Black Desert Online - RpN Guild

[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]You have to move to a NA server theres no cross server play.

I cri T_T
Ew... gender locked classes? When it comes to MMOs, or I guess any role playing type of game, gender-locking is a huge turn of for me. I didn't know about that when I first saw the BDO previews...

I mean they put so much detail and effort into the game, yet the lock genders? Seems kind of archaic...

The reason I don't like gender-locked classses is because I like to build characters in all classes, in both genders, with different builds, so not being able to change something like that doesn't work for me.
Hmm, I have the game preordered :P

My account name will be Naefaern, my first character will be a wizard by the name of Tobin
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[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Hmm, I have the game preordered :P
My account name will be Naefaern, my first character will be a wizard by the name of Tobin

Let me know when you get in so I can invite you make sure it's the Orwhen NA server.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Let me know when you get in so I can invite you make sure it's the Orwhen NA server.

Okay~ I should be on later today, will there be a group in the discord chat for the guild?
[QUOTE="Tobi Neafearn]Okay~ I should be on later today, will there be a group in the discord chat for the guild?

Since we are also recruiting in the game non RpN members we have a seperate discord server for ShieldHeart
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Since we are also recruiting in the game non RpN members we have a seperate discord server for ShieldHeart

Thanks, that's what i was wondering about; for now i need to get to class, so i'll pester you later!
Does it cost anything to change your region or can you make characters for different regions?
Was asking cause I selected Europe as my region and aren't sure how easily you can change that.
Bought the conqueror package, and have already been steadily progressing through the game with the early access. Love the game so much. Alot of my life and time will be spent in this game aside from classes. Sadly we are on different servers. :( If can change servers I will.
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Hahaha I was just a few hours too late for the giveaway! Dangit. I didn't go to the last page on that second giveaway and see that it had ended. I spent like an hour coloring out every picked number in an excel spreadsheet and making this badass looking graph to help me choose my number, then I get to the last page and it's over. Hopefully I'll be getting it soon and joining in!
Nine said:
Hahaha I was just a few hours too late for the giveaway! Dangit. I didn't go to the last page on that second giveaway and see that it had ended. I spent like an hour coloring out every picked number in an excel spreadsheet and making this badass looking graph to help me choose my number, then I get to the last page and it's over. Hopefully I'll be getting it soon and joining in!
Aw that sucks! I wondered if doing it during work hours was a bad idea, but it was a spur of the moment decision. Like girl scout cookies.
No it was a pleasant distraction. I sort of enjoy making cool info graphics. I used you as a project. @Edrondol
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