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Fantasy Bane's Cataclysm


~Vibing along the cosmos~

It's 2037, the world is in ruins. Nothing is left besides rubble and the destruction left behind by the unknown virus. The unknown source called, "Malice." Malice not only created infected the world, but also created a new world filled with chaos. The world is overrun by midnight, beasts called, "Banes." Civilization is destroyed under their rein but all hope is not lost. With the remaining scientists left alive, they created a safe haven. A bio-dome filled with all the means to survive such as scientists, doctors, food, water, homes etc. There are various bio-domes around the world each holding their own rules, but working together to find a cure. Due to the catastrophic events happening seven years, humans were forced to revert to the 1950's only this time we have technology at our side.

Now that isn't to say the world is all dandy, in fact things are starting to get worse, but the leader of the bio-domes refuse to acknowledge any danger that may occur as they are assured that the domes are impenetrable and capable of keeping everyone safe for centuries to come. As time goes on, Banes are starting to turn intelligent enough to learn to talk, become a whole new population and the virus is starting to leak into certain areas of the dome made by Banes. The leakage is currently only infecting slums and lower class People. A secret organization is aware of the leak and are taking matter into their own hands. The group having created a prototype serum to cure Malice inject them into their infected patient. The first patient being a girl named, "Riley Vallidoid." Instead of being cured, she ended up having unknown powers similar to Malice. Intrigued, the scientists injected serum into every individual infected with Malice. Some gained different powers others died, or turned into Banes. Those who gained powers remained in the facility to harness their powers and become the ultimate weapon against Banes.

You are either a human or an Ace (human with powers from Bane). You are in an organization where you will soon wander the outside world with a group to reach the main bio-dome called, Golden City, where the leader/king resides. During your perilous travels you and your group will encounter many dangerous creatures, events and struggles and possibly survivors. It is your job to survive and maintain the group without going crazy.

(Note: If interested there will be more info added in the actual RP)​
This sounds interesting. I won't have internet access for awhile coming up since I'm going to my home country for a bit, but if you're cool with that I'm in.
So where does the rp start?
The rp hasn't started but I tagged you in the car Chart but if you're curious about the story everyone can start wherever they want however, if you are an Ace, you will start in the revolutionary hospital or containment I have yet to give them a name lol
Do you know when the RP is likely going to start?

Along that same question, at what point is the RP set to begin timeline-wise? Meaning, how long after the scientists began to mass-infect the infected individuals is this set to start? Weeks? Months? Years? I would assume a decent amount of time would have passed before the mission to travel to the Golden City takes place, largely for research purposes on the side of the scientists to make sure that there are no horrible side effects, not counting the appearance of the powers, before allowing the test subjects to leave quarantine, let alone the bio-dome.
TheAlphaTitan TheAlphaTitan I honestly don't know when the rp will start but I wish to start right away I just need more people interested. Maybe in time but hopefully not too long.

As for your second question you mean the Ace's? Ace: The infected combination with Malice and serum and have powers?

(Just making sure that's who you mean)
Yes. For clarification, I'm wondering how long after the Aces started being purposefully created - when the scientists of the starting city began to take people infected with Malice and give them the serum with the intent of researching the powers after the case of Riley Vallidoid - does the RP start?

Edit: Largely wondering for the backstory of my character(s).
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Yes. For clarification, I'm wondering how long after the Aces started being purposefully created - when the scientists of the starting city began to take people infected with Malice and give them the serum with the intent of researching the powers after the case of Riley Vallidoid - does the RP start?

Edit: Largely wondering for the backstory of my character(s).
Ah okay! I was planning to explain on the rp as a toru but I don't mind telling you anyways.

They have been injecting serums into patiences a week after Riley gained powers to see if she could be trusted and learn as much as they could. Unfortunately because the virus was starting to spread, slowly due to the leakage, they decided to start inject the serum to any infected some causing death, to gain powers or turn into Banes. It's been ten years since their research now they're kind of an expert on Ace's and Malice.
Sorry about all the questions, but I have another. Do you prefer realistic face claims, or anime/ drawn face claims such as the other two CSs that I see were posted?
Sorry about all the questions, but I have another. Do you prefer realistic face claims, or anime/ drawn face claims such as the other two CSs that I see were posted?
It's okay ask all you like. As for faces, it doesn't really matter. Whatever you prefer is fine with me :)
Gotta say, this would be easier if this could be done in message.

I actually have two more questions for you:

1. What weapons would the standard human be armed with for use against the Banes?
2. I have an idea for a character that would be one of the scientists that work with the Aces and ends up going with the team for their mission; simply put, I'm wanting him to secretly be an Ace. Of course, sometime after the group leaves the bio-dome for their mission mentioned in the plot his status as an Ace would be revealed. If I'm unable to do that, I am wanting to make a duo for my characters; one being the same scientist(sans his powers) and the other as a blind child Ace with a Father-Daughter dynamic. Sorta want to get the go-ahead before I make my characters.
I apologize if this kind of a slow question (I was going to ask over a PM but it wouldn't let me send one), but what is the difference between the Organization mark and the Ace mark? Is one strictly for humans and the other only for Aces? Pumpkid Pumpkid

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