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Fantasy Blood Night The Human Vampire War

Slowly she stepped back along with the girl. Honestly, she had no intentions on killing anyone. Ever. In a few minutes she'll be in flames. And it will all be over... "All of you just stay where you are.) Salome said as she took another step back, all she was doing now was buy herself enough time. But at the corner of her eyes she saw the sun rising higher, fortunately her wait won't be for long.

(btw Nick its almost sunrise so you probably wouldn't wanna be there)
Josephine held still, almost looking completely calm except for her breathing. She looked up at her and didn't make a sound.
(Sorry I basically was practicing flag work and added another bruise to my collection on my knees)
Cayle ran up to her faster than her (due to he's a newborn) grabbing the knife and throwing it into the ground and throwing the girl to the ground, punching Salome in the stomach, surprising her.
Yui laughed, looked at the two of them. "Oh, wouldn't you like to know." She said, smiling at him. She looked at the interaction between the two. "I can tell you right now, I am not afraid." She said.

@The Doorman
Adelaide watched him from where she stood about a football field away. Her vision crystal clear even at this distance, allowed her to watch every move they made. Adelaide spoke in a high clear voice. "Is this really necessary?"
Josephine gasps, lurching her head back and biting her tongue as it bleeds. She holds her head before sitting up and looking over.
Cayle grabbed the human and ran, leaping up into the tree. "We should, uh, leave before she attacks. I also have a drink awaiting us." He smiled, running to the cave.
Josephine looked to him before nodding and hopping down, trotting over there as well. She brushed her hair back as she walked inside.

"P-pardon me. I was from France before all of this. An aristocrat, r-really. My little sister w-was a vampire too," She looked around and held the book clutched at her side.
Claude turned his head back to the woman, "Hm? I'd suggest you not take us lightly, though I have no quarrel with you, if you ever give me reason I can tell you that it's not a good idea to think I'm any bit weak."

Marthur watched as the sun crawled further, "Mm, I didn't invite this bright light... Party crasher..." He said with disappointment on his sleeve and flipped off of the branch, landing gently and gracefully on two feet, pulling his hood to cover his face. "What is your business, stranger one?" He said to the woman, rubbing his eyes as he finished.

Yui smiled. "Oh, I was just passing though the woods, and happened to hear you're conversation. Nothing more and nothing less." She said. She then turned to the human with an amused smile. "And I would never take someone lightly. I just like having a little fun." She said, her smile wide and confident. If she couldn't smash him, she could outrun him.
Adelaide gave Josephine a small nod and dissapeared into the woods. She appeared next to Cayle suddenly and whispered "boo" in his ear.
Josephine pulls the book out, realizing his attitude to the situation and sits down, reading it once more, the text dripping more onto her forearm where she read. Waves back and returns to her reading.
"Ah, I see... Though I don't believe our chatter was interesting, it isn't my choice in what things grab your attention." The man said cracking his fingers, then his elbows, and his back, showing much flexibility as he nearly doubled over backwards and rose again without difficulty.

"Hmm... If that is true, then you are wise..." Claude said, still trying to readjust his cap in a way that didn't bother him.
"Agh!" Cayle collapsed to his side. "Jerk." He said wiping the dirt off his shirt, smiling about when she brushed her hand with his. "You may drink first."
Yui smiled, her arm reaching up. "Oh, flexible. I will add that to my list of things to remember about you. As for me, well, I may seem a lot more dainty than I am." She said, flexing her toes.
Josephine opened another book and put them side by side, comparing the two texts and pulling something out of one. She slipped it into a small pouch under her stockings and re-tied her falling hair up. She read over the text before sighing and playing with a small violin from inside one book's pages. How she wanted to play, but she felt it unwise to at her state.

Her head began to ache suddenly and she groaned, biting her tongue again and cringing in pain before putting it and the one book away.
"What a gentleman!" She said. She drank from the deer, tasting the nutrients flow through her, giving her life. SHe pulled back and wiped her mouth.
"I was born one." He laughed, standing up and assaulting the deer vigorously, driving its blood to his mouth and down his throat. Smiling and wiping his mouth after he was done. "The first day was fine." Cayle commented.
As the sun now rose up, higher than before salome spreads her hands wide to her side. A smile on her lips as a tear fell from her eyes. "Finally..." She said as the sunlight hits her skin. At first it was nothing but smoke, until it got thicker and thicker.... Slowly she burst into flames. She wanted to yell at the pain she as feeling, she wanted to speed away while she still can and heal herself... But no. She stayed there on the ground as her skin burned .... After a few more minutes she fell to the ground flat on her back as the fire got stronger, the smoke got thicker and thicker. Salome felt he body numb.... Slowly closing her eyes everything went dark despite the sun rising. After 50 years, her immortal life came to an end.

"Heh." Marthur held his hand over his mouth to stifle a bit of laughter, having a bit of a dirty mind in this state of bloodlust made this comment on his prominent ability to be flexible giving him a bit of a laugh at whatever perverse meanings flexibility had the potential to be.

"What are you- Ah, perv." Claude spat, slightly irritated by Marthur and also a tad irritated by the fact that he knew why this could be considered humorous, "Just, shut up, Marthur, just shut up."
(Irk nick! btw i havr to go. im crammed right now. i promise more tomorrow!)

Adelaide smiles. Just smiles at him, nothing more.
Yui smiled at his laugh, her laugh soon joining his. She could still feel the sun rising, very aware that she was going to have to leave soon. She smiled at him and shook a finger. "A normal person would hit you for that." She said.

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