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Battle for Kazragun

The sorcerer's shot is aimed a few feet too high - instead of hitting the goblin, the bolt hits the old tree behind him. It is, however, enough for the creature to hastily turn around in your direction, darning both his companions' and your cowardice.

On the side of the fenced area, Veskassdak manages to climb the ladder without being noticed. Taking a look, the first thing that catches your eye is the giant tree that takes most of the interior's space. In its trunk, there seems to be a roughly human-sized doorway-like hole leading downstairs. Right when you climb the palisade, two more goblins exit, carrying a heavy chest. Noticing the leader's shouting, they quickly throw it onto a pile of things right below your position and grab the first weapons in reach - a crossbow and a spear. There are two more members of the ratfolk downstairs as well, quickly climbing the inner side of the palisade to join the others.

Apart from that, the lizardman certainly notices that the interior is on a lower level than the swamps outside - and the creaking sound suggests that it's only a matter of time until the wood will fall under the pressure, letting the surrounding mud flood the place.
Slippng over the top of the palisade, Veskassdak, hoping to grab the goblins and ratfolks attention away from the others and thus giving them the opportunity to get closer, rose to his full height and roared, "Shurigrem heem korlas kles!" His muscles swelled in size. His yellow eyes took on a red tinge. He breathing became more rapid. The coloration of his back frill again became a darker shade of green. As his dorsal spike tips elongated half an inch, their color deepened into a dark blood red. He was obviously entering his combat rage as he prepared for melee combat. Once again he now looked like a thing from the stuff of nightmares. His foes should run in terror if they knew what was best for them. Wiggling his claws menacingly, Veskassdak was ready to rend these things using only his claws and bite.
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"Damn." Aeon muttered at the missed shot. He stood between Baird and the Goblin, ready to protect his friend and defend them both if need be. "Keep shooting Baid! I'll distract them!" He shouted. "Mistress of all that is Pure and Good, hear my prayer and guide me and my friend's hand to ensure the destruction of those that stand in defiance against your righteousness. Mighty Arete, HEAR MY PLEA!" Barid could feel his hand guided by some other worldly force, and his eyes becoming sharper. It should be easier to hit the goblin now. 
Between the cleric's prayer and Veskassdak's shout, your foes do their best to improvise a defense - especially the lizardman catches panicked looks as he appears on top of the palisade, clearly ready to strike down whomever tries to stand in his way. The two goblins inside seem eager to retreat into the safety of the tree's entry, while the ratlike creatures hurry to move into position on the palisade. For now, two of them are still on the ground, and out of sight for those outside.

The only one who remains calm in the situation seems to be the heavily armored goblin. Right after Aeon finishes his plea, he himself raises the stone in his hands, shouting words in his mothertongue. Whomever he asks for help, he seems to receive it - while the gleam of the item weakens, his armor seems to absorb the energy instead, glowing whitely as if he would stand in the shine of the midday sun instead of underneath a cloudy sky.

@Sherwoodis up with Wren. You have a clear shot at either the armored goblin or the ratfolks on top of the palisade. For now, Wren still enjoys the minimal cover the raft provides - it shouldn't be too hard to push it into the water if you feel like crossing the gap at any point to reach the palisade yourself.

Initiative order:

26 Goblin Commander

--> 16 Wren

15 Veskassdak

15 Goblins 1-2

13 Rats 1-2 (inside)

8 Baird

4 Aeon

3 Rat 3-4 (on top of the palisade)
Having a feeling that the heavily armored goblin will not be hurt by her little crossbow, Wren leaves it to the raging barbarian lizard man to deal with and so she takes aim at Goblin #1 and lets fly with her shot, still looking for the best option of just where to go from here.  If I can just get into a position to perform a surprise attack, I can do so much more than I normally can with this crossbow.  Either that, or cross over and get into melee range and flank someone.

+4 to hit on Ranged attacks, doing 1d8 damage.  AC of 17
Once again, the bolt only hits the wooden palisade - while it's not high enough to stop you from climbing it once you cross over with the raft, it does make hitting anyone in the inside rather difficult. Of course, things might change as soon as a berserking lizardman forces them to do something else than to hide in cover.

Speaking of him, @Diceris up with Veskassdak. Pretty much everyone is in charge distance - you can leave the palisade to either reach the goblins or attack the ratlike creatures trying to get on top of the palisade to (presumably) open fire at those outside. Alternatively, you can stay on the walkway, engaging those already on top of it in close combat. The armored goblin is on the walkway, as well as two of the ratfolk - the first one has turned in your direction already, while the latters duck in cover to avoid your friends' shots.

Initiative order:

26 Goblin Commander

16 Wren

--> 15 Veskassdak

15 Goblins 1-2

13 Rats 1-2 (inside)

8 Baird

4 Aeon

3 Rat 3-4 (on top of the palisade)
Seeing the armored goblin had chanted something, Veskassdak realised that it would be the greatest threat to everyone. Charging down the walkway, he leaps to attack the goblin commander, grabbing with both claws and aiming a bite at its head.

[Sorry for not using the spoiler thing, but it doesn't work on my phone. Raging and charging gives Veskassdak a +8 to attack for each claw and bite, -4 to AC, bite does 1d3+5 damage, claws do 1d4+5 damage each; next turn attack bonus drops to +6 and AC penalty reduces to -2]
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Despite its heavier armor, the goblin proves to be rather agile - it ducks in time to escape the lizardman's bite, and blocks one of the claws with its arm - high-quality blackened steel, likely looted on some battlefield between here and the capital, prevents any damage the natural weapon might have caused. His defense leaves him vulnerable to the second claw attack, however - but right before Veskassdak can aim his strike, the goblin's armor flashes in bright light, blinding the berserker for just the short moment the creature needs to leap backwards. "He protects me", is his screechy explanation, shouted in common for everyone to hear - the previous glow of his armor is gone for now, though.

The goblin who grabbed a crossbow takes aim at the lizardman on the walkway. If the bolt even hits, its impact is too minor for Veskassdak to really notice (-1hp). His companion is not as eager to join the fight, grabbing his spear tighter as he seemingly hopes for the fight to end before he has to oppose the swamp creature on the walkway. The two rats climb on top of the walkway. With the commander blocking the berserkers path, they are confident enough to ready their bows, warily trying to spot anyone outside of the walls. Aeon's shield is the most obvious thing to see, but their aim is clearly off - muddy water splashes as arrows hit the surface.

It's @Clockwork Syringe's turn with Baird - the charging berserker has driven all members of the ratfolk out of their cover as they try to avoid his claws - and the commander is a rather easy target as well, though engaged in close combat with Veskassdak.

Initiative order:

26 Goblin Commander

16 Wren

15 Veskassdak

15 Goblins 1-2

13 Rats 1-2 (on top of the palisade)

--> 8 Baird

4 Aeon

3 Rat 3-4 (on top of the palisade)
Baird, sensing that the goblin commander is the biggest threat, decides to aim at him. However he changed his mind when he sees Veskassadak engaged in combat with him. So instead, he decides to take aim at the rats on top of the palisade(rats 1-2).

The moment when the sorcerer takes aim is the one when the creature realizes the man - expecting the worst, the creature takes drastic measures to escape the shot. Muddy water splashes as the ratlike being jumps off the palisade, struggling for a moment before turning in direction of the closest plot of land - in this case, that's where the raft lies and Wren ducks behind cover. The bolt itself harmlessly hits the wood instead, making the maneuver at least somewhat worthwhile.

@Ritzy is up with Aeon. There is one foe swimming in direction of Wren, other than that most of the action is still happening on the walkway.

Initiative order:

26 Goblin Commander

16 Wren

15 Veskassdak

15 Goblins 1-2

13 Rat 1 (in the water)

13 Rat 2 (on top of the palisade)

8 Baird

--> 4 Aeon

3 Rat 3-4 (on top of the palisade)
"Baird! Try to keep in cover! Shout if you need me!" Aeon said, seeing that he was needed elsewhere. He ran to the walkway, sword in front of him and tried to get within range of an enemy and run them through.
By walkway, I meant the top of the palisade - so Aeon will not be able to reach the foes there in one action. If you feel like joining the fight there, you could move up to Wren this round, pushing the raft into the water - this would cost Wren her cover, but you could jump on top of it to climb the palisade next turn, joining the close combat. You'd probably get off a free attack at the swimming ratfolk if it decides to leave the water close by.
Wren looks up in disgust at how ineffective her shots have been.  "Aeon!  We need to get up there to help out Veskassdak!  C'mon!"

I am assuming that I can make a post of Wren talking without having to wait for my turn in the initiative order?  If not, please disregard, and I'll post her comment on my action.
Aeon nods and comes close to Wren. He smiles at her with his sword down, "Let's give them hell." He says cheerfully. 
Aeon's sword might be down, but not his shield - when the rats on top of the palisade open fire, he manages to catch one of the arrowsaimed at Wren, the other one goes wide.

The commander jumps forward for a quick attack - the cold steel draws blood as he hits Veskassdak right underneath the hip (5dmg). "You won't mess everything up!" - as the goblin steps backwards to avoid getting grabbed by the berserker's claws, he raises the hand with the stone in expectation of the counter attack.

Next up is @Sherwood with Wren. There is one rat swimming in the muddy water, headed in your direction. Other than that, most of the action happens on top of the palisade right across the water. You can take a shot; or you can push the raft into the water, then jump over and try to climb the wall. For the latter, there are  multiple options: You can take things slowly, ending your movement on top of the raft and take a shot; or you can risk a speedier approach and try to climb the walll right away. In the latter case, let me know if you want to climb it behind or in front of Veskassdak - the first one is the safe choice, while the latter lets you potentially get off a melee attack this round, but might expose you to an attack of opportunity by one of the ratfolks waiting on top. Of course, you can also try numberous other things that I can't think of right now...

Initiative order:

26 Goblin Commander

--> 16 Wren

15 Veskassdak (-6hp)

15 Goblins 1-2

13 Rat 1 (in the water)

13 Rat 2 (on top of the palisade)

8 Baird

4 Aeon

3 Rat 3-4 (on top of the palisade)
Wren can see that Veskassdak is getting hurt, even if the berserker doesn't seem to feel the pain. "Aeon, let's get up there. Veskassdak needs your healing." She pushed off with the raft across the water and leaps across, scrambling to get to the top of the palisade with her blades coming clear of their sheaths. She positions herself to be in a flanking position on the goblin commander, and strikes out with her blades to take some pressure off of the lizard man.

AC of 17, making a dual attack at +7 to hit, doing 2d6+1 each sword
The raft shakes under Wren's feet, but she keeps her balance. The palisade is an obstacle, but the rogue catches hold of one of the tips, pulling herself up. A dagger scratches over her armor, but does not stop her on her path. Two swords shoot forward, aimed at the commander's back. The creature spins around, too slow to react properly - but the stone in his hand glows brightly. Noone around can quite tell how his sword can deflect both of your strikes - he himself seems to be surprised the most, leaping backwards to escape any further attacks. "Damn fools - his blessing is on me." His glimpse hits the stone in his hands, now as grey and ordinary as you can possibly imagine. He drops it without a second thought, grabbing his sword with two hands instead. "And you won't doom us all."

@Diceris up with Veskassdak. You're flanking the commander, everyone else is in reach as well.

Initiative order:

26 Goblin Commander (protecting stone depleted)

16 Wren

--> 15 Veskassdak (-6hp)

15 Goblins 1-2

13 Rat 1 (in the water)

13 Rat 2 (on top of the palisade)

8 Baird

4 Aeon

3 Rat 3-4 (on top of the palisade)
Roaring with rage at the temerity of the goblin for the damage it did to him, Veskassdak again strikes with both claws and bites the armored goblin where he can. Seeing Wren helping to distract it, he feels that his strikes may hit more accurately. Also now that the glowing pebble has faded, he feels that he will not be denied the kill. After the armored goblin is dead, he will turn his wrath towards the rest of the enemies within the palisade.
The goblin's armor is blocking the berserker's first strike - but it cannot withstand the lizardman's rage for long. The second claw finds a weakpoint between two different armor plates, drawing blood. And before the creature can react, Veskassdaks heads shoots forward, digging his teeth deep into its shoulder. The grip on his weapon loosens, as the commander gets sent to the ground by the force of the attack. He does not scream, nor try to protect himself anymore - it rather seems as if he understands that this is the end. "You do not understand", he mutters between clenched teeth, "your attack will kill us all."

The goblin is clearly incapacitated - does Veskassdak care enough to finish him right away, or does he turn towards the other foes instead? @Dicer

Independent of that, the other foes see how their leader falls - and react accordingly. In their own, even more screechy tongue, rat ´2 on the palisade shouts a warning, before taking its leave - jumping into the water just like its companion earlier. That one already leaves the muddy sludge, right where the raft once was. There are a few steps between the creature and Aeon - it seems to wait for the swimming one to join before storming forward.

Inside the fenced-in area, the goblins seem not to eager to fight - in fact, they run towards the pile of stuff close to the ladder. While the archer sends off a well-aimed arrow that misses Veskassdak, but hits Wren in the shoulder instead (4dmg), its companion hastily searches the things there for something.

@Clockwork Syringe is up with Baird. From you position, you have a good shot at either the ratlike creature opposing Aeon, or the one swimming in the water. You can also aim at the two on top of the palisade, though they have at least a bit of cover.

Initiative order:

16 Wren (-4hp)

15 Veskassdak (-6hp)

15 Goblins 1-2

13 Rat 1 (opposing Aeon)

13 Rat 2 (in the water)

-->  8 Baird

4 Aeon

3 Rat 3-4 (on top of the palisade)
Seeing that the armored goblin is no longer a threat, Vesskadak turns to the rats on the palisade with him and growls, "Next isss you!"
Baird was annoyed that he missed the first shot he took as it sailed over the ratfolk he was supposed to hit; although it was funny watching him jump down just to get away when he could have done something much more simple. However, he then noticed that one of the ratfolk was opposing Aeon and decided to help his friend out. He leveled his crossbow at the ratfolk and fired.
The drenched rat opposing Aeon is the one that escaped Baird's shot by jumping down the palisade - thus, it has some idea where he's at. This is enough for it to move in such a way that Aeon is between the both of them - while the sorcerer finds a short opening to fire, the shot is not well-aimed enough to land a crucial hit. The creature screeches as the projectile pierces through its tattered cloak, but remains standing.

@Ritzy is up with Aeon - there is one foe in front of you, another one is swimming in your direction. On the bright side, Wren and Veskassdak seem to have overcome the commander on top of the palisade, though both took wounds in the process.

Initiative order:

16 Wren (-4hp)

15 Veskassdak (-6hp)

15 Goblins 1-2

13 Rat 1 (opposing Aeon)

13 Rat 2 (in the water)

8 Baird

-->  4 Aeon

3 Rat 3-4 (on top of the palisade)
We're delaying @Ritzy's action for now - feel free to act whenever you're back.

The two archers on top of the palisade only take a short moment to evaluate if they want to face off against two trained fighters who just overcame their leader - the answer to that question is quite clear. Dropping their bows, they take their chances, jumping off the palisade onto the raft and pushing it away from the wooden wall as best as they can. Given their small and weak nature, their efforts are rather unsuccessful, with the raft only drifting away a few feet before either of those on top of the palisade can react properly.

@Sherwoodis up with Wren. The two ratlings on the raft are in jumping distance if you want to stop them. There's another one in the water, heading towards either Aeon or the raft, and one in front of the clreric. Inside the palisade, there are two goblins, one taking aim with his crossbow after hitting you once earlier, the other one hectically searching a pile of things for something.

Initiative order:

-->  16 Wren (-4hp)

15 Veskassdak (-6hp)

15 Goblins 1-2

13 Rat 1 (opposing Aeon)

13 Rat 2 (in the water)

8 Baird

4 Aeon [delayed action]

3 Rat 3-4 (on the raft)
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Wren glares down at the archer, still getting a blood trickle down her side from the arrow that hit her. With an acrobatic leap, she closes the distance between her and the goblin, and with a shout, she lunges with her twin blades flashing in the sunlight.

Making a two weapon strike, +5 to hit, and damage is 1d6+1 each

AC is 17, 6 hit points remaining
As Wren jumps forward, the goblin raises his crossbow to land another shot - however, the rogue's payback hits him before he can pull the trigger. Both swords easily cut through the creature's armor and flesh, the lifeless body falls to the ground. As his comrade falls, the other goblin releases a squeaking sound, jumping a step backwards. He still carries his spear, but his eyes still search the pile of rubbish for something better to use against your group.

Next up is @Dicerwith Veskassdak - the situation is rather similar to the one Wren was in just a second ago, only with one less goblin to care about.

In my post above, the goblin's weapon somehow changed from the initial crossbow to a bow instead - edited that to be consistent, even though it doesn't really matter anymore.

Initiative order:

16 Wren (-4hp)

-->  15 Veskassdak (-6hp)

15 Goblin 2

13 Rat 1 (opposing Aeon)

13 Rat 2 (in the water)

8 Baird

4 Aeon [delayed action]

3 Rat 3-4 (on the raft)

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