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Realistic or Modern BEING HUMAN - OOC {Open }

So in general retrospect, Ordogs are basically like Roman soldiers if they had magical capabilities, being well disciplined, good builders, forgers, and craftsman, and excelling in certain fields depending on how they were bred.

All Ordogs have the same kind of increased physical capabilities with the dark magic that swells in oneself, its a basic stock ability, essentially an Orc that's about maybe 7 feet tall and weighs in 280 pounds of pure muscle may be matched in strength by an Ordog who stands 6'5 and weighs 243 pounds. Thanks to the dark magic, and having very small amounts of black matter in the blood.

If they were meant for war then they are a War Ordog, skilled with either two handed swords, Halberds , or the typical sword and shield. They utilize Fire or Lightning magic aside from their skilled weapon usage, sometimes even having both fire and lightning which is rare. They are formidable in combat, if any of the current cast of characters for the Light side ever fought Harf, that is if they were around for the earlier stages of the war, they would be wary of Ordogs on a whole. Many of them use runed or enchanted weapons to help conduct their abilities with better precision since they are typically just raw but some elder Ordogs can conduct them masterfully.

Magica Ordogs actually act as support, for healing wounds and sickness with their magic, using shields of dark energy, can enchant weapons for War Ordogs, and if on the field typically wield a spear and shield or bow and arrow. They also are the more appealing looking of the race, though Ordogs on a whole look much more appealing than Orcs, Ghouls, and Goblins. But it is typically the Magica Ordogs that have a more human appeal, as well as having a generally kind personality.

The reason why Ordogs are generally used as sergeants in Lucrezia's army rather than a whole army is because there weren't enough Ordogs in total to make up such a requirement. Because they were slaughtered by the Church of Light during their weak period. Essentially winter time is when Ordogs lose many of their abilities, powers, strength, and such attempting to protect themselves from Ordog fatigue since it is a rather deadly sickness for the Ordogs like a cold on steroids.

And during the Winter Solstice (If Aetheria has one) is the point where they become nothing more than humans with horns and rough skin. The Church of light attacked their only village far from Blackrock, only 1,500 Ordogs lived their, after the Red Winter Solstice, only 250 remained. Harf and Elise were two of the few remaining survivors of the traumatising event. And though Elise came to forgive, Harf never did.

Ordogs now resided much closer to Blackrock and the War Ordogs became twice as brutal, twice as merciless, and twice as efficient, Harf was a prime example of that. Ordogs have a reputation of being bitter towards the Church, some being radically sadistic towards angels and any of their allies.
No, just as a tech in a psych hospital. Never worked in retail. Though I suppose retail workers might have to deal with a lot of the same kinds of...interesting...people.
Try working in a charity shop, all the crazies show up, the lonely old ladies use you as a captive audience and the hagglers think its somehow ok to try to weasel out of paying marked prices.
So in general retrospect, Ordogs are basically like Roman soldiers if they had magical capabilities, being well disciplined, good builders, forgers, and craftsman, and excelling in certain fields depending on how they were bred.

All Ordogs have the same kind of increased physical capabilities with the dark magic that swells in oneself, its a basic stock ability, essentially an Orc that's about maybe 7 feet tall and weighs in 280 pounds of pure muscle may be matched in strength by an Ordog who stands 6'5 and weighs 243 pounds. Thanks to the dark magic, and having very small amounts of black matter in the blood.

If they were meant for war then they are a War Ordog, skilled with either two handed swords, Halberds , or the typical sword and shield. They utilize Fire or Lightning magic aside from their skilled weapon usage, sometimes even having both fire and lightning which is rare. They are formidable in combat, if any of the current cast of characters for the Light side ever fought Harf, that is if they were around for the earlier stages of the war, they would be wary of Ordogs on a whole. Many of them use runed or enchanted weapons to help conduct their abilities with better precision since they are typically just raw but some elder Ordogs can conduct them masterfully.

Magica Ordogs actually act as support, for healing wounds and sickness with their magic, using shields of dark energy, can enchant weapons for War Ordogs, and if on the field typically wield a spear and shield or bow and arrow. They also are the more appealing looking of the race, though Ordogs on a whole look much more appealing than Orcs, Ghouls, and Goblins. But it is typically the Magica Ordogs that have a more human appeal, as well as having a generally kind personality.

The reason why Ordogs are generally used as sergeants in Lucrezia's army rather than a whole army is because there weren't enough Ordogs in total to make up such a requirement. Because they were slaughtered by the Church of Light during their weak period. Essentially winter time is when Ordogs lose many of their abilities, powers, strength, and such attempting to protect themselves from Ordog fatigue since it is a rather deadly sickness for the Ordogs like a cold on steroids.

And during the Winter Solstice (If Aetheria has one) is the point where they become nothing more than humans with horns and rough skin. The Church of light attacked their only village far from Blackrock, only 1,500 Ordogs lived their, after the Red Winter Solstice, only 250 remained. Harf and Elise were two of the few remaining survivors of the traumatising event. And though Elise came to forgive, Harf never did.

Ordogs now resided much closer to Blackrock and the War Ordogs became twice as brutal, twice as merciless, and twice as efficient, Harf was a prime example of that. Ordogs have a reputation of being bitter towards the Church, some being radically sadistic towards angels and any of their allies.

Sounds good, nice background stuff!
I was wondering if I should wait for Sliver to post or just do one myself.
More nuggets about Britain!
We don't call it a cell phone we call it a mobile phone.
Gasoline is called Petrol and by extension we call gas stations petrol stations.
Note: Elena's mom is American so a lot of her slang is probably due to being around her 24/7 during her childhood. Went ahead and changed it to petrol though.

Note 2.0: Not changing cell phone to mobile phone because she didn't verbally say it.
Note: Elena's mom is American so a lot of her slang is probably due to being around her 24/7 during her childhood. Went ahead and changed it to petrol though.

Note 2.0: Not changing cell phone to mobile phone because she didn't verbally say it.
I ain't fishing for edits, it's just an fyi.
Gas - Petrol
Pants - Trousers
Chips - Crisps
Gravy - Meat Water
Sandwich - Breadystack
Cookie - Choco chip bicky wicky
Gun - Rooty tooty point and shooty
Snake - Slippery dippery long mover

I hope this helps.
Gas - Petrol
Pants - Trousers
Chips - Crisps
Gravy - Meat Water
Sandwich - Breadystack
Cookie - Choco chip bicky wicky
Gun - Rooty tooty point and shooty
Snake - Slippery dippery long mover

I hope this helps.
You joke but loads of people shorten biscuit to biccy.

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