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Fantasy AWOP [OOC] [FI]

Tracking the location down was a problem, but the right question to the right demon finally gave him the prison. The prison of Tabhur wasn't far from his reach.

No demon knows where Tabhur is supposedly imprisoned.
Also I've to sleep now because I'm getting tired and the sun is rising. I'll post later. Probably will be a very short post.
Somewhere in the Middle Realm... Deep undrground. Probably in a mountain or some shit.
And three days later he rose from the grave, still alive

Sorry boys its been very hectic, I'll try to do something even though how far my guy is away from everyone BDark BDark
He's not far from mine tho, lel.

I'm planning on replacing Boimuhn with Leviathan.
I actually got plans for Leviathan, if you don't mind.
Oh, go ahead then, because tbh I only had plans to have him be imprisoned like Tabhur and be a giant snake but I didn't have much else for him.

I still wanna replace Boimuhn...

But since I don't want too many demons, I'll delete Boimuhn and give you his spot if you're willing to make Leviathan a sea demon.
BDark BDark who am I close to, so I can think of a clever way to get back in...
Polybotes. They were interacting. Look up my last Polybotes post. I reckon you should read all your posts to see where we stopped with your arc and how we'll get you to tie in with the main plot.

Guys, I want other forces to awaken later in the story. It can't all happen in one fucken day.
*Proceed to destroy the well of magic, growing wings on mermaids, wake all dryads, lead a rebellion force from Alterwood, ground all flying things, start a world war between angels, humans, and demons while sipping a cup of warm tea*
that doesn't even make any s e n s e

i wanna fuck gabriel guys i have serious problems help me
*Change Gabriel into a woman*

There. Now even if you want to, you can only have sexual intercourse with Gabriella.
*all the kingdoms in the middle realm go to war, breaking alliances, and the alliance fails, thousands die the end, RIP humans* (J o k e) Although considering how aggressive one kingdom is such isn't entirely out of the picture.

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