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Fantasy Bloodsworn OOC

Those who'd like to put in creature suggestions may fill up the form and pm it to me for consideration as below :)

Appellation: Mosshambler
Size: 10 - 16 feet.
Morphology: Quadrupedal
Alignment: Order Neutral
Cognition: 5 - 7
Sightings: Common, found in the forests
Notes: One of the most common creatures of in Andarun. A giant....Mosshambler. They are generally benign creatures who feed off the vegetation and minerals in the earth. However they are very protective of their homes and their young and will become dangerous if provoked.
Credit: Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater

[fieldset=❖][imagefloat=left][heightrestrict=175][IMG]https://www.rpnation.com/proxy.php?image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F564x%2F5d%2F0c%2Fac%2F5d0cac7fe943f636aa9d24807d3a30b6.jpg&hash=01b858048f1769fb69603ba8fa580cf0[/IMG][/heightrestrict][/imagefloat][font='Alice'][b]Appellation[/b]: Mosshambler 
[b]Size[/b]: 10 - 16 feet.
[b]Morphology[/b]: Quadrupedal 
[b]Alignment[/b]: Order Neutral
[b]Cognition[/b]: 5 - 7
[b]Sightings[/b]: Common, found in the forests
[b]Notes[/b]: One of the most common creatures of in Andarun. A giant....Mosshambler. They are generally benign creatures who feed off the vegetation and minerals in the earth. However they are very protective of their homes and their young and will become dangerous if provoked.
[size=2][b]Credit:[/b] @Hell0NHighWater [/size][/font][/fieldset]
Welp seems like we've lost a few... To those who are still interested, I'll continue on with a slight timeskip! THe assumption that Fenris's mass blizzard spell worked. And then we'll be on our merry way again ^3^ Will be posting in about a day.
I hope I wasn't being waited on. I normally wait until everyone else has posted then use the information from those posts to create my own.
I hope I wasn't being waited on. I normally wait until everyone else has posted then use the information from those posts to create my own.

Well to be honest, I'm indeed waiting on you (as well as a couple of the others). The idea is that we should post about once in five days, though I'm kinda lenient re: Lazy and would be okay if this is extended to about a week. If its more than that and I don't get a holler about how you're doin (again totally fine if you have issues, especially real life ones) then I might get a littlea tiny bit perturbed. ^3^

But anyways, its a small matter. Feel free to put in something now :>
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Sorry from me too! I was completely distracted by my holiday. I'll make sure to warn you about future absences.
I just realized I had a map for the lands of the Tel`Quessir which I didn't link in the lore -_- I was pretty sure I did, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I've added it to the lore section on the first post of the IC page if any of you guys are interested in it!
Hey! I finished my CS, almost, I do not know how to write a backstory... Usually my characters develope in roleplay, and because this has so much of the world fully developed, I don't know what will contradict and what will be interesting and such... Please may I have help?
Hey! I finished my CS, almost, I do not know how to write a backstory... Usually my characters develope in roleplay, and because this has so much of the world fully developed, I don't know what will contradict and what will be interesting and such... Please may I have help?

You may leave out the part about "Story Relation".

Suggest to add a lil' more stuff to her background.
1. Since she's a human, or edan, how was her life (or family's life) in relation to the general prejudice of the elves against humans? Was she shunned?
-If so, who would take up the training of a human girl instead of letting her just become one of the grunts or maidservants? A sympathetic elf? if so, why would he sympathize with her? A kind heart? Or was her ranger mentor a Bluecloak human?
-If she was one of the lucky few who were not treated as outcasts, how did that come to be? Did her parents make some major contribution to the Tel`Quessir? Were they heroes of sorts? Were her parents Bluecloaks? Did she earn the trust and only just managed to join the ranks of the Bluecloaks herself?

2. For skills, suggest to write about how she tends to fight. Is she a nimble fighter? A brawler? Is she hyper defensive, and tends to wear her opponents down through sheer endurance? Or prefers to attack from range?
-Add interests (general ones will do)
-Add fears (general ones will do)

3. (This one's really important) A link or a sample to anyone of your RP-ing/Writing posts please ^3^?

Edit: If you're worried about contradictions, you may ask me any question at all to clarify :) No points deducted for getting something wrong! It's not a test!! Hehe... If I'm not around, just go ahead and write something. Even if it doesn't fit with existing lore, I always try to offer suggestions on how we can work it out!
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Thank you very much!! I am assuming I have missed something when reading over the coded thing in the beginning but... Bluecloaks equal first rank rangers, right?
Thank you very much!! I am assuming I have missed something when reading over the coded thing in the beginning but... Bluecloaks equal first rank rangers, right?

Head to IC tab, on the first page you'll find a similar looking background to the on in the interest check; albeit its slightly more complete (bluecloaks are mentioned in both however). In the "creation and lore" tab, click to the "races" segment. There should be only 3 buttons. Anarhin, Isilhin, and Edan. Hover over the edan picture, the Bluecloaks are mentioned there :) They are also known as Valiants.

Although the first bluecloaks are Mages, their ranks have since expanded to include warriors and rangers.

Edit: I would recommend having a Valiant for parent(s). Makes things alot easier to tie into the story as whole. Though the choice is really up to you :)
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First draft of my sheet is nearly done. Just need to come up with a few more spells.

Let me know when you're done so I can have a look!

For now... No glasses xD

(on second thought: You may have a prototype of 'sighting lenses'. I don't mind if you created an imaginary rock of your own, say... uh.. a purified Aerialite a rare mineral found in planetouched areas yada yada (totally made up on the spot), which your character upon experimentation realizes he could fix to a makeshift goggle to improve his vision etc.etc.)
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am i supposed to be here -- i don't know, should i say something over in the main area --

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