Blood and Glory - Additional IC

Redd Shotokhan

Arcadia Park (Collab with Shura & Tree)

The big red man's mouth opened slightly as his eyes squinted. The bumbling of the word 'hajimemashita' had befuddled the large man. His mind went blank as he slowly closed his mouth and merely allowed a humble smirk to hint itself into view as he nodded at her. His nostrals flared slightly at the scent of cigarette smoke, but he did not make any audible notions against the act. Especially since the short coach known as 'Guss' was a man who smoked cigars.

A sudden bump of a man against his lower back and left side of his hip made Redd avert his attention to the said male with a half-raised eyebrow. Well- where an eyebrow would normally be if it weren't for the fact that he lost all of his hair due to the acid and regrowth of his skin. His body, however, remembered the 'diamond' shaped tattoo of dots on his forehead which were now faded into a slight off-shoot of faded red. He frowned as he watched as Iris went over to calm the new addition to their group down. He looked to Connor and shook his head.

Redd's expression had taken a turn towards that of negativity as the drunken man before their group 'challenged' him to a fight. Normally, when any foe that has their wits about them challenges him to a fight, he accepts. But in this case, Redd merely frowned down at him. And as the woman known as 'Iris' sunk her claws into the man's back to try and separate the two of them. What happened next was the complete opposite. Instead of being separated, Redd's hands moved forwards, right hand attempting to grasp ahold of Iris's arms and pulled towards him, and up, hefting her up by her arms.

His left hand reached overtop of Roy, grabbed him by the back of his pants by the belt, and lifted him skywards and frontwards. Redd's right hand re-adjusted by releasing the cat-girl mid-air and grasping ahold of the back of her leggings and the mid-to-bottom part of her dress and holding her and Roy both out in front of himself and high into the air. "I cannot forgive myself for leaving you two in public inebriated." Iris, of course, flung herself around and argued back that she wasn't drunk but it didn't seem like it was doing much in the way of changing his mind.

"You sunk claws into your friend. I cannot let escalations occur if your friend gets into another fight. You would hurt them. And he is unruly. It will be okay. You will come with me." He looked back to Connor, frowning. "We will all drink at my place. I must also allow my coach to escape his cell. There will be Sake. Powerful Oni-Blood." He said with a nod.

His eyes directed themselves down to this man known as 'Roy' and sighed. "Perhaps when you are in a more stable mentality, I will spar with you. Until then, come. Drink we will."

@Shura @Tree @Der Kojote @Anyone-else-at-the-park.
Madison Green

Arcadia Park

Madison's eye twitched upon being recognized. She didn't know to feel honored at being recognized or ashamed at forgetting a face. The girl seemed friendly enough, and looked to be more than a little interesting, so forgetting her didn't seem easy, if possible.

"Wow, nobody knows my name!"
Madison said, trying to sound enthusiastic. She figured that this girl was either a hardcore Hunt follower or a champion herself, so it didn't hurt to dance around the subject while trying to remember if the girl was a champion or not.

"So, what was a minor doing inside of a bar on one of the only days of the year where bartenders actually have to pay attention?" Madison asked, trying to stir up interesting conversation. It was well known that bartenders only really gave a shit on holidays, and Champion Day was one of the worst. Getting a champion drunk never ended well, and forced people to pay extra attention in bars. Roy and his little 'discussion' was part of the problem.

Of course the extra guards didn't help, but that was really beside the point.


@Tree (Mentioned)
Krieger Glishten

Arcadia Gardens

Krieger tenses as Iris meets the beast with affection and pauses, lowering his arm reluctantly before clearing his throat and turning back to the vendor. Pondering for a moment as the man watches all this with a bewildered look, and Krieger clears his throat. Drawing the man's attention before removing his card and nodding his head at the man "Merely a vanilla cone then." the man nods and rushes off to make the ordered treat. Krieger leans against the threshold of the vendor's stand and watches Iris interact with the boy, a rather small boy as a matter of fact, like... the other one. This one appeared to be... slow, though Krieger was no fool and was well aware whom Connor was. Krieger takes in a deep breathe and drums his fingers against the stand as he waits idly. Having moved back from the odd number of people suddenly seeming to come to this girl for no other reason than that they recognized her... for obvious reasons.

Regardless, Krieger was the inspiration for his son's introverted personality, as he was a rather overbearing man. But something about this situation did not make the man feel as if he wished to remain much longer. After all, there was no real REASON for him to be here to begin with other than his own concern for the girls' safety and her partner's rude inclination towards her. However now it seemed his presence would be nothing more than an awkward inconvenience. Thus once the man offers him the cone, Krieger takes it and steps forward beside Iris and hands her the cone as a large Redd man, Krieger would be sure to study him later, lifts her off the ground. Nodding to Connor "Connor..." he nods to Iris next "Iris... I believe I will take my leave. I hope you both have an eventful evening." Without another word Krieger spins on his heel and begins to walk back towards the apartment complex.

Once he is well out of earshot of... well anyone as far as Krieger can tell. He plugs in earphones and connects them to his cellphone. Clearing his throat and he contacts his son. Hoping the boy stayed well out of trouble as he had little patience for any other inconvenient trips tonight. When Heinrich answers he briefly sighs in relief "My boy I need you to go to the Arcadian Gardens if you would, your teammates are there and I feel it is a good opportunity for you to get to know them better. As well you should." Krieger nods as Heinrich, to be brief, responds the affirmative and Krieger hangs up the phone after a brief pause. The real reason being he trusts his owns on to keep a lid on the situation along with the calm Redd man. Meanwhile, looking up at the sky and wondering, not for the first time tonight.... if there was any alcohol left in the fridge at the apartment.

Heinrich Glishten

Eximus Streets/Arcadian Gardens

Heinrich fumes silently at the urchins who were all but stalking himself and this poor girl, but his anger at them and chastising embarrassment of himself does not outweigh his desire for these people to simply leave him alone. So with a quick and practiced motion Heinrich grabs Sienna's wrist and shoots out a claw at the feet of the people snapping photos. Causing them to jump back each and every time he does it before pulling the girl from the back of the truck and striding by the people who now stared with looks of shock, fear, and anger. He huffs and meets every glare or gaping look with one of agitation and red-faced embarrassment. Leading the girl out of the crowd, and once they are clear he releases her wrist and turns to her. About to apologize before his phone rings and he growls softly. Wrenching it from his pocket and glaring at the screen before blinking at his father's number. Giving the girl an apologetic look before stepping away and answering.

His father spoke in a curt, commanding tone and Heinrich sighed, this tone usually meaning there was no arguing with him. "Yes Father... Yes.... " he groans lowly to himself, closing his eyes and mumbling "Very well..." Heinrich stows the phone away once again and rubs a gauntlet-ed hand down his face. Walking back to Sienna and sighing "I am sorry but I really do have to be going, perhaps we could meet later when things aren't so... busy?" Heinrich gives his best attempt at a smile before turning and striding off down the street. Sincerely hoping he didn't walk into anything unpleasant. He'd been through enough today.

Unfortunately, Heinrich had never been one to have good luck in the best of circumstances. So why on Earth would a bad day for him get any better? The things that unfold him, make him want to turn around and go home, smack Roy around a bit, and laugh all at once. At first the desire to incapacitate a certain drunken Champion almost wins out over Heinrich's desire to avoid large crowds. However the term almost being very subjective as he merely stays off to the side, sighing as Roy punches a civilian in the jaw. Almost feeling as if Iris' scolding was not good enough.

However Heinrich blinks as a large man, one that looks vaguely familiar from the day before, lifts both Roy and Iris off the ground with an arm each. Well.... that worked out nicely. Heinrich pinches the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breathe before approaching the group. Staying relatively back from the ruckus though he does give Connor a nod of greeting. Letting Roy and Iris both complain as the man lifts them, pausing only slightly as the large man speaks before clearing his throat loudly "I uh.... do not suppose now is a prudent time to interrupt. However, I would appreciate it.." his gaze focuses on Redd now "... if I could accompany you to keep an eye on my.... new teammates..." he glances at Iris and Roy. His gaze telling all in that he expected something like this from Roy, but expected Iris to maintain being the responsible one and keep the situation under control. Feeling very much the elder sibling at the moment despite being the youngest member of the team.

@Shura @Tree @Morridan @Der Kojote
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[roy's our boy]

Staring at Redd Shotokhan, Roy remained silent and still until he felt something that was the equivalent of complete bliss. If Roy had taken every emotionally positive moment in his life, rolled it up into an extremely fat doobie and smoked it, this would for sure be the feeling. Such a feeling was synonymous to sexual relations, or perhaps eating mountainous amounts of food! A warm front of ecstasy covered over Roy's entire being like a warm fuzzy blanket, tucking him in all the right places so as not to leave any part of his body revealed. Roy had to fight the urge that was his eyes rolling back into his head due to sheer enjoyment. Was this heaven?

Just kidding. That shit fucking hurt.

When Iris' claws had sunk into his back, Roy's teeth immediately clamped down. He did not say a word, but he felt the girl attempting to push him off of the current path he was poised to take. Roy did not exactly have a chance to answer or respond to such an action as he saw fit; which would have probably consisted of him merely asking Iris why she had to stick her claws into him. Redd Shotokhan had used his burly man-strength to grab him by the leather belt around his pants and yank up from the back. Roy felt like a child, suspended in the air without any means to get down. For a short while, he flailed; but after Roy realized that his actions were fruitless, he submitted to the rather large man's grasp. He wasn't so worry about where they were going - more, free alcohol with a free ride to their desired destination? Sign me up.

Roy's drunken stupor was snapped quick when the large man who was carrying him decided to speak. Blue eyes lit up as though he had just seen the most magnificent thing in his life, with a smile adding extra measure.
"You better keep your word, Redman." You know, like the rapper!? Looking about a sea of unknown faces and relatively well-known champions, Roy had yet to spot anyone he knew personally. That is, until Heinrich decided to find his way to the group. Undoubtedly, Krieger had contacted Heinrich and told him of their location; otherwise, how would he have known where to find them?

The sight of his teammate didn't bother Roy. In fact, quite the opposite reaction was given. While Roy might have had a problem with Krieger, that had positively nothing to do with Heinrich. Within the short time that the young champion was able to get to know the new guy to the group, he had found that not only was Heinrich someone to be respected, but someone with the ability to perform great in the hunts. It might have been slightly bias, but Roy believed Heinrich found his safest bet working with both Iris and himself. Roy would never steer anyone on his side astray, regardless of whether or not that was a temporary situation. If Heinrich performed as well during the hunt as Roy believed he would, chances were that the boy would be around for quite some time.

Looking back up to the gigantic man, Roy's focus shifted from Heinrich.
"You should let him come with us. He's a good person." In reality, Roy had no fucking clue as to whether or not the boy drank. Roy just did not want to leave his current acquaintance out of personal affairs, because it was good to build on social interactions and chemistry not only inside of hunts, but outside as well. Sure, Roy might have been drunk. That did not mean he was stupid. Looking over to Iris, Roy stuck his tongue out.

For funzies.

@Shura @Mad Prince of Sanity @Morridan @Der Kojote
Xerxes Turan

Eximus - Fun's done time for Arcadia

The situation seemed to diffuse faster than he had originally hopes he liked the chemistry between the trio even with Famine absent from them all it was something he could always admire in these groups of champions. It reminded him of the family he once had and he had no immediate urge to break them apart or kill them out of jealousy like all those other mysterious bastards who lost almost there whole families. Oh families ded, lets kill everyone elses families so know my pain. Not Xerxes style at all, if it was known he had a style at all he still rarely came out of that sort of visage of dread..dead? Visage of bed, he always looks like has woken up for something at 6:00am and had only fallen asleep at 12:00, sleep is what he craved and it stood out on his face like a McDonalds sign does during a long ass car ride.

Xerxes would hop up from his position shortly after Death's departure and make his way towards the bridge connecting Eximus to Arcadia, it was always more interesting to walk as the waters were a tinge of blue that moved and swayed that put even the most stressed of business men at rest, both in a cryptic way and soothing. The walk was rather lengthy however as he had no real intentions of finding anyone he was just enjoying the day really but upon getting into Arcadia he was hit with what happened almost every year. A crowd of cult-like dedicated fans waiting for him on the other side and once he came into view there was a single screech shouting of his coming before it was followed by his/her companions once they recognized he was coming their way. He hung his head for a moment scratching directly behind his right ear for a moment before deciding he'd play into them today, it was champions day and it was rare they actually got to be this close to him. After this decision he'd raise his head and had a modest smile, one much like a father would give their child after trying to cheer them up. A smile everyone liked and could easily love, not one he pulled out of his pocket so often. The screams got louder as he continued to approach eventually it was just a jumble of sounds involving 'Phoenix' and things of that sort some other nicknames the crazies had given him such as: 'Mr. Crimson, and Birdman (Hue)'. Other he didn't really catch nor did he care for others he named himself Phoenix for a champion name and preferred that over them all.

Raising his arms he came towards the crowd before outstretching them to touch hands of those reaching out and the heads of some younger fans surely making their day, maybe ruining their lives if they're one of those crazies that decide not to wash things after someone famous touches it. Gross. Xerxes would weave his way around them now however and upon coming out he had a horde of people following after him pulling out phones to take pictures, videos, and all sorts of recordings the screams hushing only slightlyas they tried talking or asking him questions to which most he ignored. He did however go to pull up the back of his tank-top to brandish his signature tattoo to the crowd and they loved it taking various pictures of it and et cetera. No idea why they'd freak out over a tattoo he got for a personal reason but hey, playing into the crowd sometimes at times like this ups the sponsorship and pay..not that he needs them but its always nice as he's one a large philanthropist.

The march of the Phoenix and his fans however didn't last longer than ten minutes for he started to grow irritated of the recurring questions and screams, someone went as far as to try and cut his hair. What kind of shit, they were about to receive a home-made uppercut. With his toe. But once he decided it was time to leave he made a swift turn into a tight alley way making a full sprint before it started to open up, to which he'd start to scale the building in order to get higher ground, once up there he made his way across a few more building in a nice magestic style of a free-runner before coming low and dropping down into another alley way thinking that'd do well enough to lose them. However this alley came to the main entrance the Park in which Xerxes would catch the view of the Red Giant..Ogre?

Mentioned: @Morridan


Arcadian Gardens -> ???!

This had to be some sort of joke, this whole day seemed like one big joke to be honesty. A side from perhaps a few particularly bad hunts she'd hadn't had so much go wrong in such a short period of time in she was perhaps a child. Still that didn't change the situation of being picked up by the massive Red as if she were nothing but a stray kitten picked up by the scruff of its neck. Instinctively she flailed, trying to get down. Her ears picked up on the larger man stating he couldn't trust the two of them while drunk and hissed under her breath.

"I am not drunk, I haven't even had anything to drink." She defended, though she was starting to wish she had. Still she was not put down which only served for further sour her mood, even with the promise of alcohol. Her eyes rose to meet Kreiger as he cleared his throat and her face flushed light shade of red as she took his leave and left her with an ice cream cone that was slowly melting. He left before she could even thank her causing the girl to sigh heavily. With everything that had gone on she wasn't really all that hungry.

The situation wasn't made much better as Heinrich showed up meeting her gaze with a familiar look of disappointment. Her ears sunk fairly low as did her tail while her face flustered even further. She grit her teeth slightly wanting nothing more than to just go home and bury herself in her bed and just sleep off the rest of the day. She glanced over to Roy as he spoke up seemingly fine with the whole situation. Of course he would be. Her wide emerald eyes narrowed to slits as the drunken Champion just stuck his tongue out at her and she growled softly. The impulse to claw at his face struck but she held back, as angry and upset the champion may be she didn't want to potentially add to an already horrid fixation.

Something cold and wet dripped onto her hand and she remembered the ice cream cone that had been given to her. Not really up for eating it would just melt into a sloppy mess. Then again she could put it to much better use. Without much of a second though she thrusted the cone into Roys face. Was it childish? Yes. But it was also very therapeutic to see the drunken fools face a sopping mess of white cream. Satisfied with her job she tried to shifting her gaze over to Red "Can you put me down? I am fully capable of walking on my own." She requested starting to feel the strain on her ribs from being carried in such a manner.

@Tree @Morridan @Der Kojote @Mad Prince of Sanity

Sica Pera

The champion of Tecavah

Blue Phantom Casino

Sica watched the dice intently as they came to a slow stop landing on a nice even two. "Woo! Pay up suckers!" Most people around the table groaned but Sica was celebrating at the bet, its not like she needed any more money but it was the winning that was the fun part. When the dice were rolled a second time onto four the caller announced a new game as Sica made a don't lose proposition bet. She felt at home in any Casino, the loudness, the mixed emotions, sometimes the sense of loss or the rare taste of victory and the poor suckers that would leave the Casino broke, it was heaven.

When the dice were finally rolled again it landed on 2, Sica regretted not sticking with her last winning strategy but she didn't care, it was only two hundred she lost, merely pocket change. She waited for another roll but it was another 8, clearly these people didn't know how to roll dice. When another new game was already called Sica stepped away to head towards another game, Craps got boring after a while and this game was already starting to disappoint. Some of the tables were filled with players and only a handful were actually empty. She moved over to a blackjack table and sat down as one of the losers from the craps table recognized her and was clearly excited for a chance at revenge or maybe he just wanted his paycheck back. After placing Sica was handed two cards as she picked them up it was a 10 of spades and a king. As much as she wanted a perfect 21 she wasn't going to push it. When she looked to the other three people on the table two them kept straight faces but the loser had a grin wider than a Drake feasting on a champion.

A couple people called for an extra card, one had broke and one had been satisfied. When it was time to show what they had the loser showed a 19 and smiled, the person in the middle revealed a 17 and Sica showed off her 20 as the loser at the end smashed his head against the table but kept going. When the cards were handed out again Sica had received a Two of hearts and a Seven of clubs, she frowned and demanded to be hit up for another card. When she looked at her new card it was a nine of spades, not exactly what she would have wanted but as long as the man on the other end wasn't winning, it was fun to torture him. The cards were revealed and the man had clearly broke 21 and was sitting there with a 27, clearly greed had gotten to him. The other two revealed a 17 and 21 respectively as the person holding the 21 held a smug look on their face. The loser at the other end of the table was just about ready to pump more of his money into the casino when he realized he was completely out of money. He got up from the table with a defeated look on his face and trudged through the casino as if he were headed towards his imminent doom. Sica couldn't help but laugh.


Connor Friesland

Arcadia park to...umm wherever

Well...this was happening.

Connor had figured it a stupid Idea for Roy to even challenge Redd... Not that he didn't have faith in Roy's abilites no, it was more of the fact that Roy was Roaring Drunk, and Redd had clearly demonstrated he could punch through a mantis. The odds were not in Roy's Favor. He was about to politely recommend for Roy to back off...when he saw Iris do so in another fashion. Via her claws... Now Connor had never gotten on Iris' bad side, and not had to be at the end of her claws. However if Ripper when he was a puppy was any indication, Roy probably was not having a good time. Connor craddled his forehead resting his forehead on his ring finger knuckle, thumb stretching to one temple, index and middle to the other. He sighed, "God annyoing...very annyoing...calm please?"

However the option for anyone to do anything else was quickly thrown off the table by a rather large red Forearm. Connor Saw red pick both Iris and Roy up. A look of confusion washed over his face, though Redd was quick to list his reasons. He nodded slowly, on one hand, could say no...but then Iris, roy, dragged off...on other sake with friends... is much better way to spend time. Yes very good. and not sitting at home with leftovers... He gave a meek thumbs up. "Suuure, will join. Will bring ripper. Don't worry, old days of puppy teething are over." Rippers head perked up at the situation and slightly tilted to the left. Why were people being picked up. Why was second best buddy clawing someone. He didn't know. all ripper new was that Connor had mentioned. "go somewhere." and the Vet was not the location.

Then the situation further increased in oddity with the showing up of this new fellow, that greeted Connor with a nod. He probably was a friend of Iris and Roy's maybe a team mate? he really didn't know. However he also asked to accompany them, and Roy defended them. Connor shrugged, "why not? more is merrier? then nit my you set rules." He then heard the splashing of icecream as Iris shoved it into Roy's face. Then asked to be put down on the ground. Connor also chimed in. "She can, not inebriated, very sober. just stopping Roy in only way can."




@Mad Prince of Sanity

In the Apartment, Staring down Death

Marrick kept his eyes locked on Death, making sure that the second he moved, Marrick could respond in kind. "Death, think about this. Are you really going to hurt us? We've been friends for years. Plus, I feel like you don't want to run full force into a brick wall without some nectar in you first. So why don't you calm down." Marrick relaxed his shoulders and pried Rebecca off of his shoulders.

"I believe that if we were to take the remains of your vase to a museum, they have a matter construction device that they use to repair broken artifacts. So why don't you gather it all up and we can go down there. Or rather, you and Rebecca can go down there while I finish cleaning up the apartment. Because let's be honest, neither of you could fix the knocked over fridge." He then pushed Rebecca towards Death and walked to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Elsewhere in Eximius

The Gunman

A Gunrange

Micah fired off a sixth, seventh, eight round into the kineticized ballisitic gel. The advantages of this gel was the ability to see your bullets after the fact. Today's experiment was testing various metals for their compatibility with their different bullet types. So far, the best metal he had found for his High-Energy, High-Impact rounds was Ilidrium. However, the supply of this was rather limited, he would have to find a larger deposit. Until then, his HEHI rounds would be made of a much easier to obtain lithium-steel alloy. He had yet to find anything better for his fragmentation rounds, nor any of his other bullets. What he was testing now was, in fact, piercing rounds. Hard, sharply pointed tips, very aerodynamic for the sake of speed. Currently he was only shooting at about 100 meters through about 12 feet of ballisitc gel.

He was testing to see how far his bullets could pierce the gel as a control first, and so far none of them had passed through all twelve feet of gel. But he had one more round to fire, and he expected this to pass through with ease. He manually loaded the aladium bullet into his gun, aimed, and fired. The bullet passed through all twleve feet of gel, and hit the wall twenty feet behind it with a resounding clanging noise, and then it fell to the floor. He walked out into where he had been firing, and looked at the gel. A few of them had gotten within a foot, but none had pierced other than aladium. He walked over to where it lay on the ground, crumpled into a small, coin-like shape. He smiled.

However, before he could begin testing it with armors, his alarm on his watch went off. He sighed, gathered the remainder of his bullets and left the gunrange. He decided to go get something to eat before his appointment, he had a few hours. He just liked to be punctual. He decided on a nearby restaurant, he wanted a good salad with some meat in it, and he didn't know a bettter place. It was called the Eximius Grille.

@Godman873 ((if you would like to have Sica run into Micah))
Aketu Taneti

Horseman Apartment

Aketu snorted and rolled his eyes, arms crossing in a 'sassy' manner that almost made him seem like a 40-year-old woman that was upset at her children. As was another habit of his, a more feminine side to him that he didn't often show off in the crowds. In the Horsemen's own apartment, however, he was more lax in how he acted and wasn't as cold and condescending. "As if I would want to go anywhere with her," he retorted, turning away from the two as War walked into the kitchen.

It was true - he didn't want to face the big brute without a drop of Line in his system. It was basically a death sentence for him to do that, even though he was unbelievably pissed at them. It wasn't worth the effort, though, to even try to get the vase fixed. He could just get another one, just as easily. So, instead, he pulled in his new pet and and its supplies, kicking a few things out of his way during the process. He would pull into his room later, once he started cleaning the apartment as well.

He started with the vase, lazily tossing the pieces into a plastic bag - they had a bunch of them in a cabinet in the kitchen. He didn't really care, to be honest. He was more frustrated as to why they couldn't be less messy about it. How many times did they have to go through this process? Why did it have to be the vase? Why did -

Okay, maybe he was slightly upset about the vase. But he simply didn't find it worth the effort (as was mentioned before) to walk all the way down there and get it fixed. After disposing the fragments, he picked up his merchandise once again, shut the door, and walked to his own bedroom which was down a rather sparsely decorated hallway - which was beat up, just like the rest of the apartment - and into his own room. The door, was, thankfully, still in one piece. The slam of the door echoed out.

@Kiwi @King Of Imagination
Katherine "Kat" Ariat

Arcadia (with Madison)

"Wow, nobody ever remembers my name." Madison seemed surprised. Katherine was surprised herself, by the comment,"Oh well, before i was a champion, i was a huge fan o watching Hunts and fanning over Champions. It became part of my childhood. Now that i am one, i go crazy seeing them in person and meeting them!" She threw her free hand in the air with enthusiasm. She continued,"Even though im a starting champion, im still excited to see older ones, still a little fan girl you know?" She giggled,"I even keep an eye on the new ones, like me!" She flashed a grin from her seat.

Madison went on about the bar, questioning how Kat even got inside in the first place. The young champion cleared her throat before speaking,"Well you see, my uh...ability allows me to become....intangible." Her voice was hesitant. "I accidentally activated it and fell through the front window..." Her voice trailed off and she looked to the side. The story was quite embarassing. Katherine moved the bag of ice from her head to her lap, revealing the bruise and bloody cut. There wasnt a lot of blood, but it was there and it was noticeable. "I tried to explain but," she shrugged,"He didnt listen...heh."



Horseman Apartments

War placed Rebecca down on the rubble and headed off to the kitchen. Her fear suddenly subsided as she saw that Death gave up on breaking their bones. She sighed in relief to herself and then placed her daggers in her leg sheathes.

"As if I would want to go anywhere with her," Death retorted and headed off to his room. Red filled in her cheeks with anger and at the same time, hurt. Sometimes, they would go places together, eat a burger, and just converse. She missed those days. She hid that part of her and just lashed out at Death "We are at least trying to fix the god-damn vase, but no. You want to whine like a little bitch about it. Well, sorry if your panties are in a bunch about it" She turned and pulled out the cleaning supplies from her own closet and went to work on the Living room. She heard Death's door slam and she mumbled to herself, cursing as she fixed the table until it was flawless again.

In no time the living room was immaculate, the beds were clean, flawless, and new sheets dressed it, and the place looked like it was livable again. She then stepped on a piece of glass and looked down. She noticed a shard of the vase deep in her boot and knelt down to pick it off. She looked at it and sighed. Death and Pestilence used to be best of friends, they loved each other's company, but she did not know what happened to them, now they bicker and are just disgusted being near each other. Where were their trips to the Motherland, and their trips to the diner for that delicious juicy cheeseburger? Was it because she started cavorting with War when she was coming down from the line? Or did they just separate their bond because she turned into a sex starved bitch, and him a careless grouch? She sighed and placed the shard of vase in her pocket, hoping to do something useful to it. Maybe she could go to the museum herself and repair the vase herself, or maybe she could ask Famine to turn it into something she can wear. or a gift Death can like.

She walked up to War, who was still cleaning the kitchen, and placed her curvy hip on the wall. "Still cleaning, damn, you slow. Then again, you're slow to finish and quick to start" she teased before patting his butt, then grabbing the "wall fixer thingy, that fixes walls," as she calls it, she sucks at words, and started to place together the walls. She decided she can make the shard of the vase into a necklace, maybe Aketu would like it. If only she can find another one, then she can make a pair of necklaces. She can be so girly sometimes, she thought to herself.

"I'm going out after this bullshit" She told Marrick. Maybe she can get some fresh air while making her present.

@DescriptedEnd @King Of Imagination

Mentioned @Demensia
Redd Shotokhan

Arcadia Gardens, traveling to the Antiquated Apartments

Redd listened to what everyone had to say while he was carrying the two of them. His eyes peered over to his right at the cat-girl in his right hand and once he was told by Connor that she was apparently okay to be set free, sat her down while he continued to walk with the drunken man held out in front of him by his pants. His eyes scanned over the 'new' arrival and nodded at him in both greeting and in response to his question. He did not mind if they followed him back to his apartment. As Connor said, the more the merrier.

((Fuck my life. Headache. Got this much out. Going to bed.))



The processes of Iris' mental state were not the easiest to follow. Even as Roy tucked his tongue back into his mouth, it seemed as though Iris took an extra second to react. Then, of course, Roy was hit in the face with a delicious desert. Of course, this was hardly a consequence to his actions; merely just a matter of clean-up. The cone slid down slowly before falling off of his face, leaving a trail of ice cream leading down from the initial spot of impact. Blue hues kept fixated on the kitty throughout, his facial expression unchanged from his normal, bitchy-faced self. His tongue found its way outside of his mouth once more, licking up any slop that was lingering around the radius of its length before Roy rested his face between the palms belonging to both of his hands.

"... Sooooo, does anybody have a tissue? Or..."

Whether it be by use of a particular material belonging to someone else, or the sleeve of his jacket, Roy would have to find a sink sooner or later. Dried up ice cream on his face? Not something that he believed would be pleasant. Hell, having it on his face wasn't pleasant now. The walk was not something that was easily seen as brisk either, but it was something that he would apparently had to endure. Chances were, Roy was not going to run away if he was set down; but Redd Shotokhan apparently felt at ease holding Roy out in front.
"Was I not nice? It wasn't as though I actually threw a punch." While he was being held up, Roy made the best of his circumstances; outstretching himself and resting his head on his hand as though it was leisurely. In all honesty, he was using every bit of his muscles to keep his posture straight - but in Roy's drunken mind, he was merely enjoying himself.

At least they let Heinrich come along. That was nice of them! As the group got closer to their destination, they passed many faces; of course, walking to and from various places. On Champion's Day, this was a given. It was one of the busiest days of the year! Constant coverage of Roy would undoubtedly catch such behavior. The highlight reel for the next morning was gearing up to be epic. Surely, Roy's beautiful face would be plastered everywhere. Maybe part of the reason why Roy never left the house was for exact reasons such as this? A man, walking hand-in-hand with a woman, stared at Roy. It was not hard to understand why, because he was being held up like a child, but it angered Roy nonetheless. As they got close, Roy shouted.
"What the fuck are you looking at!?"

Struggling within Redd Shotokhan's grasp, Roy tried his hardest to attack the person; flailing his arms and legs wildly in attempt to get closer. At one point, he even found his hand shoved into the larger man's face in attempt to reach over his back at the passing couple. Unfortunately for Roy, he was not able to achieve his desired goal of punching yet another innocent person in the face. Sighing in defeat, Roy found himself in yet another limp (
:D ) position as the group happened upon the front steps belonging to the apartment building.

@Morridan @Shura @Der Kojote @Mad Prince of Sanity

Returning to the apartments

The feline champion sighed heavily as she was set down and smoothed out her clothing. Muttering a thank you to the big red man she followed the group glad to be walking instead of carried like a child. Her right lower ribs ached from all of the activity and she was starting to regret not at least wearing the brace before heading out. She tried to take a few shallow breaths to limit the stress on the site and held her side to put a bit of pressure which did help a bit. She glanced over to Connor flashing him a small smile in thanks for defending her as they walked along. She glanced over to Heinrich still feeling rather embarrassed for the situation he had walked in on. Definitely not a good impression for someone who was supposed to be on their team. It didn't her mood that there were camera drones. No doubt there were going to be some interesting clips the following day. Anton would not be too happy.

Ears sinking a bit more so they were nearly rested flat on her head Iris continued to follow the small group trying not to make eye contact with anyone, She could hear the mutterings already, questions of who the red man was and why he was holding Roy. Some were speculating if the champions out bursts were the reason he was so Anti-social. There were times her sensitive hearing was a gift but times, such as this, where she wish she couldn't hear anything. She found it a bit funny that for all her effort to try and not bring negative attention to the group Roy seemed to be a magnet for it at times.

She heard another outburst from Roy and just looked up as he started to flail like a helpless child still suspended in mid air. A heavy sigh escaped her as she just watched him with half lidded eyes to see if she would have to apologize to anyone who happened to get close. Thankfully that wasn't the case. Her gaze shifted to Heinrich then Red as he held Roy with no problem. "Ah... sorry... He's not like this normally." she apologize with a shy smile before averting her gaze again trying to find something else to hold her attention.

@Morridan @Tree @Der Kojote @Mad Prince of Sanity

Connor Friesland

On way back to Apartments

Connor was happy that they were moving, and also that now Iris was currently on the ground. Ripper slowly trotted along beside him sniffing the air, tail wagging slowly, spines while not completely down flat were mostly relaxed. Still there was the feeling that something was off...what was he kidding. There was a Red Giant Named Redd for added points, carrying Roy, who's face was still dripping with Ice cream from Iris' ice cream cone, and now was shouting insults to oncoming pedestrians. The fact there was a line of champions following either made this situation more understandable...or even more ridiculous. Hell at this point why not both?

Though something that was bothering him was the fact that Iris was far from her chipper self. Rather...she looked more akin to a depressive Normally she'd be talking non-stop but now she looked far from that. Her ears were pressed to her head, even if she had flashed a quick smile it seemed to only be half hearted. Maybe is just tired after the hunt... The heavy sigh broke that line of thought. Nope, is not tired, is sad, distraught, not good not good. what can do to fix? Joke? no can not deliver punchline or tell it. speak to fast through it. would skip most of the words. Um what to do what to do? Wait! have Idea have Brilliant Idea! Maybe is brilliant. 50% chance maybe. Is better than nothing!

Connor slowly tugged Rippers leash to bring him over. The scrafft followed a bit closer, he then gently poked Iris shoulder, and quietly said "Hey, look down, err you look down... umm here." he motioned with rippers leash. "want to take? Walk ripper? would make him happy, maybe you also? don't want to see you down, is sad. Puppy make things better. Always makes things better... well most of time... except when potty training...or teething... Oh sorry, almost went on tangent. Very sorry. very sorry." He looked down at the ground slightly embarrassed. Still though he held out the leash to Iris, as a way to indicate the offer was still on the table.





(not mentioned but to my knowledge still there)

@Mad Prince of Sanity
Collaboration between Shura and the MPoS

Heinrich Glishten/Iris

Arcadia Gardens --> Apartments

Heinrich sighs to himself as they walk, trying to brush off the awkwardness of Roy acting a child deserving of Redd's..... unusual but effective method of restraining his.... new partner. Heinrich's attention, however, is less on the out-bursting and inebriated Roy, than it is on everyone else in the group. He already had an idea of how to deal with Roy in a moment, Iris and Connor however, both seemed to be exasperated for different reasons. Iris over Roy and Connor over Iris and Ripper.... seemed blissfully oblivious. Lucky dog ( :P ) he was too. Heinrich wished for a moment he did not feel compelled to attempt at calming the situation as he did, but such was the world really. Heinrich clears his throat as a break appears in Roy's.... shouting or... cursing, whatever you wished to call it. "Roy..." he begins, remembering how fascinated Roy had seemed by his gauntlets. Thus he grips the left one in his right hand, detaching it with a hiss of air and hands it to Roy. Allowing him to study it... or as close to 'study' as he could in his drunken stupor. Reasoning that despite being drunk, and the fact he had spoken in favor of Heinrich, Roy's natural interest and seeming drunken-favor of him would keep him pre-occupied for a bit.

Heinrich turns to Iris next, noting how she winces at slight movement in the wrong direction and nods to himself. Blinking as Connor offers for her to hold Ripper's leash, almost feeling tempted to laugh at Connor's tendency to speak everything; lack of a mouth-filter as it were. However Iris was obviously in physical pain along with mental frustration thus... well one he could help with while the other.... he assumed having Iris play with the dog would help. So as Iris grips the leash of the dog, Heinrich grips her other hand, sincerely hoping she did not get the wrong idea. Though he was confident the sudden loss of nagging pain for her, and subsequent gain of it for him would be obvious enough, and he winces and his step falters for a moment. Giving her a small, reassuring smile as he moves his now-bare hand up to her shoulder. Aware this was a rather constant pain, so to give her relief long enough for her to enjoy playing with the dog, he would have to keep constant contact. "Do not worry, it's nothing too bad. And should you wish me to stop, just say so." he nods to her a bit and focuses on walking. Suddenly garnering new-found respect for the girl at having kept active with this constant aggravation. However after a moment of concentration Heinrich nullifies the pain and his gait straightens and corrects itself as the irritant vanishes. Hoping he had actually helped her when she needed it rather than just impose himself or be... well... awkward, as he usually was.

Iris's ears perked up as Heinrich offered Roy one of his gauntlets to examine and could only worry that her partner would throw it at some poor soul who was just walking by.
"Uh you might want to keep an eye on him..." she muttered. Connor addressed her and she turned to look over as the fellow champions floundered a bit in offering to walk Ripper. She couldn't help a smile at the offer and nod. "Sure." When it came to the pup it was fairly hard to stay in a sour mood. When she grabbed the leashed she was a bit surprised that her free had was grabbed and looked over to see her new team mate. "Uh... yes?" she muttered wondering what he could have wanted until the irritating ache suddenly faded and she felt much much better. It took a moment but she then remembered what his ability was and the offer made the day before. Chances were he had just transferred the pain not necessarily the injury. Iris squeezed his hand reflexively as he stumbled in some attempt to steady him but he seemed to be alright a moment later. "Are you sure, your okay?"

Heinrich blinks, having been staring ahead and focusing on making sure Iris felt no pain from her injury. Glancing down at her hand that suddenly grips his own bare skin and he feels... warm and... unsteady. Thus it also comes as a fairly substantial surprise to him when she seems to actually be concerned about his health, when she had been carrying this pain all day. He glances over at her, thankful for the bright light of the low evening sunset to help hide the slight flush that paints his features. Replying as unflinchingly as he can, as he had never had anyone whom he had... well not quite healed but... helped actually worry about his state. Since most of them were too concerned with being relieved by not having the pain themselves.
"I am fine, I trust... you are as well? If I am doing something... wrong, please inform me. Your own health is important, and I am unaffected". Heinrich states matter-of-factly and as levelly as he can. To be entirely honest, he had only transferred pain onto himself a handful of times in his life. But as far as he was aware it had always worked flawlessly.

Iris studied him a moment making sure he wasn't just saying he was okay before smiling a bit and nodding.
"Yeah, I feel a lot better. Thank you." She assured. feeling the scraffi nuzzling up against her side. She smirked a bit petting his head and neck not really worried about his spines since they were laid flat on his body.

Heinrich nods silently, turning his attention back to watching as he tries to become accustomed to the slight warm pressure of her hand gripping his own. Briefly wondering if she was aware of the reflexive grip she had on him and he can't tell which possibility would be more embarrassing for him, so he simply keeps the thought to himself. Hoping they were nearing their destination, yet at the same time wanting to give Iris as much time unhindered by her pain as he could. He felt like this was the sort of thing teammates did for one-another, which leads him to answer curtly, in a low murmur of a voice.
"...happy to help." He meant it, though the realization is also odd to him, but he accepts it and takes a deep breathe, his own hand returning a soft grip on her own. A small part of him never admitting it was mostly to see if, and how, she would react.

Iris didn't mind holding Heindrich's hand. Growing up in a relatively affectionate home she was no stranger to human contact. She was one of the more touchy feely Champions around but that was why some people like having her around despite her, normally, spastic tendencies. Unhindered by pain Iris did seem in a much better mood. She chuckled softly at Ripper as he whined and jumped up at her. Most would find it odd how this wolds equivalent of a dog would get along so well with a catgirl. Iris scratched just beside one of the pup's spines she knew he liked earning a very ecstatic wag of his stubby tail.

Heinrich smiles a small, hidden smile to himself as Iris seemed to enjoy her time playing with the scraffi. Glancing at Roy and sincerely hoping the drunkard didn't throw the gauntlet or anything, granted Heinrich could catch it with his other tether claw but not without releasing Iris, which he did not want to do. Also noting they were approaching the apartments and he sighs. Giving Iris a concerned glance as, he assumed, he would have to release his grip and give her the pain of her injury back. He didn't like the thought, and even doing the same to Roy left a sour taste in his mouth, causing him to frown. He turns his head to study the approaching building and subtly shrugs, leaving things to happen as they will.

@Tree @Der Kojote @Morridan

Created with:
Roy & Redd (Mighty Morphing Impared Champions)

Antiquated Apartments

When Heinrich had handed over the gauntlet, Roy's eyes immediately lit up once more. He grasped the metal piece of armor with much curiosity, taking in every bit of its intricacies. Honestly, the champion had been completely distracted when it came to his surroundings. Roy also wished he had some of his tools with him, so he could see what it was that actually consisted of the gauntlet's insides. He was not uncomfortable when it came to Redd's grasp on his belt. Actually, it was nice not to walk. A transportation service which required absolutely no stress at all. Then again, Roy seemed to create his own brief moments of stress on the way. That was besides the point.

Ascending the stairs, the group would soon find themselves inside of the lobby belonging to the apartment building. It was alive; something that Roy had never witnessed before. Looking up from the gauntlet, he noticed a gigantic central plaza. The sheer massive size of the entrance easily held the seemingly heavy occupancy. Some people, obviously, stared at the gigantic red man holding Roy, which made him visibly angry. In an attempt to give Heinrich his gauntlet back, he reached around the side of the large man in order to do so. Holding it patiently, Roy would wait for Heinrich to take it back. If he didn't, after a solid sixty seconds, he would simply drop it on the floor.

The elevator doors opened, without the need to push a button. People exited from inside, allowing an empty elevator for the party. When they all got inside, Roy kept silent. It ascended a couple of levels, with a catchy little elevator tune playing over the traveling group. Among the silence, Roy began whistling along with it. Moving his head from side to side and closing his eyes, he entertained himself just fine. An avid lover of music, this was not something out of the ordinary for the champion. Regardless of the genre, with an exception of one or two horrible ones, Roy found enjoyment in most music. Even if it consisted of very little. Hell, the earphones around his neck should have been an easy indicator of his addiction.

A couple of steps led to a door wide enough to fit Redd Shotokhan in it. Roy was wondering whether or not the man would set him down once they stepped foot inside, and he certainly hoped so. He was not willing to drink in such a position, but it was a marvel in itself that Redd was able to hold the entirety of his weight for the duration of the walk to the room. Once they stepped inside, Roy was immediately greeted with the sight of a fold up chair with a tiny set of feet sticking out of the back. A cursing little lump that seemed like it was not going to stop any time soon. He began laughing hysterically.

Redd sat the man down, picked up the little angry lump in the chair, and sat it outside with the chair STILL folded up. His eyes rolled as he shook his head, closing the door behind the last of them. "Watashinoie 'ni kangei.... Welcome to my abode." He said and went over to the kitchen area of his apartment, rummaging through the cupboards. He took out a bamboo mat and laid it out on the central 'island' that separated the kitchen from the dining room.

The refrigerator was opened and closed within a time-span less than four seconds. A fresh 'mutated' tuna was extracted, and a Sashimi knife was wielded. Redd's hands expertly sliced open the tuna, retrieved the eggs, and sat them in on a plastic-wrap covered bowl of ice. The plastic was closed, and the bowl was set in the refrigerator. His next order was to carve the pink and 'striped' meat from the scales and bones. His hands went back to the refrigerator and pulled out a stack of seaweed wrap and a bowl of rice out of the pantry.

He threw on some rice over a pot of water that was set to boil, using a small colander/strainer to hold the rice so it gets steam-cooked. The water, of course, set to VERY high levels and the pot being very deep. Needless to say, Sushi is being made. (I am not listing off all the rest of the preparations and steps... fuck that) The sushi was made with standard seaweed wraps, wrapped on the bamboo mat, chopped, and served in stacks of five. Four to each corner and one on top of the four. He served this to everyone with a small splash of Nitsume 'Eel Sauce' on their own dish.

Beside each little plate was a small 'dish' of clear 'red' liquid poured from a gourde and recapped with a bamboo cork. The pungent smell of this Sake stung even the most 'smashed' of individuals. The scent practically bit through everyone's senses. An alcoholic beverage that would give 'contact' inebriation was now poured in front of everyone and served with a mild richly flavorful dipping oil-sauce. A set of ornately decorated chopsticks were set in front of everyone on the corner of each of the square-shaped 'saucers'.

"Konoyo no subete no shokuzai ni kansha'o komete." His eyes closed as he nodded his head, sitting down on a stool. "Itadakimasu!" His head raised and his eyes opened as he expertly took up the chopsticks with one hand, fitted them in between his thumb, index finger, and middle finger with his index finger curled slightly and 'pinched' the rolled sashimi gently. He dipped it twice within the eel-sauce and then ate it, chasing it down with just one tiny sip of the Oni-Blood Sake. His mouth puffed as he huffed out a "Whooooh..." And blinked a few times, taking up another wrap.
Madison Green

Arcadia Park

So she was a champion. Madison wasn't shocked, there were all sorts of people who fit the mold. Really if you had a fairly stable mental state on sign up and the ability to do magical shit with your fingers you were as close to qualified as it got. Not that this girl didn't seem able to handle herself, but a lack of full power control was very deadly during Hunts.

Once the girl finished telling the story of how she found herself inside the bar, Madison spoke. "Wow, so was the previous Hunt your first? Sorry I didn't recognize you!" Madison said, immediately backtracking. She didn't want to seem rude to the girl, especially since she was one of the few who knew Madison's name.

She also wanted to help with her injury, but Madison's skills did nothing to help with actual injuries. Well, unless she really wanted a brain freeze.

Katherine "Kat" Ariat

(Arcadia Park)

Kat laughed,"No no! Dont worry, Im a rookie so I wouldnt expect you to recognize me." She continued,"My first hunt?" she blinked,"Oh yea it was. It went pretty great! Came home with some burned hands but it was good none of the less," she smiled. It was a total lie. Despite some good kills (for a newbie) the fact that she lost her partner in the hunt was picking at her at the back of her head, and showed with the disappearence of her smile. In attempt to distract herself, Katherine pulled her eyes away from Madison's and glanced downward at her gloved hands, wondering how long before she could take off the bandages underneath.

"In anycase," she attempted to change the subject,"Hows the festival going so far for ya?" She looked up once more and smiled. But this time the smile wasnt the same. It wasnt as cheery as Kat's usual smiles, it seemed a little forced and small. There was a tiny lump in her throat when she spoke that time, it made it a little hard for the words to come out but she pulled through.


Connor Friesland

Walking to apartment -> apartment

Connor was happy to see Iris take a hold of Ripper's leash, from what he could tell, her mood improved immediately, Ripper himself seemed quite happy with the arrangement himself. His spines were laid down as far as they could be. Connor figured that though Ripper wasn't trained as one, he could have been a therapy dog. Then again sometimes a playful happy mutt was all that was needed to turn a shitty day into a good one. He'd learned that now after many problematic hunts. He smiled as he thought to himself, Yes! Has worked, plan was good! very good. Was great success! Now does not have stress. Or at least lot of stress. Might still have stress. Not outwardly showing.

He was slightly surprised when he found out the location of Redd's apartment, "Ahh! is same complex as mine! Hmm, interesting very interesting. Surprised we have not seen each-other till now...unless moved in recently, then again big apartment." He paused looking at the group, Talk to much...need to stop, can't though, could be worse, could be crazy sex fiend like that chick. Happy have not run into her again. Will be happy if never see again. The elevator ride was fairly smooth, considering the amount and the size of the people in it. He noticed them pass his apartments floor and continued onward to the Giant's apartment. Soon he was with the rest of the group inside the room.

He looked as Redd took out the chair with the lump inside it, he could hear muffled screaming, not in fear, but rage. It ranked Somewhere between Borris with no Vodka, and himself if ripper got attacked. Clearly Redd either was going to have hell to pay, or alternatively, Redd could give no shits. After red took out the mat, he took a place at it. He watched as the giant expertly prepared the sushi, everything done to levels that probably would make chefs at Arcadian restaurants cry out in jealousy. After all had been prepared he eyed the dish and sake before him with intrigue, it looked amazing. Though the thing that grabbed his attention the most was the Sake. It burned his nostrils, this was high Alcohol content stuff alright.

He looked at the chopsticks oddly, these...were not something he ate with normally. In fact, for all the Chinese food he ate, he never attempted to eat them with chopsticks. He looked at Redd, as he expertly manipulated the two ornate utensils, retrieving food with delicay. Connor meanwhile fumbled with his chop sticks, food readily falling from their grasp. It took many tries before he was managing to even get a meager portion to his own mouth. He decided to take a break from the Sushi and try the sake, he brought the bowl close to his face, the alcohol stinging his nose all the way. He shrugged, thinking that even though it was powerful stuff, since he'd been to the motherland a few times, he'd be used to this. He took a little bit more than a sip.

There were a few major mistakes that Connor had made in his life. The 1st was not listening to his teacher about line having after effects. He got sick, and proceeded to puke up his whole breakfast and lunch after his first time using the stuff. The 2nd was the first time was when he and Borris really went at it in training and he had to be carried out in a Gurney. This, this now marked his third worst mistake in his life, almost beating out the Borris incident. He could feel his throat burn and begin to heal itself. Also, almost immediately, he could feel a fire brewing in his belly. He coughed a bit and stared at the cup. "*Cough* Is powerful stuff ! *Cough* need get some to sticking fire poker down throat! *CoughCough* Not bad...not bad though. *cough*




@Mad Prince of Sanity




Antiquus Apartments

The walk to the apartments was a calming one that did a good bit to help Iris's mood. The fact that Roy had calmed form his temper tantrum and not thrown the gauntlet a very good thing. She had been worried he would cause more trouble but thankfully that wasn't the case. She sighed softly as she handed Connor back the leash upon entering the lobby. It was a fairly large lobby similar to Vitas however this one was decorated in a more homey style with couches and warmer touches instead of the overgrowth of nature and plants she was used to being greeted with.

Iris was a bit reluctant but handed over Ripper leash to Connor when asked so that he may take the scraffi to his apartment. The pup had been well behaved thus far, but it was better not to push it. She followed Redd to the elevator and frowned slightly wondering if she should sent Anton a message about where they would be. Chances were they wouldn't be heading anywhere else until late possibly even the next morning. Preferring not to have the coach on their back about disappearing she sent a simple message letting him know they were at the apartment complex with Connor, Redd and Heinrich. Chances were a response wouldn't come for a while so she simply put the phone back in her bag as not to lose it.

Thinking of Heinrich reminded Iris that she was still holding his hand in a lax but secure hold. She wondered if it was bothering him. When they were just getting to know each other Roy wouldn't stand to be touch by anyone, including Iris. Over the years he's gotten into a comfort zone with her, but it took a long time to get to that point. There were a lot of similarities between Heinrich and Roy, though Heinrich seemed to be more on the quiet side. In the back of her mind she wondered if holding her hand bothered him as much as it did Roy years ago. The fact that he was bearing her pain in the first place must have been irritating already.

The group reached the apartment and Iris stared a moment wondering if she hallucinating or not. There was an angry little man stuck in a folding chair. He only seemed to get louder as they entered. "Uh.... is he okay?" She questioned softly though her words were probably lost among all of the yelling. Not really sure what to do or wanting to disrupt what ever strange ritual was going on between the Coach and Champion, Iris followed the large man into a living area. Curiously she scanned her new surroundings, ears perched up and twitching as she studied the room. It was much like the pictures of Asian decor she had glanced upon long ago. Iris glanced over to Heinrich and smiled slightly. "Thank you for the break from the pain. But I'll be okay." She assured before letting go of his hand allowing him to move as he wanted instead of being tethered to her.

A shock of pain radiated along her ribs, no doubt made worse by the short burst of unhindered activity she had been allowed. Still she had been expecting it so manged to brace against the shock and just held her right side, putting a light bit of pressure to dull the ache a bit. Bitting her lip rather hard, Iris managed her breathing until the pain was just a dull throb and she could manage. Sighing softly she shuffled over to the counter where the food was being prepared and decided to watch and give herself something else to focus on. It was interesting to watch the red man cook a mixture of fish and rice, sushi if she remembered correctly. Never tried it but heard it was an acquired taste. To be honest she was excited to get to try it.

Once the food was served Iris sat at the counter with the others. The sake was poured into separate small dishes and it only took a few seconds for the strong scent to reach her nose. Iris winched at the strong smell able to tell how strong it was without even taking a sip. Heck being around five cups of it alone was already giving her a buzz alone! Instead she opted to start with the sushi and picked up the sticks. Trying to mimic Redds motions Iris found herself dropping the sticks or the food when ever she tried to grab it. Irritated with this she instead stabbed the small roll effectively getting it stuck on the stick like a kebab then bringing it to her mouth.

She couldn't help but grin at the new combination of flavors, "Hmmm This is very good!" She complimented to the chief before eating another in the same manner she had before. After three she glanced at the dish then to Connor as he took a sip. Trying not to be rude and at least try the drink she picked up the small dish. However as soon as she brought it near her face she got another strong whiff of the alcohol, this time her eye water up from the strong burning smell. She put it down with a small couch. "Ah I believe I will pass. Smell alone says it's a bit too strong." She admitted. Iris could handle her liquor as much as anyone else but she new her limit. One sip of the special Sake would be more than enough to get her drunk.

@Tree @Der Kojote @Morridan @Mad Prince of Sanity

[Antiquated Apartments]

Unfortunately, the sight of Redd Shotokhan abusing his midget was one that could not be passed with ease; Roy's laughter continued, up though the beginning processes of his sushi preparation. Fortunately enough, Roy figured there would be plenty of food; aside from the fact that champion-level appetites needed to be accounted for. When it came to his own personal appetite, Roy often ate at least double his body weight. It was not a gluttonous act. Rather, extended use of the line had led a naturally quick metabolism to be even faster. Roy was constantly eating to keep up with it, so that what little fat was left on his body was not completely sucked up just by merely existing.

During preparation, Roy wasn't being addressed to personally. Placing his earphones over his ears, the champion would press a couple of buttons belonging to his wrist before music began playing. It was lower in volume, so that he would be able to respond to others in case he was approached. In a bit of a drunken stupor, the young man would sit in his stool with very little movement aside from a slight bob of his head. Even that depended on whether or not a certain song or part of a song was playing that he had found particularly catchy. Occasionally, eyes would peer over to Iris, whom seemed to be in pain. Roy figured that he could relieve her of her pain permanently. The thought of taking a dose of nectar currently, however, made his stomach turn. A slight resemblance of nausea, for a moment, was fought back. Perhaps it was best to wait until the following day, when his sickened state mattered less.

When his dish was presented before him, Roy became extremely excited. When the smell of the rather pungent sake greeted the insides of his nostrils, Roy felt his drunken state intensify. Without using the sauce, he immediately grasped any pieces of food off of his plate that his hands could fit. This was followed by the young man shoving the pieces of sushi into his mouth and munching on them all at once, rather happily. After he was finished swallowing, he grabbed the sake and downed it in a swish; cocking his head back appropriately while the liquid traveled down his throat. Immediately, the color in his face intensified. The redness of his cheeks were extremely prominent, as he parted his lips. "Hhhhhoooooooof!" Slamming the cup onto the table, Roy's face remained slightly contorted as a result of the taste belonging to the alcohol he had ingested.

It was safe to say that Roy was far past the line of blacked out. Half-opened, blue hues fixated onto Redd as he nodded his head. "T...Thank you ferrrrr the ... Warm welcome." Pointing his index finger at the man as though he was angry at him, Roy stood up from his cushion and began to excuse himself from the room. At first, his shoulder bumped into the side of a wall due to his naturally leaning stature. Being drunk, his equilibrium was off! This was bound to happen given his shot. As though it were one of the bumpers in a Sonic the Hedgehog video game, Roy would stumble off of the wall and into the doors leading out of the dining room - essentially falling face first into them and ripping the paper. For an extra second, Roy remained motionless on the floor with ripped paper underneath him.

Opening his eyes, he noticed the bathroom wasn't far off. Exclaiming that he would pay for what he had done, Roy pushed himself up onto his feet rather shakily. Then, the drunken champion would find himself stumbling off in the general direction of the bathroom. Well, in the direction he hoped the bathroom was in. All the damn doors were shut. When Roy found himself at the end of the hallway, he found himself guessing which door it was that would lead him to his desired location. At first, he stood wobbly with a hand grasping his chin. Staring down the object before him, he wondered the ways in which he could go about opening the door. Just moving it from one side to the other had not worked as easily as he had initially hoped, unfortunately.

This process continued for a minute, fingers getting all touchy on the obstructed path before him. Once Roy finally figured out just how he could open the door, he successfully pushed it a quarter of the way open before lifting a heavy fist into the air. The action, exaggerated in it's entire glory, had caused Roy's wobbly stance to topple forward. Roy went crashing face first through another sliding door, causing the entire frame to knock over onto the ground. As he fell, Roy's head knocked onto the toilet before his frame hit the ground. This caused him to sit up immediately, grasping his head and clenching his teeth. Damn! Of course the asshole figured out how to open the door before falling over. Luckily, Roy had a couple of factors working for him in terms of eliminating further impeding thoughts of pain, before he stood up and haphazardly fit the door over the hole it belonged to.

Turning, Roy found a window and stepped onto the nearest ledge he could to open it up. Once he did, the young man sparked a cigarette - his hand hanging out the window as it burned. Occasionally, he lifted his hand inside of the bathroom to take a drag before the same digits found themselves outside the narrow hole in the wall once more. He pointed his trail of smoke toward the same window when he exhaled. All the while, the music in his headphones never ceased playing, adding to the soundtrack of his life. Current conflicting emotions were flooding through his nerves, causing his slowly increasing anxiety to play heavily at the forefront. While such emotions had no reasons for existing, it was something that Roy was experiencing nonetheless. The headphones being placed onto his head were easy early indicators for anyone who knew Roy well enough. He felt as though hearing his music did a better job at calming him down. Being in a room with a bunch of new people had been making Roy uncomfortable, even if Iris was there.

@Shura @Morridan @Der Kojote @Mad Prince of Sanity
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Heinrich Glishten

Antiquated Apartments

If Heinrich would have known the previous day that asking to become part of another team of Champions would lead to this. Well, a gambling man would call it a 'sure thing' that he would have simply refused outright and opted to stay home. Possibly even, should he know whom the people were he WOULD have joined, avoid them entirely for more assured isolation. But, he had no such luck of foresight and the gift of knowledge beyond his time. Granted he had inherited a large amount of brain-power from his Father, but there were different types of smart, Heinrich had noted on more than one occasion in his life, he sorely wished he had more in the other. A bit of the 'the grass is greener on the other side' syndrome plaguing the young Champion as he actually pauses before stepping into the elevator with the others. Finding the cramp space extremely uncomfortable and his grip on Iris' hand tightens like a child's would to their mother's when approached by one of their mother's friends or someone they did not know. Also meanwhile he inserted himself nicely into the back corner of the elevator and grit his teeth at his own accelerated breathing. Praising whatever you would call the Deity of Elevators when the short, awkward ride ends. A bitter sense of irony making Heinrich's face contort as if he had just bit a lemon, as now that everyone was exiting the elevator, it was no longer cramped, but the hallway was. Life was not a fair thing.

Thankful for finally reaching Redd's apartment where he had, what his slightly-panicked mind would inaccurately call 'infinitesimally more room' then the cramped elevator, Heinrich only remains close to Iris. But only due to his mind having been too panicked to realize that he could simply let go of her hand, in the right mindset, and not even remember he didn't WANT to let go..... for her sake of course. He quickly reminds himself and shakes his head, using his gauntlet-ed hand to take back the one Roy holds out towards his person. Not having realized he had been doing so on the elevator. Awkwardly clasping the gauntlet as he watches Redd lift a chair, and the screaming mass inside breaks him from his reverie, blankly watching Redd carry the cursing bundle into another room, very briefly contemplating outright leaving until he is reminded by a warmth on his palm why he is here. He sighs to himself and absentmindedly follows Iris into the living area. Actually thinking on his new partners again. The drunk and the cat.

Roy was... well... Heinrich was not entirely sure what to make of the inebriated would-be-Samurai-Navy-Seal of glowing proportions. In all earnesty he had only made Roy's acquaintance at this point while Roy was... not himself. Either exhausted and coming down from an excruciating high of Line, or going up into states of inebriation Heinrich would never reach in his life, and thus had very little patience for, or ability to deal with properly even when not in a group of people making him feel uncomfortable. Though he supposed the amnesty towards others Heinrich had was one thing the two held in common, though it was scarcely something that would bring them closer. Quite honestly, he expected, the very opposite to the point such a fact had made him hesitate in his decision to request to join their team altogether. Though if Roy's tolerance of his request, and more recent inebriated vouching for in Heinrich's good name, perhaps they could indeed be allies in a truer sense of the word. Though he could not say he was looking forward to such an event in the practical sense, much like a child taking medicine, once it was done, he was sure it would not seem SO bad.

Iris on the other hand, well, he could understand the two more clearly now just by her actions alone, and Roy's response to them only solidified his hypotheses about their dynamic. She was an overly warm and welcome person, though for the most part she seemed to stand her ground, but allow others to make the actual choice in which way to go. Like one brave enough to stand at a deserted crossroads in the woods at night, when weaker souls would have fled, and more courageous souls would have marched blindly forward. Heinrich suspects she did find his attitude a bit off-putting, but nearly as-much so as others for two crucial reasons. Her personality alone was one suited for dealing with people like himself and Roy. Also, the fact she had already 'broken the shell' of Roy to begin with was a good indicator of how introverts fared around the pleasant warmth she seemed to exude. Although this still did not put him at as much ease as it should have. A being with more foreknowledge would note that while Roy's personality was similar to Heinrich's and more severe at first, they were different in the way only opposite halves of a coin can be. Roy was a line of barbed wire, definite in it's borders and dangerous to approach, but once passed posed no harm, and even a benefit of a safe haven inside the barrier with it's defense of their person. Heinrich, in retrospect, was much more like an entire field of briar plants. No one single... quirk as individually damning, or as severe, to those who approach it. But from the outside looking in, it musts seem much longer, seemingly endless in it's expanse.

Heinrich's hand loosens a bit on Iris' as his eyes lock onto the floor, head-bowed in intense deliberation, as a thought he had not allowed himself to think in many years surfaces once again. Making his blood run cold, his stomach churn in pain and his mouth dry as if scorched by twin suns of regret and.... sorrow. There were none on the other side of that field, no one who had braved the task of his own... self-ness... to see what lay beneath and most did not care to try. Heinrich closes his eyes slowly, wondering why now of all times and places, when among friends in a happy setting, did these thoughts claw and plague his body like the sickest of all diseases. Was he merely continuing a downward spiral from initially being uncomfortable in the elevator? He sets the gauntlet he grasps in the other hand aside and uses the cold metal of his equipped gauntlet to rub his eyes. Clasping his own head so that four fingers arc over the top of his forehead, and his thumb drapes over his temple as the palm covers an eye. His thoughts, thankfully, cut like a snapped chord as Iris thanks him for the relief. He blinks, raising his head with his hand still in that odd position, before nodding, releasing her hand with a murmured "Of course....". He turns away, now using both hands to massage his temples as he feels an agonizing headache set in.

Plodding over to a corner of the room Heinrich busies his mind with numbly watching Redd prepare a meal of sushi as he sinks to the floor against the wall. Trying his best to merely blank all thoughts from existence and simply, exist. Breathe, cycle blood, digest food, create energy, repeat. The dull thrum on either side of his head constantly reminding him he would not reach such a nirvana... but he was free to try. He slowly slides the gauntlet he had lent Roy onto his left hand and hears the familiar hiss of air and slight pressure on his skin, signifying it had locked back onto position on his hand. Flexing his fingers and staring transfixed on them, before he notes a few interesting events take place beyond the surface of his hand as all others sit around their food. Connor and Roy partaking heavily of the offered sake, while Iris, thankfully, declines. Making Heinrich appreciate that at least one other person here, save the small coach of Redd... possibly....would not be drunk to high heavens tonight.

In another mindset, one like that of earlier where Heinrich witnessed Roy being hoisted like a child, he may have found himself laughing at Roy's admittedly humorous exit. But right now he could only take a deep breathe, and sigh a this irresponsible behavior. Feeling sorry for Iris at having to put up with what was essentially an irresponsible little brother of a partner, and the pain of her own injuries. Knowing full well that she would mostly likely want to pursue him, but whether she would or not... depended on her. Thus with a soft grunt Heinrich pushes himself to his feet off the wall, foregoing the use of his arms at all, and waves a hand at Iris as he walks by, muttering "I will make sure he does no more damage... and is well... of course." Heinrich steps over the paper Roy had ripped down and peaks into the bathroom once he hears the soft sound of Roy smoking and exhaling nicotine-filled air. Nodding slightly before returning to the living area and pausing to nod at Redd, even giving him a bow deep enough to put his body at a 90-degree angle "Thank you for the meal but I am afraid I have no appetite tonight." As he straigthens, Heinrich's gaze returns to the space about a foot in front of his feet before he trudges back to the corner and sits down once more.

@Tree @Shura @Der Kojote @Morridan

(Angst powers GO!!! xD )
Redd Shotokhan

Arcadia Gardens

The large crimson-skinned man let out a deep sigh, closing his eyes, placing his chopsticks onto the corner of his plate, and parted his lips as he groaned out the words "Shitsubo Shita..." His eyes slowly opened, peering over at the destruction of the paper walls and looked upon the tattered strip that was his last painting. "Your friend... He..." He paused, thinking as to how he could best say this without displaying his anger. "Embraces art a little... Too well." He sighed, tipping back his sake dish and got up to a standing position. Redd's gauntleted hands grasped onto one another as he clicked one of the 'hinges' that held them onto his hand. He took the gauntlet off, revealing the 'iron-maiden-esque' insides of each contraption. The other hand was freed as well.

His hands were littered with holes as blood welled up within them, stopping just at the surface as he closed his eyes again. He focused primarily on healing the skin, which turned into circle-shaped scars. The three deep holes in his hands between each of his knuckles were the first to close. Redd opened his eyes again, gripping his hands into fists. The swiftness off this gripping motion caused a 'clap' or a 'click' sound as if he snapped his fingers. He went and washed his hands, sitting the strangely perfectly clean gauntlets onto the sink and went to the refrigerator. He took out a bottle of weaker sake and brought it out, sitting it over in front of Iris and nodded to her.

His eyes moved to the Heinrich and squinted slightly at the notion of turning down the food. No sooner than he cast his vision upon him, he gave a solemn nod. "Very well." The giant red man walked around the entire living room, past the group, off into one of the rooms, and then came back out wearing two less layers of sweatshirts and sweatpants. As soon as he came back within view, he let out a deep exhale as if he was exhausted, though a hint of exasperation seemed to still linger within him. His muscle tone was now noticeable, pressing against the back of the sweater's soaked surface.

"I do not know what all of you enjoy doing after eating... But to those of you who are still conscious, there is a room for meditation beside the... Warpath that was left." He made his way back to the kitchen, taking out a large quantity of ice with a scoop, and dumped them all into a large glass. He filled the said glass with water and began chugging the water at an extremely fast rate. In fact, he spent more time filling the cup than he did drinking. "Or, if some of you prefer, you may train afterwards... You may join me." He flexed his palm as his knuckles and wrists gave popping and cracking sounds. His eyes looked over to Heinrich again as he frowned. "Perhaps then, some of you will be more comfortable?" He was honestly trying his hardest to accommodate everyone's needs, and as awkward as it was, it showed.

His frown went back to its neutral state from before as he eyed Heinrich over. "You seem to be spacing out. Perhaps training or meditation -would- be best for you. Gives you something to focus on." He said this with a huff, blowing some excess water into the sink and wetted a few rags, carrying them with him as he walked towards the rest of the group, tossing back another two cups of 'Oni-Blood' Sake and letting one last huff of air out from behind his lips. "Though I believe... your friend will lose consciousness... In fifteen minutes. If he is still awake... Well, then I offer him the option as well." He took his place back at the table and started to eat again, finishing his plate.
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