Blood Moon.

" thanks, I'm fine. You can go talk to your girlfriends." Aoi sighed and slouched in her chair. She closed her eyes slowly, but didn't fall asleep.

Julian nodded and smiled. "No problem."
"Please,they aren't my girlfriends why I would i want to be with anyone else after seeing you. Excpecially in your swim suit." He stood up and smiled sweetly with a hint of mischief at her then walked back to his seat.
Aoi opened her eyes and rolled them. "Weirdo," she mumbled then closed her eyes again. She crossed her arms, but relaxed her shoulders.

Aoi got up out of her seat and slung her backpack over her shoulder when the finally bell rang. Her head felt all better thanks to the headache pills Brady had given her earlier. She felt tired though. She had taken a nap during science and wanted to return to her slumber. "Schools out..." she whispered to herself as she walked out the front doors.
Brady run up from behind her and picked her up bridal style with a smile "So what should we do today? We could go to St. Peter's Cathedral,the Vatican,a dormant volcano just name it and we can go."
"Hey, do you always have to carry me?" Aoi blushed. "I was just about to go shopping at the mall. I need to buy some clothes and shoes."
"Of course I do. Wouldn't want you to waste energy or get your feet dirty." He put her down and continued walking beside her "oh shopping that's boring are you taking your friends at least?"
Aoi sighed. "I don't have any friends..." she answered and fiddled with a lock of her hair. "I don't really care where we go."
He awkwardly frowned at her answer but the then smiled "Well then madam we shall go to the city of romance" he said in possibly the cheesiest French voice known to man. He grabbed her hand rolled her into him and snapped his fingers they disappeared in a flash. When they appeared back they were under a white flower tree and beside a canal.
Aoi's eyes widened when they suddenly disappeared and reappeared in France. "W-Where? Where are we?" She asked as she looked all around. It was indeed, a very lovely city.
"The most common place in France of course, Paris. Now you said you wanted to go shopping?" He smiled as he watched her look around at the city with awe "...or do you have other plans now?"
He was glad that he could make her happy and even more so make her smile. He walked along beside her waiting for her to choose the first store she wanted to stop at.
Aoi skipped into a rather 'fancy' store. It had many expensive and pricey clothing items in stock. She began going through the dresses. She looked in her purse, she didn't have very much money left, only about twenty bucks. The dress she wanted was around $115. She grumbled and put the dress back.
Raven's pulse quickened as she raced out the door. She looked behind her, still seeing the vamps chasing her. She stood in the sun, knowing they couldn't get her. The vamps hissed and Raven ran to the lake seeing her cabin. She collasped on the ground, shivering in the warm sun.
Brady snapped his fingers and a small pocket book appeared with money in it. He took $200 dollars out of it and gave it to her magically filling itself back up. "Buy anything you want including a nice pair of heals that'll show off your feet nicely." He started walking off "Just don't let it be stolen or lose it."
Aoi's eyes sparkled in delight when he handed her the money. She smiled and nodded. She purchased the dress before racing off to the nearby shoe section. She went through practically every shoe, trying them on shoe after shoe. She tried on a pair of glittery red boots and instantly fell in love with them. She bought those shoes along with a buch of other pairs. She continued shopping, till she spent every last dollar.
Brady poofed back to find with a new white button up and sun glasses. He looked her up and down "Get everything you wanted?" He folded his fingers behind his head.
"Yep! I bought a lot though." Aoi replied. She indeed did buy a bunch of clothes, which appeared to be obvious due to all the shopping bags she was carrying. "What now?" She asked childishly, she was still all excited and smilely.
"I don't know what you want to do,you can do whatever you want to do." He stood infront of her as some guys walked behind him and whistled at her " Like I'm sure they would love to do something with you." He said sullenly sadly looking down
Aoi's smile slowly disappeared. "Brody...have you ever...fallen in love before?" She asked him curiously. "Not to be random, but ..."

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