Blood and Glory - Additional IC

Connor Friesland

Motherland Bar

Connor breathed a sigh of relief as all Boris did was punch the two idiots. No bar-fight had occurred, there was no need to panic anymore. In fact some people seemed to be leaving. Any tension had be brought down to livable levels now that the trouble makers were subdued. The sudden snap of action had done something to him, for a day had gone fairly bad for him, it made him chuckle. That helped him tremendously. "Heh, for once person not in floor. Very good. Very good!" He felt as though a tremendous knot in his gut had been undone. It was good to have some sort of release finally. Sure things had gone down hill, but at the same time, it was noon! the day was still young. There still was hope that something good might still yet happen. Sure the early part of the day was wasted, but 12 hours lay ahead.

He motioned to chuck, "Chuck, on second fine, don't need what Borris gets. Want to do something other than get drunk of ass. Tell him thanks next time you see him. Brought back day from being total shit." He then turned his attention to the man who introduced himself as Redd. He raised an eyebrow as he spoke, Japanese? hmm odd, not really heard here. what is saying? Oh switching to English again. He listened as he offered to pay for Connor's drinks. The look though told him that there was little chance of refusal, "No problem, ehh maybe at bar after should not be too bad."

However, Connor's attention was quickly taken from the man when Ripper started to sniff the air. "Ripper what is it?" the Scraffi began pacing back and forth rapidly whimpering, "What you smell boy?" The Scraffi continued to pace back and forth. Whining with increased distress. "You need to go outside?" Ripper let out another distressed whine and looked to the door and was beginning to pull. He looked over to Redd again, "No need apologize. Think I must. Is Ripper...apparently must do business. Either am going to have to have drink real fast...or Chuck will need mop. do not want that. is generally bad thing."


Sica Pera

The champion of Tecavah

Private apartment

Sica frowned a bit as whatever barfight there could have been was quickly ended as the big guy simply exited bar, perhaps she overestimated the Arcadian's ability to defend himself despite his flashy display. As one of the men got up next to her and left she waved quickly as he left. "Well it seems this place got boring fast." Sica stood up placed some tip money on the bar for the bartender and began to leave. As she crossed the room she had a sinking feeling she was going to be greeted by an awfully familiar face waiting right outside the door to the motherland. As Sica considered exiting the bar from the backdoor Johnathan Bravis Raithirin had stepped through the door as Sica walked up to it.

She stepped back for a second as she actually grew a bit nervous.
"Heeyyyyy thereeee Johnny Bravo ole' buddy ole' pal." She tried to give him a light punch in the arm to lighten the deathglare that he was giving her. Catching her fist he squeezed as he was noticeably upset. "Do you know what happens to Champions who ignore a set schedule?" His tone was sharp and unforgiving as Sica looked up to the ceiling still trying to lighten the mood but failing miserably. "They get to have a fun and enjoy thei-?" She was cut off as Johnathan squeezed harder after his hand slid down from her fist to her wrist. Pain from his grip was beginning to set in as she was mentally yelling at him to let go. "They find themselves alone, in the woods with their throat ripped shredded, left arm ripped off and chest torn open while they are consumed by Kerburus dogs." His grip grew tighter as she could feel the circulation to her hand being cut off. "And then the army has to go in, waste precious time and save her before she becomes a human shaped meat plate for the animals and vegetation." Sica grew noticeably pale as the anxiety from the memory of being eaten alive was still too much to handle. "If you really want to be eaten again I can arrange it. Just say the word." He spit out the last sentence still disgusted. "I-I-I-." She stammered before giving up on her first sentence. "N-No. L-Lets go to the apartment." As threw her wrist down at her side. "Good girl." He smiled pleased with his own work of putting Sica into a panic attack. Sica walked forward at a minimum pace to keep up with him but far enough away to avoid any more conversations.

Several minutes later they found themselves inside a rather large private apartment with her team surrounding them.
"We need to run a few tests first." Sica sighed and crawled onto the bed on her stomach as they pulled up the back of her shirt and connected a wire to a small port between what used to be shoulder blades, another was placed at the back of her neck and another just above her elbow. Johnathan walked up to the bed standing near her as he spoke to the cybernetic specialist on their team. "How much damage did the alcohol do?" The specialist looked at a few screens before giving an answer. "Her left arm is only 15% Desynced, throat is 6% Desynced and her chest is 9 % desynced. Her cybernetics need to be readjusted for her current mental state." Johnathan's anger rose a bit but he suppressed it reminding to take it out on Sica during her next training. "We can't do anything about it right now, even the slightest intoxication can ruin training." His signature deathglare returned when he looked back to Sica. "Stop drinking that damned filth!" He shouted at her while she was still connected to the screens nearby. "The cybernetics are still prototypes and they weren't built to adjust to an intoxicated state. Even as much as two drinks can begin to desync them! How many did you have you little tramp?" She wanted to spit in his face, she wanted to punch his lights out, she wanted to take a knife a rip his throat open but she couldn't, he was the best trainer money could buy even if he was temperamental. "Three." She mumbled loud enough for him to hear it. "Three of course you had three! You really want to die don't you?" He pulled out the wires that were connected to Sica as her cybernetics twitched for a moment because of the sudden disconnect. "Go back outside but don't you dare get near Alcohol again." He got close to her as she stood up and put his hand right below her jaw to squeeze her cheeks with his fingers. "Understand?" She suppressed her rage and simply nodded before exiting the apartment. One day she would kill him. Painfully.
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Kyle slowly glanced around the empty room where screens showed the latest gaming events, there were pool tables and card tables here and there for casual waging. This was his pride and enjoy, his money went into this bar, mainly his gambling winnings anyways. There laid a nice oak finished bar, behind it bottles of the finest alcohol in the area. Behind that bar was his closest friend and ally Heinz Körbal. He was a bartender, made a pretty damn good rum on the rocks from Kyle's view point and let alone that he also managed Grit. He knew his way around tech pretty good, spoke with a thick German accent, not one person can barely understand but hell he understands English good enough to do the damn job. The man was smart, he was honest and loyal.... Yet Kyle didn't know where the hell he came from only to show up at the bar one day looking for a job.

Kyle raised his hand and spoke slowly as his head crashed against the bar. Heinz was tinkering with Grit's wing, as the bird looked down at Kyle and made a calling sound to him. Kyle raised his head and glared at the bird, then watched as both Heinz and the bird were glaring at him.

" The fuck are you guys staring at? Let me get the usual. "

Kyle chuckled as he watched Heinz sigh for a second and place the screwdriver on the bar while Grit was motioning one of his wings. Kyle slowly thought in his head.
"Damn bird, always acting like a damn child...." Heinz slowly reached for a glass and placed it in front of him , before reaching down and grabbing a bottle of spiced rum. He placed a large ice cube in it as Kyle liked and then doused it with rum and watch as the glass filled up. Heinz slowly nodded and grinned, watching Kyle reach for the glass and sniff the aroma of the alcohol. Kyle raised the glass to his lips and began to sip slowly allowing the flavor to sink in. The last thing he needed was alcohol, but he felt like he needed more just after what Heinz spoke.

" Are you ready for your next match? "

Kyle responded.

" Grit's ready, I'm ready, your serving drinks, everyone is winning right now Heinz old boy. Soon enough Grit might be getting a shiny new hull! "

Heinz let out a slight laugh as he slowly motioned to the exit from behind the bar and went to the open bar stool next to Kyle, reaching for a beer. Kyle spoke with a smile on his face glancing at Grit, who was pecking the bar like a damn bird he is.

" Wonder what we're gonna be up against this time around. Heinz get him off the oak...... "
(I was typing something then my draft disappeared when i came back and im o_e ...just...gonna move on..)

Katherine "Kat" Ariat


Kat spoke too soon when she thought Eximus was great on Champions Day, Arcadia was better by far! Eximus was cute and festive, but Arcadia was the place to be at! Her head tilted to look up at the sky, one eye squinted to block the sun. The sun was up high in the middle of the sky,"Its noon," she assumed by the position of the sun.

Her attention turned to the commotion at the stage, yards away,"If its crazy now, what will it be like when the sun goes down?" She giggled to herself. The music was bumping, the people were jumping and just having a blast. The crowd was crazy and loud, definately an attraction to the Shadowcat. As innocent and naive Katherine can be, she had a wild side. She always took the chance to be, mischievous, daring, or just crazy. Living on the edge was fun for her, though she knew her limits. She just likes to have fun.

The very young and very small champion walked to make her way over to the stage, to be apart of the rest of celebrators. But before she even got there, there was a bar that came across her path as she strolled lazily on the sidewalk. It had its own source of commotion, but it was different than the cheeryness at the stage, a lot more serious and intense. She stopped in her tracks, turning her eyes to the windows of the bar. From outside where she stood, she could pretty much feel the tension but couldnt make out any faces since it was bright out side and dark and darker in there. Just the way lighting works, unfortunately.
Jekyll Wilson

Terrifying Display of "!?"

So, at this point, Jekyll was beginning to become more and more nervous of the muscled bodybuilder Champion in front of him. That slap had done more damage than he probably even realized, causing a few bloody lacerations to appear where he had laid his hand to a forceful rest. His eyes were crazed as he looked at Jekyll, or at least, very, very passionate about whatever he had just said. Jekyll resisted the urge to back up a bit to increase the distance between them when he began to speak, but he resisted, settling for just grabbing his left elbow, with his tentative right hand, the feel of his arm within his grasp giving him some comfort. Now, Jekyll felt like he could talk to this person, who was crazy, without the fears of getting his body turned into a rubber wheel and being used as a backup tire.

As the man began to put on a thinking pose, considering Jekyll's question over his lack of team most likely, he realized that he had stayed in a spot for quite some time, probably too long. If Mrs.Whickerbottom were to catch up with him, well, he would be in for some serious punishment, and he would most likely be taken back to the Apartment to "rest". Getting a bit antsy over the thought of getting pulled over by the Whickerbottom Police, Jekyll began tapping his shoes as the man nervously looked at him, before away, then back again. It was kind of funny to see such a passionate man on his toes about something, but Jekyll's humor had been killed by the thought of Whickerbottom's vicious cane. However, Jekyll had been surprised by the meek and vague response.

"You're not sure? What does that me-" Jekyll stopped as he saw the ominous look on the man. While the blood seeping and sliding down his face was kind of unnerving, Jekyll thought the eyes were the most attention catching quality of the entire appearan-Oh. He was shouting now, ruining the entire dark theme he had been building for. Jekyll had no opinions on the matter, but he knew that his words seemed a bit desperate, and not at all entirely truthful. Putting his hands up, Jekyll responded, "Mhm, well, it looks like you have it all figured out. Glad I could be of help, but I gotta run. Things to do and people to see, and all that jazz."

Slipping away from Jameson, Jekyll began to filter through the crowd, hopefully pulling some camouflage, until he had the chance to slip into a shop or alleyway.

Jameson Armstrong

Now following Jekyll... Sort of...

Like a thunderclap, Jameson's right hand came down on Jekyll's shoulder as he turned to leave. The man would feel slight pressure, it would be, almost soothing to the damage on his limbs, as when Jameson was in a positive mood, actual physical contact with him left one in a euphoric state because his kinetic energies transferred on contact and realigned a persons blood vessels and capalaries until they were in perfect sync, thus mending most damage. He would be sending enough kinetic negation that Jekyll would find himself walking in place, unable to progress either forward or back so long as Jameson's hand stayed in place.

"Er... Jekyll... I've a favor to ask of you... if that wouldn't be too much trouble..." He muttered.

He was crouched down slightly, so he'd be at the same height as Jekyll, his left hand was against his face, cupping around his mouth, so he could whisper and project the sound towards Jekyll with better ease. Of course, he would wait for the other man to turn around before he continued, as that was only proper. Jameson's mind was fraught with abandonment issues at the moment, and he was unable to be sure if his former revalation had been genuine, or if he was simply telling himself what he wanted to hear. The argument had been cycling in his head for some time now, and he was most concerned about it. So as he stood there, staring at Jekyll, he was almost envious as he heard the words from behind him, "There he is! Dammit Jekyll! Get back here!"

Redd Shotokhan

The Motherland Bar

Redd looked to the creature that was being called 'ripper'. He glanced back to the man who had just taken up his offer and nodded. "I will accompany you." He said with the same kind of fierce stare as before. He received the entire bottle of Sake. His attention turned to the sight of a woman with cybernetic prosthetics on one arm start getting scolded. The voice almost sounded TOO familiar as the tone raised. His eyes squinted as he groaned audibly at the 'barking' that the girl's companion was doing. The first thing that came to mind was his own 'coach' that had cursed him upon leaving him stuck in a folding chair.

He seemed to look to Connor with an assuming stare that the other male would lead the way. If so, he would pour a small 'dish' of Sake and sip it as he followed him, even offering him the 'burning' hot beverage. Normally, a person who was drinking this would get red-faced quite early on after drinking. But with the fact that it was automatically broken down as soon as it got within his bloodstream, and the fact that his face could NOT GET any redder, he would continue on his way with the man with the 'needy puppy'.


Connor Friesland

Motherland Bar->Park

Connor accepted the Bowl of Sake from red and drank it quickly, He never had any experience with the stuff, the result was him coughing a bit. "Is strong stuff...*cough* remind me, get some later, very potent. Very good. *cough* next time will take time. Anyway, would be fine for you to follow. Ripper! lets go, don't need Chuck to have headache." The scraffi immediately began pulling Connor towards the door. Ripper apparently was in incredibly dire straits. "Ok boy...will get you to only short walk across street. No problem. Calm down will get you there." Connor sighed as he followed his dog.

The scraffi was still sniffing the air when the three exited the bar. And was still doing so when they reached the park. Connor looked at his Scraffi, "Ripper you smell something...that it...not business...what you smell boy? The scraffi then turned its nose to the ground seemingly on the trail of something or someone. There was little that could grab Rippers attention like this, he continued to pull Connor along. All Connor could do was look back at Redd and shrug and apologetically say, "Onto something...don't know what is. But clearly interested in something."

Though things got clarified very quickly when Ripper stopped and began barking. His short tail wagging as fast as it could. Connor looked around to try and figure out what the hell had Rippers attention for so long. His eyes scanned the crowd. Looking if there was a person in the crowd of people that ripper might have been following. Tall, don't know him, fat man like butcher...but not butcher, don't know who that is, nope, nope on that, Crimison cat ears, nope on that other- wait...crimson cat ears? His attention snapped to the place he had seen the cat ears. Well that'd explain everything with Ripper, he'd found his second best buddy. Connor raised his hand and began waving it. His speech already quickening. "Hey Iris! Overhere! Iris!"



Krieger Glishten

Arcadian Gardens

Krieger's eyes soften slightly as Iris' ears perk back and shew chews on her lip in a guilty fashion. Drawing a long, heavy sigh as her ears perk up and the young girl launches into her own self-depreciating defense of her partner. Claiming she can defend herself and a small, warm and fatherly smile spreads over Krieger's features. It had been a very long time since he had smiled in such a way, and his heart aches as he imagines Heinrich, always such a good boy, never arguing with him like this. He gently lays a hand on Iris' head, between her ears, and ruffles her hair slightly, and laughs softly. Actually chuckling as he ruffles the girls' hair and gives her a pensive look, studying her facial features and posture. Noting how.... sad she seemed, in fact, she had seemed down-trodden since earlier. Most likely about not having an enjoyable Champion-Day, and not having her partner with her.

So after a brief moment the man nods to himself and partially stealing himself for her to lash at him again, he takes her hand and motions to a row of stalls, vendors and games. "Come, please..." he speaks low and level, his usual hectic and frantic energy now... gone. Even his grip and tug on her arm more of a gentle request for her acquiescence than dragging her along as he had done before. HIs eyes even seem deepr and... kinder. Noting a slight pause from the girl before releasing her hand and walking over to one of the vendors. Standing in line and watching Iris from the corner of his eyes, his mind of course, working overtime as it runs through a multitude of thoughts and possibilities. Finally, it settles on one, and Krieger sorely wishes it had chosen any other train of thought to board.

As they wait in the line for food, the vendor currently dealing with a rather substantial amount of people. Krieger thinks back to the previous day, when his son had first approached the two Champions about joining them. The boy's staunch defense of her, of anyone even being relatively near her. Their co-dependence, and her animalistic pet-master relationship. She was a sweet girl, too... innocent..... not quite the right term but the best he could think of nonetheless, to notice what the boy's affection obviously meant. The lights and sounds of the vendors and attractions blur around Krieger as he slips into a deeper reverie. His attention no longer on Iris.... or at least... not focused enough to be considered on her person.

He is still aware of himself, briefly, as his mind slips back to it's comfortable, frantic rhythm of analytic analysis. and scientific experimentation. Resulting in a... less-than-pleasant idea. He chews on his lip, only vaguely aware of the sensation as he maintains an outwardly-neutral expression. Finally, after failing to battle off the idea with the desire to see the gir;'s day improved he succumbs to his impulse. A slight smile curving his mouth upwards as he imagines if they bred. Any offspring between herself and another Champion would be far more interesting to him than even Iris herself. How would it affect either set of genes? Obviously this mutation was, as far as Krieger knew, unique to her. The chance to study these children would be once in forever, relatively speaking.

Thinking his way through all the angles, Krieger briefly ponders if Iris' projected oblivity to that... boy's affection was not obliviousness, but rather a subtle hint at disinterest. Perhaps the boy thought the same? Regardless, though it seemed unlikely, if that WERE the case, then perhaps Heinrich joining their team could work well in that regard as well. His thoughts halt abruptly as a deep-seeded and nearly-forgotten part of him cringes in... disgust? Regret or an actual sense of respect for the boundaries of other beings? Possibly. However as he continues to think on the subject, he cannot be bothered to remember the sensation, it was inefficient and got in the way of his thinking.

But yes, yes yes yes should she not be interested in the small boy then Heinrich would of course do as a mate for the purposes of producing offspring for him to study. His son was reasonable, and would listen to him of course, never mind the fact that the boy had never even had a girlfriend and thus there was the remote possibility he would unknowingly enjoy the.. experiment. Even so and if that were the case it was obvious the girl was at least mildly nervous around him. He supposed.... for good reason. He grimaces before remembering the world around him and gives the girl a small smile, stepping forward with the line and delving back into contemplation.

He was only vaguely aware of the other boy's abilities from what he had seen from the recordings of the last Hunt, and such it would be doubly interesting exploring that new ability should their children inherit it. However should the same be done with Heinrich, the prospect of feline-warriors capable of turning their pain into a weapon was... promising. Not to mention should she reproduce like a cat and have more than one child... have multiple at a time. Perhaps he could study the child through dissection and.... his train of thought snaps, and he closes his eyes in pain. That odd, forgotten feeling surging to the fore in a rush of reprimand for thinking such a thing. A painful headache drumming at Krieger's skull to the point he barely notices the man at the counter ask him what he would like.

In a flash, Krieger sighs and removes his credit card from his coat, laying it on the counter and nodding his head towards the shorter girl. Sweat perspiring his forehead and he wipes it hurriedly. Speaking in a hushed, distracted tone "Just.... merely get the girl whatever ice cream she wishes..." he steps aside from the line of people. His head throbbing and pulsing in pain until a loud... barking? Damned, infernal commotion was only making his head hurt worse! Krieger's eyes snap open in a rush of anger he could neither help, nor justify. With a smooth motion he amplifies the frequency of his Sonic Dispersal Device to dangerous levels and focuses the small dish that acts as an aiming device, and points it at the offending mongrel. Almost releasing a near-concussive wave of sound-based pain towards the creature, his head still feeling as if it were splitting open but... at least it would soon share in his pain.

@Shura @Der Kojote

Mentioned: @Tree
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Brown alcohol slid from the glass, filling Roy's mouth with an exquisite taste before he ingested the contents. Placing his third empty glass on the table before him, it was easy to see that the young champion's inebriation was taking effect. Cigarette after cigarette was smoked, with practically no time to dictate the smallest of pauses between. Eyes were half-open, registering all movement in a sluggish, hazy pace; whether others were actually moving, or the man moved his head to look about, the result was the same. Honestly, Roy felt quite nice in comparison to the rise his blood pressure had witnessed but half an hour previously. There was no sloshing of liquids within his stomach to even slightly paralyze his movements.

One of the patrons belonging to the bar was getting particularly aggressive with those surrounding him, to the point where he was downright acting like an asshole without purpose. Even the bartenders fell victim to his onslaught of vicious words, and they were just trying to do their job. Roy was getting worked up as a result of just being witness, and even tried his hardest to keep his lips shut. When the man degraded a woman who was passing by with her boyfriend, Roy snapped. Standing up, he looked over to the hunched over, larger champion and spoke sharply. "I'd watch my mouth, if I were you. Or else i'm going to clean your fucking clock. Your option." Roy was fully aware of what he would be going up against; another man larger than himself. It was never a problem before, it wouldn't be so now.

As the last word of his statement flowed off of his tongue, hues took in the sight of a familiar frame being pulled away. It was Iris, for sure. Roy had no idea who was pulling her where, but all thoughts of the aggressive, drunk champion whom he had called out would slip away as quickly as they came. The distraction of Iris being pulled off provided Roy with enough ignorance to remember that he had created a situation that needed to be settled. Now standing but a couple feet before him, the much larger man sent a hard fist into the side of Roy's face. Despite being much smaller, Roy's frame did not shake or stutter due to the impact. He did not even respond to the pain, which was relatively minor in comparison of the other injuries he had inflicted in previous fights.

Roy began to walk off in the direction of Iris, among a flurry of insults from the man whom he had stood up. The young champion forgot about Madison, who he had left at the bar without a word - he just walked away. Of course, the drunk champion was not having this. Running in a flurry of aggrivation, he would run up behind Roy and place both of his arms around the young man's neck, pulling him up and hyperextending his torso in the process. Roy's feet did not leave the ground, but the sudden intrudence of his advances were not taken kindly. After a moment of standing there, he would flip the large champion over his back, so that he landed flat on the ground before him. Roy, who had been crouched over as a result of following through with the tossing action, delivered two hard punches straight to the man's face; a left followed by a right. It was lights out for the drunken champion. He picked the wrong time to try and win.

As a result of the fight which had clearly broken out, two security guards belonging to the park had made their way over to Roy. One instantly grabbed his arms and put them behind the young man's back, causing him to kick up into the air briefly. When Roy's feet hit the ground once more, he was struggling; not screaming, but groaning in attempts to get out of his incapacitated state. The other guard had walked in front of Roy, obviously attempting to find a spot to hold him down without movement. Instinctively, Roy yelled out the name of his partner.
"Iris! IRIS!" When the shuffling had finally gotten Roy to become rather enraged, he flipped his body up and used both feet to kick off of the guard who was attempting to grab him from the front. Roy rolled with the momentum, swinging up and over the back of the security guard who was holding him. Briefly, both of Roy's arms were dislocated; they had to be in order to move, though one was able to put itself back into place. Roy's left arm, unfortunately, was not able to do so just by the natural movement. Slamming the security guard onto his back as a result of the movement, Roy did not spend a moment looking at the mess he created. One drunk champion, unconscious on the floor. One guard had his face kicked in, and was sitting on the ground in attempts to stop the gushing of blood from his nose. The second security guard was knocked out on impact when it came to his hard collision with the ground.

Roy's right hand grasped his left shoulder, and fit it back into place with a convincing pop. The pain was not something that bothered Roy; superhuman durability was surely to thank. However, the trauma to his body still existed nonetheless. Iris was gone at this point; but the young man could certainly try and find her if he walked in the same general direction. So, that is what he did. Walking over a couple of limbs belonging to the various bodies he left upon the ground, Roy continued moving in the same direction he had done so but a few minutes before.

@Shura @Mad Prince of Sanity @Der Kojote

Arcadian Gardens

The redhead tensed as the older man reached out and ruffled her hair. It was a affectionate gesture she wasn't a stranger too, though it was more than just a little creepy when it was someone other than Roy or Anton. Still she noticed another shift in the mans demeanor one that reminded her of her own father. In all of his ramblings of science and subjects she'd forgotten that he was Henrich's father, not just a trainer. Though... with the way the man acted most times it was a little hard to believe it. She could never stand it if her own dad ranted off in such a way making people feel like less than human. Eyes always intense and studying.

Iris shook off the thought before feeling better left buried started to surface. She felt the man tug on her arm lightly wanting her to follow him. Thankfully he noticed her hesitation and let her follow on her own instead of dragging her off like he had done before. Perhaps he just took some getting used to? Seeing no sign of Roy Iris didn't find much harm in continuing to follow. He seemed to calm down significantly, thankfully. As they navigated the crowds Emerald eyes still scanned the people trying to find Roy. At one point she could head someone call her name but found no source in the mixed crowd. Had she imagined it, possibly. Chances were someone was trying to get her attention though it was not the person she was seeking.

Still chewing on her bottom lip Iris was only vaguely aware of when they stopped. Noticing several food stalls around them. She could feel a faint grumbling in her stomach for food but paid it no mind. Enough time had passed to her partner to have made it to the park but she still couldn't find him. She moved up in line reflexively not really paying attention to Kreiger or anyone else. as her anxiety only started to build up. The champion clenched her fists loosely to keep them from shaking, she might be close to a panic attack but she tried hard not to show it . She was succeeded but the longer she kept up the facade the more it started to crack. Normaly Iris wasn't this bad when it came to her anxiety or paranoia but there were some lingering effects of line in her system. Detoxing couldn't get everything.

Barking broke Iris from her frenzied state of mind, her ears perking up as she looked for the source. Much to her relief she spotted a familiar face being pulled along by an eager mutt. "Ripper, Connor!" She grinned momentarily forgetting about the older man as she moved to greet the two. If anything Connor would be much better at helping her in her search, plus Ripper was always great fun to be around. Her slender tail swayed with much more energy as she knelt down to the mutated pet ruffling the skin along his neck as he lunged to lick her face. She giggled softly "It's good to see you too, boy." Iris cooed before looking up to Connor. "Come to enjoy the festival as well?" she questioned before noticing a large unusually red man behind Connor and stared at him a moment before her emerald gaze glanced back to Connor. "New friend?"

@Der Kojote @Morridan @Mad Prince of Sanity @Tree
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Jekyll Wilson & Mrs.Whickerbottom


Jekyll shuddered as he felt the surprising pat on his shoulder. He tried to rip himself away, even if the feeling was good, but he felt something akin to weightlessness as he tried to move away from the giant hand that had him rooted to the ground. Looking to his feet, Jekyll's eyes widened as he saw how his feet slipped from the ground, giving him no momentum or traction against the ground. Looking at the man, like had much choice to do otherwise, Jekyll resisted the urge to slap his forehead as he saw the ridiculous secretive stance the man had taken. Looking at him, Jekyll cocked an eyebrow and was about to ask what was wrong, before he heard the sound of the dogs of hell being unleashed upon him. Looking over to where he heard the baying coming from, Jekyll, in all of his paleness, grew to even a paler shade of white.

Her veins popping her forehead, prominent on the bald spot she had due to her receding hairline, Mrs.Whickerbottom's eyes were deterimined as she walked towards him with her cane in her hand, not even being used. It seemed like her will was taking up half the street as each step made an impact on Jekyll. Getting a hold of himself, Jekyll tried to run away, but found that he was still stuck in the oddly freeing grasp of Jameson. Giving up, Jekyll stood as stable as he could with the ground being slippy, and waited for the firewo-"Jekyll! How dare you, you little ruffian" Oh, there they are.

Mrs.Whickerbottom looked like she was going to blow a gasket with how her hands shook out in front of her, although, she also looked like she was going to take Jekyll along with her for the ride, so he was not calmed. Her oldened eyes squinted at him as she struck him in the shins, the cane flying through the air with a softly malicious sound following its movements. Flinching at the "contact", Jekyll opened his eyes in surprise when the feeling of pain never came, and instead, it was subdued to a simply poke, probably even less than that! Looking to Mrs.Whickerbottom, he asked her, "Is that all you got?" While in any other situation it would have been a taunt, now he was just plain confused.

Jameson Armstrong

Just a little bit annoyed and very confused

Jameson's right leg tapped the offending cane with what to him was a calm flick. The tool would be torn from Mrs. Whickerbottom's hand with the ferocity of a hurricane. Jameson had gauged the attack efficiently, so that it would be vicious enough to cause enough shock in the woman and her handlers to know that he was, by all senses, even more dangerous then any creature beyond the walls, and to catch their attention away from Jekyll.

"My Dear Mrs. Whickerbottom! So good it is to see you again!!" he shouted jovially. "You never came by for tea!"

Jameson swept the woman up in his arms, embracing her with an adoring look on his face. He set her down a moment later, glanced to Jekyll, and said simply, "Run." before he took a hilarious running pose, arms like L's, he jogged in place for a half a second before he bolted down the street, grabbing Jekyll's right hand to drag him along as well.

Mrs. Whickerbottom would probably be confused at first. But a moment later, the kinetic time bomb that would strike her insides and cause an undeniable need to use the nearest bathroom facility to its greatest extent. But by then, Jameson and Jekyll would be almost a quarter of a mile away, two streets over and in through the back door of a small café.

Jameson would release his grip on Jekyll after they had reached the café, commenting "To think she used to get training advice from mother... Ghastly woman. Are you alright? Those cane whacks didn't make it through my barrier i don't think." he looked Jekyll over carefully.
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Redd Shotokhan

Arcadia Park

Redd corked and placed the Sake in the right pocket of his outer-most set of sweatpants. His eyes snapped over to a man who was waving and shouting before being- what seemed to be- midway through being apprehended. He sighed and shook his head, continuing to follow Connor and where the dog was leading them. His eyes scanned over every person with a kind of 'judgment' that only a warrior could describe. Each person he had set eyes on thus far, even Connor, looked to be the type who could live a comfortable life as a civilian for the most part. However he knew that looks often times deceived, he could not help but look at them with a scrutinizing stare. And as the woman walked up, his fierce gaze continued, looking her arms over, her legs, her mid-section, and even her neck over. She seemed quite delicate. Then again, he also realized that this particular woman possessed quite the set of legs. Her movements even while walking seemed to hint towards agility, flexibility, and speed. Below the surface of her skin (the skin he could see at least), he saw a good bit of muscle tone. And as she finally made her way towards him, he squinted his eyes, shifting his feet to a slightly wider stance and stared down at her from his height of six feet, ten inches, tall.

He placed his right thumb's knuckle, as well as the left side of the fist his right hand now formed, against his left palm and bowed slightly without closing his eyes. He rose back up to his previous stance. "Sagashite ita wo-" He shook his head again. "There was a man earlier. I believe he wanted your attention. Before the guards..." He went silent, allowing her to connect the dots. "In any case. I am Redd." He frowned slightly. "Hajimemashita." His eyes went to the crowd of people that the woman had broken away from to meet them, then back to her, wondering whether or not the crowd behind her would act as she did and make themselves pertinent to Redd, Connor, And this new woman known as 'Iris'.

@Shura @Der Kojote @Tree @Mad Prince of Sanity

Connor Friesland

Arcadia Gardens

Connor Smilled as Ripper continually circled around Iris, his spines were flat against his back. Generally that meant that the Scraffi was completely comfortable around the person. Seeing as Ripper had a tendency to play with Iris, as sometimes She was the only one that could keep up with him. Even Connor got tired after a while when playing with Ripper. The Scraffi tended to have boundless energy, that few could match. "Come to enjoy the festival as well?" Connor shrugged and gave a bit of a sigh. "Ehh, would be nice. originally went to bar. Wanted to drink. Many drinks. Kill memory of last 2 hours. Had bad experience. Will talk about later. rather uncomfortable. Line does weird things to people. Very weird, very uncomfortable." Though he gave a pleasant grin, "maybe day get better now? Hopefully. Would be nice."

The Question of his new acquaintance came up, then was quickly answered. Connor added on, "Is guy who fought mantis with. very skilled! Punched through Mantis! Is no small feat. Very good! very Cool! Also...has introduced me to sake. very tasty, very strong! Might want later. Probably night. Not now. Still have rest of day. Prefer not to be drunk off ass on champion day. Would be bad, very bad. Much better for party during night." He paused scratching his chin. "Don't have party tonight, hmm Roy might know..." Again he paused looking to one side of Iris than the other. "Hmm? odd. Very odd. Verrrry odd. Where is Roy. Always with you. Or you with him." He blinked taking a moment to wonder if that sounded odd, "Not implying anything. Just pointing out general fact. Apologize if sounded wrong."

He scratched his head. Tabloids had a field day with Roy and Iris. Always some hint of romance, stories and blah blah blah. It always interesting to see what the magazines would say next. Did he believe a word the tabloids said? Hell no, however it was humorous to sit and read about how the media saw their lives. Though sometimes it kinda got weird. His mind raced to the current situation at hand though, leaving the tangent his brain had gone on. "Need help finding Roy? or is off on task? Is getting food? Or is meeting you here?"



@Tree (mentioned)

Arcadian Gardens

A small chuckle escape the feline champion as the scraffi circled around her excitedly. She was very tempted to go for a run with Ripper but knew it would do more harm than good. She pet his head as he whined and barked. "Hey. We'll run, later." she promised getting the pup to calm down. She looked back to Connor and stood as he rambled on in his broken english. Most did not really understand him however she could perfectly. Where because of her own rapid thinking or just her innate enhanced speed she was always able to understand the fast talking Champion. What was worse was the two could ramble on for hours at a speed most would consider gibberish.

The redhead smirked slightly as he mentioned something bad happening at a bar and shrugged her shoulder, "Ah well you're here now. No need to remember what's not needed." she assured. Her eyes flickered back up to the hulking red man meeting his steady with her curious one. Her ears perched forward slightly listening to Connor ramble eyes still flickering between the two of them. She blinked at the mention of a Mantis and smirked slightly. "Ah so that was you guys? Could hear the scratches across the forest. Agreed very. very cool. Sake? I've heard of it but never tried. But yes drinking best saved for later when not so many people around" She grinned her manner of speaking shifting slightly to match the other champions.

She then turned fully to the man as he introduced himself at first speaking in a language she didn't understand. Puzzling together that he must be from a different city altogether she quickly recognized where she had seen him before. "Oh! yes Redd, The Blood Oger of Growar, as everyone keep saying." She chimed in recognition. Even though she was a champion she was still a fan of the sport and tried to keep up to date on other Champions, even newer ones. Watching the man a moment she mimicked his motion of a bow " Yes! It is very nice to meet you as well!" She replied giving up on her attempt to try and reply the same as he had. She was by no means mocking him but rather just trying to be friendly in a manner he might be more familiar with.

She looked back up at the man as he mentioned someone looking for her and tilted her head wondering if it had been Roy before Connor spoke up again. She glanced back to him as he brought up Roy and scratched the back of her head slightly. "No it's fine" She assured not wanting her friend to fret over small details. While the two weren't joined at the hip it was uncommon to see one without the other. "Ah well... was going to meet him here. But I can't find him. Looked everywhere but no luck." She answered with a small sigh. "The help is much appreciated." She nodded ears perking back up slightly at the hope of finding her partner. She hoped he wasn't getting himself in trouble since the young man was always aggressive when worried.

@Der Kojote @Morridan @Tree @Mad Prince of Sanity


[the search is real]

Crowds of people did not hamper Roy's movement. Instead, he stumbled about and moved around in such a way that he disturbed the smallest amount of people as possible. Hearing Connor speak gave Roy a familiar voice to latch onto; so he ran with it. There was a chance that Iris could be nearby, and it was the only possible lead that Roy had. When he finally maneuvered himself to a spot where he was more comfortable, hues came upon the group. He kept silent as the champions spoke among themselves, standing far away enough so as not to be noticed immediately.

Obviously, the easiest man to spot was the red guy. Obviously. Standing at close to seven feet, he was rather hard to miss. In conjunction with his dark red skin, and downright ridiculous stature, he was easily picked out of any group. Roy easily recognized the man as champion otherwise known as 'Blood Ogre'. The man standing beside him was someone a bit closer to Roy's height, despite being a tiny bit smaller. Connor, much like himself, had medium-length black hair. 'Frenzy' was not a champion who was well-known to the media, but Roy was aware of his existence through Iris. Krieger was someone whom Roy had recently met, much to his dismay. Honestly, he felt bad for Heinrich - having to deal with such an overbearing person for a majority of his life had to be tough. And finally, there was Iris.

The moment eyes found the frame of the female, Roy's entire body lost it's anxious edge. The zombie-like state which his drunken pursuit had allowed came to fruition, albeit a few roadblocks along the way. Due to his intoxication, however, Roy was having a rather hard time functioning one hundred percent. He eventually tipped over enough to find himself leaning against the side of a hoagie truck. Luckily, he had not toppled over; he definitely would have done so if the large vehicle was not conveniently parked beside him. Roy completely forgot he had the collar on him; it was in his backpack, though. Nice and safe.

Contemplating a move back to the bar once he grabbed a hold of Iris, Roy continued letting the group be for the moment. Dragging a pack out of the depths of his pocket, he removed the last cigarette before tossing the cardboard into the nearest trashcan. He lit up, taking a deep drag of both paper and tobacco before exhaling the smoke which was gathered up in his lungs. The little sip of air in between merely served to help push the air into his lungs. As it was currently, the park may have been illuminated by various lights, especially given the many vendors - the cherry at the end of Roy's cigarette just served as a tiny, bright speck in comparison. One lady, who was walking by with a group of her friends, commented on the smell. Roy promptly turned his head back and told the woman to fuck off. Her response was nothing more than an exasperated gasp.
"Get on with your smutty ass!"

Of course, Roy figured that he more than blew up his spot with the exclamation. Turning his head back to the group, with his eyes once more magnetizing to Iris, he let off a sly smirk.
"Found ya."

@Shura @Der Kojote @Morridan @Mad Prince of Sanity
Katherine "Kat" Ariat


There was so much to take in. As she watched the actions taking place she couldnt help but wonder what she got herself into. A company of three left the bar, two men and a sort of canine, just as guard rushed into the bar. She could hear objects slamming, bodies dropping and a very desperate,"Iris! IRIS!"

"Iris?" The green-haired champion tilted her head. In a second she went wide-eyed with a gasp,"THE Iris? The champion?" she questioned herself. Was she in the bar? Perhaps something happened to her. Out of curiosity and in an attemp to help, if help was needed, she rushed to the door and peeked inside. It was a mess. Other people in the bar were standing from their seats to see what all the fuss was about. Through the crowd of people she could faintly see three bodies lying on the ground. The bodies belonged to two security guards and a young man. She couldnt make out the face of the black haired lad from her position behind the crowd, but tried anyway, her little legs jumped up and down, trying to get herself to look over the heads infront. Through the gaps between bodies she could see him get up, like nothing ever happened. She took another step away from the door bending her body to the side while her head bobbed and weaved to get a better look.

Katherine noticed the crowd take a few steps back as the mystery guy approached the door to make his exit. With a sharp gasp, she stepped back outside and placed her back against the transparent, glass window that belonged to the bar. She cringed and crinkled her face with eyes shut, believing the "if i dont see him, he wont see me" logic. A logic of nonsense. She didnt want to come off as a creep, spying or following, she was just curious as to what was taking place. She held her breath, like it would make her any less noticable.

Somehow, it worked. Or he didnt care to pay attention to anyone he passed. But the young man exited the bar, passed the small girl trying to hide, and continued on his way. Upon nervousness, she wasnt aware she had activated her intangibility power. The Ghost girl's body fell through the bar window she had hid against, "Whoa!" The numbness and weightless feeling surged through her, and she quickly took notice. She flailed and tried to grab the air infront of her but it was no use, deactivating her ability, her head bumped against a bar stool near the window and her body hit the bar's floor hard. "Ow!" She layed on her back for about five seconds, trying to comprehend what just happened,"Ugh..." She groaned before she slowly sat up and rolled over onto her hands and knees. Still on all fours, she lifted a hand to hold and cover and purple bruise that had appeared onto the corner of her left eyebrow. Katherine quickly pulled her hand back, a reaction from putting pressure on to the bruise,"Ooh ooh that a bruise?" The bump had broken skin and a thin layer of blood flowed,"What-- Is that,..Is that blood?!" She tapped two fingers lightly over the contusion and observed them, clearly seeing a red liquid gleaming on her finger tips,"Damn it..."

"Ahem." A throat cleared.

Her emerald eyes landed on a pair of shoes i front of her. She followed the shoes upward to a pair of pants, a shirt and finally a face, who looked down suspiciously at her. "Eh heh heh..." Her throat instinctively swallowed. She assumed it was the bar owner.

"Young lady, how old are you...?" His eyebrow raised.

"Uhh..." Kats eyes rolled off to the side, avoiding his own,"W-Well you see I--"

"I dont think you belong here..."

With out another moment spared, shes being escorted out of the bar by the owner himself. She held a bag of ice against the bruise,"I can explain! Heh heh, is actually a really funny story. You see I--"

"Just get out of here kid, I dont need anymore trouble..." His burly hands pressed between her shoulder blades and pushed her through the threshold.

"Whoa!" she stumbled forward a few feet before standing straight up and straightening her outfit,"mmm..." Her throat grumbled with a pout on her face. Katherine turned to face the bar again,"Well thanks for the ice pack!" She said with a sarcastic tone.

The bright-green haired girl made her way to the park. She avoided the crowd and sat at an empty bench that didnt have many people surrounding it. A long and heavy sigh was released while she lazily plopped herself in the seat with fatigue. Her head shook and hung low,"So much for Champion's Day..."

Arcadian Gardens

"Fuck off."

Crimson ears perked as they picked up on a familiar sound through the dull roar of the surrounding crowd. It was low and easily missed but the follow exclamation pretty much confirmed her suspicions. "Roy?" Iris turned slightly a small thrill of relief and joy rising to the surface until she spotted her elusive partner leaned up against on of the food carts. He looked a little less than coordinated as he made his way over, Which already sent up a red flag. Part of her was glad he didn't look upset or angry about forgetting the collar but his hazed over gaze presented a whole different issue all together.

She studied him immediately catching a few changes from last she saw him. For one there was the tell tail discoloration along the side of his face of a bruise forming. Second was the slight stiffness in the sway of his arms as he moved, normally it wouldn't be as noticeable but his obvious inebriated state had the rest of him moving in a much more fluid state. Iris was pretty sure if she poked the space where deltoid muscles intertwined with pectorals the reaction would be more than just subtle. She wasn't sure how long he had been drunk for but Roy had already gotten into a fight, possibly more than one.

Previous guilt and anxiety gave way to worry and a good bit of irritation, not made much better by the strong scent of residue smoke and alcohol. Roy after line was bad enough now there was alcohol added to the mix which alone was like playing Russian roulette with emotions. This was going to be interesting to say the least. Iris let out a heavy sigh and just shook her head before crossing her arms. "What happened?"

@Morridan @Tree @Der Kojote @Mad Prince of Sanity
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Madison Green

Arcadia Bar

Madison watched as Roy left her behind, completely ignoring her after such an annoyingly long walk. Trouble seemed to begin brewing when a champion he had been 'arguing' with followed him out of the bar, looking ready to kill. Madison didn't know who the guy was, but she knew Roy, and Roy wouldn't go down easy.

And sure enough, he didn't. Two guards arrived to aid the larger champion, but it didn't help. Roy beat all three in seconds and continued on his search for Iris, his passion unchanged by the assault. Madison got up to follow him, offering a goodbye and a tip to one of the bartenders before leaving.

Unfortunately, her own adventure seemed to be beginning, with a young woman being thrown out as Madison walked outside. Upon hearing her, Madison turned around to help, not wanting to see another person hurt.

As Madison turned her full attention to the woman, she was already leaving the bar, heading in the same direction Roy did. Deciding that going with her was a good idea, Madison began walking behind her, keeping her pace faster than the woman's but nowhere near a run. Champion Day was full of assholes who deserved the guards attention (ROY), there was no need to pointlessly run and look suspicious.

"Hey kid." Madison said as she got within a good speaking distance. "Sorry about the bartender, I'm sure he didn't mean to be that rough." It seemed like a decent enough conversation starter, especially since she knew nothing about the girl.

Jekyll Wilson

Pastry Pot

The scenery all around him seemed to blur, along with the sound, as Armstrong took a strong grip on to his hands. The entire situation was strange, and he was sure that afterwards, after this was all over, he would be returning to his apartment where he would sit down and try and figure out what exactly had just happened to them. Now though, he would take it all in without harm. Landing a bit unsurely, Jekyll waved a dismissive hand towards Jameson, responding, "Nah, it seems the old bat's lost her juice. Must have been all the running." Jekyll was ignorant of the full capacity of Jameson's ability, so was unaware of his protective coating.

Looking around, Jekyll realized they were in one his favorite places to hang out. Known for its sweets, the Pots of Brownies was a rather nice place to be, however, Jekyll was not very fond of the alcohol sold in more rough and tough bars, so he spent a lot of his time in this place, as well as its counterparts that were strewn around. The biggest thing was that each store had a different theme, and each store having a different pastry that the store was centered around. His favorite was probably liquorice themed one, enjoying the way he could bend his own finger to most ways the Licorice decided to bend as well, so it made for a good pastime as he drank soda.

This one, however, had dark brown walls with peanut and almond shaped lights on the ceiling and walls, the yellowish neon light coming from them making the place seem even more lively. It was obviously packed from the Champion's Day, each person there trying to see if they would catch a Champion who frequented the place. The floor was carpeted and brown, with various tables seemingly ingrown into the ground, becoming less carpeted and more tabletop. The register counter as well as the walls were all surrounded by small mini walls that was designed to look like plastic brownies, while the register itself was painted brown. The various smiling employees all wore little sunvisors that held the symbol of the Pastry Pot, a small pink pot that was stacked with a number of desserts, each little icon being a reference to a store they had in business.

Looking around, Jekyll realized that it had been a while since he had eaten, and the leftover nectar in his body was really making his stomach ache and moan. Looking to Armstrong, he asked, "Hey, I am going to get some grub, you want anything?" Jekyll wasn't really offering to pay, but he was offering to sit down and have a chat. The man had rescued him from Mrs.Whickerbottom for the time being, so he had a lot to thank him for.

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Connor Friesland

Arcadia Park

Connor could only barely suppress the chuckle at Iris' valiant but futile attempt to try and respond in Japanese. This is why stick to English. Already hard enough for people. Would butcher language. Would be bad. Like Boris tearing into liquor bottle. Or Vodka Bottle. Not good.

Very messy. Verry messy.
He shook his head to clear the mental tangent that was formulating. Snapping himself back into normality. He was about ready to follow through on his offer to start looking for the champion when out came a response that told him there essentially was no need for such action. "Fuck off" He smiled at Iris, "Think that problem has resolved itself."

He was happy to see Iris' spirit seemingly lift at the sight of Roy. Though Looking at Roy's current state apparently he'd been through quite a bit. He watched the two get closer to each other, somehow both seemingly to function better when they got nearer. The man looked like he'd been through one or two good fights and the smell that rolled off of him reminded Connor of the nights he'd be called to the Motherland for numerous reasons. Alcohol and cigarette smoke, yup apparently Connor hadn't been the only one to have a terrible day. Though considering it was Roy, this might have been a good day. After being partnered up with Boris...he wasn't one to judge what was "Normal"

Iris started the usual line of questioning, To Connor, she looked somewhere along the lines of Disappointed and "What happened?" Connor sniffed the air lightly and scratched his chin rapidly. "Whisky, off brand. Cheap...but at the same time strong smell. Avor brand...very good when no vodka...of course never happens with Boris." He paused again sniffing the air, "Hmmm Cigarette. it back is menthol. Definitely menthol. Like back at don't tell me. Blue diamond menthol. Hint of Wacky tabaky for extra flavor!" He paused looking around realizing he went on a tangent again. "Sorry...after trips to motherland am used to smells. got excited...has been stressful day."





[iris found]

When his partner asked what it was that Roy was getting into, he maintained the same smirk. Of course, there was no need to speak on the subject. Connor had gotten it half correct; the cigarette burning away between his fingers was partial evidence. Roy had been drinking, of course; and the man had been slightly banged up. The side of his eye was probably black and blue, though it was not as if he could see for himself. His arms were a bit sore, but that was no big deal. Roy got ready to make his way over to the group of champions, which in reality had been but a couple of feet away. However, there was a large walkway which separated him from them. Two men who had been walking, stopped right in front of Roy.

The two were having a conversation, hindering Roy's view of the group for a moment. Staring at the two men intently, a crazed look washing over his features, he waited a short moment for both people to make their way forward. After Roy found that they were taking two long, the intoxicated champion parted his lips to speak his mind, while one man began to babble on about his girl troubles to his friend.
"How about you shut the fuck up and keep moving?" Dropping the cigarette on the floor and extinguishing the cherry with the tip of his shoe, Roy's mouth opened in a wide, exaggerated smile as he excitedly looked between the two, nodding intently. They were looking back at him, during the few couple of seconds which he followed the motion. Then, the same man told Roy that to kiss his ass.

Oh, no. That was not a good move.

Looking at the stranger, Roy's visage changed back to a smile. He looked down at the floor quickly, closing his eyes. In the same amount of time it took Roy to do this, he would follow the action up by cocking his right fist back and plowing it straight into the chin of the gentleman. The force of the punch, combined with the pain of the strike, caused the man's knees to buckle slightly. He wobbled a couple of feet back, bouncing off of the gigantic frame belonging to Redd Shotokhan in the process. The man was then caught by his friend, who escorted him away with swiftness. Roy watched as the two walked off, before looking down at his knuckles. One of them was bleeding very slightly, due to a small cut. When Roy was constantly hitting things with his fists, this was bound to happen.

A few paces led Roy to Iris' side. His left hand, the one which was injured less, found the small of her back as he moved closer. The opposite hand moved up to his forehead, wiping the bangs out of his eyes. Moving his face close to the side of Iris, he spoke softly into her ear.
"I'm glad I found youuuu." Was this normal? For Roy. Before he had a couple of drinks, the worst of possibilities flooded his consciousness. This resulted in irrational fear, every time. Though his eyes were closed when he spoke, he opened them to the sight of Redd Shotokhan. This instantly sparked an urge in Roy, who moved from Iris to but a few inches before the much larger man.

"You didn't even budge when that douche bumped into you. I want to fight you."

Fuck an introduction.

@Shura @Der Kojote @Morridan
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Arcadian Gardens

Glancing over to Connor Iris could only sigh as he state the obvious, more or less. "No it's fine, Con I could kinda tell that much. I mean what happened more so tha-" Before she could even finish her sentence she heard the inebriated champion mouthing off once more. She turned quickly, too quickly as the sharp stab across her ribs pointed out. She winced slightly before looking up in time to see Roy punch a random civilian in the face. "Roy!" She was about to pull him back but his lack of balance had the boy stumbling back away from the potential fight. She looked towards the person Roy had punched, thankfully he seem to have gotten away more or less just fine. "Sorry!" She called over knowing in the back of her mind they probably didn't even hear the apology.

Groaning softly the female champion rubbed her temples already feeling the beginnings of a headache from all of the stress. The day had been bad enough to then add in a violent drunken Roy. Now she had to figure out how to get him home without him causing some sort of riot. Granted their was always the option of just knocking him out, though it wasn't one she wanted to do. Tempting him with more alcohol could work though. If he at least got him home he could crash on the couch and be a drunken fool without the risk of him hurting someone else. God only knew what damage he had left behind already.

Her body visibly tensed up when Roy whispered her ear before they folded back in aggravation, the fur along her tail noticeable frizzing out as she glared at him. "I'm starting to wish you hadn't" she growled softly. Wishing she had just remembered to take the collar in the first place. Then things went from bad to worse as her partner turned to face Redd. Her eyes widened at challenge he issued and immediately knew that was a bad Idea. For one he was drunk and two The Blood Oger could pound almost anyone into the dirt and not need an ounce of line. For godsakes he had punched through a Mantis!

Before she could really think about what to do she reached out and grabbed Roy by his shoulders, claws sinking into his flesh slightly. Not too deep but just enough to cause pain to register and keep him from fighting back though she did draw a bit of blood. "No Roy that is a terrible Idea!"

@Der Kojote @Tree @Morridan
Katherine "Kat" Ariat

Arcadia (Interacting with Madison)

Katherine blinked a few times at the ground, her empty hand tapping a finger on her knee impatiently, while the occupied hand continued to hold the cold bag of ice against her brow. She leaned to one side and gave an anxious exhale. Being injured, even minorly, always bothered her. It made her feel...incapable. She had to stop everything she was doing under the mercy of the small wound to tend to it.

"Hey kid," a voice called from a few feet away.

Kat's head immediately perked up to look. She wasnt even sure the sentence was directed to her, but she was curious. Sure enough, it was. A woman, very young but older than the Ghost girl, with soft grey eyes and golden hair made her way to meet with Kat's own presence. Green eyes blinked with a blank expression at the lady before twisting her head around to look behind her. She thought Madison may have been talking to someone behind her, but seeing as no one was there, she lifted her eyes brows and pointed to herself as if asking,'Me?'

Madison continued with an apology on behalf of the bartender's actions. Okay, now Kat knew she was being talked to. "Oh, ah its alright, shouldnt have been there, heh heh. Although it was an accident, but..." She shook her head, precipitation from the melting ice pack rolling down the side of her face,"Youre...Madison, right?" Once again, Katherine recognized yet another champion that probably didnt even know about her own existance until now. The unharmed eyebrow lifted with curiosity. The Shadowcat was almost certain it was her, after all it was Champion's Day, she was bound to meet other fellow champions.


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