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Fantasy Beyond the Border of Balance (Open-World, Free-Roam Fantasy)

Count Gensokyo

Super Smash Bros. Melee is a Fair & Balanced Game
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey, so I've been really wanting to GM for an open-world experience in a specific world with a small group of people (1-4 other people max)! I'm planning to stylize the rp into a free-roam, choose what you'd like to do experience.

The setting is not very typical, though...

Disclaimer: This is actually a fandom setting, but it can be enjoyed without any knowledge whatsoever.

    Long ago, when the lands of the far east were still untamed, humans and youkai warred against each other in a haunted region of Japan. Youkai ate and killed, and powerful humans rose up to exorcise and kill the beasts in return. This off-and-on conflict continued until 1884 A.D. when the land was mysteriously sealed away from an increasingly scientific and skeptical world by the Great Hakurei Barrier.

    There has been little contact between these two societies ever since, and as of today, next-to-no-one knows of this land's existence. The only known gateway from the real world to this land of illusion is the Hakurei Shrine, a decrepit shrine which stands in isolation along the border on distant mountains of the far east.

     Few humans have ever visited this place, but after a group of friends take a trip to the shrine and stumble their way into a situation bigger than themselves, they can't help but feel a world of new opportunities open up to them!

So, as I said before, this is a fandom setting and not my own work. However, as this is among the most obscure of fandoms, there is no chance of me ever garnering interest in something that people have no clue about, which is why I posted it here in the fantasy page.

Who is the audience for an rp like this? 

For those who enjoy large, open-world settings, a huge cast of characters to meet, superpowered fights (think stuff from Dragon Ball Z), and most importantly, a great selection of waifus. Basically, the fun doubles if you're a weeaboo.

A Couple of Boring Rules

  • Your character does unfortunately need to fall under a specific category: a normal human from our world. Don't worry, though, you won't always be completely powerless. The "outside world" is essentially our world in the near future, when trips to the moon have become available to the general populace, although expensive. Your characters will all be friends who agree to visit the shrine on the mountain. The most conceivable way I see of doing this is for the created characters to be a group of students who go to the same shool on a field trip. Your character can have whatever realistic backstory and traits they choose.
  • If there's romance, there'll only be MXF. Though the overwhelming majority of the characters in this realm of fantasy are female, there are still opportunities for created female characters, too, so that option isn't entirely ruled out.

That's really about it! I'm passionate to GM/DM/whatever you call it for an rp like this, and I think it'd be really cool! One of the main premises of this rp is inevitably the romance options, but that's thankfully not all there is to it. Exploration is encouraged, and certain choices can throw your character into more danger than they can handle on their own. Outsiders often received mixed reactions, so tread carefully...

Well, now you've taken the time to read this. Thanks! If you're interested, just leave a reply here. Remember, I'm just looking for a small group.
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So, when you say you're going to DM this, you do mean that in the DnD-esque way, right? That is, you control everything that isn't our characters? If so, I'm up for that.

As a sidenote, I know what fandom this is and I'm really sorry about what happened to the other RP in this fandom. After that really long gap in replies, it sort of just slipped past me and then died out.
Glad to see some interest here! Please be a little more patient—I'm genuinely curious about if more people still might want to join.

@Heyitsjiwon @Wickedkent

So, when you say you're going to DM this, you do mean that in the DnD-esque way, right? That is, you control everything that isn't our characters? If so, I'm up for that.

As a sidenote, I know what fandom this is and I'm really sorry about what happened to the other RP in this fandom. After that really long gap in replies, it sort of just slipped past me and then died out.

Yes it's DnD-esque, but without the confusing stats. Also, it's no problemo, Venom. I bet if I went back and replied, someone might just go back and reply, too. So, not everything's lost!

@Venom Adhamm
I have literally been staring at this wondering if I wanted to join or not,and I really do,but if I can't join then that's okay
I have literally been staring at this wondering if I wanted to join or not,and I really do,but if I can't join then that's okay

Who knows? Maybe I'll throw a competition or something.  :smile3:
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I'm really interested in joining, so I'd be willing to go through a competition if that's what you want to do.
I'm really interested in joining, so I'd be willing to go through a competition if that's what you want to do.

I said that in jest, I think. While 1 other person wouldn't kill my chances of keeping up, I'd have to make sure to be responsible and not fall behind. Well, we aren't starting now, so I'll see how all this plays out and work from there.
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*Pulls out sword. "THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE".... ohh... hah. I was... uhh... just joking too.

*Quietly quts away sword.
I am a simple person. I see Touhou and I become interested.
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...Dang. I'm getting a quicker turnaround than I expected! Oh, the joys of false advertisement...

I am a simple person. I see


In all seriousness though, I thought I'd already met every fan on this site!

Well, there's two ways I see it now:

A. Why not let all you cooperative, eager roleplayers join up? If I count everyone up so far, that's five different rp'ers/scenarios. I get real busy sometimes, but if you guys are patient, it can work out. Two extra people wouldn't be the end of the world, after all! 

B. I hold a little contest of some sort (not exactly sure what) and see who I'd like in the rp.

In any case, I'd better close up shop and stop being a doormat soon, lol.

@Heyitsjiwon @Wickedkent @Venom Adhamm @CrystalYoshi @Shelter
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I like contests, but only when they're online where if I embarrass myself it doesn't ruin my entire social life (implying I have one haha). It's up to you what you want to do. You should go with the first option if you think you can handle five people. If not, you should go with the contest.
It's really up to what you are comfortable with, it doesn't really matter to me since I have school so the first option works out in a way for me but yeah, I'm fine with either one.
No more room?

Yeah, I'm gonna have to put my foot down here, unfortunately. Sorry! If I feel like I can handle more people in the future, I'll actually let you know, though, OK?
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Alright guys, I'm getting to work by getting a good library of visual aids (art and such) to go along with future posts for this. I hope you're all looking forward to it! I've decided you guys are all fine for rp'ing with this, so go ahead with those character ideas! Work with each other and see how you can weave all of your characters together through their circumstances. Try discussing with each other about what you have in mind for your character, and then see what that rp'er might have in mind for theirs.

We're in a preparatory phase right now, and I appreciate the understanding. Please wait warmly... 

@Heyitsjiwon @Wickedkent @Venom Adhamm @CrystalYoshi @Shelter 
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@Heyitsjiwon @Wickedkent @CrystalYoshi @Shelter

I think we should go with @Captain Gensokyo's suggestion in the OP and have our characters be students from the same school that are visiting the shrine. Not sure exactly what my character's going to be like, but I'm working on ideas. @Captain Gensokyo, are we all going to have to be together at the same time, or do we split up once we reach Gensokyo the place where this RP occurs.
@Captain Gensokyo, are we all going to have to be together at the same time, or do we split up once we reach Gensokyo the place where this RP occurs

I'm actually counting on some split-ups to occur. Think "people who value change" vs. "people who value security and consistency," or even just preferences on what to do. These kinds of things would naturally make people conflict with each other. Keeping you guys together as a pretty big group without things being too railroaded will probably be a challenge for me.

@Venom Adhamm
I'm more than likely to play a female and I do have character ideas about who I want her to be and things like that. So maybe we could all just give a very simple version of our characters and decided based on that how they all fit together when everyone has a more solid idea for their character, or not since I don't control your lives.

@Venom Adhamm @Heyitsjiwon @Shelter @Wickedkent
@Kira Times I let you join the rp in place of WickedKent since he hasn't sent anything.

Look through the original post to get a better feel for the rp!

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