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One x One Avatar RP for PrincessKarai8 and Alexander Hamilton

Archer dug into his pockets for any money he had. He never really carried all that much on him. He cursed when he only came up with a few coins. 

(I had work Friday through Sunday so I wasn't able to reply. Sorry)

"Maybe I should too. Especially if we'll be partners. I want to contribute too. First we need to find somewhere to stay and far away from here. We're still too close to the Water Nation." Chrystelle stated.
(I had work Friday through Sunday so I wasn't able to reply. Sorry)

"Maybe I should too. Especially if we'll be partners. I want to contribute too. First we need to find somewhere to stay and far away from here. We're still too close to the Water Nation." Chrystelle stated.

Archer nodded. "How far do you want to be?" He asked her sincerely.
(I am so sorry about not replying! Work and home life kept mkme pretty distracted)

Archer shrugged. "I could teach your fire bending." He suggested.

"Really? That would be really helpful." She stated, smiling and begun walking over to her pet after receiving the supplies she purchased.
(I am so sorry about not replying! Work and home life kept mkme pretty distracted)

"Really? That would be really helpful." She stated, smiling and begun walking over to her pet after receiving the supplies she purchased.

Archer nodded and followed her. "Least I could do, really. I mean, you've been nice enough. Nicer than most people are at least."

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