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Futuristic Blood and Glory

Sure that power hasn't been taken. A more general power would be cold manipulation so you would be able to make your whole body cold and what not
Hmm, I wouldn't mind getting in on this, as it definitely seems like it can be used to make for a fun and inventive base for an RP.

Mid twenties, Female, Probably a Chromatophoric based power as a primary(The ability to change your colours to fit in with the surroundings.) if that's alright, a secondary ability would probably work as enhanced reflexes.

Most likely would work as a sniper or trap setting character, relying on ambushing her prey with baits, or stalking them for a time before putting in the last round. Upper middle ranking on skill level.

Obviously I can get actually in depth once the Character Submission page gets opened.

Edit: Will probably have her suffer from extreme insomnia, getting maybe two hours of sleep a night and steadily getting shorter as the months pass. Probably trying to find a way to actually sleep properly. Might use morphine or vicodin style drugs to force sleep and would have an addiction to those as well.
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Sounds like it could be fun. I would advise something in the area of super strength given that these creatures are fairly large and very powerful.
Shura said:
Sounds like it could be fun. I would advise something in the area of super strength given that these creatures are fairly large and very powerful.
So maybe have her bones be tougher? I suppose if I were to have her be climbing things regularly a tougher bone structure or higher resilience to damage would help. I just didn't want to up her reflexes, give her a camouflage based power and make her even more resilient on the risk it was overpowered.
Alrighty, Point of the RP is to be a little op in combat and have a bit of fun. The creatures themselves will be given a challenge rating and the players allowed to write up the fights themselves.
Ahh, so a little OP is OK. Right then, not quite used to that xD

Slight raise to damage resilience, enhanced reflexes to pull off those trickier shots, and natural camouflage then. I can't wait to see this get started.
Mhmm! Yeah the combat part of the RP is meant to be more on the fun side and a little OP. I've gotten into conversations with people planning some crazy co-op stuff that will be very amusing. Keep in mind that weaponry can be futuristic so she could be stocked with awesome weaponds
Suddenly I'm getting the urge to go Borderlands 2 style and have a gun that shoots swords xD

But to be fair, a long range precision rifle that uses magnetic pulses to sling out superheated ferrofluid(Liquidised metal) through a barrel that cools into a harpoon or needle like bolt of metal would be more likely in a futuristic setting.

Jiminie jorge I'm already having fun with big words and technically nothing is even started yet xD
*Will claim the ability of tactile explosions.* Things he touches explode, the more force he puts into it, the bigger and more violent the explosion. He also has toughened skin to protect him from most shrapnel. When he's not on Line, things he touches just have a tendency to shake or fall over.*
Don't we have enough characters here to start the rp? I think enough people want to do it, and if people want to create characters they can just make them in the character creation tab.
I'd like to reserve Rubber Mimicry. I was wondering if I could also use Enhanced strength. I think someone else has stated that they want it, but on the other hand it is a secondary power, so I don't know if it still available.

Actually, instead of enhanced strength, I would like enhanced endurance.
I'm current experimenting on the. I coding for the the CS. I will post a simple Draft sheet when I get to a computer. I'm currently on my phone.
Thanks! I wanted it to be more like a medical profile. There will be more in the psych section
Yeah unfortunately doing it this way means it takes a bit longer. I want to get a sample Profile up before I can't put up the final draft

Draft Character Sheet

For those who want to get a head start developing their characters here is draft sheet. There may or may not be thing added to this sheet by the time the Final draft is released. There will be a template code in involved with this CS so any fanciful coding may not apply in final character creation.

For those wondering I am using the Note and Print code below.

Have Fun

For as serious as this RP is going to be when it comes to matters out side of combat. The purpose of this RP is to be fun. Monsters are going to be NPC which a detailed challenge rating. However when it comes to the fighting you will be under control of the monsters. I will be a little lenient on the OP rules in this case only.

If you want to make a bad ass veteran who kicks ass and takes names? Go ahead but you will suffer outside of combat in terms of side effects and sanity.

Want to make a rookie who's an underdog and gets beaten up often? You can do that as well. The point of this RP is to be creative, even in the application of your powers.

Notes to keep in mind:

  • Location: Arcadia City
  • Replace everything with in the ( ) with information
  • Powers are very weak when not under the effects of Line (Please refer to first post)
  • The longer you are a champion using Line the more severe the side effects
  • There are academies present which teach prospective Champions how to use their powers, fight and use Line responsibly.
  • Heavy users of line who have be come a danger to themselves and other are admired to a special facility to be treated.
  • The side effects of Line are permanent. There are ways to diminish the severity slightly but cannot be cured
  • I would like it if Primary power did not repeat, Since secondary powers tend to be more passive these can be repeated.
  • The higher your kill count the more famous and well known you are.

Champion Profile



(Stage name/ Code name)

General Information

Age: (18 and up)

Gender: (Male/ Female)

D.O.B.: (Date of Birth. RP will start 4021)

Blood Type:

Dominant Hand:





Hair Color/Style:

Body Build:
(Include any physical mutations)



Champion Record

Experience: (Rookie: 1 year, Up and coming: 1-3 years, Veteran: 4-6 years)

Kill Count: (1-200 use some sense with this one based on experience.)

Primary Power: (Genetic mutations only [refer to first post] Please describe how this power is used by your character)


(No line): (List 2 - Severely limiting if you have trouble contact me and I will help)


(With Line): (List 2 - These don't have to be as limiting.)


(List 2 - The negative effects the power has on your body when using line)

Secondary Power: (This is a more passive power meant to assist/ compensate slightly for the primary power. This power can be repeated among players)


(No line): (List 2)


(With Line): (List 2)


(This can be very minimal in relation to the above Drawback only 1 needed)

Armor/Suit: (Have fun but make sure there is some logic to it. Remember everything has a weakness)

Support Tech: (Tech which compliment your powers and assist when fighting)

Weapons: (Have fun but make sure there is some logic to it. Remember everything has a weakness)

Misc. Items: (grenades, stun darts, little gadgets)

Team: (Optional, Plan ahead of time with other players)

Psychological Profile

* For this section please refer to this link: @AkuNoOkami @HoneyBear\-Kat @Silent Justice @Braxnond @LotusSan @Godman873 @Veirrianna Valentine

Holy cow that's a lot... Should be fun! Things aren't hectic at work so I can get some work done on this. It
should hopefully be ready for final sign up by tonight (8-9 Eastern Time). Definitely should be up by tomorrow and start at the latest by Monday.

I will have the code available for people to copy and a sample ready to be followed.


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