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Fantasy Blood Night The Human Vampire War


Dee Owner Of The Company
Mission: I want this Rp to be a fun, addicting, and straight up amazing. I want to see characters fall in love at gunpoint and still fight each in battle just to keep their relationship a secret. I want to see Characters get captured and go through brutal interrogations. Or epic final stands by characters that we all have come to love. And most of all we all want to see a good time being made (Also lets try to have characters know each other before the first post). Lets all get creative.
Pain, destruction, mayhem, death, despair. These adjectives are but a fraction of the emotions rampant inside the hearts of millions across the world which we call planet Earth. Today hundreds of thousands of brave men and women tossed their lives into the cold, heartless, void of fate. The Earth as we know it is gone forever. Its population cut in two. A tenth of the population has been changed into creatures known to the rest of the world as Vampires. These changed human beings have taken an entire continent for themselves. All of what is today Europe is now home to these people or parasites as the humans would describe them. Over centuries of seemingly endless conflict between the two races, it has finally reached its breaking point. The humans have chosen to take back and conquer every square inch of the world in which we live or by the vampires' hands, die trying. So it was on this very day that the humans engaged the vampires in open conflict along each and every country bordering the European continent. The conflict was not as much a war but a blood bath. Along the borders of these countries lie literal rivers of blood staining the once lush and beautiful landscape. Trees and plants wither and die as their water supply is tarnished with the results of war and destruction. One could say that it was in vain that the people from both sides gave their lives neither the humans or vampires attained one square mile from the events that happened today. And that statement would be true with the exception of small army of humans who manged to conquer the southern half of Sicily. The men and women of this group of war heroes are now beginning to drift off into the uneasy slumber of war. As a thick fog floats over the trenches of the humans a handful of soldiers assume their posts of securing the safety of their exasperated brethren as they rested. By keeping their chatter interesting and quiet they manage to keep each other up through half of the night with another 5 hours to go they continue. But as time progresses smaller and smaller amounts of attention are given towards the task at hand. But on this night they are not alone, a small group of vampires wander through the dark cloud of condensation with one thing on their minds. Vengeance. The small band leave the low lit towns as the continue their search for the human encampment. As the leave the deserted buildings behind they head south to the unsuspecting humans who will either save the lives of their brothers and sisters or ensure their demise.
Adelaide wiped her mouth, leaving her wrist smeared in blood from the rabbit she held limp. Burying its remains, she walks back her car. Sitting in the drivers seat she felt he power return to her body, blood pumping faster. She ran tongue over her fangs as they shrunk in size. She had always relished humans, for they did not have to drink the life of another. In her gut though she knew she had to, for her own survival. The keys clicked into the ignition and she pulled out of the conservation area, back towards the others. Knowing she was missing the excitement of a hunt
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Marthur had chosen to run there, to the human encampment, with both strength and speed on his side why shouldn't he? The smell of their blood did little to make him thirsty, as he'd... Drank earlier, though he had other means of getting what he needed, rarely did anyone realize he was a vampire, with his speed it was a simple task to feed without having to kill and with his strength he'd kill if he had to. "Ah, I love the smell of humans, they are so pleasant..."

The man said to himself, though at his speed it was a mangled squeak, incomprehensible.

Claude, on the other hand, was a human. Strong, intelligent, though the cultist workings were a mystery to him. He was reading a manga as the vampires approached, though he didn't know of their planned attack, and was tapping his foot impatiently, "Dammit, I'll never find out what happens at this rate! Thanks, for leaving me with a cliffhanger, HAGAIN!" He tossed the book aside and sat up, tugging his sleeves up, "AAAAAAAGH!!!" He shouted, throwing his arms up and sighing, this was his biggest problem... Though the trouble was coming.
Salome with her vampiric speed ran towards the human encampment. Not knowing other vampires were also planning on attacking the same target. She was starving, that even at this distance she can sweet the sweet taste of human blood. At a few good distance she stopped, up ahead was her target. Up ahead she spotted another vampire, she can smell the death in him. Immediately she can tell that he too had the same goal as her.

Slowly she walked over towards him, her long stiletto heels clicking against the ground. "You'll live... Just don't get in my way." She said fiercely. Her eyes locked straight to the encampment up ahead, her fangs extended as she heard the blood pump through the veins of those humans.

A smile slowly spread on her lips... "Its time to kill"
Marthur furrowed his brow and sped in front of Salome, spinning around, "I'll live? Who do you think you- Wait, you're going to KILL them?! You can't do tha- I mean, I can't let you do that!" He was ready to use his Level 5 speed to dodge or his speed and Level 3 strength to attack if necessary, his deep brown eyes flashing red for a moment before he spoke again, "I mean, I know that's what we're born to do but are you really ready to slaughter a bunch of innocent humans for your own greedy needs?!" The man said, he liked humans, and while they thought he was one they usually liked him, that's why he had some human friends who knew, well, equalist humans but, you know.

The kind-faced vampire tilted his head, "Think about it, humans are our main life source and water is theirs, but they don't drain the ocean to live, why should you kill them to live? Maybe they wouldn't kill us if we didn't kill them! Can't we be peaceful? We all used to be humans, right?" He hoped she might reconsider her plans to kill, but he kept his doubt in mind.
Salome let's out a scoff as she shook her head, this isn't the first time she encountered a vampire who sided with the humans.

For her, such an act was just ridiculous. For crying out loud they were vampires! The New Worlds most dangerous predators. Even some humans are now volunteering to let themselves turn than be a defenseless mortal. "Idiot." Salome said as she lifts her chin up high in confidence. She can smell the young vampire in front of her, he was young. Something most older vampires would call 'New Born' or sometimes 'New Blood'. Salome usually prefers the second option.

"Such a gift wasted on a New Blood like you... Don't you have any idea what its like to be given this never ending immortality? This strength... This speed. We..." She pointed a finger on her chest, exactly above her 'cleavage'. "Are made to kill..." Slowly as she speaks she let's her finger slide down along till her fingers touched the hem of her shirt. She let's out a chuckle, finding her own 'erotic' actions amusing. "Now are you still going to stop me? Or are you gonna let me do what i came here for?" Slowly she took in a deep breath. "I can just smell their blood from up here."
"Claude, shut the hell up." Devaon exclaimed in a loud whisper. He clutched the edge of his dark shades and tore them off his face pointing the opposite edge at his fellow solider. "Do you want us all to die, and aren't you suppose to be keeping your eyes out there." He pointed his shades out into the dreadfully open clearing that stood before their encampment. He then flicked his shades back on and looked back at Claude with a stern comical expression."Your Going to be the end of us." You could tell Devaon was being light hearted and cocky with the way he dismissed himself from Claude's presence. He then made his way to a wooden platform that was built as a look out for the camp. As he climbed the last of the step he greeted a fellow Cultist and began a conversation with them taking a seat and tilting the chair in a reclining position. "So what would you do if your mom was a parasite." He said with his hands folded and a witty smile across his face.
Laughs breathily when she walks out into the night, smelling both humans, and vampire alike in the distance. Adelaide steps over branches, roots, rocks and skips a stream to where Salome stood speaking to a vampire she was not familiar with. Exhaling she ran up to them, trying to feel through their minds for intentions. Still unsure she spoke steadily in an unyielding tone "Are you here for the humans? I have heard that some of us are out tonight for that very reason." Shifts her weight and leans against an oak tree. "But surely you would have no need to kill right?"
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Claude let his tongue meet the roof of his mouth, "Tch, Devaon, fuck you." He said, giving him a sarcastic expression and an impression of a Jack-in-the-Box with his fist, "You don't understand shit." He stuck his tongue out at the guy before he wandered and said something about a mother being a parasite and Claude promptly returned to reading 'educational' content.

"Why art thou so crude with thy gestures? Strange Elder Blood..." Marthur chuckled, eyes closing a moment and reopening to show his willingness to fight her, he hated blood suckers more than anything, though he was an example of the peaceful Vampires, so of course he did.
Completely capturing Salome's attention she heard another vampire speak.

"Are you here for the humans? I have heard that some of us are out tonight for that very reason....But surely you would have no need to kill right?"

Salome scoffed. She couldn't believe her ears, obviously another vampire who prefer to side with the mortals. "Disgusting" Salome said amused with the two vampires in her midst. She just couldn't believe how vampires would rather side with the humans, what is it to their gain? To stop the war? To make peace with them? Are they too stupid to know its too late for that? In this new world its either you kill... Or get killed. For Salome, she'd rather kill....

Cayle stood alone, his weapons readied and clothes worn. He talked to himself, "This is sad. These parasites interrupting our peace and eliminating most of us." He spat when they came to mind. "Hopefully we might be able to reconquer." Cayle smiled.
Adelaide raises an eyebrow at her disdain, now completely sure of her motives tonight. "Im not a peace loving, hold hands and sing songs of peace type you know, but I only turned a few years ago.... for me killing doesnt feel right." She shrugs and gazes off into the thick of the trees smelling human blood, sweat and fear.
A hefty laughed erupted from Devaon and his companion. He then sat upright in his chair and stood up. His body leaned slightly over the edge of the platform as he scanned the area facing their encampment. Faint white lights could be seen of a distant town. The thick fog caused the few lights eminating from the town to shine throughout the entire clearing between the two points. "He let me see that." The cultist smiled and tossed a rapid fire stake pistol. Swipping out of the air Devaon swung it around and pointed it into the clearing unleashing a fury of rounds across his view. Satisfied with his random action he gave back the weapon and made his way down the platform. "Cayle, your not dead are you. I didn't even see you get a kill today." He approached the secluded soldier leisurely and softly punched his shoulder. "Come on look alive, we still have another 4 hours to go."
Rolls her eyes at the girl, who appeared to have a serious vendetta against the humans. Turns and walks towards the human camp being careful not to step on and branches or draw attention to herself, as she draws closer she catches a glimpse of a watch platform and as she focuses in sees two men holding down the area. Shrugging she takes another step towards the encampment intent on blending in and going unseen, praying her intentions be deep enough to keep her safe during travel. As she reaches the base a light falls on her flesh and she winces, hoping nobody notices that she is not human.
"Ah, shut up." Cayle said laughing, "I almost got bit." He said punching Devaon softly. "When are we going back out there?" Cayle asked, "I'd like to know before a savage attacks me," He asked, staring out at the fields. What were once populated Cabins were burnt and crops scavenged for food before the Vampires struck. The world was dumb, losing to these vile creatures. Dumb ol' Europeans. "Wait a minute," Cayle pointed to the side, "Who's that walking into the camp?" He asked, grasping his weapons.
"A death warrant!" Devaon lauched himself passed the cultist that he had been talking to, who actually spotted the unkown character. With a quick pat on the back as he flew by he then gripped the ends of the ladder and slid down. Devaon knew he had no weapons specifically made to kill vampires bedside the wooden sword that he had at his bed side. These were times he regretted not being a cultist. But pushing those thoughts aside Devaon ran out of the trenchs and slowed himself as he approached the young women that stop frozen some meters from him. He drawed his normal assault rifle and aimed for her head. "Cayle you want to take this one!" He shouted from a distance.
Knowing she would be targeted on sight she breathed in, prepared, but not happy with them. She calls out into the night air hoping they would listen "Listen to me, please! Im not here to hurt you!" But as she finished speaking she heard the click of an assualt rifle and felt eyes on her, eyes that wanted to see her dead. Shaking off the urge to attack she remained stationary, hoping she would be listened to. Although most of her kind are bloodthirsty killers Adelaide strayed, need not for more bloodshed.
Cayle grabbed it rushing up to Devaon, "Get on the fuckin' ground!" He said, "You bloodsucking savage!" Cayle smiled aiming a gun at her head but paused, putting the gun down, remembering something from a while back. "She's fine." Cayle said. "One time on the battlefield, I was about to die and she saved me, she's a good vampire." He said.
Smiles gently. " I came to warn you guys but apparently your buddy here would rather get his throat ripped out by one of my kind." Relaxes as one of the guns goes down.
Claude leapt from his place of rest and ran out only to see Cayle pointing a gun at a vampiric woman, "Hollup, hold on, you guys know firearms are shit against vampires, what are you doing? Have you even done any fucking observations on the Lady? Jeeeeeeesus!" The boy groaned, he felt like he was always posted with idiots, "Do you not remember our training or did you miss the lesson on guns and vampires?" He grumbled, why was Devaon letting this guy point a gun at a potentially harder to beat, better to melee, faster than light, stronger than a tank vampire? "Wait, did you say warn? Shit, shit, shit!" He scrambled up onto the platform and picked up a weapon with a scope to see two more vampires, "I don't know if she's with them or not but two more vamps are headed our way!"
"Speak of this warning?" Cayle smiled, remembering that some vampires, indeed, do not want immortality like this, holding his gun down. "Sorry for not remembering you earlier by the way, don't sneak like that."
"Its okay, I had no idea you would even be here. You know Im trying here but just yesterday I almost got staked, excuse me for being a bit wary"
"You know this vampire?" Claude said, pulling out his battle axe so that he'd be prepared if the vampires he'd just seen actually showed their faces, leaning on it and looking at the woman. "So, you're one of the neutrals?"

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