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Fandom Bleach - Death and Rebirth

I think everyone in the Gotei 13 should be familiar with each other, especially the captains. Some could have history with one another since some (most) have been captains for more than 100 years lmao

Although my Masaki probably won't have such relationships, as he's only a few months into the role^-^

So I'm yay for the thingy maboo~
@Vitaani sure you can!

Also, the results thus far are: 2 Nay to 5 Yay!

To all of the newcomers (@gogojojo331, @Rayischo and @Vitaani) - please, watch this OOC tab and check out the overview. Also, you should read what I pasted down bellow since we decided on this plot device while you guys were still not a part of the RP:

Guys, me and Mousie have been discussing something very cool over PM and have decided on a plot devise - his character will be a double traitor.
Now allow me to explain what I mean by that - he shall be an arrancar that infiltrated the shinigami ranks and is posing as the captain of the 13th Division (this is the only exception of the sort I will allow, mind you. As to why I am am even letting for such a character exist - its because it will make things interesting). This he is doing due to some ulterior motive (which are still unknown to me) but the gist of it all is that he is a traitor.

However, he is not the only one for there are shinigami (so far my lieutenant and IG42's captain) who, for various reasons, wish to go through hollowfication to boost their power. This will happen later on in the roleplay, yet has been discussed among this group for a very long time. And Mousie's captain just happens to be the leader of the visored rebels, who plan to rage war onto Soul Society. And yet, he doesn't actually want to help these people in their plans but simply use them to achieve... something. Hence turning into a double traitor (maybe in this case the two sides can unite in the face of a shared enemy...).

In addition, he possesses a very OP power that allows for him to steal people's zanpakutos, To quote:

"his hollow abilities would be severely suppressed in favor of keeping his ruse. I'll actually tell you an ability quickly which allows him to blend in the Gotei 13. He has a dangerous technique which allows him to both steal the abilities and manifest physical multiple zanpakutos up to a cap of four. The downfall is that if they're severely damaged as a result of combat, they're no longer effective and unusable. Another downfall of the ability is that he can't maintain multiple zanpakutos simultaneously. Lastly, he can only activate their Shikai states."

Mousie also mentioned that this power can only be activated if the oponent dies in combat, but I don't really wish for that much character death. So, in order to still keep things interesting, he will be able to steal zanpakutos from living shinigami. However, I insist on there being a way to counter this, which will probably later be uncovered by the shinigami

So... that's pretty much what we've got so far. Of course, all of this will take place in a much later ark. However, I just wanted everyone to know of what's going to go down.
Also, we are currently voting whether our personages should have pre-determined relationships or not. Thus, I would be happy to hear your input on the issue~
@gogojojo331 true, true, you are entirely right! However, that's why we're holding a vote~

Thus far the results are: 2 Nay to 6 Yay! Gonna wait till evening today to close the poll (it's 2 pm right now where I am... so I guess Imma give people 6 more hours???)
Perhaps the pre-determined past should be opt-in? That way those who want it get it, and those who don't aren't forced into it?
@Hex I guess we can do so but that's already kind of a thing... I mean, again, three of my characters have set relationships with other personages. However, I suppose we can try out your idea.

In that case, there are two options (this is the important thing I wanted to talk about before)

  1. Everyone who wishes to have some form of relationship with another character PMs their creator and talks it out in privacy
  2. RPers who want relationships make a "relationships" point in their Background Information and then list every single character of their own type (as in shinigami write about shinigami, fullbringers about fullbringers, and so forth), after which they tell us what their character thinks of each person
Depends on the point of view, really~! That's why I am giving each rper the chance to choose whichever suits them best.
Finished mine. Do let me know if it reaches the desired standards.
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@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira sorry I couldn't reply earlier (I was sleeping and all that jazz~) but, sure, go ahead! We would be happy to have you among us~

Everyone, Imma check over all the characters to see if everything is tip-top and then will write up introductory posts for all three IC tabs. We are starting this finally! To everyone who is yet to submit or complete their characters, I am going to repeat myself for, like, the 4th time - don't rush yourself. Take your time, flesh out your personage and then jump in. We will have started rping but you can always join.

Also, @gogojojo331, gosh, did you just call me "boss"??? I mean, I ain't complainin' ~
Okay... soooo... This is an issue I noticed earlier but decided to address with on a latter date. It is regarding everyone's power levels because, as of now, they don't work well together as in they aren't realistic.

First off, shinigami RPs (specifically @GabrielD921, @Beaurmont and @gogojojo331) - lets make all of out captain character stats to be a 65/80 so that the Kenpachi (@SoulFire) is the strongest with a 70/80.

As to why I am not demanding this from @Strawberry Preserves - it's because it would be interesting to see the 4th and 11th Division captains being the most powerful out of them all. However, their skills are aimed in completely different directions! If you guys disagree, however, then only the Kenpachi will be of a 70/80 caliber.

Now, there is even a worse problem with the arrancar of the same type... everyone, when making your character, please consider their rank. Anyway, in order to avoid any misunderstandings, how about @Beaurmont (as the 1st Espada) makes their lovely Rosa to be a 110/120, and so everyone takes it from there, making their personage 4 points weaker than the previous one (@Alirofgar - 106/120, @SoulFire - 101/120, @Rayischo - 97/120, Moi - 93/120, @Vitaani - 89/120 and so forth)

When it comes down to fullbbringers and lieutenants, all seems fine enough~

Since we're on this topic, are the stats for my character fine? If not, I'll change them. I just want to make sure my OC is as perfect as I can make it~

Also, out of curiosity I have to ask^w^

Has anyone ever picked up on that beautiful piece of philosophy that is your status?
@LeSoraAmari don't worry, your stats are just fine. That's why I din't mention you in the other post~ Anyway, I am flattered that you like my status (you are also the first person to ever mention it), and it is truly very beautiful. Honestly, I am that type of hipster trash that is all over Latin proverbs and philosophy~

Also , diD SOMEONE SAY ERGO PROXY!!!??? Excuse my overreaction, but I am absolutely in love that work of art.
Eeeeeee! Awesome~ I hardly ever meet someone who's seen it. Of course, it took me two viewings to really appreciate it. The first time I watched it with subtitles, but got completely lost at the end. My second time watching it was dubbed, and then it finally made some sense, hahah! But yes, defintely one of my favorite series out there.
The Latin language is beautiful, I love it~ I also love philosophy~ I think one of the reasons I adored Elfen Lied so much was because of the opening, Lilium, which was Latin xD

I've never seen Ergo Proxy, is it something I should watch? Also, for some odd reason I cannot watched Dubbed Anime's~ it really annoys me for some reason ^w^

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