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Realistic or Modern BEING HUMAN - OOC {Open }

I just figured she lost em, I didnt know if the weapons would have carried over. But I mean their daggers, like, they aren't that important.
MagicPenguin MagicPenguin
IS IT OKAY IF MARCUS HAS A CRUSH ON ROLAND (like just a little, shy, schoolboyish crush)


agh was sleep
Ok so she is like lesser nobility, not like Aether Royal Family tier, but perhaps the nobles of one of the other regions

Perhaps Cloudtop?

I just figured she lost em, I didnt know if the weapons would have carried over. But I mean their daggers, like, they aren't that important.

Roland lost a totally normal sword on his trip here as well. I wrote that he took it before I knew he'd be arrested for carrying it in England. So I just ended up writing it fell off his belt or something while they were in the portal. Maybe it popped out somewhere random in London and some unfortunate person will just avoid having their arm cut off or something when it, or Ana's daggers, pop out of the portal.
I don't know how familiar with each other Arryn and Anna are, but if Daniel recognizes her and points out the similarities between this girl and the Anna they know from home, it'd probably be enough to make him feel pretty embarrassed about his hostility. He's usually a lot more level-headed than this, but all the crazy technology of this world and the whole 'new body' situation has really thrown him off balance. Before we head on down the road, though, we should let Koala get a word in on the confrontation with Elena.

I have a plot idea for the next few posts I'm going to run by the rest of you in PM.
So basically Lucy has a gigantic mana pool and a teensy tiny bit has survived the crossing. She's down to like, the last 0.5% of what she's got - so this is just her "cheat card" for day one before her pool goes dry. haah

I'ma try to develop Lucy's look over the RP as she adjusts her appearance. Wanna go from a regal-perfect kinda look to a more scrappy-rough vibe as she eases into a different role.

that's my general idea anyway. hah
No, just as a tech in a psych hospital. Never worked in retail. Though I suppose retail workers might have to deal with a lot of the same kinds of...interesting...people.
I do want to try and explain what an Ordog exactly is, to make interactions with my character somewhat unique.

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