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Realistic or Modern Blurryface

aight y'all im going to my damn bed its 3 am n if i dont go now ill be up making sheets till dawn i s2g
boyguro said:
u should've replied with toby maguire's crying face instead. way more expressive


goodnight spidey
This looks pretty damn good. But college has kicked me in the ass to the point where I'm only replying to roleplays once a week and even then that's way too hard. So I cant join this one sadly.

I could give you all faceclaims though if need be xD . List of cutie guys
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i feel the need to clarify something since it seems not everyone understood quite correctly.

the story begins all of merely two days after the shooting, so incorporating a big chunk of your backstory of "what happened after the shooting" doesn't make sense since the roleplay is going to start right after it, the point of this rp is to see how your character develops because of said shooting, and then how their lives fall apart when blurryface appears. you ARE the senior class that was attacked and no one but most of the senior class died.









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JujuBee said:
This looks pretty damn good. But college has kicked me in the ass to the point where I'm only replying to roleplays once a week and even then that's way too hard. So I cant join this one sadly.
I could give you all faceclaims though if need be xD . List of cutie guys
i need that list of cutie guys :-)
pulpfiction said:
i need that list of cutie guys :-)


Imaan Hammmam

Omar Borkan Al Gala




Diego Boneta

Marlon Teixeira

Boo Boo Stewart

Abiah Hostvedt

laith hakeem

marlon palmer

chuck achike

rami malek

silvestre rasuk

Ricky Whittle


Nate Gill

wendell lissimore

Aldis Hodge

There ya go. I can't give away all of my guy face claims xD . I apologize for the different fonts and sizes. That's how they're stationed in my doc where I keep them stored.
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JujuBee said:


Imaan Hammmam

Omar Borkan Al Gala




Diego Boneta

Marlon Teixeira

Boo Boo Stewart

Abiah Hostvedt

laith hakeem

marlon palmer

chuck achike

rami malek

silvestre rasuk

Ricky Whittle


Nate Gill

wendell lissimore

Aldis Hodge

There ya go. I can't give away all of my guy face claims xD . I apologize for the different fonts and sizes. That's how they're stationed in my doc where I keep them stored.

tidiou m'baye? more like tidiou my bae aaayyyyy

THANK YOU you are a blessing to the rpn realm

ALSO RAMI, MARLON (teixeira), AND DIEGO ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE I RECOGNIZED FROM THAT LIST. damn girl you got knowledge. you are great. pretty much storing all these for later, hot damn
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pulpfiction said:
tidiou m'baye? more like tidiou my bae aaayyyyy
THANK YOU you are a blessing to the rpn realm

ALSO RAMI, MARLON (teixeira), AND DIEGO ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE I RECOGNIZED FROM THAT LIST. damn girl you got knowledge. you are great. pretty much storing all these for later, hot damn
Look, my thing is if you've seen a face claim once in an rp- Don't use it for another. I can't stand using overly used face claims you know? Doesn't make it fun anymore since I sometimes get the personalities switched up on which it's supposed to be. So the less seen the face claim the better xD . Oh and- Diversity. There's never any of that and you know that's my thing xD . But you are most certainly welcome my apprentice. Use them to your heart's content.
JujuBee said:
Look, my thing is if you've seen a face claim once in an rp- Don't use it for another. I can't stand using overly used face claims you know? Doesn't make it fun anymore since I sometimes get the personalities switched up on which it's supposed to be. So the less seen the face claim the better xD . Oh and- Diversity. There's never any of that and you know that's my thing xD . But you are most certainly welcome my apprentice. Use them to your heart's content.
Lmao, definitely guilty of reusing (at least my own) face claims - I get obsessed over models and celebs on a regular basis and it's hard for me to let go of them - but I try not to do it! And I definitely agree with the diversity thing - I pretty much take it into consideration every time I make a character, but sometimes I have a few favorites that just happen to be white - like my fc rn, lol. Tysm for the fcs tho!! I've been running out of male fcs recently and it really helped. :-D
tbh i dont see why people hate "overused" faceclaims. its not the fc that matters its the character. overused just means popular and disliking a character right off the bat just bc theyre using kaya scodelario as their fc is petty imo. i made a character with evan peters as the fc and im still proud to say he was one of my best.
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Okay so before I respond please understand that I never was trying to bash your character. It's perfectly fine to be proud of a character. You should be proud of every character you make so yay, congratulations.

It's not that I hate overused faceclaims and it's not that I automatically hate a character because "Oh my goodness I've seen this faceclaim already." The character is important. But there are so many different faceclaims out there. Why not explore and see if there's a new one you'll like? But hey, call me petty. You have your opinion and I have mine xD .
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JujuBee said:
Okay so before I respond please understand that I never was trying to bash your character. It's perfectly fine to be proud of a character. You should be proud of every character you make so yay, congratulations.
It's not that I hate overused faceclaims and it's not that I automatically hate a character because "Oh my goodness I've seen this faceclaim already." The character
is important. But there are so many different faceclaims out there. Why not explore and see if there's a new one you'll like? But hey, call me petty. You have your opinion and I have mine xD .

bc maybe that exact fc fits the character you're going for or has been in a tv show/movie that has good gifs/pictures as the type of character u want that u can use, plus, "overused" faceclaims have more gif hunts, pictures, etc. etc. it shouldnt matter how popular/unknown an fc is, what matters is that it fits ur character & rooting for lesser used fcs just bc they're not as well known seems prejudiced to me. im not going to like ur character any more or less depending on if the FC has been used three billion times or five and no roleplayer is better than another for having a more popular fc or vice versa.
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boyguro said:
bc maybe that exact fc fits the character you're going for or has been in a tv show/movie that has good gifs/pictures as the type of character u want that u can use, plus, "overused" faceclaims have more gif hunts, pictures, etc. etc. it shouldnt matter how popular/unknown an fc is, what matters is that it fits ur character & rooting for lesser used fcs just bc they're not as well known seems prejudiced to me. im not going to like ur character any more or less depending on if the FC has been used three billion times or five and no roleplayer is better than another for having a more popular fc or vice versa.
If you ever got the inkling that I thought I was better than you then please, get it out of your mind. I never said that and that's not what I believe. I've never seen your work and you've never seen mine. But once again, like I said- You have your opinion and I have mine. We can agree to disagree. Okay?
JujuBee said:
If you ever got the inkling that I thought I was better than you then please, get it out of your mind. I never said that and that's not what I believe. I've never seen your work and you've never seen mine. But once again, like I said- You have your opinion and I have mine. We can agree to disagree. Okay?

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CloudyBlueDay said:
more mellow, sweet, almost sad or chill kind of music? Maybe Jason Mraz or Colbie Caillat?
king city- swim deep

crystalised- the xx

hunger of the pine- alt j

pumped up kicks- foster the people

thats whats coming to my mind rn but idk
boyguro said:
king city- swim deep
crystalised- the xx

hunger of the pine- alt j

pumped up kicks- foster the people

thats whats coming to my mind rn but idk
i listened to those all and though they're all super nice I dont think they're for Robin hnnnn

the search CONTINUES!

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