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Fantasy Blood Night The Human Vampire War

"Why thank you my dear." He said as she took off his coat. "Ooh, classy house. And I see you still sleep in a coffin. You're such a cliche vampire." Balthazar said, chuckling at Fleur. He sat down a couch, grinning at her question. "My dear Fleur, you of all people should know that I forge no permanent alliances. I am my own ally, no one else, not even you. No offence." He said, the grin never once leaving his face.
Fleur's eyes raged with fury "I knew that but I thought at least you had some dignity, now get out of my house you piece of scum," she scolded spite rising in her voice but then she thought of a better plan "Actually do you know I want to speak with you she thought sitting on his chair's armrest. She began to chant four words "Mystique Hypno Ville Slumbre," Her mystic power was stronger than his and he started to drift unwillingly into a deep slumber she had set up to look like a human ridden world. "You hate humans, Humans killed everyone you loved, humans want to kill you, You have one alliance and it is to me," She snapped her fingers and he was awake

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Cayle rushed back to the cave, seeing Adelaide sitting there in deep thought. "What's up?" He asked, sitting on a ledge next to her.
Adelaide smiled softly up at him, feeling her thoughts wipe away. "I was.. Just thinking. Where were you?"
"Ah, her name was Yui I believe," He paused, "she was arguing with the annoying human Claude." He didn't care about what he said.
"Seems like we have a feisty one. Things could get interesting if she is always like that!" Adelaide says bemused
Icefox11 said:
Yui just groaned, slapping her forehead. "Correction, this fleshing is an idiot." She mumbled, rubbing her temples. "Listen kid, at some point, you're friends are going to die and you are going to watch them slowly decay, you're pale skin never changing. So if you want to be, this, for eternity, you have to turn him." She said.
Cayle smiled, looking at Adelaide, "It was funny when you tried walking into the camp and I aimed a gun at you." He laughed, grinning.
Adelaide laughed softly and replied "Highlight of my life" paused adding "But yes it was quite funny"
Adelaide felt the soft pressure of his lips on her forehead and smiled "Lucky. Or maybe I planned it all along. " she laughs and wraps her arms around him.
"So you read my future on the battlefield, knowing that I'd be paired with them and I'd know you? Seems legit." He smiled laying down next to her.

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