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Realistic or Modern BEING HUMAN - OOC {Open }

It is okay for dark and light characters to come across each other so soon? (Referring to Jack Foster)

It is indeed not m'fraid Morbuskid Morbuskid as long as they don't actually interact as light /dark it's not a huge issue. Passing stuff is fine. Kinda? Aha
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His character didn't really interact with anyone directly, and I don't think he specifically wrote that Jack was in Victoria Park. We could easily say either that he's in the same area and our people only hear a ruckus off in the distance somewhere in reference to his scuffle, or we could assume the "forest" he found is completely different from where we are.
We've had a few players vanish/never post so I'm just chasing up a few others who I know were interested - if not, interest check will be reopened for a short time! <3

Could do with another Darkie I think.

And of course - secondary character slots are still A-OK
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It is okay for dark and light characters to come across each other so soon? (Referring to Jack Foster)
No direct interaction, maybe a glance at a figure before it disappears or something like that. Nothing direct though.
Fuck I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday. I had to make marzipan piggies all day for a party and got swept up in my work. I'm gonna do some touch ups on my CS-es (including adding another song to each) then I'm gonna try and post.
Is there anyone I could interact with?
Elena is on her way to a bar/pub/club type deal. It’s not really a pub or anything but they do serve food and alcohol. Kind of a place for performers so it’s like a small-time club? Maybe Tad works there or he’s friends with the owner and the owner asked for help that night.
Elena is on her way to a bar/pub/club type deal. It’s not really a pub or anything but they do serve food and alcohol. Kind of a place for performers so it’s like a small-time club? Maybe Tad works there or he’s friends with the owner and the owner asked for help that night.

Maybe pre drinks? Aha
Good news is, I'll b able to post tommorow, bad news, can only post on the weekends, even worse I won't be able to post at all near the end of June till early July.
Good news is, I'll b able to post tommorow, bad news, can only post on the weekends, even worse I won't be able to post at all near the end of June till early July.

Hmm. Might be best to write your character out if you feel you won't keep up with posts - He can always come back!
Is there anyone I could interact with?

Roland and Marcus are a pair you could consider interacting with. They're currently in the middle of a street fight with lots of onlookers because Roland, against Marcus's better judgment, tried to jump in a random parked car to take it for a spin. The owner came back and is trying to pummel him into the ground. Roland is ducking and weaving and dodging him admirably, trying to make a portal with his magic to escape, and failing miserably because he can't use magic anymore on Earth. Marcus is looking on nervously while this is all happening.

Alternatively, Morbuskid's character is alone at night in full plate armor in a park after just almost-killing some guy who tried to steal his sword.

You could also do as Koala suggested and have him working/helping out at the joint she's singing at that night. That would put five of us in that little group, but I guess the Scooby gang is still missing its Fred.

On the dark characters side, Silver and Tannur are in Billy's home. Lucrezia and Raijin are wandering around looking for a registration office.

I think that's about where everyone's at right now.
Elena is on her way to a bar/pub/club type deal. It’s not really a pub or anything but they do serve food and alcohol. Kind of a place for performers so it’s like a small-time club? Maybe Tad works there or he’s friends with the owner and the owner asked for help that night.
Hey, is this still relevant? Can I still work with you on this or have you moved on?

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