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Fantasy AWOP [OOC] [FI]

Or a dragon because my characters a lonely bean ;-;
I tossed that idea around for a little while, but.. Meh. It doesn't really peak my interest much. Our characters can still interact, though! It might even be more interesting if they're not the same race. And, if I end up doing the Satyr/Spider Kid thing AND the Archangel thing, adding another character would be a pretty big responsibility on my end.
I tossed that idea around for a little while, but.. Meh. It doesn't really peak my interest much. Our characters can still interact, though! It might even be more interesting if they're not the same race. And, if I end up doing the Satyr/Spider Kid thing AND the Archangel thing, adding another character would be a pretty big responsibility on my end.

Very true lol, sounds good to me!
SunSmurf SunSmurf It's not meant for seducing whatsoever. It basically just make her look more charming. Since they are of different species, she will turn into what he think as how a beautiful, pretty mermaid should look like.

BDark BDark I posted my second character a while ago~
I saw but it's hard to view on phone.
I think it's a loading problem.
I also think I just accidentally spammed my own thread.
This is the worst kind of torture; you want to do something so badly but you can't even though it's right there before you.

Oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! It is fixed, I am free from my accursed prison!

But I've to sleep, god fucking damn it.
BDark BDark Just want to remind you that no one is supposed to know that Dinah is a demon as she had lived with the mermaids for a time. Plus, she is a mermaid at the time.
Oh, thanks for notifying me! Though I was debating whether or not Polybotes should know her; should he? Not as a demon, but as a mermaid. Perhaps she lived in his kingdom for a while... Or perhaps she didn't. Which do you wish?
Not much, man I probs won't post again until Darkiplier does since the way I left my post off sort of requires such.
Waiting to be freed.

Or a dragon because my characters a lonely bean ;-;
I have a good dragon in mind; had him since before setting this up, just as I had Tabhur and one of his siblings set up. I won't bring Fornost in yet though; planning to introduce him in the Second Iteration, or maybe near the end of this Iteration. I have a Sorceror for the next Iteration as well, and I'll be working on a new character soon. I'M ON A ROLL.

I want
Either. Hell, it could even be somebody who's not around my character. I just want the plot to PROGRESS.
I was thinking about creating another character mmm..Shall I? Even though Satan is a fairly large role, I have an idea.

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