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Be My Oblivion


Queen of the Underworld!
The sun was beginning to set, a gentle breeze blew from the east into the small camp where Ember was kept. Her rich, blue hues gazed up at the sky through the window of her cell, the sight of the full moon slowly beginning to peek through the clouds. Panting, she knew the change was imminent, already feeling the intensity of the electric chills that rippled across her skin. Sweat dripped from her brow as she fought the twisting torment ripping apart her insides, a combination of an impending shift and starvation.

Bodies surrounded her cell, men who hid in the shadows from the weak human who trembled against the post she was secured to, fighting the need to transform into the creature of the moon. She wouldn't humor them, not this time. Her will was strong, but the wolf was stronger. The men who surrounded her laughed at the pain she suffered, throwing objects into the cage that rolled into her already weak body. Rocks pelted into her battered form, words of distaste for what she was spat out from the darkness.

Tears streamed down her face, as they had done for days, blood poured from various wounds inflicted upon her body. Long black hair that was one shimmering and soft as silk was matted and stuck to her pale features. These features that were once so beautiful slowly gave way to fur, a scream echoing into the night that turned into a painful howl that filled the ears of each enemy in her presence. The chains broke upon her wrists, and in a fit of fury, the wolf dove forward against the bars, only to be welcomed by a massive jolt of electricity that sent her flying back to the center. Whimpering, she rose to her feet, snarling at her enemies, and launched again.

It was this pattern that continued all night, the same as it did just weeks ago upon being brought to this prison. The men found pleasure in tormenting her as a wolf, and a woman, making her worst fears come true. She had been beaten, forced to serve as a slave, a maid, and far worse. Her dreams were filled with the horrifying pictures of men lining up to get their kicks from what they considered as 'free for the taking.' They were men, after all, and each one a disgusting pig only concerned for their own needs.

By dawn, not a one had shown pity on her, simply standing about and celebrating as her spirit slowly died inside. It was by morning, that as the shift gave way to her human form, now lying naked upon the cold cement floor, she appeared lifeless. Ember lay there barely breathing, praying for death to overtake her.

((Would have replied yesterday, but sadly I was not able to get to my pc and I can't do super great posts off my phone...))

Dawn was peeking over the horizon as a lone rider entered the military camp. His ragged appearance, and scruffy beard, only minor hints to the time he had been gone. His usually cropped copper blonde hair, now a shaggy rust colored mop that hung in his face. His brilliant green eyes still shone brightly in the shadows of his face, never once giving off any kind of weakness. His cloak was tight around his muscled torso, damp and caked with dirt from a long journey. "The Lieutenant's back!" someone called, and words began to murmur through the camp. The man on the large, beautiful blonde and white gelding pulled back on the reins, causing the horse to stop. "Quit your yapping. I'm tired, and hungry. I don't want my ear talked off before I've had a chance to clean up and eat." he seemed to growl, though there was an almost good nature to his voice. Soft, and smooth like silk, but deep and rustic in tone. Several laughed boisterously, and continued to mill about, letting the Lieutenant continue on his way.

The man wasn't large in stature, but his posture was imposing. He continued through the camp, his eyes catching a group of the company standing around jeering at some poor creature in a cage. He turned his horse in that direction, minutely curious as to what they were all jeering at. He heard words laughed about a dog, and other vulgar terms. They caught a werewolf? Why is it being held? he absently thought to himself, remembering most of their orders consisted of killing the creatures on sight. He stifled a yawn as daybreak made its full way into the sky, lighting up the world, as he pulled his horse alongside the cage. "What are you boys doing? Get to work!" he snapped at the still lingering men. They seemed to jump, and all murmured a 'yes, sir' before racing off into the camp.

He dismounted from his horse with a heavy thud on the ground, his tired legs protesting the sudden weight he forced upon them. He shrugged out of his cloak, tossing it over the saddle of his horse. His clothes underneath were clean, aside from his pant legs from about the knee down. He raked a suntanned hand through his mop of hair, brushing it from his face as he took in the sight that lay before him. Why would the captain keep a creature like this? he thought to himself. He appraised the woman who lay in the center of the cage, crying and clearly rather broken. It wasn't hard to imagine what the poor thing had been put through, though he did his best not to consider. "You. Girl." he stated loudly from where he stood. His lean body folded into a crouch as he watched her, "Girl. How long have you been captive?" he asked, wondering if he would be given an answer. His eyes glinted with a sadness at her appearance, and shook his head. These men were horrid people, but then again, you had to be horrid to hunt down other people mercilessly as they did.
((No worries!! I understand how it is))

Laying naked in the dirt, her ivory skin reflected the growing daylight even though it was covered in filth and dried blood. Curling into a ball, her body shook violently with the cold and the pain pulsing deep in her bones. Her long, black hair that once looked as silk had become far more matted than before. She was far from a vision of beauty, looking far less like an angel and much more as a perfect picture of death. She was thin, her current position accenting bones that seemed to protrude from her shoulders and hips. It was quite clear they were starving her to death, enjoying ever single moment of her torment.

As the Lieutenant returned, barking orders for the men to return to their duties, each one scattered quickly, leaving her cell quiet except for the soft sobs coming from the near lifeless form in the center. Though they went back to work, their whispers didn't stop, and neither did the wandering eyes. There were those who whispered about killing her themselves, wanting the honor of destroying a werewolf by their own hand. Others spoke of other horrid things, actions that no man should ever force a woman to do. It would seem that it wasn't the wolf who was a monster, but her captors.

The voice calling to her gained attention, all the men turning to stare in question, waiting to see if she'd respond. They had hoped she gave him the attitude she often gave to everyone else, hoping to see him put her in her place. However, when she turned to look over her shoulder, eyes as blue as the sea that were filled with sheer and utter sadness seemed to silently plead with the man, though she was in no position to beg for her freedom. Unsure just why he cared, her brow furrowed, the voice that once rang out with pride could only manager a broken whisper. "Why? Am I not dying quick enough for you?" Another tear flowed down the curve of her cheek before turning away.

The other men in the camp chuckled, nudging each other and pointing to the wolf girl. She had spoken, and the relished in the fact she was near death now. The girl was clearly losing strength. One of them finally shouted out to the Lieutenant "Won't be long now, Sir. She'll be dead before the end of the week." The rest of them shouted, proud of their accomplishment, happy their world would be done away with one less monster.
The Lieutenant stood from where he crouched, "This is not the way we do things, and I'm appalled by the hospitality our captain has shown." he snapped at them. "If you were going to kill her, you should have done it swiftly. We aren't meant to be cruel." he growled, the lightness to his gruff speech gone from his voice. "Unlock the cage." he ordered, moving back to his horse and grabbing his cloak. "I won't allow her to die starving." he stated, though he knew he needn't explain himself to these fools. He silently wondered if the captain even knew what was going on, since he never left his tent for more than a restroom break, leaving the Lieutenant to do most of the work for him. He turned back toward the cage, and as the door opened, he shouldered past the soldier. He strode with purposeful steps, and tossed his cloak over her form, crouching down beside her.

He took in her starving form, and shook his head to himself. He knew she'd have issues walking, and she certainly didn't have the strength to fight him. He easily slid his arms under her form, and lifted her from the ground, cradling her against his chest. "Bring me a meal, and something for this creature. Not rotten, or so help me, I'll beat who ever cooked it." he snapped, and walked from the cage. He could hear the hum of the electricity pulsing through the bars, and he had to grit his teeth as he passed. This was beyond cruel, and inhumane. He took a deep breath, and moved to his horse, setting the girl carefully over the saddle. "Any one care to argue and receive a lashing?" he asked, eying the men who seemed to be staring with avid interest at him.

When they shook their heads and returned to work, he grumbled and took the reins of his horse, leading it the rest of the way to his tent. He rolled his sore shoulders as he walked, stretching his muscles even if it made him seem somewhat ridiculous. When they arrived at his lodging, he pulled the girl from the saddle and ordered someone to take his horse. Once he made sure his horse had been taken to be groomed and fed, he slipped into his tent. He deposited the girl on the ground, leaving her with his cloak as he moved about. "Don't try to run, or else I'll let them keep you." he stated over his shoulder as he began to rifle through his trunk of clothing. "What's your name?" he added, his tone of voice softening now that they were out of earshot of most of the camp.
Finally, death would come on swift wings and ease her from this suffering, or so she thought. After all, why else would one enter her cage, other than to do harm? The birds that once sang high in the trees went quiet as the Lieutenant walked over to her, as if they also held their breath to gaze upon the scene below, awaiting the outcome. With eyes shut tightly, Ember sucked in a deep breath once boots could be sensed behind her, and awaited for peace to overtake her battered soul. However, she wasn't greeted with death, but the warmth of a cloak and strong arms beneath her, carrying her out of the hellish prison. Passing through the gate, she couldn't help but flinch as she heard the faint buzz of electricity, so used to it reaching out and digging it's massive claws into her flesh every single time she grew near.

Without the strength, she was in no shape to fight or flee, making it rather easy to place her upon horseback and lay her body to rest within a tent. Most of the men had gone back to work, some shaking their heads and muttering to themselves about a soft heart and weakness. Others stared in disbelief as the human creature was taken into his own personal tent. Even Ember was shocked as she lay upon the ground, now staring cautiously at what seemed to be her rescuer, or perhaps, the one that would bring her death the right way.

Finally, mother nature even went about her usual ways, the sounds of songs sung by sweet birds filled the air, squirrels scurried across the ground collecting nuts and scraps of food from the men in the camp. It brought about a sense of peace to the camp, even to the wolf. Hearing the kindness in his tone was perhaps the only reason she'd respond, managing to whisper her name, but not for others to hear. "Ember." Inhaling deeply, she could smell the rich aromas of a stew bubbling nearby, the scent of potatoes and vegetables, even meat mixed together perfectly. Her stomach rumbled violently, hands instinctively clutching at it from the pain of hunger. Not knowing his purpose for pulling her from the prison, she didn't dare thank him, or say much in the way of gratefulness.
The Lieutenant continued to walk about the tent, moving papers, and shuffling items. "Ember. Interesting." he mused absently, raking his fingers through his hair to push it from his face. He offered no condolences, or soothing words, but rather remained silent as he moved about. Eventually, he was told a bath was ready and heated, and that the meal he asked for would be brought as soon as it was ready. He grunted a reply to the soldier who spoke, and gathered the nap sack he had packed with clothing. He slid the pack over his shoulder, and then bent, lifting the girl from the ground again. He strode from the tent, and deliberately to where the large tent was located where they heated their baths. He already expected only one to be prepared, as he hadn't specified for two.

He pulled the cloak off the girl, shuffling her in his arms as he freed the cloth. Once he dropped the cloak to the ground, he set her into the bath. "Clean up." he said simply, taking a step away from the bath. He stripped himself of his uniform jacket and undershirt as he moved to a table that held a washbasin. While he left her to clean herself, he prepared to shave his face free of the scruff. He wasn't one for beards, as they often itched and were irritating to clean. He adjusted the mirror that was propped against a tent pole so he could keep an eye on Ember as he shaved.

When his face was smooth, he patted his cheeks and neck with a towel, admiring his work in the mirror. "Not like a barber, but it'll do." he mused, a soft chuckle rumbling from his chest as he felt the skin on his face. Again, fingers raked through his messy mop of hair, and he sighed heavily. "I should have cut it before I was ordered away." he muttered, shaking his head some. He turned away from the mirror, his face clean, and appraised the wolf girl. "Finished up?" he asked as he moved back over to the bath, a towel in hand.
Off the ground she went again, groaning in protest as her bones popped and muscles ached. At least the cloak was warm, protecting her from those wandering eyes that took delight in either her naked form, or the wounds that have been inflicted. The sun was bright now, Ember's bright blue hues unable to take it as she squinted and tucked her face into the man's chest to shield herself from the rays. It wasn't until they were back in another dim tent that she looked around, spotting the steam rising from one of the tubs, and the warmth that filled the enclosed little space.

Finding out that the bath was for her was another delight, though only added to the confusion as her mind was wracked with turmoil trying to decipher his full intentions. There was no fighting the warmth that soothed her muscles, a warmth that brought a smile upon her face. Her exposed body was the least of her worries now, allowing herself to relax, eyes closed as she laid back and dipped her head under the water. Droplets fell down her back, around the curves of her cheeks once she arose. The filth that once covered her snow white flesh began to fade, leaving her to glisten brightly even in the dimness of the tent. The sound of water shifting and lightly splashing filled the silence, drowning out the sounds going on just outside. Wringing out those long locks that hung loosely down her back, draping over her shoulders, she'd deem herself clean enough and sit back to relax.

Startled at the sound of his voice, she flinched, head whipping about to bring her icy hues to stare upon the human who dared to help her when the rest simply abused her. Canting her head to the side, she offered a nod, not daring to speak. While her lips said nothing, her wandering gaze spoke volumes. It was the first time she cared to truly look into the eyes of a man in this camp, finding his own to be quite a sight. There was kindness in him, not just cruelty and selfishness and greed.
The Lieutenant nodded, and helped her from the bath, wrapping the towel around her. He pointed to a chair in the corner where two sets of clothes sat, and a belt. "Dress yourself. They'll be large on you, but they'll cover you." He stated, and shifted around her. He stripped himself of the rest of his clothing, and climbed into the bath himself. He scrubbed down quickly and efficiently, taking time to work the dirt from his hair. When he felt sufficiently clean, he climbed from the bath and grabbed another towel to dry. He didn't bother to watch her closely, though he kept his senses alert to her presence in the area. "My name. Aiden. Please use it if you need." He finally spoke after securing the towel around his waist.

He turned and moved to where the remaining clothing was, and dressed. "Can you walk?" He asked, eying her seemingly fragile form as he folded his sleeves to his elbows, his tan skin now clean and free of dirt and grime. His rust colored hair now shone like copper. "How long has it been since you've had a meal?" He asked as well, tying his shoes up.
A flush upon her cheeks turned them a rosy pink as he wrapped a towel around her, partially because he felt the desire to cater to her so, and because she felt oddly self conscious around this one. "Thank you." It was the first time since her arrival that the wolf offered any such kindness or gratefullness since her arrival, obviously him being the only one to deserve it. "Why are you being so kind to me?" While sounding weak, her voice was still soft and sweet, nearly a coo of a morning dove.

With a groan, the girl limped across the small space to the chair, fingers gripping the back of the smooth wooden surface to hold her balance. Painfully aware that he was now stripping behind her and climbing into the tub, things felt awkward in this small little space, and she forced herself to focus on the clothes, and only that. Letting the towel fall to the ground, the first item fetched was the soft shirt laid out for her, rather large indeed but suitable to hide herself from prying eyes. Placing herself upon the chair, she tugged the pants over her legs, and finally rose to secure them around her waist.

A heavy sigh heaved between parted lips, her gaze fixated upon the ground to keep from seeing something that wasn't meant for her to see, not wishing to spy upon Aiden climbing from the bath, nor dressing beside her for that matter. "Yes, I can walk." Not well, but she could, though this was far more about dignity than her ability to do such a simple task. Running digits through her long raven mane, she pondered the days, weeks even she had been locked away. When was her last meal? What she could consider one anyway. "Well, I was given some old, moldy bread a few days ago." Ashamed of her predicament, her gaze fell upon the ground, settling at her feet.
Aiden looked the wolf girl up and down, assessing if he should bother to answer her question. She seemed like any other person he had met. With the exception she turned into a wolf on occasion. He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly in a sigh. "Why am I being kind?" He repeated a simple version of her question, he looked about the tent. "Because even if your a monster, I will not lower myself to a savage beast like they have. You're at least in part human, so I will treat you as such." He said simply, shrugging his shoulders. He stepped to the door of the tent, peering out the flaps as if trying to spy something.

"Looks like most everyone is busy. Let's get back to my tent before they come sniffing around." He said, walki by back over to Ember. He took her by the elbow, offering meager support as he escorted her back to his tent, holding the opening out of her way to allow her inside. He took one last glance around, and then ducked into his tent. A meal of stew, bread, and cheese waited for him on his small desk. Beside it, a bowl of broth and bread. He lifted the spoon, and dipped it into the broth, lifting it to his mouth, and tasting the liquid. It didn't taste odd, so he nodded, and pushed it over, the spoon clinking against the bowl as it moved. "It's safe." He said, motioning her to the spare chair beside his desk as he sat in his own chair. "Eat slowly, so you don't put yourself in shock." He stated as he lifted his own bowl and began to eat.
Ember's brows furrowed at the term 'monster' and her jaw popped open in protest. "You call me a monster, and yet look what humans do. You act as though we have a choice in who we are and what we do. Yet, here are your men extinguishing my race out of fear of no longer being the strongest species of the planet. So tell me again, Sir who the monster is." Satisfied with her little rant, she rose, taking his arm for support and limped along side him, casting wicked glances to those who dared to snicker in her direction. It was clear she wasn't popular, nor was Aiden for his kindness in dealing with such a beat as herself.

Once safely inside his own personal tent, she sighed with relief, feeling far better out of view of prying eyes. She had picked up the scent of fresh food, and her eyes were quick to find it. Hungrily staring at the meal, her stomach rumbled and ached, tongue reaching to taste her dry, cracked lips. When the bowl of broth was slid her way, she eyed it cautiously before staring in disbelief at her company, unsure why he would have done what she did. Why taste for poison when it would have risked his own life? Fingers gently wrapped around the bowl, and lifted it slowly to her lips, allowing the warmth to run down her throat to her belly. She hummed in satisfaction, sipping gently. Even though she was safe, for now, her future hung in the balance, and she was rather aware of it. "What are you planning to do with me?"
Aiden finished his bowl of stew, and slid the bread to her. "To start, I don't agree with what our orders. I merely follow them. I don't enjoy slaughter." He stated, staring at his bowl. He fingered the lip of the dish before dropping it on the desk, and leaning back in his chair. "Neither side is free of being called a monster. I know that much, so don't rant at me for who is a monster and who isn't." He snapped, his eyes turning to her. He crossed his arms over his chest, and appraised her.

"I'm not planning anything. I'm bringing you back to health. After that, I don't know." He stated, shrugging his shoulders. He groaned and stood, walking over to his cot and flopping down on the bed. He swiped hair from his face, and stared at the ceiling of the tent. "You're safe here in my tent. Do as you please. I'm taking a nap before I report to the captain. I've been awake for more than a day." He yawned, "I won't save you again if you try to escape." He added, rolling onto his side and curling up on his bed, his eyes closed.
A brow was lofted in his direction at his rebuttal, though she said nothing in return. Arguing was useless, and after all, he was showing her some sort of compassion at least. Taking the bread, she dipped it into the broth before bringing it to her lips, chewing quietly and rather thoughtfully, not even flinching as he snapped at her and turned his gaze to look at her. "Perhaps you are right. No one is perfect, and is capable of being a monster. However, I'm not one to judge until I know someone far better. I look on the inside, not at what they appear to be." It took far longer for her to finish, and finally slid her empty bowl away.

As he seemed to lay and take a nap, she watched him quietly from her spot, not daring to leave the safety of his quarters. It slowly became quiet, the men outside working on chores, the talk of her rescue becoming nothing but memories. She owed him, and would vow to protect him as long as he was good to her. This man gave her hope that not all humans were evil, and perhaps her family could be seen again someday. As the day pressed on, and a gentle breeze lightly rocked the tent, she slowly found herself curling into ground beside him, drifting off peacefully for the first time in weeks.
Aiden slept for only a few hours before he woke, and sat up. He glanced around, quickly finding Ember sleeping on the ground. He shook his head, and climbed from his bed, carefully shifting her from the ground to the bed and covering her with his blanket. He adjusted his clothing, and smoothed his hair before slipping from his tent. He knew no one was brave enough to go into his tent without his permission so he was confident she would be okay there alone. He meandered through camp, and quickly located the one who worked as a barber when needed, and sat for a haircut.

When he felt he was in proper appearance, he went to the captain's tent. It took several more hours to debrief the captain, and make small talk about the future militaristic plans for the company. It was well after lunch when he emerged from the captain's tent. He stretched, collected some more food for himself and Ember, then returned to his tent.
Ember slept far longer, finding the safety of the tent a rather wonderful place to rest without the fear of being raped or tortured further. Even upon the floor she slumbered deeply, deep enough that being placed upon the bed didn't make her flinch. The comfort and warmth brought a smile to her sleeping form, a heavy sigh heaved from tired lungs as she settled further into a much deeper slumber. The wolf girl was far too exhausted to even move while she dreamed, remaining in the same position for hours until finally, her eyes fluttered open.

It came as a surprise to feel the warmth of a bed cradling her battered body, curious gaze searching the small space for Aiden only to find he wasn't there. She knew hours had gone by from the heat of the sun bearing down upon the tent, the intensity of the light managing to fill the space through the cracks of the doors. Her tired eyes squinted as they adjusted to the middle of day, but without being outdoors, she wasn't sure exactly how late it was. Her stomach grumbled again, eager for something more to eat now that she had begun to feed herself just hours ago.

Rising from the bed, she was kind enough to make it neatly, smoothing out the surface of any wrinkles before straightening out the pillows. It was the least she could do for such kindness. Digits ran through her raven mane, pulling at knots that embedded themselves close to her skull from sleeping upon the ground. A few were even painful as she tugged at them. Curiosity was getting the best of her as she wondered just where the Lieutenant went, and she creeped to the door of the tent to peek through the folds. However, she didn't dare leave the safety it provided.
Aiden approached the tent, and shook his head when he noticed peering eyed through the entrance flap. "Move." He said gruffly, his hands laden with a tray of food. He slipped into the tent, glancing at Ember, as he set the tray down upon his desk. He shifted some of the plates, pushing what looked like applesauce and other mashed items toward the same side Ember had eaten from earlier that day. "I trust you slept well? You're looking better than when I found you this morning." He said lightly, a tiny smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. He sat heavily in his chair, and pulled a plate of fruit and cheese toward himself. He glanced around his tent as he put a bit of cheese to his lips, admiring the the made up bed and the fact it appeared she hadn't gone through anything. "Captain's given me permission to let you stay in my tent. Though, he is in the same state I am. Leave my tent on your own, and you'll be back in the cage without a seconds notice. If they don't kill you first." He explained, the last part clearly displeasing him. He set the slice of cheese on his tongue and ate, chewing thoughtfully as he watched Ember. His green eyes mostly curious, though there was a hint of discord in their emerald depths.

He motioned at the chair, "Eat. It's not poisoned." He said, a chuckle escaping him. He continued to eat, slower than he had consumed the stew of that morning. He felt far better now that he was cleaned up and at least somewhat rested. His mood greatly improved, and it certainly showed. He didn't have any pressing matters to attend to, so the day was his. He loved those days, where he could just lay back and joy himself.
Slipping backwards to free up the space inside the entrance, her nose turned in the air at the scent of something delicious. She inhaled deeply, various aroma's tickling her nose as it sniffed intently much like the wolf that resided within. While human, there was no hiding the wild animal that was part of her soul. Gently, she climbed into the chair once nourishment was slid to her side, hesitant to touch what very well could be dangerous. After all, it made no sense as to why they didn't poison her, put her out of her misery.

Leaning down, she sniffed the bowl before looking up with lofted brow at Aiden. "Yes, I slept well, thank you. Your kindness is much appreciated." His improved mood made for better company, her body sitting more at ease now that the tense atmosphere gave way to peace. Even his warning brought no worry to her mind. "I have no desire to try and run, not that I have the strength to anyway. So long as I cannot be touched in here, I will remain. Besides, I am in your debt for what you have done for me. "

Taking a spoonful of applesauce, it was placed between parted lips and swished across her tongue, humming with delight at the delicious flavor. As if it would disappear from before her, she began to shovel one after another, groaning as her belly gradually became full. "You look much better yourself, if I may add. Rest and a haircut most certainly suit you."
Aiden smirked, and nodded to her statement. "I feel like a new man. I rather despise shaggy hair. It's annoying and difficult to keep out of the eyes." He said with a sigh, chewing on a bit of fruit. He set his plate half eaten, on the desk and leaned back, crossing his legs at his ankles. He stared at his boots for a moment, his thoughts carrying him away. After a while, he glanced at Ember, "How did you come to be captured?" He asked curiously, folding his hands together behind his head.
Ember fell rather silent as the subject of her imprisonment came to light, and suddenly finding herself no longer hungry, she shoved her bowl away. Sadness and anger flickered in her gaze, keeping it directed towards the ground. It was a sore subject, indeed, and the wolf girl was rather hesitant to talk about it.

After several moments passed, she drew in a deep breath and sighed. "My family and I were minding our own business, tending to someone who had found our pack and was recently bitten. He was frightened when we found him laying in the middle of the forest, bleeding out. We knew it he'd been bitten just by the look of the wound, but had not a clue who done it. We took him in, healed his wounds, prepared him for what was to come. Well, he thought we were a little crazy, I suppose, because he vanished in the night. The next day, our home was destroyed. I watched my family be slaughtered by your men, while they took me as prisoner when I tried to flee. We were simply trying to help someone in need, and this is the payment we received." A cold gaze finally rose to meet his own, a gaze filled with hatred at what had happened to her family, though it wasn't his fault it all happened. It wasn't enough to ease the pain.
Aiden listened quietly, watched the emotions that flicked across her face. So that's what had happened. He met her gaze of hate with an icy cool stare of his own, but it was the cold of sorrow than the cold of distance. He shifted in his seat, and stood, pacing the tent until he came to rest near the bed. He sighed, words rising, and dying, in his throat. He finally sat with a heavy sigh on his bed, leaned over, elbows on his knees. He hands were folded together, his knuckles white.

"Damn all this to hell and back." He muttered, a cold laugh escaping him. "Two of a kind, we are. My people killed your family. Your kind killed mine. What an interestingly small world this is." He scoffed, and put his hands to his face. "There are no words I can give, so I will not try to apologize." He said, finally looking up again, though he didn't look at Ember. "These men are disgusting, and if I had any other choice, I certainly wouldn't be throwing my lot in with them." He shook his head, chuckling.
Ember rose, shaking and weak, but stood none the less at the sight of his seeming to be distressed. Padding barefoot, she came to rest before him, kneeling down to meet his lowered gaze with her own. "You are far different than any human I've ever met. Why is it that you feel sympathy for me? For my family?" A hand fluttered about in the air, reaching to touch but not daring to lay a hand upon him. It was truly puzzling, and his white knuckled grip spoke more volumes than anything. "While these men are disgusting, I cannot say that I am angered by what they did to my family. We're two sides of a spectrum in this world. We're both killers fighting to survive. I'm far more angry for the pain they inflicted upon me these last few weeks. Animals fight to survive. Monsters fight to satisfy some sick and twisted need to toy with those they deem weaker."

Speaking her peace, she rose and left him with his thoughts, her own focus turning to the outside. Standing at the entrance to the tent, she did not dare take a step outside the boundaries, but allowed herself to peer out into the light of day.
Aiden let out a heavy breath. Why did he feel such sympathy toward this wolf girl? She was one of the monsters who erased his family, or at least that's what he had told himself. All the wolves were the same. Cold blooded, hateful monsters. Right? He lifted his gaze for a moment, watching her back as she peered outside the tent. The men of the company were certainly monsters, torturing this girl as they had done. The copper headed Lieutenant shook his head. He didn't see a wolf, as he had thought originally. Looking at her, she was almost as much human as the rest of them. Albeit with a few animalistic qwerks, but who didn't have something odd about themselves? Weren't they all animals in one way or another?

He watched her for a bit longer, studying her movements. The way her hair cascaded down her back, and the dark color of it seemed to shimmer with a lightness. His eyes moved over the parts of her arms and legs that weren't swallowed by the to large clothing. Lean, far to lean, but still muscular. Had she been healthy, he could easily tell she was decently powerful in strength. Or so he assumed. Her pride showed through the way she moved, and carried herself. Almost honorable. He smirked, laughing at his inner thoughts. He finally tore his gaze away from her, and moved to the large trunk where he kept most of his personal belongings. He rifled through the contents and pulled out a simple box. He moved and set it on the desk. "Your hair is a knotted mess. Here. There's a brush and comb. You may use them." He said simply before returning to the bed, his thoughts traveling over everything he had been told and had told himself over the years since the death of his family.
Nibbling upon her bottom lip, her eyes were anxiously cast to the sun, watching it begging it's descent into the horizon. While she was safe, for now, what would happen when the full moon rose high in the sky and she was forced to take the form of her wolf? Peering over her shoulder, she could see that Aiden had his sights set upon her, and blushing, she quickly returned her gaze to the outside. The only noise to be heard were that of the men who worked outside, horses stamping the earth as they were given fresh hay, and the usual sounds of mother nature as she graced them with her presence.

It wasn't until she was given the option of using a brush and comb that she turned around, her beautiful sapphire eyes locking on his, and a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Slowly she padded forward, coming to rest upon a chair after gently taking up the brush, inspecting it before letting it glide through her long blackened locks. The knotted mess slowly came undone, little by little her hair began to resemble that of silk and shined even in the dimmest of lights. Being left alone with her thoughts, she softly began to hum a sweet tune that resembled that of a lullaby. It seemed to ease her aching heart as her eyes began to close, losing herself in the simple moment of well groomed hair and a sweet song filled with happy memories.

Once complete, she placed the brush back in it's home and turned to Aiden to offer her thanks. Now, if only she could find some attire that was far more suitable. She truly felt silly in clothes that were much too large for her weakened form, even at her healthiest they'd never fit. A few moments of pacing finally led to Ember sitting comfortably upon the ground, where she lay back and stared at the ceiling.
Aiden yawned, having laid back on the bed to relax. His eyes had closed, listening to the sweet sound of Ember's humming. Memories flooded him of the times before his family had been killed. His fiance and their small child swirled in his mind's eye. He took a deep breath, and let it out slowly, shoving the memories back to the shadows of his mind before they threatened to overtake him. He had long ago stopped shedding tears over their deaths, and he already wasn't viewed as the strongest among the company for his compassion. He didn't need to add to that by crying over past grievances. He rolled to the foot of his bed, remembering the other few items he still carried that had once belonged to his fiance. His fingers caressed over the items, pain gripping his chest, making his breath come in short.

He considered taking a walk, but he knew darkness was coming soon. The time of the day where the men would be more daring to steal the wolf girl from his tent, and he wasn't about to let that happen. He rolled again, facing the wall of the tent, trying to get his breathing back under control. He took several deep breaths, releasing them in shuddering sighs. When he felt sufficiently calmed, he moved again, and readied a few weapons in case he would need them this night. "I'd advise trying to stay further than arm's length from the walls of the tent. I can't promise the company won't try to brave stealing you in the cover of dark." he said as he worked. He took slow, careful movements, using the time to remove the painful thoughts from the forefront of his mind.
Though she was human during the light of day, her wolf senses still ran strong and could easily detect the small changes in his breath, or the stiffness of his posture. He suffered, and she knew it, though didn't know why. Curious as she was, not a single question would be asked about the pain he felt. Surely she could relate on some level if she had known, though never having suffered the loss of a mate and child. She merely grieved for the loss of parents and sisters.

The sound of rustling distracted her thoughts, spinning about to see the weapons prepared for a possible abduction, though it wasn't her life she feared for tonight. "Without the protection of the cage, I doubt they'll be brave enough to try and take me tonight." Even with a lilting voice, the warning was deep within her gaze as she watched the weapons, and then looking deep into his own. It was this man she feared for most, not because he'd be hurt, but because he may not understand that the wolf wasn't out for blood.

Patiently she waited, feeling her skin begin to crawl as darkness slowly overtook the lands, the rustling of men moving about the camp in the shadows reaching even her humans ears. "They're armed." She finally said, giving Aiden vital information to the danger he may be faced with. It prickled at her flesh, and she rose, slowly beginning to strip from the clothes she was so kindly given as to not risk ripping them to shreds. Naked, she lay them in a pile, neatly folded, and shot an apologetic glance towards the man who showed her so much kindness today, and she prayed he'd do the same now.

The moon began to rise as the sun dipped beneath the horizon, and just as moonlight began to illuminate her flesh, it tore and gave way to fur as black as night. Her size nearly doubled, a muzzle sprouted from her once rosy lips. Screams echoed through the forest that eventually turned into a pain filled howl. Once the transformation was complete, she lay resting upon the ground, panting and groaning as her bones settled into their new state. It was done, and even though she was now wolf, a touch of humanity remained in her eyes. Her head turned, those same blue hues looking to Aiden waiting for him to strike.

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