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Fandom Avoiding The Devil

Thor looked at Thana for a moment and got up. “Alright then let’s go.” He said as he went to grabbher.

Sarah smiled, “thank you.” She said as she lifted the tray.
Thana seemed a little unsure and uncomfortable with that. “You won’t be in there with me will you?” She asked.

“Let me at least help you wirh this.” MAgnus said wanting to make it easier on Sarah as well.
Thor moves her to the bathroom and sighed, “call if you need anything.” He said before leaving the room.

Sarah grabbed the keys to the clinic on the way out.
Magnus followed Sarah.

Thana used the restroom and so fourth. She then tired to move so she can move herself but still couldn’t. She then called for Thor.
Sarah unlocked the doors and looked to Magnus, "room 1." She said as that was where Thana was.

Thor went into the bathroom, "yes?" He asked as he covered his eyes so he didn't see anything.
“Don’t worry I’m covered Thor.” Thana sajd ejrb a small chuckle. “Just can’t really move back to the area.” She said.

Magnus nodded and followed.
Thor moved his hand down and nodded his head, "alright." He said as he went and lifted her up and took her back to her bed. "There you go." He said smiling a bit.

Sarah soon entered and smiled softly, "alright guys. Magnus made breakfast." She said smiling softly.
Sarah chuckled and nodded her head before she noticed Thor took the tray. "I can do it." She said as she looked at him.

Thor shook his head, "nah don't worry about it. It was kind enough of you to come out here." He said as he placed one plate infront of Thana and then took one for himself.

Sarah looked at Thor for a moment, "it's not like we were going to let you guys go hungry." She said smiling softly.
“Never know I could have pissed magbus iff enouhj he just might.” Thana sajd playfuly.

Magnus laugjed. “Even then I wouldn’t do that.” He said.
Sarah smiled softly as she rubbed her stomach, "I'm going to bring this to Banner." She said taking the last plate into the lab. "Be very careful with the equipment." she said as she handed the plate over.

Thor chuckled as he ate, "she never stops, does she?" He asked Magnus, "Sarah that is." He stated as he noticed she seemed to always be doing something.
“She doesn’t like sitting around doing nothing.” MAgnus said. “Thanas like that when it comes to kicking ass. I bet she is going nuts.” He said.

“Already has a small accident but it was dealing with chemicals don’t worrt I cleaned up well.” Banner said.

“I’m still on the room.” Thana said with Magnus.
Thor chuckled, “I kind of understand it... sitting still is just not easy.” He said as he sighed a bit and shook his head.

Sarah nodded her head a bit, “just don’t damage anything. If anything breaks right now we can’t get new supplies until the spring. Winters can get bad down here so medical supplies that aren’t medicinal or essential aren’t delivered.” She whispered as she looked down.
Sarah nodded before leaving to check on Magnus, Thor and Thana.

Thor rubbed his eyes, “I hope Banner can get this fixed soon.” He admitted.
“Well if Thanas does die I’m sure death would have a maggot challenge on his hands.” Magnus said.

“I am not gonna die. Hell my name means death.” Thana said a little annoyed.

Banner nodded as he watched her leave.
Thor chuckled and shook his head, “I don’t think she’s going to die.” He ssid ss he looked at Magnus.

Sarah soon came back, “she looks fine so far.” She said as she looked at Thana.
“Yea I just can’t really move which sucks ass.” Thana said wirh a small smile. “Besides don’t worry about me you worry about yours and my brothers childern.” She said.

Magnus smiled at Sarah and kissed her. “Oh and Thor thanks for keeping my sister company. She probably isn’t much of a talker though.” He said wirh a smile.
Sarah nodded her head, “when did that start Thana?” She asked as she wanted to know everything she could because that was odd.

Thor looked at them and chuckled, “She’s said enough.” He said as he looked at them and then thought, “well when I woke up she was trying to get out of bed and was struggling.” He admitted as he sat there.
“Actually I was having trouble since that damned fuckboy.” Thana sajd. “I think there may be a paralyzing chemical in my veins because of him.” She said. “And like I said you wory abojt you’re and my brothers children.” She siad
Sarah sighed, “the children are fine, they’re quite safe right now.” She stated as she looked at everyone. “However I have someone infront of me who is not okay or safe right now that I need to tend to and I think my kids will agree with me that that is the more pressing matter.” She said as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Thor gulped a bit, “I recommend we just got along with this.” He whispered as he suspected Sarah could be scary when she was angry.
Thana lofted am she brow. “Banner is working on finding a way Sarah.” She said calmly. “Besides I’m sure Magnus wants to spend as much time with you as possible.” She said.

Magnus didn’t sat a word in this matter.
Sarah sighed, “well we have the entire day, it’s seven thirty.” She said as she looked at her watch.

Thor looked at Sarah for a moment, “I think everything is fine here.” He said smiling softly.

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