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Fantasy Banners & Blood - OOC

Easy enough to have Cassie try to ultimately dispel it, only to find she's not enough. As the Hunger forces her down, if Amelie saves the day, gives me plenty of guilty fuel to work with for later. :)
Go for it! It gives Ash something to learn and work from and a chance to get to know the other sister!

edit: Epiphany Epiphany and Wackadoodle0987 Wackadoodle0987 I was wondering if I could make an aesthetic creation of your characters? I wanted to get your permission before I did anything since it’s also my creative interpretation of your characters going into it.

It would be similar to the 4 photograph things I did on Ash a couple pages back with the animations!
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Ronan Ronan Of course. :) I'm interested to see how you portray them. I think your vision of the sisters will definitely change over time though.
I'll do it sometime this week! Thank you! ^_^

Also, do we have a preference who posts first? I was going to wait for Wackadoodle0987 Wackadoodle0987 since he has an idea of where he wants to take the plot with the sisters/Hunger, but I also wanted to check with everyone else!
I'll do it sometime this week! Thank you! ^_^

Also, do we have a preference who posts first? I was going to wait for Wackadoodle0987 Wackadoodle0987 since he has an idea of where he wants to take the plot with the sisters/Hunger, but I also wanted to check with everyone else!
Well, since I was the last to post before Wlf, I was gonna wait out you guys. For now we're just battling. Little bit of struggle before the big stuff.
Um, sure! I'm up for whatever you feel artistically inclined to do. :)

Cassie's mostly standing in place, locked in a mental battle. I figured I'd let the people actually doing something visibly interesting in the scene go first.
Wackadoodle0987 Wackadoodle0987 I was working on the sisters' first and tbh I made a lot of ideas, but it turns out that 'simple and elegant' all that's needed to portray them as characters. I could've animated the squiggly bit in the second graphic but I got attached to how it already looked. Let me know if you want something else or more complex!


XD That's really good, especially the first.

Walking on them to tea. :D Its funny, but who knows, by the end your opinion may change. We'll have to wait and see.
I made my best effort to make appearances for Amelie and Anna. I suck at drawing/painting, so made digital versions. Hope this helps you guys imagine them.
image.jpeg PS - Amelie has a ponytail here. It's usually a braided bun.
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I'll be posting tomorrow (hopefully someone will post before me), just wanted to say I've been spit-balling some ideas in my head. I know WlfSamurai WlfSamurai - you've said you don't really plan ahead, but regarding this sickness:

I think the 'dying' world and spreading 'sickness' could be based around the impending return of the Elders to reclaim their lands from the Lesser Races. Creatures such as the Eldritch Wolves and other such horrific beasts begin to grow in number, and become more and more prominent, but above that, and more importantly become appearances of powerful monstrosities such as Hunger (Ivers).

Such things act as Vassals or Apostles of the Elders.

I have two ideas for these. One is that they're born from a particularly powerful or violent emotion, desire or event that acts as a gateway for their evil to seep through, and the second is that they are bearers of one of the Arcanum (what Teh Frixss initially invented) - though my idea is that they aren't necessarily cards, but artefacts - this would suit Ivers I would imagine. My general idea would be, that in our preparation for the coming of the Elders, we face some of these Apostles, and in doing so collect the Arcanum (or simply defeat them if the Arcanum aren't involved).

... I do also have a very specific plan laid out for Amelie and how she will prepare for the Elders' return (it's quite long and detailed XD), but for the group as a whole, is this a good enough drive for the plot? My plan for Amelie (as with Hunger) is to absorb the 'sickness' from each, which will ultimately play a part at the end, whilst progressively ruining her.
Wackadoodle0987 Wackadoodle0987 not to rain on your parade or anything, but for the Hunger I strongly believe we should let Epiphany Epiphany decide the outcome and how to move forward.

I love your ideas—don’t get me wrong, but Cassandra’s story is largely tied to him and by Amelie absorbing it, it shafts her character. I don’t agree with that. So I suggest we wait and let Cassandra take the lead on this and for us to follow, then we can start having Amelie absorb the darkness/sickness/whatever.

The Hunger is Cassandra’s story. We must let her tell it. It’s not right for us to take that away from her or step on her toes. It’s like having Ash’s story be told then suddenly Iiolete decides ‘I’m gonna blow this whole thing to smithereens!’ thus just ... making the whole thing useless and shutting down a character opportunity.

Also, Epiphany, I hope I wasn’t overstepping my bounds!
No worries at all!

I'll be honest; I'm not much of a world-builder. I can be if I have to be but it's not something I do for kicks, like some folks do. So those who really get into setting lore, I say more power to them. As far as the pitch above's concerned, that's fine by me.

As far as the Hunger's concerned, I can go either way. Cassie's certainly up for extinguishing the Hunger (particularly if she had to sacrifice her elven lifespan to do it, that has some real character fuel to it). But I can get solid character development just from Cassie having faced up to a mistake she hadn't corrected, having made the attempt to make things right. There's also the potential utility in letting Amelie take in the lead in tying her and her sister into the rest of the group. Their first meeting with this group (which happened just before I started playing) obviously didn't go well. Having the sisters not only be entangled but to be given significant stake by virtue of dealing with what's been absorbed could do a lot to open things up for a second chance, potentially putting the band together (as I've expressed before, split parties invariably stall players, stall the game host or stall the whole game in my experience).

Cassie's real story is and remains Ivers. The Hunger is only one of the fallouts from that and I've no objection if someone else gets more mileage out of dealing with it.

I suppose for that matter we could both have our way; Cassie tries to extinguish the Hunger and finds its grown too much for her, collapsing as she's overwhelmed, only to have Amelie step in and absorb what's left. Leaving Cassie alive, perhaps by virtue of the lingering tie between her and Ash. With such magic between them, perhaps it's Ash's vital force that sustains her now as her own was sacrificed weakening the Hunger to the point of being dealt with by the vampire?

Lots of ways this could go. I'm likely to enjoy most of them. :)
Wackadoodle0987 Wackadoodle0987 / Epiphany Epiphany in that case, I have an idea!

How about for the Hunger we let Cassandra absorb it but does it “wrong” thus reducing her elven lifespan and injuring her beyond repair- so much that Ash has no choice but to keep their bond in place to keep her alive.

But this mistake also provides a learning opportunity for the party, particularly Amelie. Cassandra did it wrong, so next time Amelie absorbs it “correctly” (or at least better than what happened with the Hunger). That way we have both of your ideas and stories told! The only difference is that Taure will have to wait until the next big baddie to start having the Amelie story arc or what-have-you.

It also keep the group together.

Also Taure, I hope I didn’t come off too strongly. I only wanted to make sure Epiphany got her piece in and didn’t feel “steamrolled”. :D
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I definitely like the idea of building stronger bonds between the characters. Both explicitly and implicitly.

Also, to clarify, when I say that I don't plan or plot, it's because I want the game to go your direction. I want to give you agency to tell the stories here that you want to tell. That means YOU can plan and plot and we can collaborate to build a story.

I enjoy reading that planning and plotting.
I don't at all feel steamrolled over. I'm really flattered that so much conversation's being spent over making sure I'm okay with things. That's really nice (as it doesn't happen often!).

Wackadoodle0987 Wackadoodle0987 What's fun for you? What do you want to do? I'm asking.
One more thing and I’ll put a cork in it—following whatever happens in Glewick City, I would love, love to have a ‘breather’ scene for our characters.

So much has happened in such a small number of pages that none of the characters have had time to get to know each other- much less their names. It’s been plot-driven so far and I would love to have some character-driven sub-plot somewhere in there. Get to actually know the characters outside of the chaos.

Also I 100% want to see more of Amelie and Annalise’s clever quips. :P
One more thing and I’ll put a cork in it—following whatever happens in Glewick City, I would love, love to have a ‘breather’ scene for our characters.

So much has happened in such a small number of pages that none of the characters have had time to get to know each other- much less their names. It’s been plot-driven so far and I would love to have some character-driven sub-plot somewhere in there. Get to actually know the characters outside of the chaos.

Also I 100% want to see more of Amelie and Annalise’s clever quips. :P
This will be for sure. I'd like to give you guys the chance to collect your thoughts and RP a bit more without impending doom weighing down on you.
Well, I’m pretty speechless. You guys have kicked ass. It’s amazing to watch a simple seed of an idea grow into this complex and engrossing world.

Been fairly absent, apologies. Had other things going on and I sorta had a disconnect with Iiolete. Ended up dropping her and I’m whipping up a character I hope to introduce during that breather (after everyone has had a chance to do their thing ofc)

But again, I’m amazed. Great job so far everyone
Ah, I was asleep this whole time. XD

Ronan Ronan Absolutely, as I said, I was just spitballing, but this is why I brought it here, so we could all discuss how to proceed. No worries there. :D

Epiphany Epiphany I am 100% for the above suggestions from both yourself and Ronan, and as for the up and coming breather - I definitely agree with that. Anna and Amelie are probably in need of a second chat (concerning their last argument) and it'd be great for our characters to interact more personally. -- Just be warned, for initial interactions Amelie will remain quite despicable - it's only going to be after we all get to know each other better that she'll start being kinder.

Teh Frixz Teh Frixz -- Can't wait. :)
W.I.P. project since today was a slow day.

Also, Teh Frixz Teh Frixz I can't wait to see what kind of character you churn out!

And everyone else, 100% agree! This is a fantastic group! I'm so impressed with everyone's ideas, world-building, and commitment! I can't wait to see what happens next! :D
WlfSamurai WlfSamurai speaking of the CS page, can we clear out the removed characters from the role-play so we don't have to slog through scrolling to find certain characters? :ghostl:
Hey, there's that post I promised a week ago. About time.

Also, apologies if I forced the direction of the battle against any plans anyone might've had. My prideful little hunter simply has no patience when it comes to brutally murdering monsters.

Also, Ronan Ronan Ash'd probably come out on top in terms of kill count. Elias likes to...shall we say...take his time to appreciate each kill, given the chance.
WlfSamurai WlfSamurai speaking of the CS page, can we clear out the removed characters from the role-play so we don't have to slog through scrolling to find certain characters? :ghostl:
Interestingly, I can't remove any of them. We can contact the people who posted them and have them remove the posts. I hate that I can't do that kind of stuff.

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