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Beyond The Surface {Private}


Senior Member
Autumn was a seemingly simple witch. That is until her grandmother gave her a map. Supposed it would lead to an ancient lost treasure, but then again she also thought dogs were an isn't spirit warriors, so anything could go with her. Something about the map pulled to Autumn though, and she couldn't help buy want embark on this journey.

Her magic is actually fairly advanced being mainly fire based. She can be fearless and strong except when it comes to boys. She knows this mission isn't one she can complete alone aware of the various awaiting dangers but she has to try. So she decided to hire a bounty hunter. Someone who can guide her, help her, protect her, for a shared fee of coarse. She's met with quite a few hunters but none seem to be the right one for the journey.

Autumn Avri sits at a table in the back of a dimly lit bar, praying a man will come answer her call. She's been interviewing for three days now and is about to give up and take her chances alone. None of these men seem trust worthy, strong, or courageous. Like they would kill her and take her map first chance. None of these men know the true reason of the mission just that she needs protection. Will she have luck?
Gaia112233 said:
Autumn was a seemingly simple witch. That is until her grandmother gave her a map. Supposed it would lead to an ancient lost treasure, but then again she also thought dogs were an isn't spirit warriors, so anything could go with her. Something about the map pulled to Autumn though, and she couldn't help buy want embark on this journey.
Her magic is actually fairly advanced being mainly fire based. She can be fearless and strong except when it comes to boys. She knows this mission isn't one she can complete alone aware of the various awaiting dangers but she has to try. So she decided to hire a bounty hunter. Someone who can guide her, help her, protect her, for a shared fee of coarse. She's met with quite a few hunters but none seem to be the right one for the journey.

Autumn Avri sits at a table in the back of a dimly lit bar, praying a man will come answer her call. She's been interviewing for three days now and is about to give up and take her chances alone. None of these men seem trust worthy, strong, or courageous. Like they would kill her and take her map first chance. None of these men know the true reason of the mission just that she needs protection. Will she have luck?
A cute cat which was quite of famous for his cute appearence, folk tales of his different lives spread throughout the land for nine generations. The tales that were told were often about a cheetah speeding by and saving people with the wind, other times it was a huge lion that could shake the earth with a mere roar, he could be a great hero who protected the innocent from great evils and saved the world from monsters and such, or maybe he was a small gentle caregiver who could heal people who were sick or injured, but the one constant was that he would always protect the innocent. It's because of this the small cat seemed so elusive, he took on many forms since he was a cat with nine lives but that doesn't specify what KIND of cat he would be. He lived on even past his ninth life and now he roamed the earth as a ghostly figure, he still helped folks so his fame never really died down. Some who haven't seen him don't even believe he exists or they think all the heroic stories they've been told we're not true. The cat has lived on from the ancient times to the advent of technology. Some people even widdled small toys of the different cats' forms for different forms of good luck, like good health, strength, and courage, but the one thing no one ever relied on an Ashes doll for was Love. Yes, tragic tales of how the cat could never find love were always popular, tales of sadness as he would always save the day and never get any reward for it, rumors say that the reason why he's stayed on this earth for so long was because he desired a soul mate that would never come. It was a wonder to why this celebrity of sorts had walked into this bar. He floated up with his iconic staff and sat down at the girls' table, " Is that a map to find the legendary treasures of yore? " He said as he placed his small paw on the map and he looked at Autumn
Gaia112233 said:
Autumn was a seemingly simple witch. That is until her grandmother gave her a map. Supposed it would lead to an ancient lost treasure, but then again she also thought dogs were an isn't spirit warriors, so anything could go with her. Something about the map pulled to Autumn though, and she couldn't help buy want embark on this journey.
Her magic is actually fairly advanced being mainly fire based. She can be fearless and strong except when it comes to boys. She knows this mission isn't one she can complete alone aware of the various awaiting dangers but she has to try. So she decided to hire a bounty hunter. Someone who can guide her, help her, protect her, for a shared fee of coarse. She's met with quite a few hunters but none seem to be the right one for the journey.

Autumn Avri sits at a table in the back of a dimly lit bar, praying a man will come answer her call. She's been interviewing for three days now and is about to give up and take her chances alone. None of these men seem trust worthy, strong, or courageous. Like they would kill her and take her map first chance. None of these men know the true reason of the mission just that she needs protection. Will she have luck?

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