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Official enby virus

  • Dear henry. It seems like a lifetime since we worked on cartoons together. Thirty years really slip away, doesn't it? If you're back in town, come visit the old workshop. Your best pal,
    Joey Drew

    It's been over a week since Henry has defeated the ink demon, evil Boris, and Alice Angel, but everything seems quite different. The workshop needed fixing, but Henry wanted to do things himself.

    One morning, he came to the first floor and marveled at the brilliant ink machine; one machine could bring animations to life.
    "Look at this, we created life itself...", the thoughts from the tape raced through his mind.
    "Alright, joey. Lets see what you wanted to show me.", Henry pushed the lever forward to turn on the machine.
    One of the pipes burst open, causing a huge leak in the theater room. "Not again...". He rubbed his inked hand on his face in annoyance to the pipe bursting open and spraying ink everywhere.


    He quickly called for Tom to help him patch it up and fix it, but changed his mind and decided to do it himself, leaving tom a bit concerned,"uh Henry, why don't you need help? This thing is a big mess, can I he-"
    "No!", he shouted at tom.


    "Henry, Why?"
    "Just leave..."
    Tom felt a bit miserable when he walked out. Allison Pendle saw him walk out, making her look a bit miserable,"Henry Stein, w-why are you mad?"
    "Leave me alone, miss pendle. I'm busy"

    There was a knock on the door, and a teenaged girl stood there, with a few others. Henry slammed the door and walked away in anger,"send them away, i don't need them."
    "At least let them help!", Alice wanted to see the workshop back in its hayday again, but Henry wanted to do it alone,"no..."
    Tom couldn't stand it, he opened the door and greeted the newcomers; Henry was cross,"tom!!!"

    To be continued...

This Role play is based off of the game, BATIM with a bit of Boris and the dark survival mixed in it.
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We will have discord given through messages, for the ones who have it.

Coded by: me, all by myself ^^
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