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Fandom Avoiding The Devil

Thor nodded his head, “yes that is very true... they all smell like those things.” He admitted as he chuckled. “Always said that if I ever had children they would be born on Asgard.” He stated as he looked at Thana.
Thor laughed, “eventually. However, Asgard doesn’t have hospitals. We have healers there that deal with any and all medical things.”
Thor got up carefullly, “Stay here.” He said as he knew that sounded dumb because it wasn’t like she could move. He went to the door and kicked it. If it was an animal it would certainly startle it.
Thor breathes a sigh of relief, “Sorry... didn’t mean to scare her. Just if something had gotten in I wanted to scare it away.” He said as he looked at Thana.
Thor nodded his head, “Sorry.” He said as he sat down and sighed a bit. “She’s probably just happy your okay.” He said as he shrugged. “I’m sure Alice told her to come over.” He said as he knew that Alice wouldn’t keep a dog from its master.
“It’s fine but you’ll be on her bad side for a while.” Thana said with a small smile. “But She is a Sweetie once you get to know her.” She said.
Thor shrugged his shoulders, “my father and I were a bit vicious to Fenrir when he was a pup.” He said as he played with his hands. “I regret it now though.”
“Have you tried to make amends? You can do that with basically any animal.” Thana said and smiled. “Maybe I can help you.” She said. “Once I’m better of course.” She said
Thor chuckled, “your aware Fenrirnis sentient, yes? He’s a dog... a big one, but he’s sentient.” He said smiling softly. “It’s going to take a lot to get back into his good books.”

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