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Beautyoftheland x Mobius

Wyatt rubbed the side of his face."We're at war again.Ashton is going to stay here because Christopher doesn't trust him after what happened," he told her before he went to his room to change into his uniform.

"Yeah,she can.So you caught her,huh?" Evan said as he leaned against the counter.

Marley sighed and slowly stood up.Her side objected but she forced herself to stay up.She couldn't stop mentally yelling at herself.
Alize had a surprised look come over expression as she looked at him, nodding quietly."Don't get hurt....."She said slowly, sighing softly.

Nick listened to Evan speak and sighed softly.

Christopher looked to Ashton."We're at war again. You'll be staying with Alize while we're gone."He said going up the stairs to change.

Adrian sighed."Yeah. I did. I wished I hadn't though. I wish she hadn't tried to run."
(Expect slow responses,I've got drum and I'm meeting a friend afterwards xD .)

Wyatt came back to her doorway once he was dressed in his uniform.They were brown with green accents,their rank's symbol in gold on both sleeves."Get something to eat if you want," he told her in a mumble before heading down the stairs,ignoring how bad her face looked.

Evan sighed and nodded."It's bound to happen to them all eventually," he said.

Ash smiled a bit,but it faded as he thought about the war."With who?" He asked somewhat curiously.

Marley sighed and thought about the whole situation.Adrian could get hurt...or worse.No matter what happened,she did still have feelings for him and didn't want to see him harmed.
Alize nodded quietly and stood, walking down the stairs and into the kitchen quietly with a soft sigh.

"Another Kingdom. The Kingdom who stole the book from us. I guess they're mad that we killed him."He said with a shrug before going upstairs and to his room to change.

Adrian sighed."Yeah. Anyway, I'll be over with Marley in a bit."He said as he ran a hand through his hair.
Wyatt sat down in the kitchen chair and leaned his elbows against the table.He thought about what could happen.His business was risky most definitely.

"Lovely," Ash mumbled before he looked towards the fridge.He figured he would have to wait to eat something.

Evan nodded."Alright,see you in a few," he said,looking towards Nick.
Alize stayed quiet as she opened the fridge and got the leftover stew out, getting a bowl and putting a little bit in it before heating it up, keeping her back to Wyatt. She was scared again.

Christopher came back down after he had changed."Come on, let's go."He said looking at Ashton as he grabbed his keys and opened the door, holding it open for him.

Adrian nodded."Yeah."He said before hanging up. He walked to the bottom of the stairs with a sigh."Come on Marley! We're leaving."He said going to the door and opening it, waiting for her to come downstairs.

Nick looked at Evan once he finished talking with Wyatt."What's going on?"He asked lightly as he looked at him.
Wyatt glanced towards Alize.He wondered if he had been a bit harsh.He lost his temper,more because he was hurt rather than angry.

Ash nodded and went out,starting to the car automatically.He didn't want him to breathing down his neck because he had attempted to sneak out,so he had to show him he wasn't going to run...as long as Alize was in the equation.

Marley sighed quietly and started down the stairs,wincing with each step.She cursed her side as she made it to the ground,starting towards the door without looking at Adrian.She was too afraid to.

Evan sighed as he put his phone away."Apparently we're at war again.Adrian is bringing Marley over and she's going to stay with us until he returns," he explained.
Alize ate the stew quickly and washed the dishes before looking down at her hands quietly.

Christopher closed the door and unlocked the car doors, opening Ashton's for him.

Adrian waited by the door before walking out, unlocking the car doors and holding it open for her.
Wyatt sighed and leaned back in his chair,tapping his fingers on the table as he kept his other arm over the chair.

Ash got in and quietly said,"Thanks." He felt weird having people help him,but he did appreciate it.It wasn't like he was in working order.

Marley looked down and got in the car,wincing and slightly whimpering as she got in."Thanks..." She said quietly,looking at the ground.
Alize took in a deep, somewhat shaky breath."I-Is there anything you'd like me to do?"She asked somewhat quietly. She wanted to cry so bad. He wsd leaving and might never come back, android she had made him mad. She hated herself for it.

Christopher nodded lightly."Yeah."He said before getting in the car and pulling out of his driveway, driving towards Wyatt's.

Adrian nodded."Your welcome."He said before closing the door and getting in, starting up his car and pulling out, driving towards Evan's.
Wyatt raised an eyebrow,surprised she had said something."Just...don't cause any trouble while I'm gone.That's all I need to worry about now," he said,his voice low.

Ash rested his elbow against the door and rested his chin on his wrist."Watch your back out there..." He said quietly,feeling strange.

Marley sighed and looked out of her window.When they were nearly there,she looked over at him and timidly said,"S-stay safe..." She was worried.Really worried.What if he never came back?She loved him...what if their time together ended with him angry at her?With her feeling like the situation was ever made right?She would never be able to live with herself.
Alize nodded quietly. "Just.....please don't get hurt....."She said quietly, timidly, before turning to leave the kitchen, not waiting for him to give her permission. She just wanted to cry.

Christopher glanced up, a bit surprised."Thanks. I'll do my best."He said as he pulled into Wyatt's driveway.

Adrian glanced at her before looking back to the road. "Yeah."He said softly with a sigh, he pulled into Evan's drive.
Wyatt looked at her,shocked she had said that,although he had heard her say it before."You're talking to a general...it won't be me getting hurt,just whoever's on the other side of my barrel," he told her,trying hard to not give in to the feelings telling him to make up with her.She had chosen to try and sneak out,she had to deal with the consequences.

Ash sat up as he seen Wyatt's house.He was surprised,yet glad that he would be able to spend however long with Alize rather than be alone in Christopher's place.

Marley sighed quietly as she seen Evan's house.It was bitter sweet.She was glad she would be able to spend time with Nick,but she hated the situation.I'd apologize again,but... She thought before blurting out,"I'm sorry."

Evan heard a car in his driveway."I think that's Adrian.Can you get the door for me?" He asked as he cracked open an egg into the pan.
Alize didn't say anything as she just nodded, then looked to the door when she heard a car pull up. She didn't answer it however, just continued up to her room, barely able to hold back het tears.

Nick nodded."Yeah."He said as he got up, walking to the door and opening it with a slight smile, glad to see Marley again.

Adrian glanced at her but said nothing as he got out and opened her door, holding it open for her.

Christopher turned off the car and got out, opening the door for Ashton. At least their slaves wouldn't be running off to see each other.
Wyatt sighed and rubbed his forehead when Alize didn't answer the door.He went over and opened it,standing back a bit so that they could get in.

Marley gulped down a rush of tears that threatened to spill out.She got out of the car and headed to the doorway without a word or look towards Adrian.When she seen Nick,she sighed and quickly looked away,not wanting to lose it.

Evan worked on cooking a few eggs while he waited for Adrian and Marley to come in.Breakfast food was not his specialty as far as cooking,but nobody could deny that he was a great cook.

Ash got out of the car after a few tries,wincing."Blast it..." He mumbled under his breath before nodding slightly to Christopher and starting towards the door.
Alize was sitting on her bed with her knees pulled close to her chest as tears fell silently from her eyes, somewhat soothing to her bruised face.

Nick frowned lightly as he watched Marley, standing aside so she could enter along with Adrian.

Christopher followed behind Ashton slowly, making sure not too rush him.

Adrian followed Marley inside, nodding lightly to Nick as he closed the door.
Wyatt moved out of the way completely when Ash came in."Hello," he said,although the emotion in it wasn't what would be expected.It was easy to tell he wasn't happy with the war.

Marley entered Evan's house and finally looked at him.She gave him a look that only people who knew her would be able to figure out,a look that showed sadness and pain in the slightest way.She was smart with disguising her feelings in her facial expressions.

Ash was glad Christopher didn't rush him,which his guard always had.When he went in,he stayed quiet,figuring it wasn't his place to say 'hello' back to Wyatt.

Evan heard them come in and went over."Hey," he said as he seen Adrian."Get all dressed up to see me?" He joked,his personality showing.
Alize remained in her room, her crying was no longer silent. It was just barely able to be heard.

Nick frowned once more and reached out to Marley, taking one of her hands and pulling her into a hug.

Christopher nodded."Hey."He said as he watched Ash for a bit, then looked back to Wyatt.

Adrian smiled just a bit and chuckled slightly."You wish."He said lightly.
Wyatt thought he heard Alize crying and sighed a bit.Don't go up, he told himself."Alize is up there," he told Ash as he nodded his head towards the stairs.Then he looked to Christopher and asked,"What do you make of this war?"

Marley winced as his arm pressed against her gash.She bit her tongue to not make a noise.Not when Adrian was still there.

Ash nodded and started towards the stairs.As much as it was hard for him to do,he looked back over and said quietly,"Good luck,sirs..." Then he started up the stairs towards Alize's room.

"I bet you wish,too," Evan said,chuckling a bit as he casually crossed his arms over his chest.
Alize was still crying and didn't hear Ashton coming up. She wss just trying to calm herself down some.

Nick frowned softly and shifted his arms so he wasn't touching her side as he held her close.

Adrian chuckled and nodded."Yeah. I don't want to fight but I have to anyway."
Ash heard her crying and went into her room.He seen her face and hurried over to her,not caring that his injuries didn't like that idea."Alize!Sh.." He said as he sat beside her and rapped his arms around her.

Marley rested her face against him,closing her eyes and trying to ignore Adrian's voice.

Evan sighed at what he said."Better not be late," he told him,his tone a bit down.He didn't like the idea that his friend might never come back.
Alize leaned into his touch with a quiet whimper as she continued to cry, tears falling down her cheeks.

Adrian nodded."Yeah. See ya."He said as he turned to leave.

Nick continued to hold her close, trying to comfort her.
Wyatt sighed."We should go," he said,not sounding happy about it at all.

Ash kissed the top of her head and shushed her gently."What's wrong?Tell me," he told her gently.

Marley glanced at Adrian,but looked away quickly,silent tears falling down.

Evan sighed and nodded to Adrian."Good luck," he said.
"I-I got in trouble last night a-and he's mad at me and now he's leaving and m-might never come back......and he's mad..."She said as she nuzzled into him, still trying to calm down

Nick gently wiped her tears away, rubbing her arm gently.

"Don't pull anything Marley, please."Je said before leaving

Christopher nodded."Yeah. Let's go."He said looking at him.
Ash looked down at her,gently rubbing her back as she told him what was wrong."Wait...did he do that to your face?" He asked,a hint of anger in his tone.

Marley gave a slight nod to Adrian,but still didn't look at him.When he left and she was sure he wasn't coming back in,she allowed the tears to make some noise,but she still kept them quiet.

Evan sighed quietly as he looked at Marley and Nick.Whether she attempted to sneak out or not,he knew how she and Adrian were together and he realized how painful it had to be to her for him to act like that towards her."There'll be breakfast on the table for you,Nick,whenever you want it," he told him gently before going back into the kitchen to finish up the eggs.

Wyatt looked towards the stairs before shaking his head and leaving his house,shutting the door behind Christopher once he came out.

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