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Fandom Before Pokémon Trainers, There Were Pokémon

Ren stares up at Chims. He gets annoyed of the way he talks to him and decides that he can't let Chims beat him to the place. Then proceeds to speed up.
Amber wasn't very fast, as his Speed Stat was low. He was trudging along as fast as a turtle.

((I'm pretty sure only Metanf and Metagross can learn Meteor Punch...))
((Oh really?....He is a fist....Hmm i will change that))

Bouldum would see the Flareon geting ready too atack as he would use Zen Head Butt on the Flaron as he had Curage and he could do it...Little did he know this was a Train one and very good
Flareon was hit by the attack. She whimpered out loud, as the attack already took a bunch of her health. Being only a level 9, she used Sand-Attack to hopefully lessen the shiny's accuracy.
The Boldum gets Sand in his eye as he would chake himself as his Accuracy Lowers,as he would look at the flareon and would use {Iron Defense} as he needed too Survive this and hope this extra Defense helps
The Flareon grinned as she used Ember next. She wanted just to weaken him enough for her beloved trainer to use a pokeball. Luckily, the trainer had brought plenty of ultra balls.
Bulb would be hit but Luckily the Extra defebse help him but that was still super effective as he was Metal and the Flareon was fire,as he would Growl and would use {Take Down} On the Flareon but he would have little Trubel as his Accuracy is low
The trainer smiled almost sadistically; he could see the Beldum struggling. "Alright, Flareon! Let's use... one Ultra Ball!!!" he shouted with glee as he tossed it at the Beldum.
Scree felt the usual need to interfere in situations like this, but still remained behind the tree, peering out from behind it.
Beldume eye wen wide as he sees that...Ball of doom as what they call...Pokeballs,as some say its evil and cramp in there and stuck there...Forever...as he would try too doge but sudently he sees the red beam suck him in,as the ball would hit the ground and would start too chake
((This is a standard single battle, so I don't think there could be two ganging up on the Trainer. If anything, Bulb could either faint, and get revived, or simply flee.)) 
The trainer watched in pure glee as the ultra ball shook once... twice... and then broke open again, as the shiny Beldum must still be too strong to submit. He grumbled silently to himself, but at least he had more ultra balls up his sleeve.
"A trainer?"

Chims felt uneasy. He was not used to feeling that way, but...the image of the trainer triggered something on him. He could see all of the other pokemon gathering around, but he knew what he had to do. He tilted his head to Amber and the Ralts

---Follow my lead. - he sounded quite serious this time, differently from before.

On the last branch, he jumped to the ground and grabbed the rock pokemon by the head. He was quite heavy, but Chims almost didn't felt it, as he was just too focused on completing this task.

---RUN! WE NEED TO RUN! - he yelled to the rock pokemon, as he started to run away from the trainer. He felt his arms rapiddly losing strength, as he had just fought and jumped around.

---Ru...run..on you..your own... - he said almost completely out of breath, as he fell on the ground due to exhaustion.

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