Blood Moon.

"Well there I've never been in love." He stated switching his reply lieing to her to stay of the topic "That would be stupid it doesn't get me anywhere or bring anything but sadness and negativity."
Aoi looked down at the ground for a second. "Oh," she said and frowned. She shrugged. "Just wondering. ....well, is it possible to turn someone else into a genie? So you could be together? I mean if you fell in love? Or is tthat clearly impossible too?"
He sat down on a bench beside the river and looked at the clear blue water " Yeah I could turn someone else into a genie but...we couldn't be together. She would be a servant of her next master and I'd never see her again." He looked down at the ground "Love is a sickening idea anyways..."
"Oh...I guess that wouldn't work..." Aoi paused then sat down on the bench. "I won't talk about it anymore..." she mumbled and sighed. She stared out at the calm water. She picked up a small pebble off the ground and skipped across the surface.
"...did you get a nice pair of heels or sandals?" He questioned trying to change the subject and looked up at her face smiling then down at her feet.
"I bought some blue heels, but I decided not to wear them." Aoi replied and tossed another pebble. "They're really pretty and have little bows on them. I'll just wear them to a more special a school dance or something. Not that you really care."
He smiled down at the ground with dismal eyes but he was smiling "...yeah because I'm just a heartless b@$t@rd. What would I care if you go to a dance with some other guy." He turned into a coin and went into her pocket.
"That's not what I men-" Aoi started, but got cut off when he suddenly transformed into the coin. She let out a sigh. She stood up off the bench and grabbed her shopping bags. The sky began fading darker blue. "It must be getting late...." she told herself as she walked along the sidewalk. She looked around for a bus stop, she felt too guilty to ask Brady to 'poof' her back. A man walked past with a lighted cigarette, he grumbled something to himself. "Um, excuse me....." Aoi stopped the man. "D-Do you know where the nearest bus stop is?" She asked him.

The man stopped and grinned. "Of course girlie. Follow me, I'll show you the way." He said with a hidddn smirked.

Aoi followed behind him, a little uncertain.

He lead her to a dark alley way behind a large building. He grinned creepily and suddenly shoved her against the wall.

"Brad-!" Aoi started to call for Brady but was cut off again, this time by the man pulling out a sharp dagger. She accidentally dropped the coin and it rolled off somewhere she couldn't reach.

"Be quiet or I'll kill you," the dark man threatened.
Brady felt her pulse suddenly quicken and he came in a black leather jacket,leather pants biker boots and brass knuckles. His shades covered his eyes as he stood behind the man "I'm sorry you'll do what?" He whispered in his ear and stood right behind him. "If you kill her,I won't kill you...I will keep your sorry @$$ and break a bone in your body everyday but keep you alive barely until your an old $&@!. I will make you wish you were dead i fact dream of it." His eyes glowed fiery red and he spoke in a rough tone.
"What the f*ck do you want?!" The man growled at him. He swung his large dagger at Brady, missing his head just by a few inches. He swung again but this time got all dizzy and collapsed to the ground. He twitched a couple imes and groaned. The man was obviously really drunk; His eyes were all dazed and he reeked of alcohol. He tried to get back up but wasn't strong enough

Aoi covered her mouth and shivered in her place. Tears quickly fell down her face. She sniffed, trying hard not to cry but she couldn't keep it in. "B-Brady...." she cried.
He slicked his hair back kicking the man in the gut. He walked over to Aoi and lifted her chin up kissing her forehead. This magically made her stop crying and he spun around with her. The disappeared and reappeared at her home Brady was back in his coin form.
Aoi let out a quick sigh when they arrived back at her home. That was probably the scariest that ever happened to her, luckily Brady appeared almost instantly. "Thanks again Brady..." she whispered into the coin before putting in her pocket.
Brady was dead asleep on his bed inside the coin unable to hear much of anything he made no response to her but he smiled in his sleep.
Aoi set the shopping bags down in her room before laying down on her bed. She planted her head, face first into the pillow. She couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. "If Brady hadn't come...I could have been killed or been..." she mumbled quietly to herself and sighed. She closed her eyes, falling asleep before she could eat dinner or even change her clothing.

(Next day?)
Aoi awoke with a yawn. She stretched and slowly rolled out of bed. Realizing she still had the coin her pocket, she placed it on her dresser top so Brady could come out of his home if he wanted. She walked into her closet and shut the doors behind her to change. She decided to wear an item of her new clothes she had purchased. She put in the dress she had bought yesterday. It was very simple, yet elegant. It was a bright ruby red with a large white bow tired around the waist of the dress. She pulled on some matching pale white flats.
(After school Brady and Aoi spent the day at Paris, mostly for shopping. They have returned home and it's currently the very next morning. I haven't done anything with Julian btw.)
Brady stayed in the coin feeling very emotionally drained from the previous day. He sat on his couch with his arms spread out and letting his head hang back thinking about her question the other day.
(I'm guessing he's thinking about his past love?)

Aoi ran down to the kitchen and began making breakfast. She poured some milk and cereal into a small bowl. Sitting down on her large, fluffy couch, she started munching on her food. 'What's Brady doing?' She wondered, expecting him to be up by now.
(That would be correct ding ding have a cookie)

He sighed and stood up off his couch he clapped his hands and appeared before her in a flash. He was wearing light brown cargo shorts and a black muscle shirt. He bowed to her and stood there staring at the wall behind her for no perticular reason.
(Yay! Cookie! *noms*)

(Poor brady...)

Aoi blinked when Brady appeared infront of her. "Hey, you're up." She said as she finished her cereal. She couldn't help but notice that he seemed a bit off today; Kinda gazy, silent...

"...are you okay?" She asked curiously.
Julian grinned as he calmly waked down the pavement, umbrella in hand. He was all smilely today for some reason. He hummed quietly to himself. It was infact almost time for him to join up with his other vampire friends in their annual blood hunt. He quite enjoyed the 'hunts'.

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