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Fandom Before Pokémon Trainers, There Were Pokémon

"Oh..umm..no. I can make it." He says with a weak smile. "I don't think we are in a a big hurry anyways."
Beldum would aproche the Grupe as he would look at them and would say "The trainer is Gone fornow....I am Bulb"he says narrowing his eyes like sombody would do wen they smiel as he had no mouth....wait...how can he talk?..Well its the pokemon world..works in odd ways
Ren slowly approaches the group that Bulb is with and joins in the conversation. "Nice to meet you. My name is Ren." Then he lays on the ground.
Bulb would look at the Ralts as he would see him lay down,as he would place himself on the ground and his 3 picers sinking in the ground looking like a colum as he would say "I am Bulb nice too meat you....have you bin with this grupe for a wille?...."he ask curius as he wonderd as this grupe was preaty helpfull really
"Umm.. no, I don't know any of them. This is my first encounter with them. Chims and I were having a battle before we heard the commotion." He explains with a look of pain on his face.
"Oh....well sorry too hear that..are you ok?"he says as his eye shifts looking at him as he stand still like a Rock
(whoa, things happened, so I'll catch up)

*pats the Ralts on the back*

--I'm totally sorry, arr! Climb on my back, I'll carry you *smiles* *serious face* just careful with the fire.

--Now, moving on subject, what are your names? I know Feather Du...sorry, Scree...Can't i call you Feather Dude? And Bulb, the Metal Thingy...You guys probably know Amber, the greenest dude of the Wilds, and...me! I'm Chims, the firest dude of the Wilds. By the way, y'all are strong. DO YOU WANNA JOIN THE WILDS AND HELP PEOPLE AND STUFF? It's free
(Ren has a burn on his leg if ya'll haven't figured it lol) he hears Chims voice and slowly gets up, "No I'm fine." All while breathing heavy.
"Wow...You are energetic now are you chim...Count mi in!"he says in a exited tone as he would think for a moment and say "and...you guys know why amd i....different?"
"Call be Bulb"he says as he would releas the ground and would start too flote in the air
"Thank you for the offer but sorry, I can't." He says catching his breath. "I must get going." He then turns and starts walking back to his bush.
---AWESOME! We really do look like a gang...and Max, where'd you come from? Are you some kind of ninja?

*sees the Ralts leaving*

---No! Can't you see it, Green Mushroom with a Pink Surfboard to the Head? We're like a family...THE WILDS! A bunch of pokemon from...guess where? That's right, THE WILDS! You are strong as a berrie falling from Feather Dude's mouth when he's really really high!
Bulb would raise what seems a eyebrow asn he says " Green Mushroom with a Pink Surfboard to the Head?.......O..K"he says having a confused face as ho the hell was that?
He turns around to face the group "My reason for being in this forest is to become strong enough to return back home and it is a task that must be done alone." He informs the group. "Although, we can still be friends in the case that we meet again." He smiles and continues saying, "Now I must go take care of my injury." He keeps walking back to the bush
As Ren slowly departs from the group, he gets closer to the bush where he slept. "Oh thank goodness, I I am almost there." As soon as he reaches the entrance to the bush he collapses inside and lays on the ground for a minute. While attempting to slow down his breathing he reaches for a small bag hanging on a limb. His breathing is back to normal and he proceeds to open the bag, revealing a powdery subtance. Then, he takes a pinch of powder and scatters it on his injury. He feels a slight tingle but then his burn heals. He sighs, "Oh, what a relief." He decides to lay on the ground for a while more.
Beldum would see the REN leave as he would follow him and would say "hey why are you leaving?"he sayd as he followd him as the shiny beldum would like too see all of use in a grupe and travel togheather
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