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Realistic or Modern Avengers: Rebellion Initiative CS


Ray of Sunshine
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hero name:
civilian identity:
Eye color:
Hair color:

Skills and abilities (this anyone can learn without powers):

Other items:

Hero Appearance (a picture is fine if that's your thing):
Civilian appearance (or a picture if that's your thing):


Hero Name: Color Agent
Civilian identity: Isaac Sherwin-Williams
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Black

Powers: His body has been transformed into a paint-like substance that he can modify the color of through will, although he can still do anything a normal human can. He can produce gallons of it, but then he needs to make more of it by consuming food and/or paint. He's able to teleport through the paint, merge into it, and if he covers enough of something in it he can bring it with him.
Weaknesses: Paint thinner can thin his body enough that he'd need to let it re-solidify and extremes of heat and cold can melt or freeze his body.
Skills and abilities (this anyone can learn without powers): He's a skilled hand to hand combatant, knows how to combine his powers with his equipment and training to best effect, and is able to think strategically.

Combat knife: Capable of cutting through Luke Cage-level super tough skin or armor.
Paint bombs: Grenades that spray paint in all directions when they explode.

Paint sprayers. Hoses running up his wrists that let him spray his paint farther and more accurately. They're connected to the tube on his back where he stores excess paint he creates.

Hero Appearance: View media item 31694 Civilian Appearance: View media item 30594
Personality: He HATES the Quadrumvirate and their minions. Everything else is secondary to destroying them. He takes pleasure in striking fear into the hearts of Nazis, Latvian invaders, and the rest of the scum who are ruining the world.

History: Isaac is a mutant. He was born in Washington DC. His powers manifested just after puberty, but his parents were understanding and decided to put the work in to let him live a normal life. When the X-Men came by to make their usual offer, his parents refused it all except for training in how to use his powers. Isaac was not a violent person, and just wanted to learn how to control his powers enough to create paintings and ensure he didn't change color when he wasn't paying attention. Other than an incident in which he dragged an entire Sentinel robot into a puddle of his paint to protect his classmates Isaac never used his powers to harm others and left the bemused staff at the School for Gifted Youngsters at the age of 17. From there he finished high school and started selling the paintings he created. Since he had full control over all the paint he used he could create nearly anything and do so incredibly quickly, so demand for his work skyrocketed.
Then the Nazis started appearing. They'd started off slow, making more and more demands and calling anyone who opposed them 'unreasonable,' 'violent radicals' 'communist agitators,' and 'social justice warriors.' Isaac and those who saw the danger tried to tell people that this wasn't going to stop, but they were laughed at by people who didn't care as long as they were fine. The Nazis kept coming and acting more and more openly. Isaac and the group he'd joined fought back, but people only focused on what they were doing and ignored the violence coming from the Nazis. People claimed that the group fighting AGAINST the people wearing Swastikas were 'the real fascists' as the death toll rose for those murdered by the Nazis. The tipping point came when a member of Isaac's group smashed open a Nazi's skull with a bikelock to prevent him burning down a Synagogue. Isaac's group was arrested the same day the Nazis started rounding people up. Isaac managed to use his powers to help his group escape the jail, but as they escaped he saw windows being smashed, building burning, people being gunned down in the street, and the rest of the community just watching.
After getting his friends to a safe zone, Isaac went back. The Nazis had set up a base in his hometown, but didn't notice the extra paint since Isaac made it the same color as that beneath it. Then when he'd set the stage, Issac took vengeance. Nazis screamed and tried to run as the walls turned red, then a figure stepped out of them. He began methodically cutting down Nazis, grabbing the guns of the fallen and using them on their allies, pulling them into surfaces from which they fell as mangled corpses. Their weapons did nothing to him as he either dodged or showed them that bullets couldn't harm him. When the morning came and Isaac had done his work you couldn't tell what was paint and what was Nazi blood. He marked the house of everyone who had stood aside and let the Nazis come to power, then fled into the night. He continued hunting down Nazis, becoming a boogeyman to them. Then he got the call from The Avengers Initiative and joined up as Color Agent.
Hero Name: Color Agent
Civilian identity: Isaac Sherwin-Williams
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Black

Powers: His body has been transformed into a paint-like substance that he can modify the color of through will, although he can still do anything a normal human can. He can produce gallons of it, but then he needs to make more of it by consuming food and/or paint. He's able to teleport through the paint, merge into it, and if he covers enough of something in it he can bring it with him.
Weaknesses: Paint thinner can thin his body enough that he'd need to let it re-solidify and extremes of heat and cold can melt or freeze his body.
Skills and abilities (this anyone can learn without powers): He's a skilled hand to hand combatant, knows how to combine his powers with his equipment and training to best effect, and is able to think strategically.

Combat knife: Capable of cutting through Luke Cage-level super tough skin or armor.
Paint bombs: Grenades that spray paint in all directions when they explode.

Paint sprayers. Hoses running up his wrists that let him spray his paint farther and more accurately. They're connected to the tube on his back where he stores excess paint he creates.

Hero Appearance: View media item 31694 Civilian Appearance: View media item 30594
Personality: He HATES the Quadrumvirate and their minions. Everything else is secondary to destroying them. He takes pleasure in striking fear into the hearts of Nazis, Latvian invaders, and the rest of the scum who are ruining the world.

History: Isaac is a mutant. He was born in Washington DC. His powers manifested just after puberty, but his parents were understanding and decided to put the work in to let him live a normal life. When the X-Men came by to make their usual offer, his parents refused it all except for training in how to use his powers. Isaac was not a violent person, and just wanted to learn how to control his powers enough to create paintings and ensure he didn't change color when he wasn't paying attention. Other than an incident in which he dragged an entire Sentinel robot into a puddle of his paint to protect his classmates Isaac never used his powers to harm others and left the bemused staff at the School for Gifted Youngsters at the age of 17. From there he finished high school and started selling the paintings he created. Since he had full control over all the paint he used he could create nearly anything and do so incredibly quickly, so demand for his work skyrocketed.
Then the Nazis started appearing. They'd started off slow, making more and more demands and calling anyone who opposed them 'unreasonable,' 'violent radicals' 'communist agitators,' and 'social justice warriors.' Isaac and those who saw the danger tried to tell people that this wasn't going to stop, but they were laughed at by people who didn't care as long as they were fine. The Nazis kept coming and acting more and more openly. Isaac and the group he'd joined fought back, but people only focused on what they were doing and ignored the violence coming from the Nazis. People claimed that the group fighting AGAINST the people wearing Swastikas were 'the real fascists' as the death toll rose for those murdered by the Nazis. The tipping point came when a member of Isaac's group smashed open a Nazi's skull with a bikelock to prevent him burning down a Synagogue. Isaac's group was arrested the same day the Nazis started rounding people up. Isaac managed to use his powers to help his group escape the jail, but as they escaped he saw windows being smashed, building burning, people being gunned down in the street, and the rest of the community just watching.
After getting his friends to a safe zone, Isaac went back. The Nazis had set up a base in his hometown, but didn't notice the extra paint since Isaac made it the same color as that beneath it. Then when he'd set the stage, Issac took vengeance. Nazis screamed and tried to run as the walls turned red, then a figure stepped out of them. He began methodically cutting down Nazis, grabbing the guns of the fallen and using them on their allies, pulling them into surfaces from which they fell as mangled corpses. Their weapons did nothing to him as he either dodged or showed them that bullets couldn't harm him. When the morning came and Isaac had done his work you couldn't tell what was paint and what was Nazi blood. He marked the house of everyone who had stood aside and let the Nazis come to power, then fled into the night. He continued hunting down Nazis, becoming a boogeyman to them. Then he got the call from The Avengers Initiative and joined up as Color Agent.
Hero name: Iron Man
civilian identity: JR
Age: 40
Eye color: no eyes
Hair color: no hair

Powers: repulsor beams, flight, unibeam, super smart, super memory
Weaknesses: logical minded, does not fully understand human emotions, heavy damage
Skills and abilities (this anyone can learn without powers): tinkering

Weapons: none
Equipment: none
Other items: none

Hero Appearance (a picture is fine if that's your thing):

Civilian appearance (or a picture if that's your thing): none

Personality: JR is quite robotic and emotionless due to being an AI. He still keeps some of his snark from his old life as Jarvis but otherwise he rarely shows emotion.

History: When the Quadrumvirate invaded avengers tower the AI known as Jarvis was heavily damaged. The AI barely managed to transfer what was left of its consciousness to a beaten up old iron man suit. After the quadrumvirate left the suit woke up with little memory of its old life. Dubbing itself JR it hid in avengers tower for a good deal of time, upgrading itself, before heading out into the world to be a hero, dubbing itself iron man. Eventually the Avengers Initiative contacted him and he agreed to join.

Hero name: Poltergeist
Civilian identity: Eryn Strider
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Eye color: Blue (His natural eye colour is actually hazel, but they turned blue at a young age)
Hair color: Dark Brown

Production of a glowy blue substance from his adrenal glands which he calls "ectoplasm" allows him to use telekinesis and invisibility, along with general pain-reducing and calming effects. This also caused his hazel eyes to be permanently stained blue due to usage at a young age.
  • Telekinesis: Moves objects with his mind, with higher intensities resulting in ectoplasm being visible in his veins, making them glow blue. In especially high amounts, his eyes can start glowing too. The power becomes more effective through practise and repeated use, much like a muscle.
  • Invisibility: He and whatever objects he's holding become impervious to waves on the electromagnetic spectrum, including visibile light, which causes him to become invisible. This also means that RADAR, X-rays and infra-red cannot be used to detect him in this state. The power generally lasts for 10 minutes at a time, with a 5 minute cooldown.
  • Using telekinesis in ways that his body has not adapted to through practise (I.E lifting incredibly heavy loads or moving too many objects at once) can result in damage to himself depending on the severity, with possible injuries including pulled muscles, dislocated joints and internal bleeding.
  • During the day he can have trouble focusing, since most of his activity is at night which screws up his sleep cycle.
Skills and abilities:
  • Stealth
  • Decent Firearms usage
  • Basic hand-to-hand combat
  • Engineering
  • Bad puns
Nighthawk custom hi-power pistol, 9mm 13 round capacity magazine
A belt to carry extra magazines
Two extra 9mm 13 round capacity magazines
LED goggles with night-vision capabilities
Respirator mask
Other items:
Insulative and hydrophobic jacket

Hero Appearance:
Civilian appearance:

During the day he can be typically be seen with dark eye-bags due to a raelly screwed up sleep cycle.

Personality: Eryn is the type to try and get on his opponent's nerves as much as possible during a direct confrontation, using his arsenal of sass and bad puns. This is actually pretty rare, however, as most of his hero activites involve him stealthily going into the middle of a thug meetup at night and throwing them around with telekinetics, maybe shooting a few people, before leaving unseen. While he's pretty darn pissed at the fact that villains rule the world, he currently feels that he doesn't have the capability to directly confront one of them...at least not on his own. Because of this, he usually sticks to smaller hero activities.

Eryn has totally had a mostly normal life...considering the fact that he has to worry about mystical alien weirdo thugs serving under a creep called Loki finding out his identity and screwing him over. His daily routine can be compared to the typical school-student-who-is-secretly-a-superhero-and-has-to-hide-his-identity, except that all of his hero activity takes place at night to reduce chances of being caught in the open and to generally make stealth easier. The only person who knows about his super-antics is his father, since he kinda relies on him to buy ammo (since he's not actually old enough to buy ammo himself...he also needed him to buy his pistol for him because that particular model was freaking expensive) and some of the more expensive components in his projects.


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Hero name: Poltergeist
Civilian identity: Eryn Strider
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Eye color: Blue (His natural eye colour is actually hazel, but they turned blue at a young age)
Hair color: Dark Brown

Production of a glowy blue substance from his adrenal glands which he calls "ectoplasm" allows him to use telekinesis and invisibility, along with general pain-reducing and calming effects. This also caused his hazel eyes to be permanently stained blue due to usage at a young age.
  • Telekinesis: Moves objects with his mind, with higher intensities resulting in ectoplasm being visible in his veins, making them glow blue. In especially high amounts, his eyes can start glowing too. The power becomes more effective through practise and repeated use, much like a muscle.
  • Invisibility: He and whatever objects he's holding become impervious to waves on the electromagnetic spectrum, including visibile light, which causes him to become invisible. This also means that RADAR, X-rays and infra-red cannot be used to detect him in this state. The power generally lasts for 10 minutes at a time, with a 5 minute cooldown.
  • Using telekinesis in ways that his body has not adapted to through practise (I.E lifting incredibly heavy loads or moving too many objects at once) can result in damage to himself depending on the severity, with possible injuries including pulled muscles, dislocated joints and internal bleeding.
  • During the day he can have trouble focusing, since most of his activity is at night which screws up his sleep cycle.
Skills and abilities:
  • Stealth
  • Decent Firearms usage
  • Basic hand-to-hand combat
  • Engineering
  • Bad puns
Nighthawk custom hi-power pistol, 9mm 13 round capacity magazine
A belt to carry extra magazines
Two extra 9mm 13 round capacity magazines
LED goggles with night-vision capabilities
Respirator mask
Other items:
Insulative and hydrophobic jacket

Hero Appearance:
Civilian appearance:
View attachment 365279

During the day he can be typically be seen with dark eye-bags due to a raelly screwed up sleep cycle.

Personality: Eryn is the type to try and get on his opponent's nerves as much as possible during a direct confrontation, using his arsenal of sass and bad puns. This is actually pretty rare, however, as most of his hero activites involve him stealthily going into the middle of a thug meetup at night and throwing them around with telekinetics, maybe shooting a few people, before leaving unseen. While he's pretty darn pissed at the fact that villains rule the world, he currently feels that he doesn't have the capability to directly confront one of them...at least not on his own. Because of this, he usually sticks to smaller hero activities.

Eryn has totally had a mostly normal life...considering the fact that he has to worry about mystical alien weirdo thugs serving under a creep called Loki finding out his identity and screwing him over. His daily routine can be compared to the typical school-student-who-is-secretly-a-superhero-and-has-to-hide-his-identity, except that all of his hero activity takes place at night to reduce chances of being caught in the open and to generally make stealth easier. The only person who knows about his super-antics is his father, since he kinda relies on him to buy ammo (since he's not actually old enough to buy ammo himself...he also needed him to buy his pistol for him because that particular model was freaking expensive) and some of the more expensive components in his projects.
Approved. But one question: is he a mutant?

Hero name: Interface
civilian identity: William Hart
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Eye color: N/A
Hair color: White (Dyed brown)

Powers: Will can sprout up to four tendrils from his forehead, which can extend up to 50 feet in length. These tendrils have the ability to absorb energy from existing sources and send it to other objects. This ability allows him to transmit a constant stream of energy through these tendrils and turn them into white-hot whips, but doing so for an extended period of time will cause Will to develop a fever.
His preferred tactic is to produce small amounts of energy at a time on a living or mechanical target to control them by simulating nerve signals or bits of data. He can sap large amounts of energy to knock out other people ir shut down electronics, but he has to spend the excess energy quickly to avoid personal harm, which he can do by connecting his tendrils to each other to create a feedback loop to fire a laser.
Weaknesses: Will's tendrils are fragile and can be broken easily. They grow back, but it'll put him out of action for a while. He's also super out of the loop due to being from another dimension.
Skills and abilities: Basic combat training, extensive medical and technological knowledge

Other items:

Appearance: The effects of Terrigenesis caused several cosmetic changes in Will's body. His skin became a light periwinkle color and now covers his whole body, other than hair and nails. The membrane is very permeable around his eyes, mouth, etc. so that he can still eat, breathe, and sense objects like normal. It just looks like he's wearing a morphsuit 24/7. Will's eyes glow beneath this membrane, along with a vertically-aligned "third eye" on his forehead, which can open and close like a normal eye but doesn't actually see; it's where his tendrils come out. Will's hair is stark white and stands on end when he uses his powers.
To avoid being noticed by the public, Will dyes his hair brown and ties it back in a ponytail or bun, and will attempt to cover as much skin as acceptable by the weather and social norms, and uses a holographic projector to cover the rest.
Hero Appearance:


History: Will is originally from a planet from the opposite side of the universe, named Earth-199999 for its incredible likeness to this one up to a few decades ago. His life was uneventful despite several major incidents occurring all over the globe in his teens. However, early December in college, some time after the Inhuman Outbreak, Will ate some leftover sushi containing trace amounts of Terrigen, causing him to undergo Terrigenesis and turn into what he is now. Since his newfound powers were tied to a new organ, Will got a grasp on his new powers with ease, (Although he can be slightly sensitive) but the drastic change to his physical appearance meant that he'd have a target painted on his back for craziness.
Will shut himself inside his dorm, getting objects to and from it by mail whenever possible. His family became suspicious of him when he didn't visit during Christmas Vacation, and a SHIELD Team was sent to investigate after anomalies with the power in the dorm building. Will was taken to have his powers assessed, and when they discovered the range of applications for it, he was offered the opportunity to become a SHIELD member. He readily accepted, given that he wouldn't have a normal life either way. He underwent thorough training up until his first field assessment, which was to investigate cult activity somewhere in Scotland. The cult, which was made of seasoned magic users, overpowered his team with ease. The others were let go after being enchanted to think that there was no suspicious activity going on, but Will was held captive in their hideout for unknown reasons for around three weeks. He was treated rather well for the duration, (other than not being allowed to leave and their strange insistence on highlands dress) but, one day, the cult out of the blue decided to use him in some strange ritual that resulted in him somehow being transported to the world he's in now.
(Note: I plan on having him arrive right when the RP starts)
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Hero name: Titan
civilian identity: Hector R. Hernandez
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Eye color: Brown (Glows white when using powers)
Hair color: Brown

Demigod of strength- Unbeknowst to Hector, he is the son of Hercules god of strength, labor, and heroes. This grants him tremendous strength at about 50 tons, Stamina that can last for hours, and durability enough to withstand tank shells, an accelerated healing factor capable of mending bones overnight, and an immunity to disease. He assumes that its just a part of his mutation.

Energy Absorption (Mutant Gene)- Hectors body can absorb various types of energy growing stronger, more durable, and replinishing stamina seemingly without limit. The levels of absorbtion vary based on the type of energy. Kinetic energy he can absorb 95% of it making him nearly impervious to damage from Impacts. Electrical energy is 75% absorbed making him highly resistant but not immune, thermal energy is 65% absorbed granting him high heat resistance but enough will still burn him. He can unleash large amounts of this stockpiled energy in powerful pulses of vibration which can shatter stone.

Cold- Cold is the absence of energy, and if frozen or in extremely cold environments his absorbtion power simply cannot work. The energy he has stockpiled will become rapidly depleated as well.

Anti-mutant technology- There are many ways to dampen, remove, interfere or get around mutant powers seeing as how they were public enemy #1 not long ago. They cannot remove his demigod powers, but his energy absorbtion can be taken.

No Thought- A side effect of Hector absorbing energy is it not only fuels him, but it gives him a type of High. He begins to stop thinking as clearly and become excessivly violent and aggrivated until he eventually enters a blind fury and destroys all he can see.

Skills and abilities:
Star athlete- Hector plays football for his college and is widely regarded as the best. He often incorperates this into his heroing, throwing very accurately and fast, running very nimbly for one his size,even hitting his foes with football tackles, and kicking things at targets.

Brawler- Hector is an excellent close quarters fighter, able to deal tremendous damage, and withstand just as much. He makes up for a lack of training and skill, with overwhelming force and tenacity.

No I in team- Hector is wonderful at working in a team, in fact he thrives in such situations. Alone he can do alot of damage, but in a group he can do alot of good.

Weapons: N/A (he uses none.)

Kinetic Nullifiers- the knuckles and boot covers Hector wears serve an important purpose. They prevent kinetic energy from being absorbed when he strikes something or from simple things like running and jumping. This is to prevent him from going berzerk, but they can also be used to block impacts from opponents if need be.

Advanced air filter- when you knock down a building it kicks up alot of dust and debris not to mention villains tend to be less frugal with chemical weapons of poison gases. So hector wears a mask which doubles as an air filter keeping particles out of his lungs. It can even cycle water into breatheable oxygen allowing him to operate underwater.
Other items:

Hero Appearance:
Civilian appearance (or a picture if that's your thing): As a civilian hector still stands out, standing 6ft 11in and weighing in at 315lbs. He has long brown hair and big brown cow eyes. His demeanor is that of a gentle giant, but he is known to be very competitive.

Personality: Hector is usually calm and relaxed, but he has never been one to shy away from confrontation, or turn down a challenge. He is exceedingly competitive alway pushing himself and others to give their best, even his opponents. In combat his attitude grows more and more confrontational and agressive, not to mention violent and brutal. Yet he doesnt like this feeling, as such he often aims to end conflicts quickly early on...but tends to drag them out after he crosses a certain line.

History: Hector was born in San Carlos, El salvador, yet he and his mother immigrated to america when he was only a month old. There he lived a pretty normal life for for all of fourteen years, until in high school his mutant gene awakened. Luckily it was during a night of football practice with just his coach, he also happened to be a mutant with a list of other mutants in the school. He intended to help and protect these kids, but ultimately wound up hurting them. The coach was caught by a local yet powerful anti mutant group who found his list. Hector was one of the first they found but it wasnt just his mutant gene that had awoken, his Olympian heritage also came awake and he was easily able to defeat the men who had attacked him, But not without cost. His mother was caught with three bullets in the crossfire and she was killed. It was shortly after this that he was found by magneto. The leader of the brotherhood promised him vengeance, and he accepted the conditions, joining the brotherhood of mutants for the next ten years. There he learned to use his powers and earned the title Titan. However as he grew older the fire in his heart began to cool. At 24 he left the brotherhood going solo as a vigilante fighting against the Quadrumvirate, and anything else he encounters that he disagrees with. Though he isnt very public or social, Titan is rapidly becoming a well known name.

Other: I kinda intend on him needing some "Drafting" into sheild if you get my drift. He will likely need to be subdued by the team to join if thats ok. BackSet BackSet
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