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Okay so. I prefer to play females and also lesbians, but I've noticed there are a lot of females have already been made. Should I break my boundaries or hope that I can write a good enough lady to be accepted?
QuixoticKitten said:
Okay so. I prefer to play females and also lesbians, but I've noticed there are a lot of females have already been made. Should I break my boundaries or hope that I can write a good enough lady to be accepted?
lesbean pls
Chibii said:
Gay characters are always fun.
But why.

Just why.
Because I don't feel comfortable writing heterosexual romance and I like to break away from the girls on this site who all write bubbly heterosexual white girls, that's why.
QuixoticKitten said:
Because I don't feel comfortable writing heterosexual romance and I like to break away from the girls on this site who all write bubbly heterosexual white girls, that's why.
Yeah no I wasn't askih why you wanted to make a gay female lol I was asking why gay characters are always so fun.

I should change my face claim to Kou Shibasaki.

But there are no gifs for the Japanese baby. No gifs = No love
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QuixoticKitten said:
Because I don't feel comfortable writing heterosexual romance and I like to break away from the girls on this site who all write bubbly heterosexual white girls, that's why.
Chibii said:
Yeah no I wasn't askih why you wanted to make a gay female lol I was asking why gay characters are always so fun.
I should change my face claim to Kou Shibasaki.

But there are no gifs for the Japanese baby. No gifs = No love

please keep in mind the characters are seniors so pick out an FC that represents the age range we're going for.
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QuixoticKitten said:
Well it just came off as kinda rude that you'd ask why I like to write gay characters.
When you live here, your grammar goes down the drain when in casual conversations, making people misunderstand a lot. And I forget to switch back from time to time whenever I hop on RPN.

If I offended you, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, really. I was just asking why gay characters are so fun, because they're always fun to roleplay with.

*Figures out why people from other countries hate me so much*
boyguro said:

please keep in mind the characters are seniors so pick out an FC that represents the age range we're going for.
Kou looks like she's 18 to 20-ish? The Asian youth is real with this woman.
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@Chibii the comment rubbed off as a little rude

ok whatever floats your boat. just make sure the pictures/gifs you use of her make her seem the age you want her to play.
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boyguro said:
@Chibii i'm sure she doesn't hate you, the comment just rubbed off as a little rude.
okay, whatever floats your boat. just make sure the pictures/gifs you use of her make her seem the age you want her to play.
Well I sure hope she doesn't, it's not like I like to make enemies, despite me doing it easily.

And for the faceclaims I'm on a mad hunt.
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@Chibii i know the feeling, looking for faceclaims sucks. do you prefer models or actors
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boyguro said:
@Chibii ah i know the feeling, looking for faceclaims sucks. do you prefer models or actors?
I don't actually have a preference, just those that have a variety of different pictures together with gifs. Also, facial expressions. Hehe... This is really too much to ask for.
@Chibii this is a pretty good site for models and this tumblr has some pretty great gif hunts
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