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"It could be entertaining, even. Perhaps we could take bets." Ethan commented at Jesse's said, a smirk on his face followed by a snicker, but then he added more seriously, "But I suppose we cannot fight the Nobility if we are fighting each other. There is only five of us, and no line of eager recruits waiting to join. This has to be put to an end, here and now."
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Aurora's hands grabbed Shisa by the neck, staring each other dead in the eyes. Shisa attempted to kick Aurora off of her, but she had the strength of fourteen years of anger.

Shisa tried to twist out of her grasp. Instead of getting out, one of her horns hit the wall. Shisa froze as her mask fell from her face.

Shisa pleaded internally to all of the gods, demons, and spirits. Please, please. Don't let her die like this.
A shadow passed over them, a figure was now standing in front of the only light source for the loft. Shaun had managed to pull himself up without the weight of the Negev and was seeing Aurora strangle Shisa. Seeing this, he sprung to action, running along the catwalk to their part of the Loft and grabbing Aurora in a half bear-hug half-sumo lift around her waist, yanking Shisa from her grasp. He was using his tall stature to keep her off the ground.

"Whoa! whoa! Relax, everybody relax!"
Aurora applied all her strength. Her cold eyes staring at the killer. She did get kicked by Shisa but managed to maintain her position. She leaned on her. She would feel the neck. Only a minute, she can break it. Break it and her father's cruesome murder will be avenged. She had forgotten Mos. She had forgotten everything. Her whole focus was on to finish the job now. She saved her breath adding more strength.

And then it happened, someone trying to pull her back. She was dragged back. But her grasp was still in the neck and she dragged Shisa along with her.
This was the best new Jesse heard all day. Ethan was finally starting to understand why Jesse tried to defend Shisa. Still there was a crisis happening with Shisa and Aurora.

"Come on." He told Ethan. Jesse was going to follow the path Shaun took. Shaun was right, a good leader didn't just let those he was leading kill each other. That would be an irrefutable failure on the leaders part. That being said he too ran to the silo.
"Let her go!" Shaun yelled in her ear, then calmly said, in the same comforting voice that had de-escalated high-shisa's hysterics "Think of Mos Aurora, think of Mos..."
Shisa was tuning purple, if she didn't calm down, he may have to knock Aurora out.
Aurora heard Shaun's words. The word Mos hit her back. She regained her consciousness of the surrounding. Her hands relaxed from the killer's neck. She tried to kick Shisa and forcefully come out Shaun's grip. "Leave me," She thundered.
Shaun turned, still holding Aurora off the ground and began to walk her over to some other platform in the loft, before launching her forward out of his grasp safely, blocking the catwalk back over to Shisa, he heard her cry out in pain as Aurora kicked her already busted ribs.
"Calm down or I'll do it for you." Shaun says, coolly. Making it clear hed knock her out or worse if she tried to get past him.
Shisa could feel things happening around her, could hear a familiar voice. But, everything was muted. Her vision was swimming. Shisa gave up fighting Aurora. This was her time to die. It was almost all over. With the last bit of air she had, Shisa managed to get out a few words.

"Shaun, please."

She felt the grip around her neck loosen slightly, followed by a swift kick in the ribs. Shisa let out a gasp of pain, it still felt like she was sinking out of existence. She would have collapsed, and she only didn't because Aurora was still holding her.
Jesse made it to the loft to see everyone fighting like children.

"Enough!" He shouted "While we're here doing this we're no closer to ending the Nobility. You all wanted a resistance, now its time to act like it!" He had no idea the severity of what Aurora had done to Shisa. Last he saw, however, Shisa's throat was in her grip. "Next time you try and choke one of us out I drown you in the Cistern, and that goes for everyone!"
"Some little god-damned help would be appreciated Jesse, not a time for a FUCKING LECTURE!" Shaun called to him hotly, still keeping eye contact with Aurora.
Jesse grabbed Aurora to hold her still "You hear me!?" He told her "Whatever your problem with Shisa is, get over it! She is one of us."

If Jesse knew why Aurora now hated Shisa, he might have realized what he said was a tad hypocritical.
Seeing Jesse take hold of Aurora, he turned his attention back to Shisa, rushing to her side. He crouched down to where she was and held her head to his chest, glad he got their in time. "Shhh, it's okay now, you're safe. It's okay..." He kept softly whispering to her.

He reached for her discarded mask and slipped it over her head, before helping her up, propping her under his arms by her elbows.
Aurora lifted her both hands, "leave me Jesse. For fuckin God's sake, leave me." She spoke bitterly with tears flowing, "I found who killed my father. I found the cannibal who ate my father right before my eyes while they kept me prisoner. I found the murderer." then She cried loud. "I am a coward. I did not avenge his death."
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"Just let her kill me"

The yelling, everything was too much. Again, this was her fault. A problem she caused, that now involves everyone.

Shisa was made of pain at the moment. Shisa was coughing to get her breath back, not wanting to attack Aurora due to the people density.

Jesse grabbed Aurora, Shisa collapsing to the ground. Shaun was holding her as she got her breath back, the hand shaped bruises clearly visible as they formed. Whatever Aurora was saying didnt register. But, maybe she should live. She may have her many quirks, but she had amends to be made.
"Damnit Aurora listen to me. If you really want to end this cannibal problem then taking out the Nobility is the solution." Jesse told her, it probably not making sense to most people here "The old Bastards had the tribals, cannibals and raiders in check. We went from place to place making things right. Empowering the people to fight for themselves. When we were at our peak, raids were few and far between. Then the Nobility took over and let the savages take over the East and the South."

Jesse thought briefly of his own revenge quest and if he should even be talking, but he had to get the situation under control "Killing Shisa might make you feel good, for a moment. But I can get you your Mos back and bring all these cannibal tribes under control, but you gotta have faith. Now...no more attacking Shisa."
Ethan could not help but smirk at the quagmire before him. Everyone fighting and shouting at each other, tensions running high with but the barest flame needed to set it all alight. He stood back and watched, so tempted to stoke the flames some more. But, sadly, Ethan still needed them all alive for now, and practicality comes first before fun. And what Jesse said hit upon an idea for Ethan, and he walked up to Jesse and Aurora.

"You know, Jesse is absolutely right." Ethan said, giving Aurora a seemingly genuine sympathetic smile, "Shisa is one of us now, and what she did in the past cannot be changed now. But there is the future, and many more cannibals and their clans exist out there across Culrud. Cannibals that would do the same to others as Shisa did to you. Would it not be a more worthy mission to hunt them, before they can do more harm, than to hunt Shisa, who is..." Ethan pauses, looking over at Shisa, then looking back, "...perhaps in a worse state than death now."
Aurora knelt down with tears still in her eyes. "how on earth did this happen? How on earth she landed right next to me." She was overwhelmed emotionally. She sobbed a bit. "Jesse if it was you in my state, will you be advising this to yourself?" She looked at him eye to eye.
Shisa curled up, hiding her face in Shaun's chest. Her mask was off, and she needed to cover her face. Plus she just needed to catch her breath. Breathing was torture in itself, due to her broken bones and her bruised neck.

Shisa heard Ethanz but still knew she shouldn't say anything. She did enough already. Shisa held Shaun closer, bringing her breathing back to normal.
"They're not going to hurt you anymore Shisa. Any of them." Shaun whispers to her.

Once they return to the Cistern he intended to put them all through a group therapy to clear up any hatred or ill will to Shisa and each other.
“Of course, Aurora.” He lied “My concerns are for everyone’s well being. The Nobility is a monster, and the men I hunt are like a cancer inside that monster driving it to commit atrocities. It’s for the good of everyone that they be removed from this planet.” He said calmly.

“LIAR!” Came an amused voice from off in the shadows. A dark figure stood where Jesse heard the voice from, and then he knew only he it.

“Listen Aurora, I promise we will take down the Nobility then bring order to the Eastern plains like the Bastards did before. But you need to make our mission your mission, not revenge.”
Aurora stood up. She wiped the tears from her face. She dusted herself and took a deep breath. "Ok, can i go now. I want to take a bath. I don't know what all of you think about me. I am happy Jesse you are more balanced person. You would have been different in my situation. But i want to be alone now. I just want to go back and take a nice swim. Can you all please allow me to go." She did not turn or look the side of Shisa.
"I think it's high time we all headed back and had good long talk about things. Speaking of swimming, I know how we can sort this...issue out.", Shaun says, still supporting Shisa. They begin to move towards the ladder Jesse and Ethan that propped back up after he jumped across to the barn.
“Alright, what do you have in mind exactly?” Jesse asked Shaun


Things were a mess at the cistern. They hadn’t been gone long and the spilled soup had already attracted some rats and roaches. Jesse stomped a couple roaches then kicked the rats away “Scram!” He hissed, as he but a couple tattered rags to clean the mess.

“Alright Shaun, want to get everybody started on your idea?”
"Everyone change into swimwear or get into yer skivvies." Shaun stated flatly, "then get into the pool and stand at equal points of distance away from each other." Shaun says, removing his coat and shirt.

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