outfit is simply a black turtleneck, no-sleeves, a cooling vest, and baggy silk pants. However, her shoes are the only exception. Essentially they are crocs that withstand the dangerous temperatures of her steam. The shoe's sole can slide down when applying her special move, any other attacks, or hovering in the air, afterwards the sole retracts to its original spot. The function of the holes is for steam to seep through for some purposes that don't require her feet in the air, such as filling a room with steam, cooking food, or cleaning.
(not pictured for now until i can actually find a picture/draw what it is she would wear ^^;; )

&& persona
PERSONALITY: Lián, simply put, is a cocky asshole. She has no qualms with shoving her own achievements in other peoples' faces, mainly to feel more dominant and powerful in social situations. Overly-confident (a trait she received from her father Junjie) and undermines her peers, nearly all of the time she will underestimate her classmates' abilities. When they do happen to surprise and overstep her, she swears them her enemy and always tries to gain her foothold on being number one (at least in her head).

Lián gets annoyed easily, she's easily ticked off by loud noises that disturb her, such as tapping fingers in a quiet library. She will threaten whoever annoys her by yelling at them, telling them to shut up, or slamming their book if their page-turning was rather emphatic. Whatever she can do to get them to stop, she will do it. Pretty much anything she doesn't like will anger her (and she has a lot of things to dislike). Practically angry all the time. In the rare moments she isn't upset, Lián is just a pretentious little bitch.

Despite her know-it-all, snooty behavior, Lián is neither rich nor smart academically-wise. She's average in both aspects. She pretends to be both so she can make sure she's at the top of the food chain, yet it can be obvious to others she's not if they know their brands of clothing or take a look at her grades.

For Lián, it's tough to make friends. Who wants to be friends with a person like her, anyways? She's bound to annoy and distress the most kindest of souls, but she couldn't care less anyways. There are occasions where she feels lonely, however she will never agree to the feeling of loneliness. If people ask, Lián prefers to be alone because "you're all annoying, anyways." If she does ever happen to make a friend, they'd have to agree with everything she says and basically submit themselves to her. She loves a person who can kiss ass.

LIKES: - Being with her family
- Reading self-help books
- Being praised for anything she does
- Winning anything, whether it's a game or a fight
- Performing for crowds

DISLIKES: - Being insulted at all
- Jokes, especially if aimed towards her
- Nosy people
- Eating in front of other people
- Music that isn't classical


MANNERISMS: - Lián tends to use words that most people wouldn't know.
- Due to her father Junjie's influence, sometimes she won't remember a name for a word in English/Japanese, but will know it in Chinese.

SKILLS/TALENTS: - Because of the amount of effort it takes to effectively use combat with her quirk, Lián considers herself talented in soccer and wushu, more specifically Chángquán.
- Multilingual. Only speaks Mandarin, Japanese, and English.

ITEMS: - A few compact self-help books, all in Chinese. (Some to name are: This is Water, When Bad Things Happen to Good People, and How to Win Friends and Influence People)
- Several pictures of her family
- A school bag that looks more like an over-sized purse

THEME: Czardas

&& in-depth
BACKGROUND: Born Chinese-Japanese, Lián's fathers raised her in Japan in order to escape the hectic life in China filled with scandalous rumors and gossip due to Junjie Hu's reputation as being one of China's top heroes (at least he was, before he retired amongst all the drama). Lián's whole life revolves around her younger brother. Everything before her brother was born was a mediocre, middle-class life, besides the sports and competing in national tournaments. She was an only child until she was 8, and until her brother was born, Lián had no motivation to do anything for herself. She only did sports because her parents said so. The moment she saw Shan, and he grabbed her hair, she knew she wanted to be the best sister she could be in order to have her little brother look up to her. She wanted young Shan to look at her like every child looked at All Might, sheer awe and adoration.

That moment on, Lián took her soccer and wushu more seriously and garnered top scores and more trophies in tournaments. She wasn't just getting participation awards anymore, she managed to receive top three in at least several more competitions before she got into Peace Sign Academy. Even though her brother was still infant-like and had no concept of winning or losing, he liked seeing the shiny prizes and longed to see more. Eventually, as Shan grew up, he would come to appreciate his big sister more, going as far to bragging to his classmates that he had the coolest sibling in the whole world. And to Lián, it had become more than just impressing Shan. She truly loved her brother and enjoyed seeing and being with him. They had no sibling rivalry, the two had got along just fine.

If anyone were to ask why she worked so hard to be a hero, Lián would say that it was to finish what her father Junjie had began, a successful career as a hero. She would never admit to wanting to continually impress her younger brother, fearing that she would be deemed weak if all the hard work she has done so far was for one person. However, the numerous pictures of Shan in her bag, phone, and wallet may raise flags. {S}

RELATIONSHIPS: - Hisao Shimizu (Father): Husband of Junjie Hu. Recently their relationship has been strained. Along with stresses from home, Hisao has been pushing Lián to drop the hero course altogether and go for something he believes is more practical for her. Frankly, he doesn't believe she has the personality and compassion to be a hero, a job for those who want to save people rather than impress them. His quirk allows him to hide from a person's point of view for a minimum of five minutes, or until he bumps into someone. Trying to hide from more than one person exhausts him greatly.

- Junjie Hu (Father): Husband of Hisao Shimizu. Once a top hero from the Republic of China, "Handsome Hero." He had to retire after scandalous speculations lead to unpopular opinions of him, and so he left China to live with a friend who later became his husband. Junjie has always encouraged Lián to do whatever she wants, yet due to arguments between Hisao, Lián, and himself, the three have not connected as well as they have years ago. His quirk allows him to grab one person's attention for a minimum of two minutes, and a whole group of people for thirty seconds. Much like Shinsou Hitoshi's Brainwashing quirk, he must have them first acknowledge his presence for it to work.

- Shan Shimizu (Younger Brother): Younger by 6 years, Shan has motivated Lián to be the person she is today. Lián strives to be a hero only to be Shan's hero. She has never shown him her bad side, he's only seen the most compassionate, caring person she can be. {S}

- Ren Saito (Surrogate Mother): Lián has never met Ren, but has heard pleasant stories of her. Lián had received Ren's quirk, except Ren's steam poured out of her hands rather than her feet.

OTHER: All Might was never Lián's favorite hero. Instead, it was Endeavor. She doesn't dislike All Might, she was just more interested in the flaming hero for his looks.

[Much WIP, Much Wow]
Quote: (Optional)
Name: Liliam Pennsworth
Nicknames: Lily
Hero Name: Multi-Purpose Tool Heroine ~ Ex Machina
Age: 23
Gender: Female
What they will teach: Homeroom ~ Class C
('cept for the hair ribbon)
Hero Costume:

Lilliam, being raised in a rich, foreign family, is raised to be elegant and poise. Thus, is mostly polite with other people. She tries to be friendly with most people, and her kindhearted nature sometimes makes her susceptible to try and talk villains out of their wicked ways, which doesn't work half of the time. She doesn't resort to violence unless it has been deemed necessary.

Due to her being a foreigner when she moved to Japan, she doesn't know much of the culture and proceeds to call everyone by their first names with the honorific "-san" thought to her by her Sister who moved to the country several years before her. She doesn't know that much about Japanese culture, but she learnt a bit over time. Like the New Year's shrine visit, etc. Although she usually incorporates some western influence in some holidays.

Despite her kindhearted nature, she somehow finds thrill in injuring people...She only brought it up to her sister and is still confused up to this day.

Likes: (at least 4) {S}
Dislikes: (at least 4) {S}
Fears: (at least 2) {S}
Calls people by their first name + "-san" (I.e Mizaguchi Mari, Mari-san)
Headmaster ~ Personally volunteered to build the academy. They hasn't spent much time together, but she knew that he has a kind and nurturing heart.
Backstory: {S}
Reason for becoming a teacher: To aid in the nurturing the next generation of heroes.
Notable Feats as a hero:
>Lilliam once encased a dangerous villain within a 5km area using her Quirk, which allowed other Heroes to apprehend it without further damage.
>She personally helped the Headmaster build the Academy.
Hero Style:
Focusing on rescue missions, crowd control and occasionally supporting other Heroes in battle.
Quirk: "Object Manifestation" ~ Allows her to transform her body into other objects; such as a wall, an Armada, or a net. She usually changes her arms and legs depending on the situation. The properties of her body depends on the properties of the object known thus far. (Example, if she doesn't know what the thing is made of, she'll usually guess and the property of the object would be as such.) Transforming her entire body would take up a lot of stamina, preventing her from sustaining that form for too long. In short, she can only sustain the form which encased an unnamed dangerous villain for only 2 hours max. It was her luck that All Might showed up and ended the struggle when she was nearing her limit.
An Indicator that she uses her Quirk on her whole body is that her face(Eyes and mouth) will pop up at a random spot; usually in the direction she's facing.
Special Moves:
"Walled Punish" ~ Transforming her Body, she surrounds her opponent in a wall, and from the wall, she transforms some parts of the wall into various spikes and weapons.
"Spiked Armada" ~ Transforming her arms into a rocket launcher that fires a net which pins down the opponent. She'd then fire a barrage of knives onto the pinned down opponent...Stops when they're severely injured OR when they plead to stop.
"Stun Net" ~ Transforming one of her arms into a net, then using the other to create a stun gun. She'd then electrocute the net, shocking both her and the target.
"Soft Fluffy Landing" ~ Commonly used in her rescues, she transforms into a giant mattress, where people can jump down from high places.
"Machina Elevator Express" ~ Commonly used in rescues, transforming her arms into a giant pulley carriage, she allows the panicking people to enter it and then she pulls it back to the surface or ontop of the cliff or ravine, where the people would be safe. May require a strength quirk assistance.
A Ruby Locket ~ The same locket she has in her Hero Costume. It was given to her as a gift by her father...Quite a treasured object.
Theme Song:

Favorites: (optional)
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I suppose Homeroom is still fine? (Since Support is labelled [0], I'm guessing that's for the number of slots.)
yeah, that is the number of slots [number] indicates the number and if none is there, that means there is only one slot. But yes, all homeroom teachers are available. Which class would your character give homeroom to (out of the three described in the lore section)?
Quirk: All-Purpose Glob

This is a hybrid quirk that combines two quirks: glob and solidification. To explain this quirk requires explanation of Hilbert's parent's quirks. Glob is a quirk that allows one to create a soft, colorless glob, a mass that appears to look like melted wax. The other is a simple quirk that allows the user to solidify any part of their body beyond human limits, similar to hardening and steel only much more specific.

All-Purpose Glob is a hybrid of the two which takes on the main traits of both while removing and creating weaknesses that Hilbert must balance out. While he can create the same colorless glob, the solidification now only affects the glob part instead of Hilbert's actual body. Hilbert can manipulate and control this glob, as well as being able to mold and shape it in however he wants. When reinforced, the glob takes on a more steel-like appearance, with a shine, to represent that the reinforcement is active. As it currently stands, the reinforcement is able to give the globs enough power to break through building walls, granted that Hilbert reinforces to his upmost limits.
Will yoiu please clarify what the glob is?

Hilbert is a sociable person who is easy to approach. He prefers to take his problems head on directly instead of passively. Most of the time he prefers to incorporate humor when confronting someone as well as question the reason why a person is doing something he finds strange or ridiculous. As with most kids taught by their responsible parents, he will follow directions if given, but he may deviate from said directions if he feels that the situation calls for it. By-the-books is not his style as he prefers to handle things in his own way.

He finds interest in quirks and what people can do with what they have. Whether it be a villain or a hero, quirks fascinate him to no end. As such he finds himself over analyzing quirks whenever he sees one in action. Because of his obsession with quirks, he really respects those that can use their quirks in numerous ways. In addition, he loves teamwork and will work with anyone... granted that they are willing. He also believes that everyone is special and that they can become something greater of they work hard.

He is a creative thinker who takes his surroundings into account. His decision-making skills allows him to constantly act as well as make quick decisions on the fly. Though he does tend to overthink much often than he realizes.
As it stands now, this character is a gary stu AKA, he is desperate of character flaws

manipulate and control this glob
Can he make the glob do something it normally wouldn´t be able to do on it´s own, or does this just mean he can control how much he releases and when it hardens?

as well as being able to mold and shape it in however he wants
Manually or with his mind? Can he do this to glob that is not attached to him? How fast can this be done, and what kind of things can be done with it, like, could he produce a sharp object, a machine or any kind of mechanism for that matter?

I do want you to make the concrete limits more clear as well, but before that, I want to make sure the quirk is conceptually viable.
As it stands now, this character is a gary stu AKA, he is desperate of character flaws

Can he make the glob do something it normally wouldn´t be able to do on it´s own, or does this just mean he can control how much he releases and when it hardens?

Manually or with his mind? Can he do this to glob that is not attached to him? How fast can this be done, and what kind of things can be done with it, like, could he produce a sharp object, a machine or any kind of mechanism for that matter?

I do want you to make the concrete limits more clear as well, but before that, I want to make sure the quirk is conceptually viable.

You asked and I shall deliver. Edited. I'll keep editing if there is still room for improvement. No CS is perfect after all.
You asked and I shall deliver. Edited. I'll keep editing if there is still room for improvement. No CS is perfect after all.
We´re still talking about a substance. For example, making giant fists moving on their own would mean the glob could basically be made act as a muscle rather than a secretion.

In addition, manipulation often implies that, for example, you could make the glob levitate.

And you still haven´t answered whether the character can control the glob when it is not attached to them.

I need to know what is possible with this manipulation.
We´re still talking about a substance. For example, making giant fists moving on their own would mean the glob could basically be made act as a muscle rather than a secretion.

In addition, manipulation often implies that, for example, you could make the glob levitate.

And you still haven´t answered whether the character can control the glob when it is not attached to them.

I need to know what is possible with this manipulation.

Edited once more. To make things more clear, Hilbert can control and shape the glob when it's attached to him. One it's no longer attached then he can no longer control it further and just becomes another projectile. For example, giant fists can be shot out but they really can't do anything once shot out. If it was attached to Hilbert then he could shape it further but he still has to keep the weaknesses in mind.
  • There is a limit to how much glob he can create at once.
  • Just like hardening and steel, there is only so much damage that the reinforcement can do in terms of overall durability. Given enough damage, it will break.
  • While not reinforced, the glob is able to reform even if sliced or shot at, however it is susceptible to elemental-based attacks as well as other non-typical quirks that don't deal regular physical damage such as Explosion.
  • When reinforced, the glob's durability is able to now tank elemental-based and other non-typical quirk attacks much more effectively. However now physical attacks will be able to affect it, and possibly break it if strong enough or after taking quite a bit of damage. Keep in mind that any attacks can break it if strong enough.
  • Though glob does not physically tire Hilbert, reinforcement can be quite taxing on him if he does it too much. The higher level his reinforcement is, the more physically taxing it is on his body.
  • Trying to control a vast amount of glob at once will give Hilbert serious migraines. Trying to overdo it and/or go past his limits will result in him losing consciousness due to a mental overload.
  • As stated before the manipulation/control of his glob requires his mind. Overworking his mind is going to lead to a unconscious Hilbert as a result of mental overload. So he really cannot afford to generate and use a vast amount of glob at a time.
  • When using glob, his level of level of control is dependent on distance. Being within 4-5 meters gives him a generalized level of control. Anything further is going to be quite difficult to get a hold of. As such long-range attacks with his glob are quite limited at best.
  • As much of a high potential ceiling the quirk provides, Hilbert must balance out between glob and solidification. Too much of one thing is bad but so is both. Both quirks have opposing weaknesses being mental/physical. So obviously using both is going to have the weaknesses of both.
alright, let´s get to specifics now. How much glob can he create at a time, and how much can he control at a time? What is the maximum durability of the hardening? To what degree can his normal glob protect him against elemental attacks, what other kinds of non-physical, non-elemental attacks can it protect him against and how much can the glob expand?

Also, please at least double the amount of time you registred for forming objects that´s way too fast.
alright, let´s get to specifics now. How much glob can he create at a time, and how much can he control at a time? What is the maximum durability of the hardening? To what degree can his normal glob protect him against elemental attacks, what other kinds of non-physical, non-elemental attacks can it protect him against and how much can the glob expand?

Also, please at least double the amount of time you registred for forming objects that´s way too fast.

Edited. Put in some notes to detail the specifics so that things won't feel too cluttered.
the solidification can break given enough beatings.
It´s these "enough beatings" that I was asking you to make clear when I asked you to tell me the upper limits of his resistance.

The current amount of glob he can create at a time is equivalent to the width and height of a smart-car.
hmmm... And this "at a time" is what period of time?

  • The glob can expand about a maximum of 20 meters.

You realize that´s a fifth of a soccer stadium in radius, right? It´s way too much
It´s these "enough beatings" that I was asking you to make clear when I asked you to tell me the upper limits of his resistance.

hmmm... And this "at a time" is what period of time?


You realize that´s a fifth of a soccer stadium in radius, right? It´s way too much

Edited. I swore that 20 meters in comparison wasn't much. I always knew that mathematical comparisons in units was never really my best subject but to think it was this bad. Anyways I gave a specifics on these "enough beatings." Problem is I'm not sure if the equivalency is going to cut it.
The glob can expand about a maximum of 20 feet.
20 meters is still pretty large for something coming out of his body, but I guess I´ll allow it


The Quirk Thinker

  • Name: Hilbert Allegretti



    Nicknames: N/A

    Age: 16

    Gender: Male

    Chosen Extra Class: Support


    Hilbert is a sociable person who is easy to approach. He prefers to take his problems head on directly instead of passively. Most of the time he prefers to incorporate humor when confronting someone as well as question the reason why a person is doing something he finds strange or ridiculous. As with most kids taught by their responsible parents, he will follow directions if given, but he may deviate from said directions if he feels that the situation calls for it. By-the-books is not his style as he prefers to handle things in his own way.

    He finds interest in quirks and what people can do with what they have. Whether it be a villain or a hero, quirks fascinate him to no end. As such he finds himself over analyzing quirks whenever he sees one in action. Because of his obsession with quirks, he really respects those that can use their quirks in numerous ways. In addition, he loves teamwork and will work with anyone... granted that they are willing. He also believes that everyone is special and that they can become something greater of they work hard.

    He is a creative thinker who takes his surroundings into account. His decision-making skills allows him to constantly act as well as make quick decisions on the fly. Though he does tend to overthink much often than he realizes.

    Though one is not without flaws. He is quite competitive and is quite stubborn when it comes to trying to prove himself. His lack of self-worth in the past is a bit of a sensitive spot to this day. Confidence is generally built upon his accomplishments and failure generally hits him a bit harder than others. Knowing that others are better is hard but accepting it is even harder. He is a bit impatient and is not a big fan of waiting for long periods of time. If he wants to do something then he would rather do it now than later; this also makes him headstrong as he prefers to tackle his problems directly than passively. For him offering feedback and opinion is much easier than accepting hard-earned criticism. He really can't help it due to his competitive nature and pride. As such he is prone to endangering himself for the sake of self-confidence.

    Hilbert was born and raised in Italy by his Italian mother and Japanese father. Around the age of 3, they had moved to Japan. While growing wasn't awkward or tough, Hilbert always felt that others were simply better than him, that he had no real talent in anything. The reason for this is because his grades and physical results proved otherwise. Sure he had his quirk but, at the time, he felt that it wasn't cool or flashy as others.

    This lack of confidence in himself caused to be less outgoing and social during his early childhood. It seemed that he was going to remain a husk forever... until he had seen a pro hero in action. While walking home from school, Hilbert had unknowingly walked into the scene of a battle between hero and villain. The villain, armed with weaponry such as swords, saw the child and took his chance. He dashed toward him using his quirk and was going to take Hilbert hostage. Then the hero had rushed in and defended him while taking the full brunt of the attack. The hero had trapped the villian with his quirk: to have the abilities of a ram sheep. Using his horns, the hero launched himself foward and unleashed a headbutt attack to knock the villain out. Afterwards the hero praised Hilbert for staying calm during the situation. He had been scared to death, but seeing a hero using a quirk in action inspired him. The hero explained that his quirk was often looked down upon by his peers because well... having the abilities of a sheep seems ridiculous in hindsight especially for a combat-based hero. Still he trained himself in order to use his quirks in ways no one else could. Since this day, Hilbert would work hard in order to become his own special person. He slowly grew out of his shell to become the person he is now. Fast foward to today where he will join Peace Sign Academia in hopes of becoming a pro-hero, one that could give kids hopes and dreams so that they, too, could work hard to become something great.


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