• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Blurryface

lonecoyote said:
So. Many. Females.
I dunno if I can make te female I had in mind into an accurate male

u know my motto, not first come first serve. its all about quality. just do whatever u feel most comfortable with.
@oOBubblesOo My CS coding kind of morphed into something similar to yours.. sorry about that, if it's too close I'll remove it ^^;
CloudyBlueDay said:
@oOBubblesOo My CS coding kind of morphed into something similar to yours.. sorry about that, if it's too close I'll remove it ^^;

i'm happy to help with bbcode if you ever need a hand
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lonecoyote said:
Can I get in on that? Lol I utterly suck at bbcode
of course

i could honestly make entire sheets for you if that's what you want tbh
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boyguro said:
of course!! i could honestly make entire sheets for you if that's what you want tbh
honestly, I just want mine to look half as good as everyone who's already put one. And honestly, those little moving pokemon are the cutest little shits I've ever seen.
lonecoyote said:
Shoutout to the best @boyguro who made my cs and all I have to do is fill it out. Y'all are saved from seeing how bad I am with bbcode
pulpfiction said:
@Amora Aurora @JujuBee @Despondency guys get in on this!! the RPs in need of hot male characters
AND DANE DEHAAN IS THE BEST. i never thought the word 'tired' would be attractive until i saw his face

i have dark circles under my eyes that make me look like a zombie. r u attracted yet
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